@Ken Sharp Annotating bug status changes with insults instead of explanations is not constructive; plus, the message from Bryce Harrington was likely automated (i.e., posted by a bot acting on his behalf). This is necessary because of the high volume of bug reports, many of which are duplicates or which document conditions that are ultimately revealed not really to be bugs (or to be bugs, but in different software from the software against which they are reported). One of the reasons not explaining your status changes is bad is because others might think they are incorrect and revert them...which is what I am doing right now. When a bug appears after an update, it is usually caused by changes to the software, which would also have made it into the subsequent release. If the bug is not in the subsequent release, then additional changes have likely eliminated it, and then those changes can be used as a basis for fixing it in the earlier release (i.e., the changes in the later release can be *backported* to the earlier release). If the bug *is* in the subsequent release, then efforts to fix it must focus on multiple releases, including (probably) the development release, so as to avoid future releases shipping with the bug. You are the only person who has indicated that you are affected by this bug. Therefore, any troubleshooting or testing has to be done by you. If you are unable or unwilling to try Oneiric, that's OK, but it does mean that unless someone else comes along who is affected by the bug, that the bug cannot very efficiently be worked on (if it can be worked on at all). So if you're unable to do the necessary testing, then you can simply leave this bug's status as Incomplete. After a while it will expire (or be manually marked Invalid), but you can hope that someone else who experiences it will come along and be able to provide the information that you are unable or unwilling to provide. Sometimes that happens. Rather than upgrading to Oneiric (which very well might solve your problem!), you might consider testing Oneiric from a live CD. This might or might not provide the necessary information, but if you test from a live CD and report your results and more information *is* required, then a developer can always post again asking for additional information. Therefore, if you test Oneiric from a live CD and report the results here, please feel free to change the bug's status back from Incomplete to New. If you are looking for *help* with this problem specific to your situation, then you should post a question about the problem. Working with triagers and developers in this bug is still probably the most effective way for you to get the problem solved, but if you are unable or unwilling to perform the steps indicated by Bryce Harrington (or his bot) and also unable or unwilling to test Oneiric from a live CD on the affected machine, then you may still be able to receive meaningful assistance in a question. (See https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu.) In contrast, work done in bugs has the goal of fixing the problem for everybody who might experience it (by figuring out what has to be changed in the software, and then changing it), not specifically of fixing it for you.