Comment 5 for bug 1953507

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Chris Guiver (guiverc) wrote (last edit ):

I've booted today's daily (jammy canary ISO - ISO date 20220222) on my
- dell [optiplex] 960 (c2q-q9400, 8gb, amd/ati cedar radeon hd 5000/6000/7350/8350)

On FIRST adjustment of displays (one [directly] above the other) no visual issues were observed.

On SECOND adjustment of displays (top display slightly to the right of the below display; this is how my displays actually are as not all displays are identical size), visual glitches did occur - however they don't match the description of my original post.

My bottom display today is PERFECT, the glitches appeared top display along the left edge only.. but they've since returned to normal (glitches stopped flashing after I took screenshot). I've noted this behavior BEFORE many times (mostly with UBUNTU-MATE many releases ago), but before this box became my primary one, it was used for QA-testing far more regularly than it is in recent releases.

See screenshot - it'll explain how I've aligned displays PLUS shows ~blocky-mess where screens do not show (left of my-top display & right of my-bottom display.. this POSSIBLY is what I was seeing on original post EXCEPT it was showing on screen but isn't today at least not now (but was left edge of my upper screen at beginning of session after second adjustment of display settings until I hit printscreen).

GNOME Settings About - tells me X11 is the "Windowing System" used in this default run.

Either way; nothing would stop me from using this box today... (I may [if i remember] when I reboot into my normal jammy] use GNOME & have a look at how it is there

I did NOT find a way at gdm3 to login using WAYLAND instead of default X11/Xorg in the live session.

(I'm not going to report this bug on QA-test; it's not bad enough as only an extremely mild version of what this report was like; my QA-comments can be found at