Binary package “etqw-server” in ubuntu focal

dedicated server for Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

 This package contains a launcher script and systemd unit to run a
 Enemy Territory: Quake Wars server using the proprietary
 x86 binaries provided by id Software.
 Please note that the ETQW engine is not Free Software, and Debian
 cannot fix any bugs or security flaws in the engine or game code.
 To mitigate any security flaws that might exist in this server,
 the systemd unit is not enabled by default, and must be enabled
 with systemctl if it should start at boot time. The systemd unit
 uses various security hardening options to prevent the server from
 escalating its privileges. There is no sysvinit script,
 since sysvinit does not provide similar security hardening.
 To make this package useful, you will need to create and install some
 non-distributable packages by using the game-data-packager package:
 etqw-bin, and etqw-data.
 Creating those packages requires data files from an "Enemy Territory:
 Quake Wars" installation or DVD.