01:36:51 [INFO] (Zekr:65) - System information: OS info: Linux - 2.6.24-19-rt - i386 JVM info: OpenJDK Runtime Environment - Sun Microsystems Inc. - 1.6.0 User info: /home/ahmad - /usr/share/zekr - en-US Encoding info: UTF-8 01:36:52 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Starting The Zekr Platform 0.5.1 (Sat Jun 21 01:36:52 MYT 2008) 01:36:53 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Velocity Template Engine for Zekr initialized. 01:36:55 [DEBUG] (Zekr:103) - Display splash screen... 01:36:55 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Configure runtime configurations... 01:36:55 [INFO] (Translation:99) - Initializing application configurations... 01:36:55 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 01:36:55 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Load Zekr configuration file. 01:36:55 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - User config does not exist at /home/ahmad/.zekr/config/config.properties 01:36:55 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Will make user config with default values at res/config/config.properties 01:36:56 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Save user config file to /home/ahmad/.zekr/config/config.properties 01:36:56 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Loading language pack files info 01:36:56 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Default language pack is en_US 01:36:56 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Found these language packs: [res/lang/turkish.xml, res/lang/kurdish.xml, res/lang/english.xml, res/lang/urdu.xml, res/lang/malay.xml, res/lang/arabic.xml, res/lang/indonesian.xml, res/lang/dutch.xml, res/lang/farsi.xml, res/lang/french.xml, res/lang/german.xml, res/lang/russian.xml] 01:36:56 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Copy bookmark res/bookmark/bookmarks.xml to /home/ahmad/.zekr/bookmark 01:36:56 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Initializing language engine... 01:36:56 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Parsing language pack English (en_US) 01:36:57 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Default translation is transliteration-en 01:36:57 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Loading translation files info from "res/text/trans 01:36:57 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/text/trans 01:36:57 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip)... 01:36:57 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading Quran properties from "res/text/quran-properties.xml". 01:36:57 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Quran properties loaded successfully. 01:36:58 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:139) - Translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip) loaded successfully. 01:36:58 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:103) - Loading translation "transliteration-en" took 742 ms. 01:36:58 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Load custom translation list. 01:36:58 [ERROR] (QuranPropertiesReader:111) - No such translation: 01:36:58 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme properties files. 01:36:58 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "res/ui/theme 01:36:58 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Copy theme sky to /home/ahmad/.zekr/config/theme 01:36:58 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Copy theme sample to /home/ahmad/.zekr/config/theme 01:36:58 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Copy theme sky-vertical to /home/ahmad/.zekr/config/theme 01:36:58 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/theme 01:36:58 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Application configurations initialized. 01:36:58 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 01:36:58 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Create common configuration files... 01:36:58 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:103) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: print-style.css 01:36:58 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:103) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: screen-style.css 01:36:58 [DEBUG] (ThemeTemplate:103) - Theme CSS doesn't exist, will create it: common-style.css 01:36:58 [INFO] (ThemeTemplate:99) - Creating common configuration files done. 01:37:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:143) - [Exception stack trace for "org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 01:37:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.error(Browser.java:1382) 01:37:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.(Browser.java:305) 01:37:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.makeFrame(QuranForm.java:317) 01:37:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.init(QuranForm.java:217) 01:37:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.(QuranForm.java:195) 01:37:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.startZekr(ZekrMain.java:47) 01:37:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.main(ZekrMain.java:79) 01:37:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:148) - [/"org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 01:37:13 [INFO] (ErrorForm:99) - Zekr is now down. 04:28:06 [INFO] (Zekr:65) - System information: OS info: Linux - 2.6.24-19-rt - i386 JVM info: OpenJDK Runtime Environment - Sun Microsystems Inc. - 1.6.0 User info: /home/ahmad - /usr/share/zekr - en-US Encoding info: UTF-8 04:28:06 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Starting The Zekr Platform 0.5.1 (Sat Jun 21 04:28:06 MYT 2008) 04:28:07 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Velocity Template Engine for Zekr initialized. 04:28:07 [DEBUG] (Zekr:103) - Display splash screen... 04:28:08 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Configure runtime configurations... 04:28:08 [INFO] (Translation:99) - Initializing application configurations... 04:28:08 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 04:28:08 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Load Zekr configuration file. 04:28:08 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Loading language pack files info 04:28:08 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Default language pack is en_US 04:28:08 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Found these language packs: [res/lang/turkish.xml, res/lang/kurdish.xml, res/lang/english.xml, res/lang/urdu.xml, res/lang/malay.xml, res/lang/arabic.xml, res/lang/indonesian.xml, res/lang/dutch.xml, res/lang/farsi.xml, res/lang/french.xml, res/lang/german.xml, res/lang/russian.xml] 04:28:08 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Initializing language engine... 