filename: /lib/modules/4.15.0-46-generic/kernel/drivers/staging/rtlwifi/r8822be.ko description: Realtek 802.11n PCI wireless core license: GPL author: Larry Finger author: Realtek WlanFAE author: lizhaoming description: PCI basic driver for rtlwifi license: GPL author: Larry Finger author: Realtek WlanFAE author: lizhaoming firmware: rtlwifi/rtl8822befw.bin description: Realtek 8822BE 802.11n PCI wireless license: GPL author: Larry Finger author: Realtek WlanFAE description: Realtek 802.11n PCI wireless core license: GPL author: Larry Finger author: Realtek WlanFAE description: Realtek 802.11n PCI wireless core license: GPL author: Larry Finger author: Realtek WlanFAE srcversion: A601C9B4EF6DD5190C087B6 alias: pci:v000010ECd0000B822sv*sd*bc*sc*i* depends: mac80211,cfg80211 staging: Y retpoline: Y intree: Y name: r8822be vermagic: 4.15.0-46-generic SMP mod_unload signat: PKCS#7 signer: sig_key: sig_hashalgo: md4 parm: debug_level:int parm: swenc:Set to 1 for software crypto (default 0) (bool) parm: ips:Set to 0 to not use link power save (default 1) (bool) parm: swlps:Set to 1 to use SW control power save (default 0) (bool) parm: fwlps:Set to 1 to use FW control power save (default 1) (bool) parm: msi:Set to 1 to use MSI interrupts mode (default 1) (bool) parm: dma64:Set to 1 to use DMA 64 (default 0) (bool) parm: aspm:Set to 1 to enable ASPM (default 1) (int) parm: debug:Set debug level (0-5) (default 0) parm: debug_mask:Set debug mask (default 0) (ullong) parm: disable_watchdog:Set to 1 to disable the watchdog (default 0) (bool)