Activity log for bug #1895606

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2020-09-15 03:04:53 AceLan Kao bug added bug
2020-09-15 03:05:10 AceLan Kao nominated for series Ubuntu Groovy
2020-09-15 03:05:10 AceLan Kao bug task added linux (Ubuntu Groovy)
2020-09-15 03:05:10 AceLan Kao nominated for series Ubuntu Focal
2020-09-15 03:05:10 AceLan Kao bug task added linux (Ubuntu Focal)
2020-09-15 03:05:16 AceLan Kao linux (Ubuntu Focal): assignee AceLan Kao (acelankao)
2020-09-15 03:05:19 AceLan Kao linux (Ubuntu Groovy): assignee AceLan Kao (acelankao)
2020-09-15 03:05:25 AceLan Kao linux (Ubuntu Focal): status New In Progress
2020-09-15 03:05:28 AceLan Kao linux (Ubuntu Groovy): status New In Progress
2020-09-15 03:05:34 AceLan Kao bug task added linux-oem-5.6 (Ubuntu)
2020-09-15 03:05:41 AceLan Kao bug task deleted linux-oem-5.6 (Ubuntu Groovy)
2020-09-15 03:05:44 AceLan Kao linux-oem-5.6 (Ubuntu Focal): status New In Progress
2020-09-15 03:05:48 AceLan Kao linux-oem-5.6 (Ubuntu Focal): assignee AceLan Kao (acelankao)
2020-09-15 03:05:51 AceLan Kao linux-oem-5.6 (Ubuntu): status New Invalid
2020-09-15 03:14:24 AceLan Kao description [Impact] [Fix] [Test] [Regression Potential] [Impact] Plug-in thunderbolt external monitor, and then plug-in thunderbolt external Hard drive on the external monitor, it sometimes can't detect the TBT storage. [Fix] Retry tb_drom_read_n() when failed fixes this issue. [Test] Verified on Dell platform with ASUS PA27AC Thunderbolt 3, and HP P800 TBT storage. [Regression Potential] Low, it only add 100ms delay and retry once.
2020-09-15 03:17:09 AceLan Kao bug task added linux-oem-osp1 (Ubuntu)
2020-09-15 03:17:18 AceLan Kao nominated for series Ubuntu Bionic
2020-09-15 03:17:18 AceLan Kao bug task added linux (Ubuntu Bionic)
2020-09-15 03:17:18 AceLan Kao bug task added linux-oem-osp1 (Ubuntu Bionic)
2020-09-15 03:17:18 AceLan Kao bug task added linux-oem-5.6 (Ubuntu Bionic)
2020-09-15 03:17:26 AceLan Kao bug task deleted linux (Ubuntu Bionic)
2020-09-15 03:17:33 AceLan Kao bug task deleted linux-oem-5.6 (Ubuntu Bionic)
2020-09-15 03:17:39 AceLan Kao bug task deleted linux-oem-osp1 (Ubuntu Focal)
2020-09-15 03:17:48 AceLan Kao linux-oem-osp1 (Ubuntu): status New Invalid
2020-09-15 03:17:52 AceLan Kao linux-oem-osp1 (Ubuntu Bionic): status New In Progress
2020-09-15 03:17:55 AceLan Kao linux-oem-osp1 (Ubuntu Bionic): assignee AceLan Kao (acelankao)
2020-09-15 03:32:57 AceLan Kao bug added subscriber Canonical Hardware Enablement
2020-09-15 03:33:00 AceLan Kao tags oem-priority originate-from-1855796 somerville
2020-09-15 03:33:05 AceLan Kao tags oem-priority originate-from-1855796 somerville oem-priority originate-from-1851798 originate-from-1855796 somerville
2020-09-15 03:34:38 AceLan Kao bug watch added
2020-09-17 13:41:25 William Breathitt Gray linux (Ubuntu Focal): status In Progress Fix Committed
2020-09-21 07:20:44 Stefan Bader linux (Ubuntu Focal): importance Undecided Medium
2020-09-21 07:20:44 Stefan Bader linux (Ubuntu Focal): status Fix Committed Triaged
2020-09-22 12:24:30 Timo Aaltonen linux-oem-5.6 (Ubuntu Focal): status In Progress Fix Committed
2020-09-23 19:56:32 Ubuntu Kernel Bot tags oem-priority originate-from-1851798 originate-from-1855796 somerville oem-priority originate-from-1851798 originate-from-1855796 somerville verification-needed-focal
2020-09-25 06:05:21 AceLan Kao tags oem-priority originate-from-1851798 originate-from-1855796 somerville verification-needed-focal oem-priority originate-from-1851798 originate-from-1855796 somerville verification-done-focal
2020-09-30 01:17:37 Launchpad Janitor linux (Ubuntu Groovy): status In Progress Fix Released
2020-09-30 01:17:37 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2020-14386
2020-10-06 18:57:20 Ian May linux (Ubuntu Focal): status Triaged Fix Committed
2020-10-13 22:41:07 Launchpad Janitor linux-oem-5.6 (Ubuntu Focal): status Fix Committed Fix Released
2020-10-13 22:41:07 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2020-12655
2020-10-13 22:41:07 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2020-12656
2020-10-13 22:41:07 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2020-12771
2020-10-13 22:41:07 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2020-14385
2020-10-13 22:41:07 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2020-15393
2020-10-13 22:41:07 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2020-15780
2020-10-13 22:41:07 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2020-16119
2020-10-13 22:41:07 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2020-16120
2020-10-13 22:41:07 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2020-16166
2020-10-13 22:41:07 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2020-24394
2020-10-13 22:41:07 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2020-26088
2020-11-30 15:46:09 Launchpad Janitor linux (Ubuntu Focal): status Fix Committed Fix Released
2020-11-30 15:46:09 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2020-14351
2020-11-30 15:46:09 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2020-4788
2020-12-07 15:45:31 Anthony Wong hwe-next: status New Fix Released
2020-12-07 15:45:34 Anthony Wong linux-oem-osp1 (Ubuntu Bionic): status In Progress Invalid