04:28:08 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Parsing language pack English (en_US) 04:28:08 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Default translation is transliteration-en 04:28:08 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Loading translation files info from "res/text/trans 04:28:08 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/text/trans 04:28:08 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip)... 04:28:08 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading Quran properties from "res/text/quran-properties.xml". 04:28:08 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Quran properties loaded successfully. 04:28:08 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:139) - Translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip) loaded successfully. 04:28:08 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:103) - Loading translation "transliteration-en" took 273 ms. 04:28:08 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Load custom translation list. 04:28:08 [ERROR] (QuranPropertiesReader:111) - No such translation: 04:28:08 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme properties files. 04:28:08 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "res/ui/theme 04:28:08 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/theme 04:28:08 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Application configurations initialized. 04:28:08 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 04:28:08 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Create common configuration files... 04:28:08 [INFO] (ThemeTemplate:99) - Creating common configuration files done. 04:28:11 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:143) - [Exception stack trace for "org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 04:28:11 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.error(Browser.java:1382) 04:28:11 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.(Browser.java:305) 04:28:11 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.makeFrame(QuranForm.java:317) 04:28:11 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.init(QuranForm.java:217) 04:28:11 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.(QuranForm.java:195) 04:28:11 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.startZekr(ZekrMain.java:47) 04:28:11 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.main(ZekrMain.java:79) 04:28:11 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:148) - [/"org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 04:28:43 [INFO] (ErrorForm:99) - Zekr is now down. 20:08:59 [INFO] (Zekr:65) - System information: OS info: Linux - 2.6.24-19-rt - i386 JVM info: OpenJDK Runtime Environment - Sun Microsystems Inc. - 1.6.0 User info: /home/ahmad - /usr/share/zekr - en-US Encoding info: UTF-8 20:08:59 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Starting The Zekr Platform 0.5.1 (Sat Jun 21 20:08:59 MYT 2008) 20:08:59 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Velocity Template Engine for Zekr initialized. 20:09:00 [DEBUG] (Zekr:103) - Display splash screen... 20:09:00 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Configure runtime configurations... 20:09:00 [INFO] (Translation:99) - Initializing application configurations... 20:09:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 20:09:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Load Zekr configuration file. 20:09:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Loading language pack files info 20:09:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Default language pack is en_US 20:09:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Found these language packs: [res/lang/turkish.xml, res/lang/kurdish.xml, res/lang/english.xml, res/lang/urdu.xml, res/lang/malay.xml, res/lang/arabic.xml, res/lang/indonesian.xml, res/lang/dutch.xml, res/lang/farsi.xml, res/lang/french.xml, res/lang/german.xml, res/lang/russian.xml] 20:09:01 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Initializing language engine... 20:09:01 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Parsing language pack English (en_US) 20:09:01 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Default translation is transliteration-en 20:09:01 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Loading translation files info from "res/text/trans 20:09:01 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/text/trans 20:09:01 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip)... 20:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading Quran properties from "res/text/quran-properties.xml". 20:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Quran properties loaded successfully. 20:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:139) - Translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip) loaded successfully. 20:09:01 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:103) - Loading translation "transliteration-en" took 390 ms. 20:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Load custom translation list. 20:09:01 [ERROR] (QuranPropertiesReader:111) - No such translation: 20:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme properties files. 20:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "res/ui/theme 20:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/theme 20:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Application configurations initialized. 20:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 20:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Create common configuration files... 20:09:01 [INFO] (ThemeTemplate:99) - Creating common configuration files done. 20:09:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:143) - [Exception stack trace for "org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 20:09:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.error(Browser.java:1382) 20:09:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.(Browser.java:305) 20:09:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.makeFrame(QuranForm.java:317) 20:09:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.init(QuranForm.java:217) 20:09:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.(QuranForm.java:195) 20:09:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.startZekr(ZekrMain.java:47) 20:09:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.main(ZekrMain.java:79) 20:09:02 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:148) - [/"org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 20:09:05 [INFO] (ErrorForm:99) - Zekr is now down. 03:17:40 [INFO] (Zekr:65) - System information: OS info: Linux - 2.6.24-19-rt - i386 JVM info: OpenJDK Runtime Environment - Sun Microsystems Inc. - 1.6.0 User info: /home/ahmad - /usr/share/zekr - en-US Encoding info: UTF-8 03:17:40 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Starting The Zekr Platform 0.5.1 (Sun Jun 22 03:17:40 MYT 2008) 03:17:41 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Velocity Template Engine for Zekr initialized. 