I think we should make a very short list of what does/doesnt resolv and / or get us more close to the solution, (so 30 people with the same S/W-spec don't have to try out the same thing). I have noticed that sometimes, when I'm very active on the computer (browsing the web) the WLAN seems to stay up. This after I disabled all the power-saving features - that is, System->Preferences->Power Management (Uncheck "Dim When Idle"). I am not saying that this is the solution - The WLAN still goes down - but it actually doesn't go down on the same short notice as it did before. It also seems that if there are many connections (e.g. rTorrent or similar), the NIC goes down. I also noticed something interresting a couple of days ago. I was browsing the web with FireFox and hit 'ping google.com' in bash. the nic suddenly started to go down to 0b/s(i measure traffic with netspeed). By this time, 'ping google.com' was dead quiet, unitil I quickly closed firefox. The wlan suddenly seemed to work again, since 'ping google.com' started to ping, and the netspee-applet suddenly started showing traffic flow again. This same thing did not only happen with Firefox, but also with RTorrent (I tried it later). My thought is: could this have something to do with some kind of virtual lockfile? I am (as I may have stated before) absolutely no ubuntu-expert, but I'd really like to help solving this problem, not only for my own sake, but for the ubuntu community. :-) On, and I am running the BCM STA-driver. Joakim On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Ben McCann