Binary package “libwslay1” in ubuntu bionic

WebSocket library written in C. Shared library

 WebSocket library written in C. It implements the protocol version 13
 described in RFC 6455. This library offers 2 levels of API: event-based
 API and frame-based low-level API. For event-based API, it is suitable
 for non-blocking reactor pattern style. You can set callbacks in various
 events. For frame-based API, you can send WebSocket frame directly.
 Wslay only supports data transfer part of WebSocket protocol and does not
 perform opening handshake in HTTP.
 Wslay supports:
  - Text/Binary messages.
  - Automatic ping reply.
  - Callback interface.
  - External event loop.
  - Wslay does not perform any I/O operations for its own. Instead, it
    offers callbacks for them. This makes Wslay independent on any I/O
    frameworks, SSL, sockets, etc. This makes Wslay portable across various
    platforms and the application authors can choose freely I/O frameworks.
 The binary contains shared library.