03:17:41 [DEBUG] (Zekr:103) - Display splash screen... 03:17:41 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Configure runtime configurations... 03:17:41 [INFO] (Translation:99) - Initializing application configurations... 03:17:41 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 03:17:41 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Load Zekr configuration file. 03:17:41 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Loading language pack files info 03:17:41 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Default language pack is en_US 03:17:41 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Found these language packs: [res/lang/turkish.xml, res/lang/kurdish.xml, res/lang/english.xml, res/lang/urdu.xml, res/lang/malay.xml, res/lang/arabic.xml, res/lang/indonesian.xml, res/lang/dutch.xml, res/lang/farsi.xml, res/lang/french.xml, res/lang/german.xml, res/lang/russian.xml] 03:17:42 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Initializing language engine... 03:17:42 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Parsing language pack English (en_US) 03:17:42 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Default translation is transliteration-en 03:17:42 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Loading translation files info from "res/text/trans 03:17:42 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/text/trans 03:17:42 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip)... 03:17:42 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading Quran properties from "res/text/quran-properties.xml". 03:17:42 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Quran properties loaded successfully. 03:17:42 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:139) - Translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip) loaded successfully. 03:17:42 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:103) - Loading translation "transliteration-en" took 320 ms. 03:17:42 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Load custom translation list. 03:17:42 [ERROR] (QuranPropertiesReader:111) - No such translation: 03:17:42 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme properties files. 03:17:42 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "res/ui/theme 03:17:42 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/theme 03:17:42 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Application configurations initialized. 03:17:42 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 03:17:42 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Create common configuration files... 03:17:43 [INFO] (ThemeTemplate:99) - Creating common configuration files done. 03:17:45 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:143) - [Exception stack trace for "org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 03:17:45 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.error(Browser.java:1382) 03:17:45 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.(Browser.java:305) 03:17:45 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.makeFrame(QuranForm.java:317) 03:17:45 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.init(QuranForm.java:217) 03:17:45 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.(QuranForm.java:195) 03:17:45 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.startZekr(ZekrMain.java:47) 03:17:45 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.main(ZekrMain.java:79) 03:17:45 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:148) - [/"org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 03:17:52 [INFO] (ErrorForm:99) - Zekr is now down. 03:24:25 [INFO] (Zekr:65) - System information: OS info: Linux - 2.6.24-19-rt - i386 JVM info: OpenJDK Runtime Environment - Sun Microsystems Inc. - 1.6.0 User info: /home/ahmad - /usr/share/zekr - en-US Encoding info: UTF-8 03:24:25 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Starting The Zekr Platform 0.5.1 (Sun Jun 22 03:24:25 MYT 2008) 03:24:25 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Velocity Template Engine for Zekr initialized. 03:24:26 [DEBUG] (Zekr:103) - Display splash screen... 03:24:26 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Configure runtime configurations... 03:24:26 [INFO] (Translation:99) - Initializing application configurations... 03:24:26 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 03:24:26 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Load Zekr configuration file. 03:24:26 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Loading language pack files info 03:24:26 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Default language pack is en_US 03:24:26 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Found these language packs: [res/lang/turkish.xml, res/lang/kurdish.xml, res/lang/english.xml, res/lang/urdu.xml, res/lang/malay.xml, res/lang/arabic.xml, res/lang/indonesian.xml, res/lang/dutch.xml, res/lang/farsi.xml, res/lang/french.xml, res/lang/german.xml, res/lang/russian.xml] 03:24:26 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Initializing language engine... 03:24:26 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Parsing language pack English (en_US) 03:24:26 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Default translation is transliteration-en 03:24:26 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Loading translation files info from "res/text/trans 03:24:26 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/text/trans 03:24:26 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip)... 03:24:26 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading Quran properties from "res/text/quran-properties.xml". 03:24:26 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Quran properties loaded successfully. 03:24:26 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:139) - Translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip) loaded successfully. 03:24:26 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:103) - Loading translation "transliteration-en" took 149 ms. 03:24:26 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Load custom translation list. 03:24:26 [ERROR] (QuranPropertiesReader:111) - No such translation: 03:24:26 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme properties files. 03:24:26 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "res/ui/theme 03:24:27 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/theme 03:24:27 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Application configurations initialized. 