Hi Bryce I agree that the report may have been badly written. The report was my and still is my first bug report and I haven't realy gotten into probper way of writing them. Plus the problems described has forced me to stil use windows. Its great to see that someone from time to time are looking at the bug though. Sadly just like I have seen you do many people have not been able to take their fingers of changing the original review\bug report. Since it has been changed so much it is hard to know if any valueable info has gotten lost. I think that only the reporter should be able to change the original since if the author isn't active the bug report will probably get discarded anyway. Does the bug team look at this diffrently? There is still alot of opertunity to comment the report in launchpad so anyone that want to notice any irrelevant facts or missleading wordings can do so. We may have diffrent views on whats important or not but changing in someones bug report makes that person feel that the bug report wasn't good enough and since the comment function exis I feel that it is equaly important to use it. I've decided only to test versions of ubuntu either betas RCs or final releases and only once per realese. Why you may ask, well since I am still not running ubuntu 24\7 its quite a pain to install it just for a one-two hour try out when the result is almost sure to be a negative one. If the x server team sent a note saying hey we think we solved your bug I get right on testing. Iam not expecting much only 2d to work sure 3d would be nice for the desktop effects but i can live without that. A wuestion for those of you that work daily with this kinds of issues is, Is there any incentives for hardware manufacturers to producing and supporting hardware long after they have been released and is not produced any more? Beside3s laptop graphics drivers has for a long time not been developed by the graphics manufacturer but by the computer maker in this case DELL. So how should one complain to. I visited Dells ide3astorm website but didn't get into fileing a request it seemed to much trouble registering an acount and such. I felt that I already had a bug acount in launchpad. I've talked on this specific bugs mailing list about the drivers that dell has for Red Hat available on there site. Maybe to get basic functionality talking to Dell about sending their drivers to the kernel\x server developers getting them incorporated into the kernel or the x server would help alot in the struggle to get basic 2d support. The inhouse drivers developed at Dell does not do anything good siting idle at their website accessible to only Red Hat users. I read recently on phoronix.com that ATI would stop supporting older cards in their proprietary driver and those cards were newer than mine. So in general the future looks gray for old hardware to get support or continued inprovements. About the pictures I've uploaded some already. Is there any that you miss besides those that arew there or are you just wanting new ones from a new release? About the involvement of diffrent problems in the same report I apologies for that. My excuse so far has been that 1. It was again my first bug report 2. I saw the faults as a hole meening that if not the hole computer works its still not working properly. This might seem weird to someone that lives with bugreports everyday and one task at a time but for a user its the hole picture that counts. 3. I intended to write more reports but the i uninstalled ubuntu and didn't feel that I had been able to explore the other bugs enough because of the screen bug. on the other hand those other bugs made it hard enough to write the report about the screen bug anyway. Again please communicate before making changes to bug reports if neccessary and if not make a comment instead so that it gets easier for both the reporter and others with the same problem to follow the development and prgress of the bug. Cheers Peter --- Den fre 2009-02-27 skrev Bryce Harrington