ACPI Warning (nsaccess-0733): NsLookup: Type mismatch on INFO (RegionField), searching for (Buffer) [20081204] ACPI Warning (nsaccess-0733): NsLookup: Type mismatch on INFO (RegionField), searching for (Buffer) [20081204] /* * Intel ACPI Component Architecture * AML Disassembler version 20081204 * * Disassembly of DSDT.dat, Mon Oct 19 03:21:49 2009 * * * Original Table Header: * Signature "DSDT" * Length 0x00009DF9 (40441) * Revision 0x01 **** ACPI 1.0, no 64-bit math support * Checksum 0xF8 * OEM ID "A1336" * OEM Table ID "A1336000" * OEM Revision 0x00000000 (0) * Compiler ID "INTL" * Compiler Version 0x20051117 (537202967) */ DefinitionBlock ("DSDT.aml", "DSDT", 1, "A1336", "A1336000", 0x00000000) { Name (OSTY, Ones) OperationRegion (ACMS, SystemIO, 0x72, 0x02) Field (ACMS, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { ICMS, 8, DCMS, 8 } IndexField (ICMS, DCMS, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x01), Offset (0x04), Offset (0x08), BS_A, 32 } OperationRegion (CFGS, SystemMemory, BS_A, 0x80) Field (CFGS, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x04), PCIE, 32, Offset (0x31), TPMR, 1, STHP, 1, SHPG, 1, OSCF, 1 } OperationRegion (CMPT, SystemIO, 0x0C50, 0x03) Field (CMPT, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { CMID, 8, , 6, GPCT, 2, GP0I, 1, GP1I, 1, GP2I, 1, GP3I, 1, GP4I, 1, GP5I, 1, GP6I, 1, GP7I, 1 } OperationRegion (PCFG, SystemMemory, PCIE, 0x02000000) Field (PCFG, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x38078), Offset (0x3807A), PMS7, 1, Offset (0x50078), Offset (0x5007A), PMSA, 1, Offset (0x8800A), STCL, 16, Offset (0xA0004), SMIE, 1, SMME, 1, Offset (0xA0008), RVID, 8, Offset (0xA0014), SMB1, 32, Offset (0xA0050), , 10, GP51, 1, Offset (0xA0056), , 11, GP64, 1, Offset (0xA0082), , 2, G31O, 1, Offset (0xA00E1), , 6, ACIR, 1, Offset (0xA4004), PCMD, 2 } OperationRegion (PMIO, SystemIO, 0x0CD6, 0x02) Field (PMIO, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { INPM, 8, DAPM, 8 } IndexField (INPM, DAPM, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { , 1, TM1E, 1, TM2E, 1, Offset (0x01), , 1, TM1S, 1, TM2S, 1, Offset (0x04), , 7, SLPS, 1, Offset (0x07), , 7, CLPS, 1, Offset (0x0D), EV0S, 1, EV1S, 1, Offset (0x10), , 6, PWDE, 1, Offset (0x1C), , 3, MKME, 1, PI3E, 1, PI2E, 1, PI1E, 1, PI0E, 1, , 3, MKMS, 1, PI3S, 1, PI2S, 1, PI1S, 1, PI0S, 1, Offset (0x20), P1EB, 16, Offset (0x36), , 6, GV6P, 1, GV7P, 1, EV0C, 1, EV1C, 1, , 1, GM0P, 1, GM1P, 1, GM2P, 1, GM3P, 1, GM8P, 1, , 1, GM4P, 1, GM5P, 1, , 1, GM6P, 1, GM7P, 1, Offset (0x3B), GPX0, 1, GPX4, 1, GPX5, 1, GPX1, 1, GPX6, 1, GPX7, 1, GPX2, 1, GPX3, 1, Offset (0x55), SPRE, 1, , 1, , 1, EPNM, 1, DPPF, 1, FNGS, 1, Offset (0x61), , 7, R617, 1, Offset (0x65), , 4, RSTU, 1, Offset (0x68), , 3, TPDE, 1, , 1, Offset (0x7C), , 2, BLNK, 2, Offset (0x84), WPNE, 1, WPAG, 1, Offset (0x92), , 7, GV7S, 1, Offset (0x96), GP8I, 1, GP9I, 1, Offset (0x9A), , 7, HECO, 1, Offset (0xA8), PI4E, 1, PI5E, 1, PI6E, 1, PI7E, 1, Offset (0xA9), PI4S, 1, PI5S, 1, PI6S, 1, PI7S, 1 } OperationRegion (P1E0, SystemIO, P1EB, 0x04) Field (P1E0, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { , 14, PEWS, 1, WSTA, 1, , 14, PEWD, 1 } Method (SPTS, 1, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x03)) { Store (Zero, RSTU) } If (LEqual (Arg0, One)) { Store (0x02, BLNK) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x02)) { Store (Zero, BLNK) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x03)) { Store (One, BLNK) } Store (One, CLPS) Store (One, SLPS) If (LLessEqual (RVID, 0x13)) { Store (Zero, PWDE) } Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.GO54) } Method (SWAK, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (One, HECO) If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x03)) { Store (One, RSTU) } Store (PEWS, PEWS) Store (0x03, BLNK) Store (One, PMS7) Store (One, PMSA) Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.GO54) } Method (TRMD, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (Arg0, SPRE) Store (Arg0, TPDE) } Method (NPTS, 1, NotSerialized) { } Method (NWAK, 1, NotSerialized) { } Method (NB2S, 1, NotSerialized) { } Method (NB2W, 1, NotSerialized) { } Name (DP80, 0x80) Name (DP90, 0x90) Name (HPIO, 0x025E) Name (ATSW, 0xE5) Name (APIC, One) Name (PMBS, 0x0800) Name (PMLN, 0xA0) Name (GPBS, Zero) Name (GPLN, Zero) Name (SMB0, 0x0B00) Name (SMBB, 0x0B20) Name (SMBM, 0x10) Name (SMBL, 0x20) Name (PCIB, 0xE0000000) Name (PCIL, 0x10000000) Name (SMIT, 0xB0) Name (CMRQ, 0xE0) Name (CMER, 0xE1) Name (CMOR, 0xE3) Name (ATIS, 0x55) OperationRegion (BIOS, SystemMemory, 0xBFF8E064, 0xFF) Field (BIOS, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { SS1, 1, SS2, 1, SS3, 1, SS4, 1, Offset (0x01), IOST, 16, TOPM, 32, ROMS, 32, MG1B, 32, MG1L, 32, MG2B, 32, MG2L, 32, Offset (0x1C), DMAX, 8, HPTA, 32, CPB0, 32, CPB1, 32, CPB2, 32, CPB3, 32, ASSB, 8, AOTB, 8, AAXB, 32, SMIF, 8, DTSE, 8, DTS1, 8, DTS2, 8, MPEN, 8, TPMF, 8, MG3B, 32, MG3L, 32, MH1B, 32, MH1L, 32, OSTP, 8 } Method (RRIO, 4, NotSerialized) { Store ("RRIO", Debug) } Method (RDMA, 3, NotSerialized) { Store ("rDMA", Debug) } Name (PICM, Zero) Method (_PIC, 1, NotSerialized) { If (Arg0) { Store (0xAA, DBG8) DIAG (0xAA) \_SB.IRQC () } Else { Store (0xAC, DBG8) DIAG (0xAC) } Store (Arg0, PICM) } Name (OSVR, Ones) Method (OSFL, 0, NotSerialized) { If (LNotEqual (OSVR, Ones)) { Return (OSVR) } Name (_T_0, Zero) Store (OSYS (), _T_0) If (LEqual (_T_0, One)) { Store (0x03, OSVR) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x10)) { Store (One, OSVR) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x11)) { Store (0x02, OSVR) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x12)) { Store (0x04, OSVR) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x13)) { Store (Zero, OSVR) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x14)) { Store (Zero, OSVR) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x15)) { Store (Zero, OSVR) } } } } } } } Return (OSVR) } Method (MCTH, 2, NotSerialized) { If (LLess (SizeOf (Arg0), SizeOf (Arg1))) { Return (Zero) } Add (SizeOf (Arg0), One, Local0) Name (BUF0, Buffer (Local0) {}) Name (BUF1, Buffer (Local0) {}) Store (Arg0, BUF0) Store (Arg1, BUF1) While (Local0) { Decrement (Local0) If (LNotEqual (DerefOf (Index (BUF0, Local0)), DerefOf (Index ( BUF1, Local0)))) { Return (Zero) } } Return (One) } Name (PRWP, Package (0x02) { Zero, Zero }) Method (GPRW, 2, NotSerialized) { Store (Arg0, Index (PRWP, Zero)) Store (ShiftLeft (SS1, One), Local0) Or (Local0, ShiftLeft (SS2, 0x02), Local0) Or (Local0, ShiftLeft (SS3, 0x03), Local0) Or (Local0, ShiftLeft (SS4, 0x04), Local0) If (And (ShiftLeft (One, Arg1), Local0)) { Store (Arg1, Index (PRWP, One)) } Else { ShiftRight (Local0, One, Local0) If (LOr (LEqual (OSFL (), One), LEqual (OSFL (), 0x02))) { FindSetLeftBit (Local0, Index (PRWP, One)) } Else { FindSetRightBit (Local0, Index (PRWP, One)) } } Return (PRWP) } Name (WAKP, Package (0x02) { Zero, Zero }) OperationRegion (DEB0, SystemIO, DP80, One) Field (DEB0, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { DBG8, 8 } OperationRegion (DEB1, SystemIO, DP90, 0x02) Field (DEB1, WordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { DBG9, 16 } Method (OSYS, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0x10, Local0) If (CondRefOf (_OSI, Local1)) { If (_OSI ("Windows 2000")) { Store (0x12, Local0) } If (_OSI ("Windows 2001")) { Store (0x13, Local0) } If (_OSI ("Windows 2001 SP1")) { Store (0x13, Local0) } If (_OSI ("Windows 2001 SP2")) { Store (0x13, Local0) } If (_OSI ("Windows 2001.1")) { Store (0x14, Local0) } If (_OSI ("Windows 2001.1 SP1")) { Store (0x14, Local0) } If (_OSI ("Windows 2006")) { Store (0x15, Local0) } If (_OSI ("Linux")) { Store (One, Local0) } } Else { If (MCTH (_OS, "Microsoft Windows NT")) { Store (0x12, Local0) } Else { If (MCTH (_OS, "Microsoft WindowsME: Millennium Edition")) { Store (0x11, Local0) } If (MCTH (_OS, "Linux")) { Store (0x16, Local0) } } } Return (Local0) } Scope (_PR) { Processor (P001, 0x01, 0x00000810, 0x06) {} Processor (P002, 0x02, 0x00000000, 0x00) {} Alias (P001, CPU1) Alias (P002, CPU2) } Scope (_SB) { Name (PR00, Package (0x35) { Package (0x04) { 0x0002FFFF, Zero, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0002FFFF, One, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0002FFFF, 0x02, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0002FFFF, 0x03, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0003FFFF, Zero, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0003FFFF, One, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0003FFFF, 0x02, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0003FFFF, 0x03, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0004FFFF, Zero, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0004FFFF, One, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0004FFFF, 0x02, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0004FFFF, 0x03, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, Zero, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, One, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, 0x02, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, 0x03, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0006FFFF, Zero, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0006FFFF, One, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0006FFFF, 0x02, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0006FFFF, 0x03, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0009FFFF, Zero, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0009FFFF, One, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0009FFFF, 0x02, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0009FFFF, 0x03, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x000AFFFF, Zero, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x000AFFFF, One, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x000AFFFF, 0x02, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x000AFFFF, 0x03, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x000BFFFF, Zero, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x000BFFFF, One, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x000BFFFF, 0x02, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x000BFFFF, 0x03, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x000CFFFF, Zero, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x000CFFFF, One, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x000CFFFF, 0x02, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x000CFFFF, 0x03, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0014FFFF, Zero, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0014FFFF, One, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0014FFFF, 0x02, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0014FFFF, 0x03, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0012FFFF, Zero, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0012FFFF, One, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0012FFFF, 0x02, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0012FFFF, 0x03, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0013FFFF, Zero, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0013FFFF, One, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0013FFFF, 0x02, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0013FFFF, 0x03, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0011FFFF, Zero, LNKG, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0007FFFF, Zero, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0007FFFF, One, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0007FFFF, 0x02, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0007FFFF, 0x03, LNKC, Zero } }) Name (AR00, Package (0x35) { Package (0x04) { 0x0002FFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0002FFFF, One, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0002FFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0002FFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0003FFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0003FFFF, One, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0003FFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0003FFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0004FFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0004FFFF, One, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0004FFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0004FFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, One, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0006FFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0006FFFF, One, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0006FFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0006FFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0009FFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0009FFFF, One, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0009FFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0009FFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0x000AFFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0x000AFFFF, One, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0x000AFFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0x000AFFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0x000BFFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0x000BFFFF, One, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0x000BFFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0x000BFFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0x000CFFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0x000CFFFF, One, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0x000CFFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0x000CFFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0014FFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0014FFFF, One, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0014FFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0014FFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0012FFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0012FFFF, One, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0012FFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0012FFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0013FFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0013FFFF, One, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0013FFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0013FFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0011FFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x16 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0007FFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0007FFFF, One, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0007FFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0007FFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x12 } }) Name (PR01, Package (0x04) { Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, Zero, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, One, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, 0x02, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, 0x03, LNKB, Zero } }) Name (AR01, Package (0x04) { Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, One, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0x0005FFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x11 } }) Name (PR02, Package (0x04) { Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, Zero, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, One, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x02, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x03, LNKB, Zero } }) Name (AR02, Package (0x04) { Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, One, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x11 } }) Name (PR03, Package (0x04) { Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, Zero, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, One, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x02, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x03, LNKC, Zero } }) Name (AR03, Package (0x04) { Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, One, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x12 } }) Name (PR04, Package (0x04) { Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, Zero, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, One, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x02, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x03, LNKD, Zero } }) Name (AR04, Package (0x04) { Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, One, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x13 } }) Name (PR05, Package (0x04) { Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, Zero, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, One, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x02, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x03, LNKA, Zero } }) Name (AR05, Package (0x04) { Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, One, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x10 } }) Name (PR06, Package (0x04) { Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, Zero, LNKC, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, One, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x02, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x03, LNKB, Zero } }) Name (AR06, Package (0x04) { Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x12 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, One, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x11 } }) Name (PR07, Package (0x04) { Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, Zero, LNKD, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, One, LNKA, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x02, LNKB, Zero }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x03, LNKC, Zero } }) Name (AR07, Package (0x04) { Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, Zero, Zero, 0x13 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, One, Zero, 0x10 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x02, Zero, 0x11 }, Package (0x04) { 0xFFFF, 0x03, Zero, 0x12 } }) Name (PRSA, ResourceTemplate () { IRQ (Level, ActiveLow, Shared, ) {4,7,10,11,12,14,15} }) Alias (PRSA, PRSB) Alias (PRSA, PRSC) Alias (PRSA, PRSD) Alias (PRSA, PRSE) Alias (PRSA, PRSF) Alias (PRSA, PRSH) Name (PRSG, ResourceTemplate () { IRQ (Level, ActiveLow, Shared, ) {10,11,12,14,15} }) Device (PCI0) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0A03")) Name (_ADR, 0x00180000) Method (^BN00, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (Zero) } Method (_BBN, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (BN00 ()) } Name (_UID, Zero) Method (_PRT, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PICM) { Return (AR00) } Return (PR00) } Method (NPTS, 1, NotSerialized) { } Method (NWAK, 1, NotSerialized) { } Device (RS78) { Name (_ADR, Zero) OperationRegion (NB2, PCI_Config, Zero, 0x0100) Field (NB2, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x60), MI, 32, MD, 32, Offset (0x94), HI, 32, HD, 32, Offset (0xE8), MCI, 32, MCD, 32 } Device (BROD) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C02")) Name (_UID, 0x14) Name (CRS, ResourceTemplate () { Memory32Fixed (ReadOnly, 0x00000000, // Address Base 0x00000000, // Address Length _Y00) Memory32Fixed (ReadOnly, 0x00000000, // Address Base 0x00000000, // Address Length _Y01) }) Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.RS78.BROD._Y00._BAS, BAS1) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.RS78.BROD._Y00._LEN, LEN1) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.RS78.BROD._Y01._BAS, BAS2) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.RS78.BROD._Y01._LEN, LEN2) Store (0x3C, MI) Store (MD, Local0) If (And (Local0, 0x40)) { Store (0x3A, MI) And (MD, 0xFFFFFF00, BAS1) ShiftLeft (And (MD, 0xFF), 0x17, LEN1) } Store (0x11, MCI) Store (MCD, Local1) Store (0x12, MCI) Store (MCD, Local2) Store (0xF0, MCI) Store (MCD, Local3) If (LEqual (Local2, Zero)) { If (LNotEqual (Local3, Zero)) { Store (Local1, BAS2) Store (ShiftLeft (Local3, 0x14), LEN2) } } Return (CRS) } } } Device (P0P1) { Name (_ADR, 0x00010000) Method (_PRT, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PICM) { Return (AR01) } Return (PR01) } Device (VGA) { Name (_ADR, 0x00050000) Name (ATIB, Buffer (0x0100) {}) Method (ATIF, 2, Serialized) { If (LEqual (Arg0, Zero)) { Return (AF00 ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, One)) { Return (AF01 ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x02)) { Return (AF02 ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x03)) { Return (AF03 (DerefOf (Index (Arg1, 0x02)), DerefOf (Index (Arg1, 0x04)))) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x05)) { Return (AF05 ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x06)) { Return (AF06 (DerefOf (Index (Arg1, 0x03)))) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x07)) { Return (AF07 ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x08)) { Return (AF08 (DerefOf (Index (Arg1, 0x02)))) } Else { CreateWordField (ATIB, Zero, SSZE) CreateWordField (ATIB, 0x02, VERN) CreateDWordField (ATIB, 0x04, NMSK) CreateDWordField (ATIB, 0x08, SFUN) Store (Zero, SSZE) Store (Zero, VERN) Store (Zero, NMSK) Store (Zero, SFUN) Return (ATIB) } } Method (AF00, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0xF0, P80H) CreateWordField (ATIB, Zero, SSZE) CreateWordField (ATIB, 0x02, VERN) CreateDWordField (ATIB, 0x04, NMSK) CreateDWordField (ATIB, 0x08, SFUN) Store (0x0C, SSZE) Store (One, VERN) Store (0x11, NMSK) Store (NMSK, MSKN) Store (0xF7, SFUN) Return (ATIB) } Method (AF01, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0xF1, P80H) CreateWordField (ATIB, Zero, SSZE) CreateDWordField (ATIB, 0x02, VMSK) CreateDWordField (ATIB, 0x06, FLGS) Store (0x0A, SSZE) Store (0x03, VMSK) Store (One, FLGS) Return (ATIB) } Name (PSBR, Buffer (0x04) { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) Name (MSKN, Zero) Name (SEXM, Zero) Name (STHG, Zero) Name (STHI, Zero) Name (SFPG, Zero) Name (SFPI, Zero) Name (SSPS, Zero) Name (SSDM, 0x0A) Name (SCDY, Zero) Name (SACT, Buffer (0x06) { 0x01, 0x02, 0x08, 0x03, 0x09, 0x0A }) Method (AF02, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0xF2, P80H) CreateBitField (PSBR, Zero, PDSW) CreateBitField (PSBR, One, PEXM) CreateBitField (PSBR, 0x02, PTHR) CreateBitField (PSBR, 0x03, PFPS) CreateBitField (PSBR, 0x04, PSPS) CreateBitField (PSBR, 0x05, PDCC) CreateWordField (ATIB, Zero, SSZE) CreateDWordField (ATIB, 0x02, PSBI) CreateByteField (ATIB, 0x06, EXPM) CreateByteField (ATIB, 0x07, THRM) CreateByteField (ATIB, 0x08, THID) CreateByteField (ATIB, 0x09, FPWR) CreateByteField (ATIB, 0x0A, FPID) CreateByteField (ATIB, 0x0B, SPWR) Store (0x0C, SSZE) Store (PSBR, PSBI) If (PDSW) { Store (0x82, P80H) Store (Zero, PDSW) } If (PEXM) { Store (SEXM, EXPM) Store (Zero, SEXM) Store (Zero, PEXM) } If (PTHR) { Store (STHG, THRM) Store (STHI, THID) Store (Zero, STHG) Store (Zero, STHI) Store (Zero, PTHR) } If (PFPS) { Store (SFPG, FPWR) Store (SFPI, FPWR) Store (Zero, SFPG) Store (Zero, SFPI) Store (Zero, PFPS) } If (PSPS) { Store (SSPS, SPWR) Store (Zero, PSPS) } Return (ATIB) } Name (PXSF, Package (0x10) { Zero, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero, 0xA0, 0xA1, 0xA2, Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Method (AF03, 2, NotSerialized) { Store (0xF3, P80H) CreateWordField (ATIB, Zero, SSZE) CreateWordField (ATIB, 0x02, SSDP) CreateWordField (ATIB, 0x04, SCDP) Store (Arg0, SSDP) Store (Arg1, SCDP) If (LEqual (And (SSDP, 0x08, Local1), 0x08)) { Store (Arg0, SSDP) Store (Arg1, SCDP) } Else { If (LEqual (And (SSDP, 0x04, Local1), 0x04)) { And (SSDP, 0x0B, SSDP) Or (SSDP, 0x08, SSDP) } If (LEqual (And (SCDP, 0x04, Local2), 0x04)) { And (SCDP, 0x0B, SCDP) Or (SCDP, 0x08, SCDP) } } Name (NXTD, 0x06) Name (CIDX, 0x06) Store (SSDP, Local1) And (Local1, 0x0B, Local1) Store (SCDP, Local2) If (CondRefOf (^^^^LID._LID, Local4)) { And (Local2, 0xFFFFFFFE, Local2) Or (Local2, ^^^^LID._LID (), Local2) } Else { Or (Local2, One, Local2) } Store (Local2, P80H) Store (Zero, Local0) While (LLess (Local0, SizeOf (SACT))) { Store (DerefOf (Index (SACT, Local0)), Local3) If (LEqual (Local3, Local1)) { Store (Local0, CIDX) Store (SizeOf (SACT), Local0) } Else { Increment (Local0) } } Store (CIDX, Local0) While (LLess (Local0, SizeOf (SACT))) { Increment (Local0) If (LEqual (Local0, SizeOf (SACT))) { Store (Zero, Local0) } Store (DerefOf (Index (SACT, Local0)), Local3) If (LEqual (And (Local3, Local2), Local3)) { Store (Local0, NXTD) Store (SizeOf (SACT), Local0) } } If (LEqual (NXTD, SizeOf (SACT))) { Store (Zero, SSDP) } Else { Store (NXTD, Local0) Store (DerefOf (Index (SACT, Local0)), Local3) And (SSDP, 0xFFFFFFF4, SSDP) Or (SSDP, Local3, SSDP) } Store (DerefOf (Index (PXSF, SSDP)), Local0) Notify (ATKD, Local0) Sleep (0x01F4) Store (0x04, SSZE) Store (SSDP, P80H) Return (ATIB) } Method (AF05, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0xF5, P80H) CreateWordField (ATIB, Zero, SSZE) CreateByteField (ATIB, 0x02, TSEF) CreateByteField (ATIB, 0x03, TVIF) Store (0x04, SSZE) Store (Zero, TSEF) Acquire (^^^SMBS.PSMX, 0xFFFF) Store (0x8D, BCMD) Store (0x05, DID) Store (ATIB, INFO) Store (ATIS, ^^^SBRG.SMIC) CreateByteField (INFO, 0x03, TVII) Store (TVII, TVIF) Release (^^^SMBS.PSMX) Return (ATIB) } Method (AF06, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (0xF6, P80H) CreateWordField (ATIB, Zero, SSZE) CreateByteField (ATIB, 0x02, TSEF) CreateByteField (ATIB, 0x03, TVIF) Store (0x04, SSZE) Store (Zero, TSEF) Store (Arg0, TVIF) Acquire (^^^SMBS.PSMX, 0xFFFF) Store (0x8D, BCMD) Store (0x06, DID) Store (ATIB, INFO) Store (ATIS, ^^^SBRG.SMIC) Release (^^^SMBS.PSMX) Return (One) } Method (AF07, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0xF7, P80H) CreateWordField (ATIB, Zero, SSZE) CreateByteField (ATIB, 0x02, XMOD) Store (0x03, SSZE) Store (Zero, XMOD) Acquire (^^^SMBS.PSMX, 0xFFFF) Store (0x8D, BCMD) Store (0x07, DID) Store (ATIB, INFO) Store (ATIS, ^^^SBRG.SMIC) CreateByteField (INFO, 0x02, PMOD) Store (PMOD, XMOD) Release (^^^SMBS.PSMX) Return (ATIB) } Method (AF08, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (0xF8, P80H) CreateWordField (ATIB, Zero, SSZE) CreateByteField (ATIB, 0x02, XMOD) Store (0x03, SSZE) Store (Arg0, XMOD) Acquire (^^^SMBS.PSMX, 0xFFFF) Store (0x8D, BCMD) Store (0x08, DID) Store (ATIB, INFO) Store (ATIS, ^^^SBRG.SMIC) Release (^^^SMBS.PSMX) Return (One) } Method (AFN0, 0, Serialized) { If (And (MSKN, One)) { CreateBitField (PSBR, Zero, PDSW) Store (One, PDSW) Notify (VGA, 0x81) } } Method (AFN1, 1, Serialized) { If (And (MSKN, 0x02)) { Store (Arg0, Local0) And (Local0, 0x03, Local0) Store (Local0, SEXM) CreateBitField (PSBR, One, PEXM) Store (One, PEXM) Notify (VGA, 0x81) } } Method (AFN2, 2, Serialized) { If (And (MSKN, 0x04)) { Store (Arg0, Local0) Store (Local0, STHI) Store (Arg1, Local0) Store (And (Local0, 0x03, Local0), STHG) CreateBitField (PSBR, 0x02, PTHS) Store (One, PTHS) Notify (VGA, 0x81) } } Method (AFN3, 2, Serialized) { If (And (MSKN, 0x08)) { Store (Arg0, Local0) Store (Local0, SFPI) Store (Arg1, Local0) Store (And (Local0, 0x03, Local0), SFPG) CreateBitField (PSBR, 0x03, PFPS) Store (One, PFPS) Notify (VGA, 0x81) } } Method (AFN4, 1, Serialized) { If (And (MSKN, 0x10)) { Store (Arg0, Local0) Store (SSPS, Local1) Store (Local0, SSPS) If (LEqual (Local0, Local1)) {} Else { CreateBitField (PSBR, 0x04, PSPS) Store (One, PSPS) Notify (VGA, 0x81) } } } Method (AFN5, 0, Serialized) { If (And (MSKN, 0x20)) { CreateBitField (PSBR, 0x05, PDCC) Store (One, PDCC) Notify (VGA, 0x81) } } OperationRegion (VSID, PCI_Config, Zero, 0x04) Field (VSID, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { REG0, 32 } Method (PRST, 0, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (REG0, Ones)) { Return (Zero) } Else { Return (One) } } Name (VGAB, Buffer (0x02) {}) CreateWordField (VGAB, Zero, DISD) CreateByteField (VGAB, Zero, NXTD) CreateByteField (VGAB, One, AVLD) Name (LCDM, One) Name (CRTM, 0x02) Name (TVOM, 0x04) Name (HDMM, 0x08) Name (DVIM, 0x10) Name (DONE, Zero) Name (DOSF, One) Name (BRNC, Zero) Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (GETD (), DISD) Store (One, DONE) } Method (_DOS, 1, NotSerialized) { And (Arg0, 0x03, DOSF) Store (ShiftRight (Arg0, 0x02), BRNC) And (BRNC, One, BRNC) } Name (DODP, Package (0x02) { 0x00010100, 0x00010110 }) Method (_DOD, 0, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (And (REG0, 0xFFFF), 0x1002)) {} Return (DODP) } Method (CDCS, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (AVLD, Local0) If (And (Local0, Arg0)) { Return (0x1F) } Return (0x1D) } Method (CDGS, 1, NotSerialized) { If (And (NXTD, Arg0)) { Return (One) } Return (Zero) } Device (CRTD) { Name (_ADR, 0x0100) Method (_DCS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (CDCS (CRTM)) } Method (_DGS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (CDGS (CRTM)) } Method (_DSS, 1, NotSerialized) { If (And (Arg0, 0x40000000)) { If (And (Arg0, 0x80000000)) { Store (One, DONE) } } } } Device (LCDD) { Name (_ADR, 0x0110) Method (_DCS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (CDCS (LCDM)) } Method (_DGS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (CDGS (LCDM)) } Method (_DSS, 1, NotSerialized) { If (And (Arg0, 0x40000000)) { If (And (Arg0, 0x80000000)) { Store (One, DONE) } } } Method (_BCL, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (Package (0x10) { 0x0F, 0x0E, 0x0D, 0x0C, 0x0B, 0x0A, 0x09, 0x08, 0x07, 0x06, 0x05, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, One, Zero }) } Method (_BCM, 1, NotSerialized) { SNVS (0x4504, Arg0) ^^^^SBRG.EC0.STBR () } Method (_BQC, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GNVS (0x4504)) } } Method (SWHD, 1, Serialized) { If (LEqual (DOSF, One)) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (Arg0, PAR1) ISMI (0x92) Release (MPAR) } } Else { Store (Zero, DONE) Notify (VGA, 0x80) Store (0x01F4, Local0) While (Local0) { If (DONE) { Store (Zero, Local0) } Else { Sleep (0x0A) Decrement (Local0) } } } Store (One, DONE) } Method (GETD, 0, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { ISMI (0x91) Store (PAR1, Local0) Release (MPAR) Return (Local0) } } Method (GETM, 0, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { ISMI (0x93) Store (PAR1, Local0) Release (MPAR) Return (Local0) } } Method (GETN, 0, Serialized) { If (DONE) { Store (GETD (), DISD) } If (LEqual (GETM (), One)) { Store (One, DONE) Return (NXTD) } Store (Zero, DONE) Increment (NXTD) If (LGreater (NXTD, 0x03)) { Store (One, NXTD) } While (LOr (CHKL (), CHKA ())) { Increment (NXTD) If (LGreater (NXTD, 0x03)) { Store (One, NXTD) } } Return (NXTD) } Name (LMTD, Package (0x10) { 0x07, 0x0B, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x13, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F }) Method (CHKL, 0, Serialized) { Store (Zero, Local0) While (LLess (Local0, 0x10)) { If (LEqual (DerefOf (Index (LMTD, Local0)), NXTD)) { Return (One) } Increment (Local0) } Return (Zero) } Method (CHKA, 0, Serialized) { Store (NXTD, Local0) And (Local0, AVLD, Local0) If (LEqual (Local0, NXTD)) { Return (Zero) } Else { Return (One) } } } } Device (PCE2) { Name (_ADR, 0x00020000) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x18, 0x04)) } Method (_PRT, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PICM) { Return (AR02) } Return (PR02) } Device (VGA) { Name (_ADR, Zero) OperationRegion (VSID, PCI_Config, Zero, 0x04) Field (VSID, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { REG0, 32 } Method (PRST, 0, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (REG0, Ones)) { Return (Zero) } Else { Return (One) } } Name (VGAB, Buffer (0x02) {}) CreateWordField (VGAB, Zero, DISD) CreateByteField (VGAB, Zero, NXTD) CreateByteField (VGAB, One, AVLD) Name (LCDM, One) Name (CRTM, 0x02) Name (TVOM, 0x04) Name (HDMM, 0x08) Name (DVIM, 0x10) Name (DONE, Zero) Name (DOSF, One) Name (BRNC, Zero) Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (GETD (), DISD) Store (One, DONE) } Method (_DOS, 1, NotSerialized) { And (Arg0, 0x03, DOSF) Store (ShiftRight (Arg0, 0x02), BRNC) And (BRNC, One, BRNC) } Name (DODP, Package (0x02) { 0x00010100, 0x00010110 }) Method (_DOD, 0, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (And (REG0, 0xFFFF), 0x1002)) {} Return (DODP) } Method (CDCS, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (AVLD, Local0) If (And (Local0, Arg0)) { Return (0x1F) } Return (0x1D) } Method (CDGS, 1, NotSerialized) { If (And (NXTD, Arg0)) { Return (One) } Return (Zero) } Device (CRTD) { Name (_ADR, 0x0100) Method (_DCS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (CDCS (CRTM)) } Method (_DGS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (CDGS (CRTM)) } Method (_DSS, 1, NotSerialized) { If (And (Arg0, 0x40000000)) { If (And (Arg0, 0x80000000)) { Store (One, DONE) } } } } Device (LCDD) { Name (_ADR, 0x0110) Method (_DCS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (CDCS (LCDM)) } Method (_DGS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (CDGS (LCDM)) } Method (_DSS, 1, NotSerialized) { If (And (Arg0, 0x40000000)) { If (And (Arg0, 0x80000000)) { Store (One, DONE) } } } Method (_BCL, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (Package (0x10) { 0x0F, 0x0E, 0x0D, 0x0C, 0x0B, 0x0A, 0x09, 0x08, 0x07, 0x06, 0x05, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, One, Zero }) } Method (_BCM, 1, NotSerialized) { SNVS (0x4504, Arg0) ^^^^SBRG.EC0.STBR () } Method (_BQC, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GNVS (0x4504)) } } Method (SWHD, 1, Serialized) { If (LEqual (DOSF, One)) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (Arg0, PAR1) ISMI (0x92) Release (MPAR) } } Else { Store (Zero, DONE) Notify (VGA, 0x80) Store (0x01F4, Local0) While (Local0) { If (DONE) { Store (Zero, Local0) } Else { Sleep (0x0A) Decrement (Local0) } } } Store (One, DONE) } Method (GETD, 0, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { ISMI (0x91) Store (PAR1, Local0) Release (MPAR) Return (Local0) } } Method (GETM, 0, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { ISMI (0x93) Store (PAR1, Local0) Release (MPAR) Return (Local0) } } Method (GETN, 0, Serialized) { If (DONE) { Store (GETD (), DISD) } If (LEqual (GETM (), One)) { Store (One, DONE) Return (NXTD) } Store (Zero, DONE) Increment (NXTD) If (LGreater (NXTD, 0x03)) { Store (One, NXTD) } While (LOr (CHKL (), CHKA ())) { Increment (NXTD) If (LGreater (NXTD, 0x03)) { Store (One, NXTD) } } Return (NXTD) } Name (LMTD, Package (0x10) { 0x07, 0x0B, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x13, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F }) Method (CHKL, 0, Serialized) { Store (Zero, Local0) While (LLess (Local0, 0x10)) { If (LEqual (DerefOf (Index (LMTD, Local0)), NXTD)) { Return (One) } Increment (Local0) } Return (Zero) } Method (CHKA, 0, Serialized) { Store (NXTD, Local0) And (Local0, AVLD, Local0) If (LEqual (Local0, NXTD)) { Return (Zero) } Else { Return (One) } } } } Device (PCE3) { Name (_ADR, 0x00030000) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x18, 0x04)) } Method (_PRT, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PICM) { Return (AR03) } Return (PR03) } } Device (PCE4) { Name (_ADR, 0x00040000) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x18, 0x04)) } Method (_PRT, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PICM) { Return (AR04) } Return (PR04) } } Device (PCE5) { Name (_ADR, 0x00050000) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x18, 0x04)) } Method (_PRT, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PICM) { Return (AR05) } Return (PR05) } Device (GLAN) { Name (_ADR, Zero) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x18, 0x04)) } } } Device (PCE6) { Name (_ADR, 0x00060000) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x18, 0x04)) } Method (_PRT, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PICM) { Return (AR06) } Return (PR06) } } Device (PCE9) { Name (_ADR, 0x00090000) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x18, 0x04)) } } Device (PCEA) { Name (_ADR, 0x000A0000) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x18, 0x04)) } } Device (PCEB) { Name (_ADR, 0x000B0000) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x18, 0x04)) } } Device (PCEC) { Name (_ADR, 0x000C0000) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x18, 0x04)) } } Device (SMBS) { Name (_ADR, 0x00140000) OperationRegion (SMBS, PCI_Config, Zero, 0x0100) Field (SMBS, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x08), REV, 8 } OperationRegion (WIDE, PCI_Config, 0xAD, One) Field (WIDE, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { DUM1, 4, SOPT, 1 } } Device (IDEC) { Name (_ADR, 0x00140001) Name (UDMT, Package (0x08) { 0x78, 0x5A, 0x3C, 0x2D, 0x1E, 0x14, 0x0F, Zero }) Name (PIOT, Package (0x06) { 0x0258, 0x0186, 0x010E, 0xB4, 0x78, Zero }) Name (PITR, Package (0x06) { 0x99, 0x47, 0x34, 0x22, 0x20, 0x99 }) Name (MDMT, Package (0x04) { 0x01E0, 0x96, 0x78, Zero }) Name (MDTR, Package (0x04) { 0x77, 0x21, 0x20, 0xFF }) OperationRegion (IDE, PCI_Config, 0x40, 0x20) Field (IDE, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { PPIT, 16, SPIT, 16, PMDT, 16, SMDT, 16, PPIC, 8, SPIC, 8, PPIM, 8, SPIM, 8, Offset (0x14), PUDC, 2, SUDC, 2, Offset (0x16), PUDM, 8, SUDM, 8 } Method (GETT, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (And (Arg0, 0x0F), Local0) Store (ShiftRight (Arg0, 0x04), Local1) Return (Multiply (0x1E, Add (Add (Local0, One), Add (Local1, One)))) } Method (GTM, 1, NotSerialized) { CreateByteField (Arg0, Zero, PIT1) CreateByteField (Arg0, One, PIT0) CreateByteField (Arg0, 0x02, MDT1) CreateByteField (Arg0, 0x03, MDT0) CreateByteField (Arg0, 0x04, PICX) CreateByteField (Arg0, 0x05, UDCX) CreateByteField (Arg0, 0x06, UDMX) Name (BUF, Buffer (0x14) { /* 0000 */ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /* 0008 */ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /* 0010 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) CreateDWordField (BUF, Zero, PIO0) CreateDWordField (BUF, 0x04, DMA0) CreateDWordField (BUF, 0x08, PIO1) CreateDWordField (BUF, 0x0C, DMA1) CreateDWordField (BUF, 0x10, FLAG) If (And (PICX, One)) { Return (BUF) } Store (GETT (PIT0), PIO0) Store (GETT (PIT1), PIO1) If (And (UDCX, One)) { Or (FLAG, One, FLAG) Store (DerefOf (Index (UDMT, And (UDMX, 0x0F))), DMA0) } Else { Store (GETT (MDT0), DMA0) } If (And (UDCX, 0x02)) { Or (FLAG, 0x04, FLAG) Store (DerefOf (Index (UDMT, ShiftRight (UDMX, 0x04))), DMA1) } Else { Store (GETT (MDT1), DMA1) } Or (FLAG, 0x1A, FLAG) Return (BUF) } Method (STM, 3, NotSerialized) { CreateDWordField (Arg0, Zero, PIO0) CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x04, DMA0) CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x08, PIO1) CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x0C, DMA1) CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x10, FLAG) Name (BUF, Buffer (0x07) { 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) CreateByteField (BUF, Zero, PIT1) CreateByteField (BUF, One, PIT0) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x02, MDT1) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x03, MDT0) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x04, PIMX) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x05, UDCX) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x06, UDMX) Store (Match (PIOT, MLE, PIO0, MTR, Zero, Zero), Local0) Divide (Local0, 0x05, Local0) Store (Match (PIOT, MLE, PIO1, MTR, Zero, Zero), Local1) Divide (Local1, 0x05, Local1) Store (Or (ShiftLeft (Local1, 0x04), Local0), PIMX) Store (DerefOf (Index (PITR, Local0)), PIT0) Store (DerefOf (Index (PITR, Local1)), PIT1) If (And (FLAG, One)) { Store (Match (UDMT, MLE, DMA0, MTR, Zero, Zero), Local0) Divide (Local0, 0x07, Local0) Or (UDMX, Local0, UDMX) Or (UDCX, One, UDCX) } Else { If (LNotEqual (DMA0, Ones)) { Store (Match (MDMT, MLE, DMA0, MTR, Zero, Zero), Local0) Store (DerefOf (Index (MDTR, Local0)), MDT0) } } If (And (FLAG, 0x04)) { Store (Match (UDMT, MLE, DMA1, MTR, Zero, Zero), Local0) Divide (Local0, 0x07, Local0) Or (UDMX, ShiftLeft (Local0, 0x04), UDMX) Or (UDCX, 0x02, UDCX) } Else { If (LNotEqual (DMA1, Ones)) { Store (Match (MDMT, MLE, DMA1, MTR, Zero, Zero), Local0) Store (DerefOf (Index (MDTR, Local0)), MDT1) } } Return (BUF) } Method (GTF, 2, NotSerialized) { CreateByteField (Arg1, Zero, MDT1) CreateByteField (Arg1, One, MDT0) CreateByteField (Arg1, 0x02, PIMX) CreateByteField (Arg1, 0x03, UDCX) CreateByteField (Arg1, 0x04, UDMX) If (LEqual (Arg0, 0xA0)) { Store (And (PIMX, 0x0F), Local0) Store (MDT0, Local1) And (UDCX, One, Local2) Store (And (UDMX, 0x0F), Local3) } Else { Store (ShiftRight (PIMX, 0x04), Local0) Store (MDT1, Local1) And (UDCX, 0x02, Local2) Store (ShiftRight (UDMX, 0x04), Local3) } Name (BUF, Buffer (0x15) { /* 0000 */ 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xEF, 0x03, /* 0008 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xEF, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0010 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF5 }) CreateByteField (BUF, One, PMOD) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x08, DMOD) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x05, CMDA) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x0C, CMDB) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x13, CMDC) Store (Arg0, CMDA) Store (Arg0, CMDB) Store (Arg0, CMDC) Or (Local0, 0x08, PMOD) If (Local2) { Or (Local3, 0x40, DMOD) } Else { Store (Match (MDMT, MLE, GETT (Local1), MTR, Zero, Zero), Local4) If (LLess (Local4, 0x03)) { Or (0x20, Local4, DMOD) } } Return (BUF) } Device (PRID) { Name (_ADR, Zero) Method (_GTM, 0, NotSerialized) { Name (BUF, Buffer (0x07) { 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) CreateWordField (BUF, Zero, VPIT) CreateWordField (BUF, 0x02, VMDT) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x04, VPIC) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x05, VUDC) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x06, VUDM) If (LOr (LGreaterEqual (^^^SMBS.REV, 0x3A), ^^^SMBS.SOPT)) { Store (PPIT, VPIT) Store (PMDT, VMDT) Store (PPIC, VPIC) Store (PUDC, VUDC) Store (PUDM, VUDM) } Else { Store (SPIT, VPIT) Store (SMDT, VMDT) Store (SPIC, VPIC) Store (SUDC, VUDC) Store (SUDM, VUDM) } Return (GTM (BUF)) } Method (_STM, 3, NotSerialized) { Name (BUF, Buffer (0x07) { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) CreateWordField (BUF, Zero, VPIT) CreateWordField (BUF, 0x02, VMDT) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x04, VPIM) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x05, VUDC) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x06, VUDM) Store (STM (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), BUF) If (LOr (LGreaterEqual (^^^SMBS.REV, 0x3A), ^^^SMBS.SOPT)) { Store (VPIT, PPIT) Store (VMDT, PMDT) Store (VPIM, PPIM) Store (VUDC, PUDC) Store (VUDM, PUDM) } Else { Store (VPIT, SPIT) Store (VMDT, SMDT) Store (VPIM, SPIM) Store (VUDC, SUDC) Store (VUDM, SUDM) } } Device (P_D0) { Name (_ADR, Zero) Method (_GTF, 0, NotSerialized) { Name (BUF, Buffer (0x05) { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) CreateWordField (BUF, Zero, VMDT) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x02, VPIM) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x03, VUDC) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x04, VUDM) If (LOr (LGreaterEqual (^^^^SMBS.REV, 0x3A), ^^^^SMBS.SOPT)) { Store (PMDT, VMDT) Store (PPIM, VPIM) Store (PUDC, VUDC) Store (PUDM, VUDM) } Else { Store (SMDT, VMDT) Store (SPIM, VPIM) Store (SUDC, VUDC) Store (SUDM, VUDM) } Return (GTF (0xA0, BUF)) } } Device (P_D1) { Name (_ADR, One) Method (_GTF, 0, NotSerialized) { Name (BUF, Buffer (0x05) { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) CreateWordField (BUF, Zero, VMDT) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x02, VPIM) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x03, VUDC) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x04, VUDM) If (LOr (LGreaterEqual (^^^^SMBS.REV, 0x3A), ^^^^SMBS.SOPT)) { Store (PMDT, VMDT) Store (PPIM, VPIM) Store (PUDC, VUDC) Store (PUDM, VUDM) } Else { Store (SMDT, VMDT) Store (SPIM, VPIM) Store (SUDC, VUDC) Store (SUDM, VUDM) } Return (GTF (0xB0, BUF)) } } } Device (SECD) { Name (_ADR, One) Method (_GTM, 0, NotSerialized) { Name (BUF, Buffer (0x07) { 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) CreateWordField (BUF, Zero, VPIT) CreateWordField (BUF, 0x02, VMDT) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x04, VPIC) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x05, VUDC) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x06, VUDM) If (LOr (LGreaterEqual (^^^SMBS.REV, 0x3A), ^^^SMBS.SOPT)) { Store (SPIT, VPIT) Store (SMDT, VMDT) Store (SPIC, VPIC) Store (SUDC, VUDC) Store (SUDM, VUDM) } Else { Store (PPIT, VPIT) Store (PMDT, VMDT) Store (PPIC, VPIC) Store (PUDC, VUDC) Store (PUDM, VUDM) } Return (GTM (BUF)) } Method (_STM, 3, NotSerialized) { Name (BUF, Buffer (0x07) { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) CreateWordField (BUF, Zero, VPIT) CreateWordField (BUF, 0x02, VMDT) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x04, VPIM) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x05, VUDC) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x06, VUDM) Store (STM (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), BUF) If (LOr (LGreaterEqual (^^^SMBS.REV, 0x3A), ^^^SMBS.SOPT)) { Store (VPIT, SPIT) Store (VMDT, SMDT) Store (VPIM, SPIM) Store (VUDC, SUDC) Store (VUDM, SUDM) } Else { Store (VPIT, PPIT) Store (VMDT, PMDT) Store (VPIM, PPIM) Store (VUDC, PUDC) Store (VUDM, PUDM) } } Device (S_D0) { Name (_ADR, Zero) Method (_GTF, 0, NotSerialized) { Name (BUF, Buffer (0x05) { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) CreateWordField (BUF, Zero, VMDT) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x02, VPIM) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x03, VUDC) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x04, VUDM) If (LOr (LGreaterEqual (^^^^SMBS.REV, 0x3A), ^^^^SMBS.SOPT)) { Store (SMDT, VMDT) Store (SPIM, VPIM) Store (SUDC, VUDC) Store (SUDM, VUDM) } Else { Store (PMDT, VMDT) Store (PPIM, VPIM) Store (PUDC, VUDC) Store (PUDM, VUDM) } Return (GTF (0xA0, BUF)) } } Device (S_D1) { Name (_ADR, One) Method (_GTF, 0, NotSerialized) { Name (BUF, Buffer (0x05) { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) CreateWordField (BUF, Zero, VMDT) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x02, VPIM) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x03, VUDC) CreateByteField (BUF, 0x04, VUDM) If (LOr (LGreaterEqual (^^^^SMBS.REV, 0x3A), ^^^^SMBS.SOPT)) { Store (SMDT, VMDT) Store (SPIM, VPIM) Store (SUDC, VUDC) Store (SUDM, VUDM) } Else { Store (PMDT, VMDT) Store (PPIM, VPIM) Store (PUDC, VUDC) Store (PUDM, VUDM) } Return (GTF (0xB0, BUF)) } } } } Device (SBAZ) { Name (_ADR, 0x00140002) OperationRegion (PCI, PCI_Config, Zero, 0x0100) Field (PCI, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x42), DNSP, 1, DNSO, 1, ENSR, 1 } Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x1B, 0x04)) } } Device (SBRG) { Name (_ADR, 0x00140003) OperationRegion (LPCS, PCI_Config, Zero, 0x0100) Field (LPCS, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x40), , 7, ECEN, 1, Offset (0xA4), ECAD, 16 } Name (ECIN, Zero) Mutex (ECMU, 0x00) Mutex (MLMU, 0x00) If (ECEN) { And (ECAD, 0xFFFE, ECIN) OperationRegion (ECBP, SystemIO, ECIN, 0x02) Field (ECBP, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { BPIO, 8 } OperationRegion (ECIO, SystemIO, ECIN, 0x02) Field (ECIO, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { IND, 8, DAT, 8 } IndexField (IND, DAT, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x07), LDNM, 8, Offset (0x22), POW, 8, Offset (0x30), ACT, 1, Offset (0x60), IOBH, 8, IOBL, 8, Offset (0x70), INT, 4 } Method (CFG, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (0x5A, BPIO) Store (0x5A, BPIO) Store (Arg0, LDNM) } Method (XCFG, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0xA5, BPIO) } Method (STA, 1, NotSerialized) { Acquire (ECMU, 0x5000) CFG (Arg0) Store (Zero, Local1) If (ACT) { Store (0x0F, Local1) } If (LEqual (IND, 0xFF)) { Store (Zero, Local1) } XCFG () Release (ECMU) Return (Local1) } Method (RDMB, 1, NotSerialized) { Acquire (ECMU, 0x1388) Acquire (MLMU, 0x1388) CFG (0x05) Name (IOBA, Zero) Store (IOBH, IOBA) ShiftLeft (IOBA, 0x08, IOBA) Or (IOBA, IOBL, IOBA) OperationRegion (MLIO, SystemIO, IOBA, 0x02) Field (MLIO, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { MLIN, 8, MLDA, 8 } Store (Arg0, MLIN) Return (MLDA) Release (MLMU) Release (ECMU) } Method (WRMB, 2, NotSerialized) { Acquire (ECMU, 0x1388) Acquire (MLMU, 0x1388) CFG (0x05) Name (IOBA, Zero) Store (IOBH, IOBA) ShiftLeft (IOBA, 0x08, IOBA) Or (IOBA, IOBL, IOBA) OperationRegion (MLIO, SystemIO, IOBA, 0x02) Field (MLIO, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { MLIN, 8, MLDA, 8 } Store (Arg0, MLIN) Store (Arg1, MLDA) Release (MLMU) Release (ECMU) } Name (KBWF, One) Name (MSWF, One) Name (IRWF, One) Device (PSKE) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0303")) Name (_CID, EisaId ("PNP030B")) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, Local1) Store (STA (0x07), Local1) Return (Local1) } Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () { IO (Decode16, 0x0060, // Range Minimum 0x0060, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0064, // Range Minimum 0x0064, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IRQNoFlags () {1} }) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x03, 0x04)) } Method (_PSW, 1, NotSerialized) { If (Arg0) { Store (One, KBWF) } Else { Store (Zero, KBWF) } } } Device (PSMS) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0F03")) Name (_CID, EisaId ("PNP0F13")) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, Local1) Store (STA (0x07), Local1) Return (Local1) } Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () { IRQNoFlags () {12} }) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x03, 0x04)) } Method (_PSW, 1, NotSerialized) { If (Arg0) { Store (One, MSWF) } Else { Store (Zero, MSWF) } } } Method (KWEN, 0, NotSerialized) { WRMB (0x81, Zero) WRMB (0x82, One) WRMB (0x80, Zero) WRMB (0xA0, 0x95) } Method (KWDS, 0, NotSerialized) { WRMB (0x81, Zero) WRMB (0x82, Zero) WRMB (0x80, Zero) WRMB (0xA0, 0x95) } Method (MWEN, 0, NotSerialized) { WRMB (0x81, One) WRMB (0x82, One) WRMB (0x80, Zero) WRMB (0xA0, 0x95) } Method (MWDS, 0, NotSerialized) { WRMB (0x81, One) WRMB (0x82, Zero) WRMB (0x80, Zero) WRMB (0xA0, 0x95) } Device (ECIR) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("AMDC001")) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, Local1) If (LEqual (OSTY, 0x06)) { Store (STA (0x05), Local1) } Return (Local1) } Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { Name (RSRC, ResourceTemplate () { IO (Decode16, 0x0000, // Range Minimum 0x0000, // Range Maximum 0x08, // Alignment 0x08, // Length _Y02) IRQNoFlags (_Y03) {} }) CreateByteField (RSRC, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.ECIR._CRS._Y02._MIN, IO1) CreateByteField (RSRC, 0x03, IO2) CreateByteField (RSRC, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.ECIR._CRS._Y02._MAX, IO3) CreateByteField (RSRC, 0x05, IO4) CreateWordField (RSRC, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.ECIR._CRS._Y03._INT, IRQV) Acquire (ECMU, 0x1388) CFG (0x05) If (ACT) { Store (IOBL, IO1) Store (IOBH, IO2) Store (IOBL, IO3) Store (IOBH, IO4) Store (One, Local0) ShiftLeft (Local0, INT, IRQV) } XCFG () Release (ECMU) Return (RSRC) } Name (_PRS, ResourceTemplate () { StartDependentFn (0x00, 0x00) { IO (Decode16, 0x0550, // Range Minimum 0x0550, // Range Maximum 0x01, // Alignment 0x08, // Length ) IRQ (Edge, ActiveHigh, Shared, ) {5} } StartDependentFnNoPri () { IO (Decode16, 0x0650, // Range Minimum 0x0650, // Range Maximum 0x01, // Alignment 0x08, // Length ) IRQ (Edge, ActiveHigh, Shared, ) {5} } StartDependentFnNoPri () { IO (Decode16, 0x0550, // Range Minimum 0x0550, // Range Maximum 0x01, // Alignment 0x08, // Length ) IRQ (Edge, ActiveHigh, Shared, ) {3} } StartDependentFnNoPri () { IO (Decode16, 0x0650, // Range Minimum 0x0650, // Range Maximum 0x01, // Alignment 0x08, // Length ) IRQ (Edge, ActiveHigh, Shared, ) {3} } EndDependentFn () }) Method (_SRS, 1, NotSerialized) { CreateByteField (Arg0, 0x02, IO1) CreateByteField (Arg0, 0x03, IO2) CreateWordField (Arg0, 0x09, IRQV) Acquire (ECMU, 0x1388) CFG (0x05) Store (IO1, IOBL) Store (IO2, IOBH) FindSetRightBit (IRQV, Local0) Subtract (Local0, One, INT) Store (One, ACT) XCFG () Release (ECMU) } Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x17, 0x04)) } Method (_PSW, 1, NotSerialized) { If (Arg0) { Store (One, IRWF) } Else { Store (Zero, IRWF) } } Method (IRCF, 2, NotSerialized) { Name (CONN, Zero) If (LEqual (Arg0, One)) { Or (RVID, CONN, CONN) Or (0x00013200, CONN, CONN) Return (CONN) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x02)) { ShiftLeft (GP64, One, CONN) Or (GP51, CONN, CONN) Return (CONN) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x03)) { If (LEqual (Arg1, Zero)) { Store (One, G31O) } Else { Store (Zero, G31O) Sleep (0x64) Store (One, G31O) } } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x04)) { If (LEqual (Arg1, Zero)) { Store (Zero, ACIR) } Else { Store (One, ACIR) } } If (LOr (LEqual (Arg0, Zero), LGreater (Arg0, 0x05))) { Store (Ones, CONN) } Return (CONN) } } Method (PPTS, 1, NotSerialized) { If (^PSKE._STA ()) { If (KBWF) { KWEN () } Else { KWDS () } } If (^PSMS._STA ()) { If (MSWF) { MWEN () } Else { MWDS () } } } Method (WWAK, 1, NotSerialized) { If (^PSKE._STA ()) { KWDS () } If (^PSMS._STA ()) { MWDS () } } } Method (EPTS, 1, NotSerialized) { If (ECEN) { PPTS (Arg0) } } Method (EWAK, 1, NotSerialized) { If (ECEN) { WWAK (Arg0) } } Device (PIC) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0000")) Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () { IO (Decode16, 0x0020, // Range Minimum 0x0020, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x02, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x00A0, // Range Minimum 0x00A0, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x02, // Length ) IRQNoFlags () {2} }) } Device (DMAD) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0200")) Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () { DMA (Compatibility, BusMaster, Transfer8, ) {4} IO (Decode16, 0x0000, // Range Minimum 0x0000, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x10, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0081, // Range Minimum 0x0081, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x03, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0087, // Range Minimum 0x0087, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0089, // Range Minimum 0x0089, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x03, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x008F, // Range Minimum 0x008F, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x00C0, // Range Minimum 0x00C0, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x20, // Length ) }) } Device (TMR) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0100")) Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () { IO (Decode16, 0x0040, // Range Minimum 0x0040, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x04, // Length ) IRQNoFlags () {0} }) } Device (RTC0) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0B00")) Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () { IO (Decode16, 0x0070, // Range Minimum 0x0070, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x02, // Length ) IRQNoFlags () {8} }) } Device (SPKR) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0800")) Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () { IO (Decode16, 0x0061, // Range Minimum 0x0061, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) }) } Device (COPR) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C04")) Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () { IO (Decode16, 0x00F0, // Range Minimum 0x00F0, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x10, // Length ) IRQNoFlags () {13} }) } Device (EC0) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C09")) Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () { IO (Decode16, 0x0062, // Range Minimum 0x0062, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0066, // Range Minimum 0x0066, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) }) Name (_GPE, 0x0E) Name (REGC, Zero) Method (_REG, 2, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x03)) { Store (Arg1, REGC) } } Method (ECAV, 0, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (REGC, One)) { Return (One) } Return (REGC) } OperationRegion (ECOR, EmbeddedControl, Zero, 0xFF) Field (ECOR, ByteAcc, Lock, Preserve) { Offset (0x04), CMD1, 8, CDT1, 8, CDT2, 8, CDT3, 8, Offset (0x80), EPWS, 8, EB0S, 8, EB1S, 8, EB0R, 8, EB1R, 8, EPWF, 8, Offset (0x87), EB0T, 8, EB1T, 8, Offset (0x8A), HKEN, 1, Offset (0x93), TAH0, 16, TAH1, 16, TSTP, 8, Offset (0x9C), CDT4, 8, CDT5, 8, Offset (0xA0), ECPU, 8, ECRT, 8, EPSV, 8, EACT, 8, TH1R, 8, TH1L, 8, TH0R, 8, TH0L, 8, Offset (0xB0), B0PN, 16, B0VL, 16, B0RC, 16, B0FC, 16, B0MD, 16, B0ST, 16, B0CC, 16, B0TM, 16, B0C1, 16, B0C2, 16, B0C3, 16, B0C4, 16, Offset (0xD0), B1PN, 16, B1VL, 16, B1RC, 16, B1FC, 16, B1MD, 16, B1ST, 16, B1CC, 16, B1TM, 16, B1C1, 16, B1C2, 16, B1C3, 16, B1C4, 16, Offset (0xF0), B0DC, 16, B0DV, 16, B0SN, 16, Offset (0xF8), B1DC, 16, B1DV, 16, B1SN, 16 } OperationRegion (SMBX, EmbeddedControl, 0x18, 0x28) Field (SMBX, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { PRTC, 8, SSTS, 5, , 1, ALFG, 1, CDFG, 1, ADDR, 8, CMDB, 8, BDAT, 256, BCNT, 8, , 1, ALAD, 7, ALD0, 8, ALD1, 8 } OperationRegion (SMB2, EmbeddedControl, 0x40, 0x28) Field (SMB2, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { PRT2, 8, SST2, 5, , 1, ALF2, 1, CDF2, 1, ADD2, 8, CMD2, 8, BDA2, 256, BCN2, 8, , 1, ALA2, 7, ALR0, 8, ALR1, 8 } Field (SMB2, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x04), DA20, 8, DA21, 8 } Field (SMBX, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x04), DAT0, 8, DAT1, 8 } Field (SMBX, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x04), DT2B, 16 } OperationRegion (KAID, SystemIO, 0x025C, One) Field (KAID, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { AEID, 8 } OperationRegion (KAIC, SystemIO, 0x025D, One) Field (KAIC, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { AEIC, 8 } Name (LED2, Ones) Name (LED5, Ones) Name (LED4, Ones) Name (HKFG, Zero) Method (EC0S, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (HKEN, HKFG) If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x05)) { WRAM (0x0521, 0xED) } } Method (EC0W, 1, NotSerialized) { If (LGreaterEqual (Arg0, 0x04)) { Store (HKFG, HKEN) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x03)) { If (LNotEqual (OSYS (), 0x15)) { STBR () } } } } Scope (EC0) { Mutex (MUEC, 0x00) OperationRegion (KBCP, SystemIO, 0x60, 0x07) Field (KBCP, ByteAcc, Lock, Preserve) { KBCD, 8, Offset (0x02), EC62, 8, Offset (0x04), KBCC, 8, Offset (0x06), EC66, 8 } Field (KBCP, ByteAcc, Lock, Preserve) { Offset (0x04), KBOF, 1, KBIE, 1, Offset (0x05), Offset (0x06), ECOF, 1, ECIE, 1, Offset (0x07) } Method (ECCM, 4, Serialized) { If (ECAV ()) { If (LNot (Acquire (MUEC, 0xFFFF))) { Store (Arg0, CDT1) Store (Arg1, CDT2) Store (Arg2, CDT3) Store (Arg3, CMD1) Store (0x1388, Local0) While (LAnd (Decrement (Local0), CMD1)) { Stall (0x0A) } If (CMD1) { Store (Ones, Local0) } Else { Store (CDT1, Local0) } Release (MUEC) Return (Local0) } } Return (Ones) } Method (SPIN, 2, Serialized) { Store (Arg0, Local0) If (Arg1) { Or (Local0, 0x20, Local0) } Else { Or (Local0, 0x40, Local0) } ECCM (Local0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC5) } Method (RPIN, 1, Serialized) { And (Arg0, 0x1F, Local0) Return (ECCM (Local0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC5)) } Method (RRAM, 1, Serialized) { If (ECAV ()) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MUEC, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (Arg0, Local0) And (Local0, 0xFF, Local1) ShiftRight (Local0, 0x08, Local0) And (Local0, 0xFF, Local0) Store (Local1, CDT3) Store (Local0, CDT2) Store (0x80, CDT1) Store (0xB6, CMD1) Store (0x7F, Local0) While (LAnd (Local0, CMD1)) { Sleep (One) Decrement (Local0) } If (LEqual (CMD1, Zero)) { Store (CDT1, Local0) } Else { Store (Ones, Local0) } Release (MUEC) Return (Local0) } } Return (Ones) } Method (WRAM, 2, Serialized) { If (ECAV ()) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MUEC, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (Arg0, Local0) And (Local0, 0xFF, Local1) ShiftRight (Local0, 0x08, Local0) And (Local0, 0xFF, Local0) Store (Local1, CDT3) Store (Local0, CDT2) Store (0x81, CDT1) Store (Arg1, CDT4) Store (0xB6, CMD1) Store (0x7F, Local0) While (LAnd (Local0, CMD1)) { Sleep (One) Decrement (Local0) } If (LEqual (CMD1, Zero)) { Store (One, Local0) } Else { Store (Ones, Local0) } Release (MUEC) Return (Local0) } } Return (Ones) } Method (STBR, 0, Serialized) { Store (GNVS (0x4504), Local0) If (ACPS) { Store (DerefOf (Index (PWAC, Local0)), Local1) } Else { Store (DerefOf (Index (PWDC, Local0)), Local1) } SBRV (Local1) } Method (SBRV, 1, Serialized) { ECCM (0x86, Zero, Arg0, 0xB6) } Method (GBRV, 0, Serialized) { Return (ECCM (0x85, Zero, 0xFF, 0xB6)) } Name (WRQK, 0x02) Name (RDQK, 0x03) Name (SDBT, 0x04) Name (RCBT, 0x05) Name (WRBT, 0x06) Name (RDBT, 0x07) Name (WRWD, 0x08) Name (RDWD, 0x09) Name (WRBL, 0x0A) Name (RDBL, 0x0B) Name (PCLL, 0x0C) Name (GOOD, Zero) Name (UKER, 0x07) Name (DAER, 0x10) Name (CMDN, 0x12) Name (UKE2, 0x13) Name (DADN, 0x17) Name (SBTO, 0x18) Name (USPT, 0x19) Name (SBBY, 0x1A) Method (SWTC, 1, Serialized) { Store (UKER, Local0) Store (0x03, Local1) While (LAnd (Local0, Local1)) { Store (0x23, Local2) While (Local2) { If (PRTC) { Sleep (One) Decrement (Local2) } Else { Store (Zero, Local2) Store (SSTS, Local0) } } If (Local0) { Store (Zero, PRTC) Decrement (Local1) If (Local1) { Sleep (One) Store (Arg0, PRTC) } } } Return (Local0) } Method (SMBR, 3, Serialized) { Store (Package (0x03) { 0x07, Zero, Zero }, Local0) If (LNot (ECAV ())) { Return (Local0) } If (LNotEqual (Arg0, RDBL)) { If (LNotEqual (Arg0, RDWD)) { If (LNotEqual (Arg0, RDBT)) { If (LNotEqual (Arg0, RCBT)) { If (LNotEqual (Arg0, RDQK)) { Return (Local0) } } } } } If (LEqual (Acquire (MUEC, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (PRTC, Local1) Store (Zero, Local2) While (LNotEqual (Local1, Zero)) { Stall (0x0A) Increment (Local2) If (LGreater (Local2, 0x03E8)) { Store (SBBY, Index (Local0, Zero)) Store (Zero, Local1) } Else { Store (PRTC, Local1) } } If (LLessEqual (Local2, 0x03E8)) { ShiftLeft (Arg1, One, Local3) Or (Local3, One, Local3) Store (Local3, ADDR) If (LNotEqual (Arg0, RDQK)) { If (LNotEqual (Arg0, RCBT)) { Store (Arg2, CMDB) } } Store (Zero, BDAT) Store (Arg0, PRTC) Store (SWTC (Arg0), Index (Local0, Zero)) If (LEqual (DerefOf (Index (Local0, Zero)), Zero)) { If (LEqual (Arg0, RDBL)) { Store (BCNT, Index (Local0, One)) Store (BDAT, Index (Local0, 0x02)) } If (LEqual (Arg0, RDWD)) { Store (0x02, Index (Local0, One)) Store (DT2B, Index (Local0, 0x02)) } If (LEqual (Arg0, RDBT)) { Store (One, Index (Local0, One)) Store (DAT0, Index (Local0, 0x02)) } If (LEqual (Arg0, RCBT)) { Store (One, Index (Local0, One)) Store (DAT0, Index (Local0, 0x02)) } } } Release (MUEC) } Return (Local0) } Method (SMBW, 5, Serialized) { Store (Package (0x01) { 0x07 }, Local0) If (LNot (ECAV ())) { Return (Local0) } If (LNotEqual (Arg0, WRBL)) { If (LNotEqual (Arg0, WRWD)) { If (LNotEqual (Arg0, WRBT)) { If (LNotEqual (Arg0, SDBT)) { If (LNotEqual (Arg0, WRQK)) { Return (Local0) } } } } } If (LEqual (Acquire (MUEC, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (PRTC, Local1) Store (Zero, Local2) While (LNotEqual (Local1, Zero)) { Stall (0x0A) Increment (Local2) If (LGreater (Local2, 0x03E8)) { Store (SBBY, Index (Local0, Zero)) Store (Zero, Local1) } Else { Store (PRTC, Local1) } } If (LLessEqual (Local2, 0x03E8)) { Store (Zero, BDAT) ShiftLeft (Arg1, One, Local3) Store (Local3, ADDR) If (LNotEqual (Arg0, WRQK)) { If (LNotEqual (Arg0, SDBT)) { Store (Arg2, CMDB) } } If (LEqual (Arg0, WRBL)) { Store (Arg3, BCNT) Store (Arg4, BDAT) } If (LEqual (Arg0, WRWD)) { Store (Arg4, DT2B) } If (LEqual (Arg0, WRBT)) { Store (Arg4, DAT0) } If (LEqual (Arg0, SDBT)) { Store (Arg4, DAT0) } Store (Arg0, PRTC) Store (SWTC (Arg0), Index (Local0, Zero)) } Release (MUEC) } Return (Local0) } Mutex (MUEP, 0x00) Method (RBEP, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (0xFFFF, Local1) If (LEqual (Acquire (MUEP, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (RRAM (0x0620), Local3) And (Local3, 0x7F, Local4) WRAM (0x0620, Local4) Store (0x10, Local2) Store (0x10, Local1) While (And (LEqual (Local1, 0x10), LNotEqual (Local2, Zero))) { SMBW (WRWD, 0x0B, Zero, 0x02, 0x0635) SMBW (WRWD, 0x0B, Zero, 0x02, 0x0606) Store (SMBR (RDBT, 0x50, Arg0), Local0) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, Zero)), Local1) Decrement (Local2) } WRAM (0x0620, Local3) ShiftLeft (Local1, 0x08, Local1) Or (Local1, DerefOf (Index (Local0, 0x02)), Local1) Release (MUEP) } Return (Local1) } Method (WBEP, 2, NotSerialized) { Store (0xFFFF, Local1) If (LEqual (Acquire (MUEP, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (RRAM (0x0620), Local3) And (Local3, 0x7F, Local4) WRAM (0x0620, Local4) Store (0x10, Local2) Store (0x10, Local1) While (And (LEqual (Local1, 0x10), LNotEqual (Local2, Zero))) { SMBW (WRWD, 0x0B, Zero, 0x02, 0x0635) SMBW (WRWD, 0x0B, Zero, 0x02, 0x0606) Store (SMBW (WRBT, 0x50, Arg0, One, Arg1), Local0) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, Zero)), Local1) Decrement (Local2) } WRAM (0x0620, Local3) Release (MUEP) } Return (Local1) } Method (ECXT, 6, NotSerialized) { Store (Package (0x06) { 0x10, Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero }, Local1) If (ECAV ()) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MUEC, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (Arg1, CDT1) Store (Arg2, CDT2) Store (Arg3, CDT3) Store (Arg4, CDT4) Store (Arg5, CDT5) Store (Arg0, CMD1) Store (0x7F, Local0) While (LAnd (Local0, CMD1)) { Sleep (One) Decrement (Local0) } If (Local0) { Store (Zero, Index (Local1, Zero)) Store (CDT1, Index (Local1, One)) Store (CDT2, Index (Local1, 0x02)) Store (CDT3, Index (Local1, 0x03)) Store (CDT4, Index (Local1, 0x04)) Store (CDT5, Index (Local1, 0x05)) } Else { Store (0x10, Index (Local1, Zero)) } Release (MUEC) } } Return (Local1) } Method (ECSB, 6, NotSerialized) { Store (Package (0x05) { 0x11, Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero }, Local1) If (LGreater (Arg0, One)) { Return (Local1) } If (ECAV ()) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MUEC, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { If (LEqual (Arg0, Zero)) { Store (Arg2, ADDR) Store (Arg3, CMDB) Store (Arg4, DAT0) Store (Arg5, DAT1) Store (Arg1, PRTC) } Else { Store (Arg2, ADD2) Store (Arg3, CMD2) Store (Arg4, DA20) Store (Arg5, DA21) Store (Arg1, PRT2) } Store (0x7F, Local0) While (PRTC) { Sleep (One) Decrement (Local0) } If (Local0) { If (LEqual (Arg0, Zero)) { Store (SSTS, Local0) Store (DAT0, Index (Local1, One)) Store (DAT1, Index (Local1, 0x02)) Store (BCNT, Index (Local1, 0x03)) Store (BDAT, Index (Local1, 0x04)) } Else { Store (SST2, Local0) Store (DA20, Index (Local1, One)) Store (DA21, Index (Local1, 0x02)) Store (BCN2, Index (Local1, 0x03)) Store (BDA2, Index (Local1, 0x04)) } And (Local0, 0x1F, Local0) If (Local0) { Add (Local0, 0x10, Local0) } Store (Local0, Index (Local1, Zero)) } Else { Store (0x10, Index (Local1, Zero)) } Release (MUEC) } } Return (Local1) } } Scope (\) { OperationRegion (RAMW, SystemMemory, 0xBFFF0000, 0x00010000) Field (RAMW, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { PAR0, 32, PAR1, 32, PAR2, 32, PINX, 32, ACPS, 32, DCPS, 32, LCDC, 32, CPUC, 32, PLCK, 32, FANC, 32, BLTS, 32, DC2S, 32, WLSS, 32, VGAF, 32, DSMF, 32, LCDV, 32, LCDR, 32, PTIM, 32, PTMP, 32, CPUN, 32, TRTY, 32, FSFN, 32, FSTA, 32, FADR, 32, DBR1, 32, DBR2, 32, DBR3, 32, DBR4, 32, CPUP, 32, PSTN, 32, LCDF, 32, GNBF, 32, FSIZ, 32 } Mutex (MPAR, 0x00) OperationRegion (IOB2, SystemIO, 0xB0, 0x02) Field (IOB2, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { SMIC, 8, SMIS, 8 } Method (ISMI, 1, Serialized) { Store (Arg0, SMIC) } Method (GNVS, 1, Serialized) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (0x80000000, PINX) Store (Arg0, PAR0) ISMI (0x70) Release (MPAR) Return (PAR1) } } Method (SNVS, 2, Serialized) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (0x80000001, PINX) Store (Arg0, PAR0) Store (Arg1, PAR1) ISMI (0x70) Release (MPAR) } } Name (ARBF, Buffer (0x10) {}) CreateDWordField (ARBF, Zero, REAX) CreateDWordField (ARBF, 0x04, REBX) CreateDWordField (ARBF, 0x08, RECX) CreateDWordField (ARBF, 0x0C, REDX) Method (SMSR, 1, Serialized) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { CreateDWordField (Arg0, Zero, AEAX) CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x04, AEBX) CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x08, AECX) CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x0C, AEDX) Store (0x80000003, PINX) Store (AECX, PAR0) Store (AEAX, PAR1) Store (AEDX, PAR2) ISMI (0x70) Release (MPAR) } } Method (GMSR, 1, Serialized) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (0x80000002, PINX) Store (Arg0, PAR0) ISMI (0x70) Store (Arg0, RECX) Store (PAR1, REAX) Store (PAR2, REDX) Release (MPAR) Return (ARBF) } } Method (PRID, 1, Serialized) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (0x80000004, PINX) Store (Arg0, PAR0) ISMI (0x70) Store (PAR1, REAX) Store (PAR2, REDX) Release (MPAR) Return (ARBF) } } } Device (HPET) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0103")) Name (CRS, ResourceTemplate () { Memory32Fixed (ReadOnly, 0xFED00000, // Address Base 0x00000400, // Address Length _Y04) }) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (0x0F) } Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.HPET._Y04._BAS, HPT) Store (0xFED00000, HPT) Return (CRS) } } Device (^PCIE) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C02")) Name (_UID, 0x11) Name (CRS, ResourceTemplate () { Memory32Fixed (ReadOnly, 0xE0000000, // Address Base 0x10000000, // Address Length _Y05) }) Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.PCIE._Y05._BAS, BAS1) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.PCIE._Y05._LEN, LEN1) Store (PCIB, BAS1) Store (PCIL, LEN1) Return (CRS) } } Device (OMSC) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C02")) Name (_UID, Zero) Name (CRS, ResourceTemplate () { Memory32Fixed (ReadOnly, 0x00000000, // Address Base 0x00000000, // Address Length _Y06) Memory32Fixed (ReadOnly, 0x00000000, // Address Base 0x00000000, // Address Length _Y07) }) Name (CRS1, ResourceTemplate () { FixedIO ( 0x0060, // Address 0x01, // Length ) FixedIO ( 0x0064, // Address 0x01, // Length ) Memory32Fixed (ReadOnly, 0x00000000, // Address Base 0x00000000, // Address Length _Y08) Memory32Fixed (ReadOnly, 0x00000000, // Address Base 0x00000000, // Address Length _Y09) }) Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { If (APIC) { CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.OMSC._Y06._LEN, ML01) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.OMSC._Y06._BAS, MB01) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.OMSC._Y07._LEN, ML02) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.OMSC._Y07._BAS, MB02) Store (0xFEC00000, MB01) Store (0x1000, ML01) Store (0xFEE00000, MB02) Store (0x1000, ML02) CreateDWordField (CRS1, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.OMSC._Y08._LEN, ML03) CreateDWordField (CRS1, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.OMSC._Y08._BAS, MB03) CreateDWordField (CRS1, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.OMSC._Y09._LEN, ML04) CreateDWordField (CRS1, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.OMSC._Y09._BAS, MB04) Store (0xFEC00000, MB03) Store (0x1000, ML03) Store (0xFEE00000, MB04) Store (0x1000, ML04) } ShiftLeft (0x05, 0x0A, Local0) If (And (IOST, Local0)) { Return (CRS) } Else { Return (CRS1) } } } Device (^^RMEM) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C01")) Name (_UID, One) Name (CRS, ResourceTemplate () { Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0x00000000, // Address Base 0x000A0000, // Address Length ) Memory32Fixed (ReadOnly, 0x00000000, // Address Base 0x00000000, // Address Length _Y0A) Memory32Fixed (ReadOnly, 0x000E0000, // Address Base 0x00020000, // Address Length _Y0B) Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0x00100000, // Address Base 0x00000000, // Address Length _Y0C) Memory32Fixed (ReadOnly, 0x00000000, // Address Base 0x00000000, // Address Length _Y0D) }) Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.RMEM._Y0A._BAS, BAS1) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.RMEM._Y0A._LEN, LEN1) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.RMEM._Y0B._BAS, BAS2) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.RMEM._Y0B._LEN, LEN2) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.RMEM._Y0C._LEN, LEN3) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.RMEM._Y0D._BAS, BAS4) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.RMEM._Y0D._LEN, LEN4) If (OSFL ()) {} Else { If (MG1B) { If (LGreater (MG1B, 0x000C0000)) { Store (0x000C0000, BAS1) Subtract (MG1B, BAS1, LEN1) } } Else { Store (0x000C0000, BAS1) Store (0x00020000, LEN1) } If (Add (MG1B, MG1L, Local0)) { Store (Local0, BAS2) Subtract (0x00100000, BAS2, LEN2) } } Subtract (MG2B, 0x00100000, LEN3) Store (MH1B, BAS4) Subtract (Zero, BAS4, LEN4) Return (CRS) } } Device (RMSC) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C02")) Name (_UID, 0x10) Name (CRS, ResourceTemplate () { IO (Decode16, 0x0010, // Range Minimum 0x0010, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x10, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0022, // Range Minimum 0x0022, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x1E, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0062, // Range Minimum 0x0062, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x02, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0065, // Range Minimum 0x0065, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x0B, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0072, // Range Minimum 0x0072, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x0E, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0080, // Range Minimum 0x0080, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0084, // Range Minimum 0x0084, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x03, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0088, // Range Minimum 0x0088, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x008C, // Range Minimum 0x008C, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x03, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0090, // Range Minimum 0x0090, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x10, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x00A2, // Range Minimum 0x00A2, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x1E, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x00B1, // Range Minimum 0x00B1, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x00E0, // Range Minimum 0x00E0, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x10, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x00B8, // Range Minimum 0x00B8, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x04D0, // Range Minimum 0x04D0, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x02, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x040B, // Range Minimum 0x040B, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x04D6, // Range Minimum 0x04D6, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0C00, // Range Minimum 0x0C00, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x02, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0C14, // Range Minimum 0x0C14, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0C50, // Range Minimum 0x0C50, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x02, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0C52, // Range Minimum 0x0C52, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0C6C, // Range Minimum 0x0C6C, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0C6F, // Range Minimum 0x0C6F, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0CD0, // Range Minimum 0x0CD0, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x02, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0CD2, // Range Minimum 0x0CD2, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x02, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0CD4, // Range Minimum 0x0CD4, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x02, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0CD6, // Range Minimum 0x0CD6, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x02, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0CD8, // Range Minimum 0x0CD8, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x08, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0000, // Range Minimum 0x0000, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x00, // Length _Y0E) IO (Decode16, 0x0000, // Range Minimum 0x0000, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x00, // Length _Y11) IO (Decode16, 0x0000, // Range Minimum 0x0000, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x00, // Length _Y10) IO (Decode16, 0x0000, // Range Minimum 0x0000, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x00, // Length _Y0F) IO (Decode16, 0x0900, // Range Minimum 0x0900, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x10, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0910, // Range Minimum 0x0910, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x10, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0xFE00, // Range Minimum 0xFE00, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0xFF, // Length ) Memory32Fixed (ReadOnly, 0xFFB80000, // Address Base 0x00080000, // Address Length ) Memory32Fixed (ReadOnly, 0xFEC10000, // Address Base 0x00000020, // Address Length ) }) Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.RMSC._Y0E._MIN, GP00) CreateWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.RMSC._Y0E._MAX, GP01) CreateByteField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.RMSC._Y0E._LEN, GP0L) Store (PMBS, GP00) Store (PMBS, GP01) Store (PMLN, GP0L) If (SMBB) { CreateWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.RMSC._Y0F._MIN, GP10) CreateWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.RMSC._Y0F._MAX, GP11) CreateByteField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.RMSC._Y0F._LEN, GP1L) Store (SMBB, GP10) Store (SMBB, GP11) Store (SMBL, GP1L) CreateWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.RMSC._Y10._MIN, GPB0) CreateWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.RMSC._Y10._MAX, GPB1) CreateByteField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.RMSC._Y10._LEN, GPBL) Store (SMB0, GPB0) Store (SMB0, GPB1) Store (SMBM, GPBL) } If (GPBS) { CreateWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.RMSC._Y11._MIN, GP20) CreateWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.RMSC._Y11._MAX, GP21) CreateByteField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.RMSC._Y11._LEN, GP2L) Store (GPBS, GP20) Store (GPBS, GP21) Store (GPLN, GP2L) } Return (CRS) } } Device (PS2K) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0303")) Name (_CID, EisaId ("PNP030B")) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { ShiftLeft (One, 0x0A, Local0) If (And (IOST, Local0)) { Return (0x0F) } Return (Zero) } Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () { IO (Decode16, 0x0060, // Range Minimum 0x0060, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0064, // Range Minimum 0x0064, // Range Maximum 0x00, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IRQNoFlags () {1} }) } Device (PS2M) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("ETD0001")) Name (_CID, Package (0x05) { EisaId ("SYN0A00"), EisaId ("SYN0002"), EisaId ("PNP0F03"), EisaId ("PNP0F13"), EisaId ("PNP0F12") }) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { ShiftLeft (One, 0x0C, Local0) If (And (IOST, Local0)) { Return (0x0F) } Return (Zero) } Name (M2R0, ResourceTemplate () { IRQNoFlags () {12} }) Name (M2R1, ResourceTemplate () { FixedIO ( 0x0060, // Address 0x01, // Length ) FixedIO ( 0x0064, // Address 0x01, // Length ) IRQNoFlags () {12} }) Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { ShiftLeft (One, 0x0A, Local0) If (And (IOST, Local0)) { Return (M2R0) } Else { Return (M2R1) } } } Scope (\_SB) { Name (ATKP, Zero) Device (ATKD) { Name (_HID, "ATK0100") Name (_UID, 0x01010100) Method (INIT, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (One, ATKP) Return (MNAM) } Scope (\) { Name (MNAM, "K40AB") Method (DIAG, 1, NotSerialized) { ABCS (Zero, Arg0) } Method (ATKN, 1, NotSerialized) { If (\_SB.LID._LID ()) { Return (ATKR (Arg0)) } Return (Zero) } Method (ATKR, 1, NotSerialized) { If (\_SB.ATKP) { Notify (\_SB.ATKD, Arg0) Return (One) } Return (Zero) } Name (P4PR, Zero) Method (NBFS, 1, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x05)) { SNVS (0x8388, GNVS (0x8078)) } If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { ISMI (0x95) Store (PAR0, P4PR) Release (MPAR) } } Method (NBWK, 1, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (P4PR, PAR0) ISMI (0x96) Release (MPAR) } Store (GACS (), ACPS) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.AC0, 0x80) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.BAT0, 0x80) \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.EC0W (Arg0) If (LLessEqual (Arg0, 0x04)) { If (GNVS (0x13FB)) { Notify (\_SB.SLPB, 0x02) SNVS (0x13FB, Zero) } } } Method (ASMI, 1, Serialized) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (Arg0, PAR0) ISMI (0x97) Store (PAR1, Local0) Release (MPAR) Return (Local0) } } Name (NPPC, Zero) } Scope (^PCI0.SBRG.EC0) { Name (PWAC, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x0C, 0x1C, 0x2B, 0x3A, 0x49, 0x59, 0x68, 0x77, /* 0008 */ 0x87, 0x96, 0xA5, 0xB5, 0xC4, 0xD3, 0xE2, 0xFF }) Name (PWDC, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x0C, 0x1C, 0x2B, 0x3A, 0x49, 0x59, 0x68, 0x77, /* 0008 */ 0x87, 0x96, 0xA5, 0xB5, 0xC4, 0xD3, 0xE2, 0xFF }) Method (_Q01, 0, NotSerialized) { ATKN (0x52) } Method (_Q02, 0, NotSerialized) { ATKN (0x53) } Method (_Q03, 0, NotSerialized) { ATKN (0x54) } Method (_Q04, 0, NotSerialized) { ATKN (0x55) } Method (_Q05, 0, NotSerialized) { ATKN (0x56) } Method (_QA1, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (GDCS (Zero), DCPS) Notify (BAT0, One) Notify (BAT0, 0x81) Notify (AC0, 0x80) } Method (_QA0, 0, NotSerialized) { Sleep (0x01F4) Store (GACS (), ACPS) Add (ACPS, 0x57, Local0) If (LNotEqual (OSYS (), 0x15)) { STBR () } Notify (AC0, 0x80) Notify (BAT0, 0x80) Notify (\_PR.P001, 0x80) Notify (\_PR.P001, 0x81) If (LGreaterEqual (CPUN, 0x02)) { Notify (\_PR.P002, 0x80) Notify (\_PR.P002, 0x81) } ATKR (Local0) } Method (_QA5, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x6E) } Else { If (GDCS (Zero)) { Notify (BAT0, 0x80) } } } Method (_Q0A, 0, NotSerialized) { Notify (SLPB, 0x80) } Method (_Q0B, 0, NotSerialized) { If (And (^^^^ATKD.WAPF, 0x04)) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x88) } } Else { If (And (^^^^ATKD.WAPF, One)) { Store (^^^^ATKD.HWRS (), Local0) If (And (Local0, One)) { If (WLSS) { Notify (ATKD, 0x5D) Store (GNVS (0x13FE), Local1) XOr (Local1, One) SNVS (0x13FE, Local1) } If (BLTS) { Store (GNVS (0x13FD), Local1) XOr (Local1, One, Local1) OBTD (Local1) If (Local1) { Notify (ATKD, 0x7D) } Else { Notify (ATKD, 0x7E) } } } } Else { If (LEqual (OSYS (), One)) { Store (Zero, BLTS) } If (LAnd (WLSS, BLTS)) { Store (GNVS (0x13FE), Local0) Store (GNVS (0x13FD), Local1) Or (ShiftLeft (Local1, One), Local0, Local0) Increment (Local0) If (LGreater (Local0, 0x03)) { Store (Zero, Local0) } Store (DerefOf (Index (WBTL, Local0)), Local1) If (LEqual (Local1, Zero)) { OWLD (Zero) Notify (ATKD, 0x5F) Sleep (0x0DAC) OBTD (Zero) Notify (ATKD, 0x7E) } If (LEqual (Local1, One)) { OWLD (One) Notify (ATKD, 0x5E) Sleep (0x0DAC) OBTD (Zero) Notify (ATKD, 0x7E) } If (LEqual (Local1, 0x02)) { OWLD (Zero) Notify (ATKD, 0x5F) Sleep (0x0DAC) OBTD (One) Notify (ATKD, 0x7D) } If (LEqual (Local1, 0x03)) { OWLD (One) Notify (ATKD, 0x5E) Sleep (0x0DAC) OBTD (One) Notify (ATKD, 0x7D) } } Else { If (WLSS) { If (GNVS (0x13FE)) { OWLD (Zero) Notify (ATKD, 0x5F) } Else { OWLD (One) Notify (ATKD, 0x5E) } } Else { If (BLTS) { If (GNVS (0x13FD)) { OBTD (Zero) Notify (ATKD, 0x7E) } Else { OBTD (One) Notify (ATKD, 0x7D) } } } } } } } Name (WBTL, Package (0x04) { Zero, One, 0x02, 0x03 }) Method (_Q0F, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (GNVS (0x4504), Local0) If (LLess (Local0, 0x0F)) { Increment (Local0) } Else { Store (0x0F, Local0) } SNVS (0x4504, Local0) ATKN (Add (Local0, 0x10)) Sleep (0x05) If (LEqual (OSYS (), 0x15)) { If (^^^P0P1.VGA.PRST ()) { Notify (^^^P0P1.VGA.LCDD, 0x86) Sleep (0x0A) } } Else { STBR () } Return (One) } Method (_Q0E, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (GNVS (0x4504), Local0) If (LGreater (Local0, Zero)) { Decrement (Local0) } If (LGreater (Local0, 0x0F)) { Store (0x0F, Local0) } ATKN (Add (Local0, 0x20)) Sleep (0x05) SNVS (0x4504, Local0) If (LEqual (OSYS (), 0x15)) { If (^^^P0P1.VGA.PRST ()) { Notify (^^^P0P1.VGA.LCDD, 0x87) Sleep (0x0A) } } Else { STBR () } Return (One) } Method (_Q10, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (One, Local0) Store (RPIN (0x11), Local0) XOr (Local0, One, Local0) SPIN (0x11, Local0) If (ATKP) { Subtract (0x34, Local0, Local0) Notify (ATKD, Local0) } } Method (_Q11, 0, NotSerialized) { If (DDSF) { ^^^P0P1.VGA.AFN0 () } Else { If (^^^PCE2.VGA.PRST ()) { Store (^^^PCE2.VGA.GETN (), Local0) } If (^^^P0P1.VGA.PRST ()) { Store (^^^P0P1.VGA.GETN (), Local0) } If (LLess (Local0, 0x08)) { Add (Local0, 0x60, Local0) } Else { Name (_T_0, Zero) Store (Local0, _T_0) If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x08)) { Store (0xA0, Local0) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x09)) { Store (0xA1, Local0) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x0A)) { Store (0xA2, Local0) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x0B)) { Store (0xA3, Local0) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x0C)) { Store (0xA4, Local0) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x0D)) { Store (0xA5, Local0) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x0E)) { Store (0xA6, Local0) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x0F)) { Store (0xA7, Local0) } } } } } } } } } ATKN (Local0) } } Method (_Q13, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x32) } } Method (_Q14, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x31) } } Method (_Q15, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x30) } } Method (_Q12, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x6B) } } Method (_Q0C, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x50) } } Method (_Q6A, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x8A) } } Method (_Q69, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x5C) } } Method (_Q0D, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x51) } } Method (_Q6B, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x99) } } Method (_Q6C, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x40) } } Method (_Q6D, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x41) } } Method (_Q6E, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x43) } } Method (_Q6F, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x45) } } Method (_Q70, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x82) } } Method (_Q80, 0, NotSerialized) { If (ATKP) { Notify (ATKD, 0x5C) } } Method (_QB3, 0, NotSerialized) { Notify (ATKD, 0x6D) } } Method (BSTS, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, Local0) Return (Local0) } Method (TMPR, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (\_TZ.KELV (\_TZ.RTMP ()), Local0) Or (ShiftLeft (\_TZ.RFAN (), 0x10), Local0, Local0) Return (Local0) } Method (SFUN, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (0x001A0AF7) } Method (SPGS, 1, NotSerialized) { Return (One) } Method (SFRQ, 1, NotSerialized) { Return (One) } Method (GFRQ, 1, NotSerialized) { Return (One) } Method (SDSP, 1, NotSerialized) { ^^PCI0.P0P1.VGA.SWHD (Arg0) } Method (RSTS, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, Local0) If (GNVS (0x13FD)) { Or (0x02, Local0, Local0) } If (GNVS (0x13FE)) { Or (One, Local0, Local0) } Return (Local0) } Method (HWRS, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, Local0) Or (ShiftLeft (BLTS, 0x08), Local0, Local0) Or (ShiftLeft (WLSS, 0x07), Local0, Local0) Return (Local0) } Method (WLED, 1, NotSerialized) { OWLD (Arg0) } Method (BLED, 1, NotSerialized) { OBTD (Arg0) } Name (WAPF, Zero) Method (CWAP, 1, NotSerialized) { Or (Arg0, WAPF, WAPF) Return (One) } Method (GPID, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (LCDR) } Method (GLCD, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (LCDV) } Method (HKEY, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.CDT1, Local0) } Method (KBFT, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (Arg0, ^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.HKEN) Return (Zero) } Method (ANVI, 1, Serialized) { Store (ASMI (Arg0), Local0) Return (Local0) } Method (FSMI, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (Arg0, FSFN) Or (Arg0, 0xA0, Local0) ISMI (0x90) Return (FSTA) } Method (FLSH, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (Arg0, FSTA) FSMI (Zero) } Method (FINI, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (Arg0, FADR) Return (FSMI (One)) } Method (FERS, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (Arg0, FSTA) Return (FSMI (0x02)) } Method (FWRI, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (Arg0, FADR) Store (0x1000, FSIZ) Return (Subtract (0x1000, FSMI (0x03))) } Method (FWRP, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, FSIZ) Return (Subtract (0x1000, FSMI (0x03))) } Method (FEBW, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (Arg0, FADR) Return (FSMI (0x04)) } Method (FEBR, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (Arg0, FADR) Return (FSMI (0x05)) } Method (FEDW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (FSMI (0x06)) } Method (ECSR, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (Arg0, FSTA) Return (FSMI (0x07)) } Method (GPLV, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GNVS (0x4504)) } Method (SPLV, 1, NotSerialized) { SNVS (0x4504, Arg0) ^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.STBR () } Method (GNIC, 0, Serialized) { If (^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.RPIN (0x1F)) { Store (One, Local0) } Else { Store (Zero, Local0) } Return (Local0) } Method (SNIC, 1, Serialized) { If (Arg0) { ^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.SPIN (0x1F, One) ^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.SPIN (0x1E, One) } Else { ^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.SPIN (0x1F, Zero) ^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.SPIN (0x1E, Zero) } } Method (DPWR, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (ODWR ()) } Method (QDEV, 1, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Arg0, One)) { Return (OQDC ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x02)) { Return (OQDG ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x04)) { Return (OQDS ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x08)) { Return (OQDM ()) } Return (0x02) } Method (SDON, 1, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Arg0, One)) { Return (ONDC ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x02)) { Return (ONDG ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x04)) { Return (ONDS ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x08)) { Return (ONDM ()) } Return (Zero) } Method (SDOF, 1, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Arg0, One)) { Return (OFDC ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x02)) { Return (OFDG ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x04)) { Return (OFDS ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x08)) { Return (OFDM ()) } Return (Zero) } Method (PSTC, 1, Serialized) { If (LEqual (Arg0, Zero)) { Return (PSTN) } If (ACPS) { ShiftRight (PSTN, 0x08, Local0) } Else { And (PSTN, 0xFF, Local0) } If (LGreater (Arg0, Local0)) { Return (Ones) } Store (Arg0, Local0) Subtract (CPUP, Local0, NPPC) Notify (\_PR.P001, 0x80) If (LGreaterEqual (CPUN, 0x02)) { Notify (\_PR.P002, 0x80) } Return (Zero) } Method (CBIF, 1, Serialized) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (0x03, PAR0) Store (Arg0, PAR1) ISMI (0x97) Release (MPAR) } Return (One) } Method (CFIF, 1, Serialized) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (0x04, PAR0) Store (Arg0, PAR1) ISMI (0x97) Release (MPAR) } Return (One) } Method (FPID, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (LCDF) } } } Scope (^^PCI0) { Device (BAT0) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0A")) Name (_UID, Zero) Name (_PCL, Package (0x01) { PCI0 }) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { If (DCPS) { Return (0x1F) } Else { Return (0x0F) } } Method (_BIF, 0, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (DCPS, Zero)) { Return (NBIF) } CBIF (Zero) Return (PBIF) } Method (_BST, 0, NotSerialized) { If (And (0x10, _STA ())) { CBST (Zero) } Return (PBST) } } Name (NBIF, Package (0x0D) { One, Ones, Ones, One, Ones, Ones, Ones, Ones, Ones, " ", " ", " ", " " }) Name (PBIF, Package (0x0D) { One, 0x10CC, 0x1068, One, 0x36D0, 0x01A4, 0xD2, 0x1C, 0x050A, "K40AB", " ", "LION", "ASUS" }) Name (BATF, Buffer (0x02) {}) CreateWordField (BATF, Zero, DATW) Method (CBIF, 1, Serialized) { Store (GDCP (Arg0), Local0) If (LNotEqual (Local0, Ones)) { Store (Local0, Index (PBIF, One)) } Store (GFCC (Arg0), Local0) If (LNotEqual (Local0, Ones)) { Store (Local0, Index (PBIF, 0x02)) Multiply (Local0, 0x0A, Local1) Divide (Local1, 0x64, Local2, Local1) Store (Local1, Index (PBIF, 0x05)) Multiply (Local0, 0x05, Local2) Divide (Local2, 0x64, Local3, Local2) Store (Local2, Index (PBIF, 0x06)) Subtract (Local1, Local2, Local2) Divide (Local2, 0x64, Local3, Local2) Store (Local2, Index (PBIF, 0x07)) Subtract (Local0, Local1, Local1) Divide (Local1, 0x64, Local2, Local1) Store (Local1, Index (PBIF, 0x08)) } Store (GBDV (Arg0), Local0) If (LNotEqual (Local0, Ones)) { Store (Local0, Index (PBIF, 0x04)) } } Name (PBST, Package (0x04) { Zero, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x36B0 }) Method (CBST, 1, Serialized) { Store (GBCR (Arg0), DATW) If (LNotEqual (DATW, Ones)) { If (And (DATW, 0x8000)) { Decrement (DATW) Not (DATW, DATW) } Store (DATW, Index (PBST, One)) } Store (Zero, Local0) If (ACPS) { Or (CHGS (Arg0), Local0, Local0) } Else { Store (One, Local0) } Store (Local0, Index (PBST, Zero)) Store (GBRC (Arg0), Local0) If (LNotEqual (Local0, Ones)) { Store (Local0, Index (PBST, 0x02)) } Store (GBVT (Arg0), Local0) If (LNotEqual (Local0, Ones)) { Store (Local0, Index (PBST, 0x03)) } } } Scope (\_SB) { Scope (PCI0) { Device (AC0) { Name (_HID, "ACPI0003") Method (_PSR, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (ACPS) } Name (_PCL, Package (0x01) { PCI0 }) } } } Scope (\_TZ) { Name (LTMP, 0x3C) Name (STMP, 0x3C) Name (FANS, 0xFF) Name (TCRT, 0x78) Name (TPSV, 0x5A) Name (TSP, 0x1E) Name (TC1, 0x02) Name (TC2, 0x0A) Name (CNT, Zero) Method (KELV, 1, NotSerialized) { And (Arg0, 0xFF, Local0) Multiply (Local0, 0x0A, Local0) Add (Local0, 0x0AAC, Local0) Return (Local0) } Method (RFAN, 0, Serialized) { Return (GFAN ()) } Method (RTMP, 0, Serialized) { Return (GTMP ()) } Method (RLTM, 0, Serialized) { Return (GLTM ()) } ThermalZone (TZ00) { Method (_CRT, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (KELV (GCRT ())) } Method (_TMP, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0x05, Local1) While (Local1) { Store (RTMP (), Local0) If (LGreater (Local0, GCRT ())) { Decrement (Local1) } Else { Store (Zero, Local1) } } Return (KELV (Local0)) } Method (_PSL, 0, Serialized) { If (LGreaterEqual (CPUN, 0x02)) { Return (Package (0x02) { \_PR.P001, \_PR.P002 }) } Return (Package (0x01) { \_PR.P001 }) } Method (_TSP, 0, NotSerialized) { Multiply (TSP, One, Local0) Return (Local0) } Method (_PSV, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (KELV (GPSV ())) } Method (_TC1, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (TC1) } Method (_TC2, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (TC2) } } } Scope (\_SB) { Device (LID) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0D")) Method (_LID, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (One, Local0) Store (GLID (), Local0) Return (Local0) } } } Scope (EC0) { Method (_Q81, 0, NotSerialized) { TGLD () Notify (LID, 0x80) } } Scope (\_SB) { Device (SLPB) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0E")) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (Package (0x02) { 0x04, 0x04 }) } } } } Device (P0PC) { Name (_ADR, 0x00140004) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x04, 0x04)) } } Device (UHC1) { Name (_ADR, 0x00120000) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x0B, 0x04)) } } Device (UHC2) { Name (_ADR, 0x00120001) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x0B, 0x04)) } } Device (UHC3) { Name (_ADR, 0x00120002) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x0B, 0x04)) } } Device (USB4) { Name (_ADR, 0x00130000) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x0B, 0x04)) } } Device (UHC5) { Name (_ADR, 0x00130001) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x0B, 0x04)) } } Device (UHC6) { Name (_ADR, 0x00130002) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x0B, 0x04)) } } Device (UHC7) { Name (_ADR, 0x00140005) Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x0B, 0x04)) } } Device (SATA) { Name (_ADR, 0x00110000) If (LEqual (STCL, 0x0101)) { Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) { } OperationRegion (SACS, PCI_Config, Zero, 0x40) Field (SACS, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x24), STB5, 32 } Name (SPTM, Buffer (0x14) { /* 0000 */ 0x78, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0008 */ 