03:24:27 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 03:24:27 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Create common configuration files... 03:24:27 [INFO] (ThemeTemplate:99) - Creating common configuration files done. 03:24:27 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:143) - [Exception stack trace for "org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 03:24:27 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.error(Browser.java:1382) 03:24:27 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.(Browser.java:305) 03:24:27 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.makeFrame(QuranForm.java:317) 03:24:27 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.init(QuranForm.java:217) 03:24:27 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.(QuranForm.java:195) 03:24:27 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.startZekr(ZekrMain.java:47) 03:24:27 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.main(ZekrMain.java:79) 03:24:27 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:148) - [/"org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 03:24:36 [INFO] (ErrorForm:99) - Zekr is now down. 03:24:45 [INFO] (Zekr:65) - System information: OS info: Linux - 2.6.24-19-rt - i386 JVM info: OpenJDK Runtime Environment - Sun Microsystems Inc. - 1.6.0 User info: /home/ahmad - /usr/share/zekr - en-US Encoding info: UTF-8 03:24:46 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Starting The Zekr Platform 0.5.1 (Sun Jun 22 03:24:46 MYT 2008) 03:24:46 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Velocity Template Engine for Zekr initialized. 03:24:46 [DEBUG] (Zekr:103) - Display splash screen... 03:24:46 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Configure runtime configurations... 03:24:46 [INFO] (Translation:99) - Initializing application configurations... 03:24:46 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 03:24:46 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Load Zekr configuration file. 03:24:46 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Loading language pack files info 03:24:46 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Default language pack is en_US 03:24:46 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Found these language packs: [res/lang/turkish.xml, res/lang/kurdish.xml, res/lang/english.xml, res/lang/urdu.xml, res/lang/malay.xml, res/lang/arabic.xml, res/lang/indonesian.xml, res/lang/dutch.xml, res/lang/farsi.xml, res/lang/french.xml, res/lang/german.xml, res/lang/russian.xml] 03:24:47 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Initializing language engine... 03:24:47 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Parsing language pack English (en_US) 03:24:47 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Default translation is transliteration-en 03:24:47 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Loading translation files info from "res/text/trans 03:24:47 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/text/trans 03:24:47 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip)... 03:24:47 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading Quran properties from "res/text/quran-properties.xml". 03:24:47 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Quran properties loaded successfully. 03:24:47 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:139) - Translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip) loaded successfully. 03:24:47 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:103) - Loading translation "transliteration-en" took 149 ms. 03:24:47 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Load custom translation list. 03:24:47 [ERROR] (QuranPropertiesReader:111) - No such translation: 03:24:47 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme properties files. 03:24:47 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "res/ui/theme 03:24:47 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/theme 03:24:47 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Application configurations initialized. 03:24:47 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 03:24:47 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Create common configuration files... 03:24:47 [INFO] (ThemeTemplate:99) - Creating common configuration files done. 03:24:47 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:143) - [Exception stack trace for "org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 03:24:47 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.error(Browser.java:1382) 03:24:47 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.(Browser.java:305) 03:24:47 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.makeFrame(QuranForm.java:317) 03:24:47 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.init(QuranForm.java:217) 03:24:47 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.(QuranForm.java:195) 03:24:47 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.startZekr(ZekrMain.java:47) 03:24:47 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.main(ZekrMain.java:79) 03:24:47 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:148) - [/"org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 03:25:03 [INFO] (ErrorForm:99) - Zekr is now down. 03:28:04 [INFO] (Zekr:65) - System information: OS info: Linux - 2.6.24-19-rt - i386 JVM info: OpenJDK Runtime Environment - Sun Microsystems Inc. - 1.6.0 User info: /home/ahmad - /usr/share/zekr - en-US Encoding info: UTF-8 03:28:04 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Starting The Zekr Platform 0.5.1 (Sun Jun 22 03:28:04 MYT 2008) 03:28:04 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Velocity Template Engine for Zekr initialized. 03:28:05 [DEBUG] (Zekr:103) - Display splash screen... 03:28:05 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Configure runtime configurations... 03:28:05 [INFO] (Translation:99) - Initializing application configurations... 03:28:05 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 03:28:05 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Load Zekr configuration file. 03:28:05 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Loading language pack files info 03:28:05 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Default language pack is en_US 03:28:05 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Found these language packs: [res/lang/turkish.xml, res/lang/kurdish.xml, res/lang/english.xml, res/lang/urdu.xml, res/lang/malay.xml, res/lang/arabic.xml, res/lang/indonesian.xml, res/lang/dutch.xml, res/lang/farsi.xml, res/lang/french.xml, res/lang/german.xml, res/lang/russian.xml] 03:28:05 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Initializing language engine... 