There are no. of other things which also happened :- shirish@Mugglewille:~$ xscreensaver-demo X error in attraction: X error in demon: X error in rotor: X Error of failed request: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 66 (X_PolySegment) Resource id in failed request: 0x62020a6 Serial number of failed request: 2607 Current serial number in output stream: 2610 window-id:unknown function XaoS3.2 help text (This help is genereated automagically. I am sorry for all inconvencies) option string param description -delay number Delay screen updates (milliseconds) -driver string Select driver -list List available drivers. Then exit -config Print configuration. Then exit -speedtest Test speed of calculation loop. Then exit -threads number Multiple CPUs unsupported - please recompile XaoS with threads enabled -pipe string Accept commands from pipe (use "-" for stdin) -maxframerate number Maximal framerate (0 for unlimited - default) Screen size options: Knowledge of exact screen size makes random dot stereogram look better. Also is used for choosing correct view area -screenwidth f.point exact size of screen in centimeters -screenheight f.point exact size of screen in centimeters Use this option in case you use some kind of virtual screen or something similiar that confuses previous options -pixelwidth f.point exact size of one pixel in centimeters -pixelheight f.point exact size of one pixel in centimeters Animation rendering: -render string Render animation into seqence of .png files -basename string Name for .png files (XaoS will add 4 digit number and extension -size string widthxheight -renderimage string 256 or truecolor -renderframerate f.point framerate -antialiasing Perform antialiasing (slow, requires quite lot of memory) -alwaysrecalc Always recalculate whole image (slowes down rendering, increases quality) -rendervectors Render motion vectors (should be used for MPEG encoding) -iframedist number Recommended distance between I frames in pat file (should be used for MPEG encoding) X11 driver options: -display string Select display -size string Select size of window (WIDTHxHEIGHT). -sync Generate sync signals before looking for events. This helps on old and buggy HP-UX X servers. -shared Use shared colormap on pseudocolor display. -usedefault Use default visual if autodetection causes troubles. -nomitshm Disable MITSHM extension. -fullscreen Enable fullscreen mode. -windowid number Use selected window. -root Use root window. DGA driver options: -display string Select display -defmode string Select videomode nearest to specified mode AA driver options: -aadriver string Select display driver used by aa-lib -kbddriver string Select keyboard driver used by aa-lib -mousedriver string Select keyboard driver used by aa-lib -font string Select font -width number Set width -height number Set height -minwidth number Set minimal allowed width -minheight number Set minimal allowed height -maxwidth number Set maximal allowed width -maxheight number Set maximal allowed height -recwidth number Set recommended width -recheight number Set recommended height -normal enable usage of narmal characters -nonormal disable usage of narmal characters -dim enable usage of dim(half bright) characters -nodim disable usage of dim(half bright) characters -bold enable usage of bold(double bright) characters -nobold disable usage of bold(double bright) characters -boldfont enable usage of boldfont characters -noboldfont disable usage of boldfont characters -reverse enable usage of reversed characters -noreverse disable usage of reversed characters -all enable usage of reserved characters -eight enable usage of non ansii characters -extended enable usage of extended character set -inverse enable inverse -bright number set bright (0-255) -contrast number set contrast (0-255) -gamma f.point set famma (0-1) -nodither Disable dithering -floyd_steinberg Enable floyd steinberg dithering -error_distribution Enable error distribution dithering -random number Set random dithering value -dimmul f.point Multiply factor for dim color (5.3) -boldmul f.point Multiply factor for bold color (5.3) -nomouse Disable mouse Command line options only -print_menus print menus specifications of all menus -print_menu string print menu specification -xshl_print_menustring print menu specification in xshl format -xshl_print_menus print all menu specifications in xshl format -print_dialog string print dialog specification File -loadpos input_file Load -savepos output_file Save -record output_file Record -play input_file Replay -saveimg output_file Save image -loadexample Load random example -savecfg Save configuration Fractal -perturbation real_number real_number Perturbation -initstate Reset to defaults -julia on|off Julia mode -view real_number real_number real_number real_number View -angle real_number Set angle -plane integer Set plane -incoloring integer Inside coloring mode -outcoloring integer Outside coloring mode -intcoloring integer Inside truecolor coloring mode -outtcoloring integer Outside truecolor coloring mode -juliaseed real_number real_number Julia seed Calculation -periodicity Periodicity checking -maxiter integer Iterations -bailout real_number Bailout -fastjulia Fast julia mode -range integer Solid guessing range Filters -edge Edge detection -edge2 Edge detection2 -threed Pseudo 3d -starfield Starfield -stereogram Random dot stereogram -interlace Interlace filter -blur Motionblur -emboss Emboss -palettef Palette emulator -anti Antialiasing -truecolor Truecolor emulator UI -letterspersec integer Letters per second -autopilot Autopilot -recalculate Recalculate -interrupt Interrupt -speed real_number Zooming speed -fixedstep Fixed step -nogui Disable XaoS's builtin GUI -status Status -ministatus Ministatus Misc -playstr string Play string -text string Display text -color white|black|red Color -textposition left|center|right top|middle|bottom Text position -message string Message Help -help Help Formulae -mandel Mandelbrot -mandel3 Mandelbrot^3 -mandel4 Mandelbrot^4 -mandel5 Mandelbrot^5 -mandel6 Mandelbrot^6 -newton Newton -newton4 Newton^4 -barnsley Barnsley1 -barnsley2 Barnsley2 -barnsley3 Barnsley3 -octal Octal -phoenix Phoenix -magnet Magnet -magnet2 Magnet2 More formulae -trice Triceratops -catseye Catseye -mbar Mandelbar -mlambda Lambda -manowar Manowar -spider Spider -sier Sierpinski -carpet S.Carpet -koch Koch Snowflake Palette -defpalette Default palette -randompalette Random palette -palette integer integer integer Custom palette -cycling Color cycling -cyclingspeed integer Color cycling speed -shiftpalette integer Shift palette Dynamic resolution -fastmode zero|never|animation|new|allways Dynamic resolution mode Rotation -rotationspeed real_number Rotation speed -autorotate on|off Automatic rotation -fastrotate on|off Fast rotation mode Quit -quit Exit now