Hi Christoper, Thanks for your inquiry. I re-read my note to you and see that some of it still applies, and some seems to have been solved with updates and with my changing my appearance preferences. I am still having some difficulty on the desktop.  I have one screen shot that doesn't show the problem as clearly as it sometimes occurs, but perhaps it will provide you with some information. If you will notice in the top panel there is color (blue) bleeding through to the left of the Firefox symbol. The lower panel appears as though someone has taken a knife to it, and ripped it. In the second screen shot, the bottom edge of the top panel is broken and blue is bleeding through. Usually it bleeds further up into the panel and much more extensively. Contained in this same screenshot is an example  of how Libre Office always opens. This is a continuing problem. The line that shows that the program is opening is situated too far to the left and has changed color from red to brown. The color change doesn't bother me at all but the skewing of the line is, I know, not as it should be.  Quite often, I would say daily, I will have the blue of the desktop picture bleed up into the panel above--invading the lower line of the panel. Or the grass on the lower part of the desktop picture shows through, leaving about an inch gap of color rather than the white of the panel.  I am attaching both screen shots. If anything of this nature occurs again in the next couple of days, and I can get some clearer screen shots, I will send them on to you as well. Please tell me if these pictures do not come through properly. Both should be a desktop picture with two Border Collies lying in the grass, and a lake and mountains out behind. Thank you for your help and time.  Best wishes, Janice Clough >________________________________ >From: Christopher M. Penalver