03:28:05 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Parsing language pack English (en_US) 03:28:05 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Default translation is transliteration-en 03:28:05 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Loading translation files info from "res/text/trans 03:28:05 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/text/trans 03:28:05 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip)... 03:28:05 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading Quran properties from "res/text/quran-properties.xml". 03:28:05 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Quran properties loaded successfully. 03:28:05 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:139) - Translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip) loaded successfully. 03:28:05 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:103) - Loading translation "transliteration-en" took 154 ms. 03:28:05 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Load custom translation list. 03:28:05 [ERROR] (QuranPropertiesReader:111) - No such translation: 03:28:05 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme properties files. 03:28:05 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "res/ui/theme 03:28:05 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/theme 03:28:05 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Application configurations initialized. 03:28:05 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 03:28:05 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Create common configuration files... 03:28:05 [INFO] (ThemeTemplate:99) - Creating common configuration files done. 03:28:06 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:143) - [Exception stack trace for "org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 03:28:06 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.error(Browser.java:1382) 03:28:06 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.(Browser.java:305) 03:28:06 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.makeFrame(QuranForm.java:317) 03:28:06 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.init(QuranForm.java:217) 03:28:06 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.(QuranForm.java:195) 03:28:06 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.startZekr(ZekrMain.java:47) 03:28:06 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.main(ZekrMain.java:79) 03:28:06 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:148) - [/"org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 03:28:51 [INFO] (ErrorForm:99) - Zekr is now down. 12:08:59 [INFO] (Zekr:65) - System information: OS info: Linux - 2.6.24-19-rt - i386 JVM info: OpenJDK Runtime Environment - Sun Microsystems Inc. - 1.6.0 User info: /home/ahmad - /usr/share/zekr - en-US Encoding info: UTF-8 12:08:59 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Starting The Zekr Platform 0.5.1 (Sun Jun 22 12:08:59 MYT 2008) 12:08:59 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Velocity Template Engine for Zekr initialized. 12:09:00 [DEBUG] (Zekr:103) - Display splash screen... 12:09:00 [INFO] (Zekr:99) - Configure runtime configurations... 12:09:00 [INFO] (Translation:99) - Initializing application configurations... 12:09:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 12:09:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Load Zekr configuration file. 12:09:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Loading language pack files info 12:09:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Default language pack is en_US 12:09:00 [INFO] (ApplicationRuntime:99) - Found these language packs: [res/lang/turkish.xml, res/lang/kurdish.xml, res/lang/english.xml, res/lang/urdu.xml, res/lang/malay.xml, res/lang/arabic.xml, res/lang/indonesian.xml, res/lang/dutch.xml, res/lang/farsi.xml, res/lang/french.xml, res/lang/german.xml, res/lang/russian.xml] 12:09:01 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Initializing language engine... 12:09:01 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Parsing language pack English (en_US) 12:09:01 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Default translation is transliteration-en 12:09:01 [INFO] (LanguageEngine:99) - Loading translation files info from "res/text/trans 12:09:01 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/text/trans 12:09:01 [INFO] (TranslationData:99) - Loading translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip)... 12:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading Quran properties from "res/text/quran-properties.xml". 12:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Quran properties loaded successfully. 12:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:139) - Translation pack transliteration-en(en_US):(res/text/trans/transliteration-en.zip) loaded successfully. 12:09:01 [DEBUG] (QuranPropertiesReader:103) - Loading translation "transliteration-en" took 320 ms. 12:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Load custom translation list. 12:09:01 [ERROR] (QuranPropertiesReader:111) - No such translation: 12:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme properties files. 12:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "res/ui/theme 12:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Loading theme files info from "/home/ahmad/.zekr/theme 12:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Application configurations initialized. 12:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Making application required directories (if not exist)... 12:09:01 [INFO] (QuranPropertiesReader:99) - Create common configuration files... 12:09:01 [INFO] (ThemeTemplate:99) - Creating common configuration files done. 12:09:01 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:143) - [Exception stack trace for "org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 12:09:01 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.error(Browser.java:1382) 12:09:01 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.(Browser.java:305) 12:09:01 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.makeFrame(QuranForm.java:317) 12:09:01 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.init(QuranForm.java:217) 12:09:01 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ui.QuranForm.(QuranForm.java:195) 12:09:01 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.startZekr(ZekrMain.java:47) 12:09:01 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:146) - net.sf.zekr.ZekrMain.main(ZekrMain.java:79) 12:09:01 [ERROR] (BookmarkUtils:148) - [/"org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -1041039359"] 12:09:04 [INFO] (ErrorForm:99) - Zekr is now down.