0x78, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0010 */ 0x1F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) Device (PRID) { Name (_ADR, Zero) Method (_GTM, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (SPTM) } Method (_STM, 3, NotSerialized) { } Name (PRIS, Zero) Method (_PS0, 0, NotSerialized) { OperationRegion (BAR, SystemMemory, STB5, 0x0400) Field (BAR, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x120), , 7, PMBY, 1, Offset (0x128), PMS0, 4, Offset (0x129), PMS1, 4, Offset (0x220), , 7, PSBY, 1, Offset (0x228), PSS0, 4, Offset (0x229), PSS1, 4, Offset (0x2A0), , 7 } If (LOr (LEqual (OSTY, 0x06), LEqual (OSTY, 0x04))) { If (PMS1) { Store (0x32, Local0) While (LAnd (LEqual (PMBY, One), Local0)) { Sleep (0xFA) Decrement (Local0) } } If (PSS1) { Store (0x32, Local0) While (LAnd (LEqual (PSBY, One), Local0)) { Sleep (0xFA) Decrement (Local0) } } } Store (Zero, PRIS) } Method (_PS3, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0x03, PRIS) } Method (_PSC, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (PRIS) } Device (P_D0) { Name (_ADR, Zero) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { OperationRegion (BAR, SystemMemory, STB5, 0x0400) Field (BAR, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x128), PMS0, 4, Offset (0x129), PMS1, 4 } If (Not (LEqual (PMS1, Zero))) { Return (0x0F) } Else { Return (Zero) } } Name (S12P, Zero) Method (_PS0, 0, NotSerialized) { OperationRegion (BAR, SystemMemory, STB5, 0x0400) Field (BAR, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x120), , 7, PMBY, 1 } Store (0x32, Local0) While (LAnd (LEqual (PMBY, One), Local0)) { Sleep (0xFA) Decrement (Local0) } Store (Zero, S12P) } Method (_PS3, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0x03, S12P) } Method (_PSC, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (S12P) } } Device (P_D1) { Name (_ADR, One) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { OperationRegion (BAR, SystemMemory, STB5, 0x0400) Field (BAR, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x228), PSS0, 4, Offset (0x229), PSS1, 4 } If (Not (LEqual (PSS1, Zero))) { Return (0x0F) } Else { Return (Zero) } } Name (S12P, Zero) Method (_PS0, 0, NotSerialized) { OperationRegion (BAR, SystemMemory, STB5, 0x0400) Field (BAR, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x220), , 7, PSBY, 1 } Store (0x32, Local0) While (LAnd (LEqual (PSBY, One), Local0)) { Sleep (0xFA) Decrement (Local0) } Store (Zero, S12P) } Method (_PS3, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0x03, S12P) } Method (_PSC, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (S12P) } } } Device (SECD) { Name (_ADR, One) Method (_GTM, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (SPTM) } Method (_STM, 3, NotSerialized) { } Name (SECS, Zero) Method (_PS0, 0, NotSerialized) { OperationRegion (BAR, SystemMemory, STB5, 0x0400) Field (BAR, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x1A0), , 7, SMBY, 1, Offset (0x1A8), SMS0, 4, Offset (0x1A9), SMS1, 4, Offset (0x2A0), , 7, SSBY, 1, Offset (0x2A8), SSS0, 4, Offset (0x2A9), SSS1, 4, Offset (0x2AC) } If (LOr (LEqual (OSTY, 0x06), LEqual (OSTY, 0x04))) { If (SMS1) { Store (0x32, Local0) While (LAnd (LEqual (SMBY, One), Local0)) { Sleep (0xFA) Decrement (Local0) } } If (SSS1) { Store (0x32, Local0) While (LAnd (LEqual (SSBY, One), Local0)) { Sleep (0xFA) Decrement (Local0) } } } Store (Zero, SECS) } Method (_PS3, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0x03, SECS) } Method (_PSC, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (SECS) } Device (S_D0) { Name (_ADR, Zero) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { OperationRegion (BAR, SystemMemory, STB5, 0x0400) Field (BAR, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x1A8), SMS0, 4, Offset (0x1A9), SMS1, 4 } If (Not (LEqual (SMS1, Zero))) { Return (0x0F) } Else { Return (Zero) } } Name (S12P, Zero) Method (_PS0, 0, NotSerialized) { OperationRegion (BAR, SystemMemory, STB5, 0x1000) Field (BAR, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x1A0), , 7, SMBY, 1 } Store (0x32, Local0) While (LAnd (LEqual (SMBY, One), Local0)) { Sleep (0xFA) Decrement (Local0) } Store (Zero, S12P) } Method (_PS3, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0x03, S12P) } Method (_PSC, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (S12P) } } Device (S_D1) { Name (_ADR, One) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { OperationRegion (BAR, SystemMemory, STB5, 0x0400) Field (BAR, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x2A8), SSS0, 4, Offset (0x2A9), SSS1, 4 } If (Not (LEqual (SSS1, Zero))) { Return (0x0F) } Else { Return (Zero) } } Name (S12P, Zero) Method (_PS0, 0, NotSerialized) { OperationRegion (BAR, SystemMemory, STB5, 0x0400) Field (BAR, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x2A0), , 7, SSBY, 1 } Store (0x32, Local0) While (LAnd (LEqual (SSBY, One), Local0)) { Sleep (0xFA) Decrement (Local0) } Store (Zero, S12P) } Method (_PS3, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0x03, S12P) } Method (_PSC, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (S12P) } } } } } Device (PCE7) { Name (_ADR, 0x00070000) OperationRegion (LCTL, PCI_Config, 0x68, 0x04) Field (LCTL, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { , 4, PELD, 1, PERL, 1 } OperationRegion (SLOT, PCI_Config, 0x6C, 0x10) Field (SLOT, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { SCAP, 32, SCTL, 16, ABP1, 1, , 1, , 1, PDC1, 1, CC10, 1, , 1, PDS1, 1, Offset (0x07) } OperationRegion (RHUB, PCI_Config, 0x78, 0x10) Field (RHUB, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { PMID, 16, PMES, 1, PMEP, 1, Offset (0x04) } Method (HPHK, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (One, PDC1) Store (Zero, PELD) Sleep (0xFA) Return (PDS1) } Name (_HPP, Package (0x04) { 0x08, 0x40, One, Zero }) Device (PEX0) { Name (_ADR, Zero) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PDS1) { Return (0x0F) } Else { Return (Zero) } } Method (_RMV, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (One) } } Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (GPRW (0x18, 0x04)) } Method (_PRT, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PICM) { Return (AR07) } Return (PR07) } } } Scope (\_GPE) { Method (_L18, 0, NotSerialized) { Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PCE2, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PCE3, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PCE4, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PCE5, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PCE5.GLAN, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PCE6, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PCE9, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PCEA, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PCEB, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PCEC, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PCE7, 0x02) } Method (_L1B, 0, NotSerialized) { Notify (\_SB.PCI0.SBAZ, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PWRB, 0x02) } Method (_L04, 0, NotSerialized) { Notify (\_SB.PCI0.P0PC, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PWRB, 0x02) } Method (_L0B, 0, NotSerialized) { Notify (\_SB.PCI0.UHC1, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.UHC2, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.UHC3, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.USB4, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.UHC5, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.UHC6, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PCI0.UHC7, 0x02) Notify (\_SB.PWRB, 0x02) } } Device (PWRB) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0C")) Name (_UID, 0xAA) Name (_STA, 0x0B) } } OperationRegion (DEB2, SystemIO, 0x80, 0x02) Field (DEB2, WordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { P80H, 16 } Scope (_SB.PCI0.SBRG) { OperationRegion (SMI0, SystemIO, 0xB0, One) Field (SMI0, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { SMIC, 8 } } Scope (\) { OperationRegion (ATFB, SystemMemory, 0xBFF8E0B2, 0x0105) Field (ATFB, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { BCMD, 8, DID, 32, INFO, 2048 } Name (DDSF, Zero) } Scope (_SB.PCI0.SMBS) { Mutex (PSMX, 0x00) OperationRegion (GPIO, PCI_Config, Zero, 0x0100) Field (GPIO, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x50), G49O, 1, G50O, 1, G51O, 1, G52O, 1, G49E, 1, G50E, 1, G51E, 1, G52E, 1, Offset (0x52), G53O, 1, G54O, 1, G55O, 1, G56O, 1, G53E, 1, G54E, 1, G55E, 1, G56E, 1, Offset (0x5A), G70O, 1, G71O, 1, G72O, 1, G73O, 1, G70E, 1, G71E, 1, G72E, 1, G73E, 1, G70S, 1, G71S, 1, G72S, 1, G73S, 1, G70F, 1, G71F, 1, G72F, 1, G73F, 1, Offset (0xBC), G33O, 1, G34O, 1, G35O, 1, G36O, 1, G33E, 1, G34E, 1, G35E, 1, G36E, 1, G33S, 1, G34S, 1, G35S, 1, G36S, 1, G33F, 1, G34F, 1, G35F, 1, G36F, 1 } } Scope (_SB.PCI0.RS78) { OperationRegion (NBBR, PCI_Config, 0x1C, 0x08) Field (NBBR, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { BR3L, 32, BR3H, 32 } OperationRegion (NBBI, PCI_Config, 0x84, 0x04) Field (NBBI, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { PARB, 32 } OperationRegion (NBMS, PCI_Config, 0x60, 0x08) Field (NBMS, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { MIDX, 32, MIDR, 32 } Mutex (NBMM, 0x00) Method (NBMR, 1, NotSerialized) { Acquire (NBMM, 0xFFFF) And (Arg0, 0x7F, Local0) Store (Local0, MIDX) Store (MIDR, Local0) Store (0x7F, MIDX) Release (NBMM) Return (Local0) } Method (NBMW, 2, NotSerialized) { Acquire (NBMM, 0xFFFF) And (Arg0, 0x7F, Local0) Or (Local0, 0x80, Local0) Store (Local0, MIDX) Store (Arg1, MIDR) Store (And (Local0, 0x7F, Local0), MIDX) Release (NBMM) } OperationRegion (NBXP, PCI_Config, 0xE0, 0x08) Field (NBXP, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { NBXI, 32, NBXD, 32 } Mutex (NBXM, 0x00) Method (NBXR, 1, NotSerialized) { Acquire (NBXM, 0xFFFF) Store (Arg0, NBXI) Store (NBXD, Local0) Store (Zero, NBXI) Release (NBXM) Return (Local0) } Method (NBXW, 2, NotSerialized) { Acquire (NBXM, 0xFFFF) Store (Arg0, NBXI) Store (Arg1, NBXD) Store (Zero, NBXI) Release (NBXM) } Method (GPPM, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (NBMR (0x67), Local0) And (Local0, 0xF0, Local0) Return (Local0) } Method (XPTR, 2, NotSerialized) { If (LAnd (LLess (Arg0, 0x02), LGreater (Arg0, 0x07))) { Return (Zero) } Else { Store (One, Local0) If (LLess (Arg0, 0x04)) { Add (Arg0, 0x02, Local1) } Else { Add (Arg0, 0x11, Local1) } ShiftLeft (Local0, Local1, Local0) Store (NBMR (0x08), Local2) If (Arg1) { And (Local2, Not (Local0), Local2) } Else { Or (Local2, Local0, Local2) } NBMW (0x08, Local2) Return (Ones) } } } Scope (_SB.PCI0.PCE2) { OperationRegion (XPCB, PCI_Config, 0x58, 0x24) Field (XPCB, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x10), LKCN, 16, LKST, 16, Offset (0x1A), SLST, 16 } OperationRegion (XPRI, PCI_Config, 0xE0, 0x08) Field (XPRI, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { XPIR, 32, XPID, 32 } OperationRegion (XPEX, SystemMemory, 0xE0010100, 0x0100) Field (XPEX, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x28), VC02, 32 } Method (XPDL, 0, NotSerialized) { If (And (VC02, 0x00020000)) { Return (Ones) } Else { Return (Zero) } } Method (XPRD, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (Arg0, XPIR) Store (XPID, Local0) Store (Zero, XPIR) Return (Local0) } Method (XPWR, 2, NotSerialized) { Store (Arg0, XPIR) Store (Arg1, XPID) Store (Zero, XPIR) } Method (XPRT, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (XPRD (0xA2), Local0) And (Local0, 0xFFFFFFF8, Local0) ShiftRight (Local0, 0x04, Local1) And (Local1, 0x07, Local1) Or (Local0, Local1, Local0) Or (Local0, 0x0100, Local0) XPWR (0xA2, Local0) } Method (XPLP, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (0x0101, Local1) Store (^^RS78.NBXR (0x65), Local2) If (Arg0) { And (Local2, Not (Local1), Local2) } Else { Or (Local2, Local1, Local2) } ^^RS78.NBXW (0x65, Local2) } Method (XPR2, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (LKCN, Local0) And (Local0, 0xFFFFFFDF, Local0) Store (Local0, LKCN) Or (Local0, 0x20, Local0) Store (Local0, LKCN) Store (0x64, Local1) Store (One, Local2) While (LAnd (Local1, Local2)) { Sleep (One) Store (LKST, Local3) If (And (Local3, 0x0800)) { Decrement (Local1) } Else { Store (Zero, Local2) } } And (Local0, 0xFFFFFFDF, Local0) Store (Local0, LKCN) If (LNot (Local2)) { Return (Ones) } Else { Return (Zero) } } Device (DGFX) { Name (_ADR, Zero) OperationRegion (PCFG, PCI_Config, Zero, 0x50) Field (PCFG, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { DVID, 32, Offset (0x2C), SVID, 32, Offset (0x4C), SMID, 32 } } Device (HDAU) { Name (_ADR, One) OperationRegion (PCFG, PCI_Config, Zero, 0x50) Field (PCFG, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { DVID, 32, Offset (0x2C), SVID, 32, Offset (0x4C), SMID, 32 } } } Scope (_SB.PCI0.P0P1.VGA) { Name (ATPB, Buffer (0x0100) {}) Name (DSID, Ones) Name (HSID, Ones) OperationRegion (REVD, SystemMemory, 0xBFF8E1B7, 0x0000F604) Field (REVD, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { SROM, 32, VROM, 503808 } Name (TVGA, Buffer (0xF600) { 0x00 }) Method (ATPX, 2, Serialized) { If (LEqual (Arg0, Zero)) { Return (PX00 ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, One)) { Return (PX01 ()) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x02)) { Return (PX02 (DerefOf (Index (Arg1, 0x02)))) } If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x03)) { Return (PX03 (DerefOf (Index (Arg1, 0x02)))) } CreateWordField (ATPB, Zero, SSZE) CreateWordField (ATPB, 0x02, VERN) CreateDWordField (ATPB, 0x04, SFUN) Store (Zero, SSZE) Store (Zero, VERN) Store (Zero, SFUN) Return (ATPB) } Method (PX00, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0xE0, P80H) CreateWordField (ATPB, Zero, SSZE) CreateWordField (ATPB, 0x02, VERN) CreateDWordField (ATPB, 0x04, SFUN) Store (0x08, SSZE) Store (One, VERN) Store (0x07, SFUN) Store (^^^PCE2.DGFX.SVID, Local0) Store (^^^PCE2.HDAU.SVID, Local1) If (LNotEqual (Local0, Ones)) { Store (Local0, DSID) } If (LNotEqual (Local1, Ones)) { Store (Local1, HSID) } Return (ATPB) } Method (PX01, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (0xE1, P80H) CreateWordField (ATPB, Zero, SSZE) CreateDWordField (ATPB, 0x02, VMSK) CreateDWordField (ATPB, 0x06, FLGS) Store (0x0A, SSZE) Store (0x0F, VMSK) Store (0x0F, FLGS) Return (ATPB) } Method (PX02, 1, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (ATPB, Zero, SSZE) CreateByteField (ATPB, 0x02, PWST) Store (0x03, SSZE) And (Arg0, One, PWST) Name (HPOK, Zero) Store (One, ^^^SMBS.G72F) Store (One, ^^^SMBS.G36F) If (PWST) { Store (0x11E2, P80H) Store (One, ^^^SMBS.G72O) Store (Zero, ^^^SMBS.G72E) Sleep (0x32) Store (One, ^^^SMBS.G36O) Store (Zero, ^^^SMBS.G36E) Store (0x12E2, P80H) Store (Zero, HPOK) Sleep (0x64) Sleep (0x64) ^^^RS78.XPTR (0x02, One) Sleep (0x14) Store (Zero, Local2) While (LLess (Local2, 0x0F)) { Store (0x08, ^^^PCE2.SLST) Store (One, Local4) Store (0xC8, Local5) While (LAnd (Local4, Local5)) { Store (^^^PCE2.XPRD (0xA5), Local6) And (Local6, 0x7F, Local6) If (LAnd (LGreaterEqual (Local6, 0x10), LNotEqual (Local6, 0x7F))) { Store ("PXPGfx:02: TrainingState=0x10", Debug) Store (Zero, Local4) } Else { Sleep (0x05) Decrement (Local5) } } If (LNot (Local4)) { Store ("PXPGfx:02: Check VC Negotiation Pending", Debug) Store (^^^PCE2.XPDL (), Local5) If (Local5) { Store ("PXPGfx:02: Retraining Link", Debug) ^^^PCE2.XPRT () Sleep (0x05) Increment (Local2) } Else { Store ("PXPGfx:02: Device OK", Debug) Store (0x10, INFO) Store (0x87, BCMD) Store (ATIS, ^^^SBRG.SMIC) If (LEqual (^^^PCE2.XPR2 (), Ones)) { Store (One, HPOK) Store (0x10, Local2) } Else { Store ("PXPGFx:02: Common Clock Retraining Failed", Debug) Store (Zero, HPOK) Store (0x10, Local2) } } } Else { Store ("PXPGfx:02: TrainingState Timeout", Debug) Store (0x10, Local2) } } If (LNot (HPOK)) { Store (0x13E2, P80H) Store ("PXPGfx:02: Insertion Failed: Disable Training & PowerDown", Debug) Store (^^^PCE2.DGFX.DVID, Local7) Sleep (0x0A) Store (One, Local4) Store (0x05, Local5) While (LAnd (Local4, Local5)) { Store (^^^PCE2.XPRD (0xA5), Local6) And (Local6, 0x7F, Local6) If (LLessEqual (Local6, 0x04)) { Store (Zero, Local4) } Else { Store (^^^PCE2.DGFX.DVID, Local7) Sleep (0x05) Decrement (Local5) } } ^^^RS78.XPTR (0x02, Zero) } Store (0x14E2, P80H) } Else { Store (0x02E2, P80H) Store (Zero, ^^^SMBS.G36O) Store (Zero, ^^^SMBS.G36E) Store (Zero, ^^^SMBS.G72O) Store (Zero, ^^^SMBS.G72E) Store (0x03E2, P80H) Store (0x08, ^^^PCE2.SLST) Store (^^^PCE2.DGFX.DVID, Local7) Sleep (0x0A) Store (One, Local4) Store (0x05, Local5) While (LAnd (Local4, Local5)) { Store (^^^PCE2.XPRD (0xA5), Local6) And (Local6, 0x7F, Local6) If (LLessEqual (Local6, 0x04)) { Store (Zero, Local4) } Else { Store (^^^PCE2.DGFX.DVID, Local7) Sleep (0x05) Decrement (Local5) } } ^^^RS78.XPTR (0x02, Zero) Store (0x02, HPOK) Store (0x04E2, P80H) } If (HPOK) { If (LAnd (LEqual (HPOK, One), LNotEqual (DSID, Ones))) { Store (DSID, Local7) Store (Local7, ^^^PCE2.DGFX.SMID) Sleep (0x0A) Store (HSID, Local7) If (LNotEqual (Local7, Ones)) { Store (Local7, ^^^PCE2.HDAU.SMID) } Sleep (0x0A) } Notify (PCE2, Zero) } Return (Zero) } Method (PX03, 1, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (ATPB, Zero, SSZE) CreateWordField (ATPB, 0x02, DPSW) Store (0x04, SSZE) And (Arg0, One, DPSW) If (DPSW) { Store (0x02E3, P80H) Acquire (^^^SMBS.PSMX, 0xFFFF) Store (0x02, INFO) Store (0x85, BCMD) Store (ATIS, ^^^SBRG.SMIC) Release (^^^SMBS.PSMX) Store (One, DDSF) } Else { Store (0x01E3, P80H) Acquire (^^^SMBS.PSMX, 0xFFFF) Store (One, INFO) Store (0x85, BCMD) Store (ATIS, ^^^SBRG.SMIC) Release (^^^SMBS.PSMX) Store (Zero, DDSF) } Return (Zero) } Method (ATRM, 2, Serialized) { Add (Arg0, Arg1, Local0) If (LLessEqual (Local0, SROM)) { Multiply (Arg1, 0x08, Local1) Multiply (Arg0, 0x08, Local2) Store (VROM, TVGA) CreateField (TVGA, Local2, Local1, TEMP) Name (RETB, Buffer (Arg1) {}) Store (TEMP, RETB) Return (RETB) } Else { If (LLess (Arg0, SROM)) { Subtract (SROM, Arg0, Local3) Multiply (Local3, 0x08, Local1) Multiply (Arg0, 0x08, Local2) Store (VROM, TVGA) CreateField (TVGA, Local2, Local1, TEM) Name (RETC, Buffer (Local3) {}) Store (TEM, RETC) Return (RETC) } Else { Name (RETD, Buffer (One) {}) Return (RETD) } } } } Scope (_SB) { OperationRegion (PIRQ, SystemIO, 0x0C00, 0x02) Field (PIRQ, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { PIDX, 8, PDAT, 8 } IndexField (PIDX, PDAT, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { PIRA, 8, PIRB, 8, PIRC, 8, PIRD, 8, PIRS, 8, Offset (0x09), PIRE, 8, PIRF, 8, PIRG, 8, PIRH, 8 } OperationRegion (KBDD, SystemIO, 0x64, One) Field (KBDD, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { PD64, 8 } Method (IRQC, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, PIRA) Store (Zero, PIRB) Store (Zero, PIRC) Store (Zero, PIRD) Store (PD64, Local1) Store (Zero, PIRE) Store (Zero, PIRF) Store (Zero, PIRG) Store (Zero, PIRH) } Name (BUFA, ResourceTemplate () { IRQ (Level, ActiveLow, Shared, ) {15} }) Name (IPRA, ResourceTemplate () { IRQ (Level, ActiveLow, Shared, ) {5,10,11} }) Name (IPRB, ResourceTemplate () { IRQ (Level, ActiveLow, Shared, ) {5,10,11} }) Name (IPRC, ResourceTemplate () { IRQ (Level, ActiveLow, Shared, ) {5,10,11} }) Name (IPRD, ResourceTemplate () { IRQ (Level, ActiveLow, Shared, ) {5,10,11} }) Device (LNKA) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0F")) Name (_UID, One) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PIRA) { Return (0x0B) } Else { Return (0x09) } } Method (_PRS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (PRSA) } Method (_DIS, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, PIRA) } Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (BUFA, One, IRQX) ShiftLeft (One, PIRA, IRQX) Return (BUFA) } Method (_SRS, 1, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (Arg0, One, IRA) FindSetRightBit (IRA, Local0) Decrement (Local0) Store (Local0, PIRA) } } Device (LNKB) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0F")) Name (_UID, 0x02) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PIRB) { Return (0x0B) } Else { Return (0x09) } } Method (_PRS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (PRSB) } Method (_DIS, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, PIRB) } Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (BUFA, One, IRQX) ShiftLeft (One, PIRB, IRQX) Return (BUFA) } Method (_SRS, 1, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (Arg0, One, IRA) FindSetRightBit (IRA, Local0) Decrement (Local0) Store (Local0, PIRB) } } Device (LNKC) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0F")) Name (_UID, 0x03) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PIRC) { Return (0x0B) } Else { Return (0x09) } } Method (_PRS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (PRSC) } Method (_DIS, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, PIRC) } Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (BUFA, One, IRQX) ShiftLeft (One, PIRC, IRQX) Return (BUFA) } Method (_SRS, 1, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (Arg0, One, IRA) FindSetRightBit (IRA, Local0) Decrement (Local0) Store (Local0, PIRC) } } Device (LNKD) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0F")) Name (_UID, 0x04) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PIRD) { Return (0x0B) } Else { Return (0x09) } } Method (_PRS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (PRSD) } Method (_DIS, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, PIRD) } Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (BUFA, One, IRQX) ShiftLeft (One, PIRD, IRQX) Return (BUFA) } Method (_SRS, 1, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (Arg0, One, IRA) FindSetRightBit (IRA, Local0) Decrement (Local0) Store (Local0, PIRD) } } Device (LNKE) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0F")) Name (_UID, 0x05) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PIRE) { Return (0x0B) } Else { Return (0x09) } } Method (_PRS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (PRSE) } Method (_DIS, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, PIRE) } Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (BUFA, One, IRQX) ShiftLeft (One, PIRE, IRQX) Return (BUFA) } Method (_SRS, 1, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (Arg0, One, IRA) FindSetRightBit (PIRE, Local0) Decrement (Local0) Store (Local0, PIRE) } } Device (LNKF) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0F")) Name (_UID, 0x02) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PIRF) { Return (0x0B) } Else { Return (0x09) } } Method (_PRS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (PRSF) } Method (_DIS, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, PIRF) } Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (BUFA, One, IRQX) ShiftLeft (One, PIRF, IRQX) Return (BUFA) } Method (_SRS, 1, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (Arg0, One, IRA) FindSetRightBit (IRA, Local0) Decrement (Local0) Store (Local0, PIRF) } } Device (LNKG) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0F")) Name (_UID, 0x03) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PIRG) { Return (0x0B) } Else { Return (0x09) } } Method (_PRS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (PRSG) } Method (_DIS, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, PIRG) } Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (BUFA, One, IRQX) ShiftLeft (One, PIRG, IRQX) Return (BUFA) } Method (_SRS, 1, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (Arg0, One, IRA) FindSetRightBit (IRA, Local0) Decrement (Local0) Store (Local0, PIRG) } } Device (LNKH) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0F")) Name (_UID, 0x04) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { If (PIRH) { Return (0x0B) } Else { Return (0x09) } } Method (_PRS, 0, NotSerialized) { Return (PRSH) } Method (_DIS, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (Zero, PIRH) } Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (BUFA, One, IRQX) ShiftLeft (One, PIRH, IRQX) Return (BUFA) } Method (_SRS, 1, NotSerialized) { CreateWordField (Arg0, One, IRA) FindSetRightBit (IRA, Local0) Decrement (Local0) Store (Local0, PIRH) } } } Scope (_SB) { Name (XCPD, Zero) Name (XNPT, One) Name (XCAP, 0x02) Name (XDCP, 0x04) Name (XDCT, 0x08) Name (XDST, 0x0A) Name (XLCP, 0x0C) Name (XLCT, 0x10) Name (XLST, 0x12) Name (XSCP, 0x14) Name (XSCT, 0x18) Name (XSST, 0x1A) Name (XRCT, 0x1C) Mutex (MUTE, 0x00) Method (RBPE, 1, NotSerialized) { Acquire (MUTE, 0x03E8) Add (Arg0, PCIB, Local0) OperationRegion (PCFG, SystemMemory, Local0, One) Field (PCFG, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { XCFG, 8 } Release (MUTE) Return (XCFG) } Method (RWPE, 1, NotSerialized) { Acquire (MUTE, 0x03E8) And (Arg0, 0xFFFFFFFE, Arg0) Add (Arg0, PCIB, Local0) OperationRegion (PCFG, SystemMemory, Local0, 0x02) Field (PCFG, WordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { XCFG, 16 } Release (MUTE) Return (XCFG) } Method (RDPE, 1, NotSerialized) { Acquire (MUTE, 0x03E8) And (Arg0, 0xFFFFFFFC, Arg0) Add (Arg0, PCIB, Local0) OperationRegion (PCFG, SystemMemory, Local0, 0x04) Field (PCFG, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { XCFG, 32 } Release (MUTE) Return (XCFG) } Method (WBPE, 2, NotSerialized) { Acquire (MUTE, 0x0FFF) Add (Arg0, PCIB, Local0) OperationRegion (PCFG, SystemMemory, Local0, One) Field (PCFG, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { XCFG, 8 } Store (Arg1, XCFG) Release (MUTE) } Method (WWPE, 2, NotSerialized) { Acquire (MUTE, 0x03E8) And (Arg0, 0xFFFFFFFE, Arg0) Add (Arg0, PCIB, Local0) OperationRegion (PCFG, SystemMemory, Local0, 0x02) Field (PCFG, WordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { XCFG, 16 } Store (Arg1, XCFG) Release (MUTE) } Method (WDPE, 2, NotSerialized) { Acquire (MUTE, 0x03E8) And (Arg0, 0xFFFFFFFC, Arg0) Add (Arg0, PCIB, Local0) OperationRegion (PCFG, SystemMemory, Local0, 0x04) Field (PCFG, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { XCFG, 32 } Store (Arg1, XCFG) Release (MUTE) } Method (RWDP, 3, NotSerialized) { Acquire (MUTE, 0x03E8) And (Arg0, 0xFFFFFFFC, Arg0) Add (Arg0, PCIB, Local0) OperationRegion (PCFG, SystemMemory, Local0, 0x04) Field (PCFG, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { XCFG, 32 } And (XCFG, Arg2, Local1) Or (Local1, Arg1, XCFG) Release (MUTE) } Method (RPME, 1, NotSerialized) { Add (Arg0, 0x84, Local0) Store (RDPE (Local0), Local1) If (LEqual (Local1, Ones)) { Return (Zero) } Else { If (LAnd (Local1, 0x00010000)) { WDPE (Local0, And (Local1, 0x00010000)) Return (One) } Return (Zero) } } } If (OSCF) { Scope (_SB.PCI0) { Name (SUPP, Zero) Name (CTRL, Zero) Method (_OSC, 4, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x5B, 0x4D, 0xDB, 0x33, 0xF7, 0x1F, 0x1C, 0x40, /* 0008 */ 0x96, 0x57, 0x74, 0x41, 0xC0, 0x3D, 0xD7, 0x66 })) { CreateDWordField (Arg3, Zero, CDW1) CreateDWordField (Arg3, 0x04, CDW2) CreateDWordField (Arg3, 0x08, CDW3) Store (CDW2, SUPP) Store (CDW3, CTRL) If (LNotEqual (And (SUPP, 0x16), 0x16)) { And (CTRL, 0x1E, CTRL) } And (CTRL, 0x1D, CTRL) If (Not (And (CDW1, One))) { If (And (CTRL, One)) {} If (And (CTRL, 0x04)) {} If (And (CTRL, 0x10)) {} } If (LNotEqual (Arg1, One)) { Or (CDW1, 0x08, CDW1) } If (LNotEqual (CDW3, CTRL)) { Or (CDW1, 0x10, CDW1) } Store (CTRL, CDW3) Return (Arg3) } Else { Or (CDW1, 0x04, CDW1) Return (Arg3) } } } } Scope (_SB.PCI0.UHC1) { Device (RHUB) { Name (_ADR, Zero) Device (PRT1) { Name (_ADR, One) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { 0xFF, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (_PLD, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0008 */ 0x31, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) } Device (PRT2) { Name (_ADR, 0x02) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { 0xFF, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (_PLD, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0008 */ 0x31, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) } Device (PRT3) { Name (_ADR, 0x03) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { 0xFF, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (_PLD, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0008 */ 0x31, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) } } } Scope (_SB.PCI0.UHC2) { Device (RHUB) { Name (_ADR, Zero) Device (PRT1) { Name (_ADR, One) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { 0xFF, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (_PLD, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0008 */ 0x31, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) } Device (PRT2) { Name (_ADR, 0x02) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { 0xFF, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (_PLD, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0008 */ 0x30, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) } Device (PRT3) { Name (_ADR, 0x03) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { Zero, 0xFF, Zero, Zero }) } } } Scope (_SB.PCI0.USB4) { Device (RHUB) { Name (_ADR, Zero) Device (PRT1) { Name (_ADR, One) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { 0xFF, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (_PLD, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0008 */ 0x30, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) } Device (PRT2) { Name (_ADR, 0x02) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { 0xFF, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (_PLD, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0008 */ 0x30, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) } Device (PRT3) { Name (_ADR, 0x03) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { Zero, 0xFF, Zero, Zero }) } } } Scope (_SB.PCI0.UHC5) { Device (RHUB) { Name (_ADR, Zero) Device (PRT1) { Name (_ADR, One) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { Zero, 0xFF, Zero, Zero }) } Device (PRT2) { Name (_ADR, 0x02) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { Zero, 0xFF, Zero, Zero }) } Device (PRT3) { Name (_ADR, 0x03) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { Zero, 0xFF, Zero, Zero }) } } } Scope (_SB.PCI0.UHC3) { Device (RHUB) { Name (_ADR, Zero) Device (PRT1) { Name (_ADR, One) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { 0xFF, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (_PLD, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0008 */ 0x31, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) } Device (PRT2) { Name (_ADR, 0x02) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { 0xFF, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (_PLD, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0008 */ 0x31, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) } Device (PRT3) { Name (_ADR, 0x03) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { 0xFF, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (_PLD, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0008 */ 0x31, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) } Device (PRT4) { Name (_ADR, 0x04) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { 0xFF, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (_PLD, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0008 */ 0x31, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) } Device (PRT5) { Name (_ADR, 0x05) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { 0xFF, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (_PLD, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0008 */ 0x30, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) } Device (PRT6) { Name (_ADR, 0x06) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { Zero, 0xFF, Zero, Zero }) } } } Scope (_SB.PCI0.UHC6) { Device (RHUB) { Name (_ADR, Zero) Device (PRT1) { Name (_ADR, One) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { 0xFF, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (_PLD, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0008 */ 0x30, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) } Device (PRT2) { Name (_ADR, 0x02) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { 0xFF, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (_PLD, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0008 */ 0x30, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }) } Device (PRT3) { Name (_ADR, 0x03) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { Zero, 0xFF, Zero, Zero }) } Device (PRT4) { Name (_ADR, 0x04) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { Zero, 0xFF, Zero, Zero }) } Device (PRT5) { Name (_ADR, 0x05) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { Zero, 0xFF, Zero, Zero }) } Device (PRT6) { Name (_ADR, 0x06) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { Zero, 0xFF, Zero, Zero }) } } } Scope (_SB.ATKD) { Method (AGFN, 1, Serialized) { If (LEqual (Arg0, Zero)) { Return (GNBF) } Store (Zero, Local0) OperationRegion (PARM, SystemMemory, Arg0, 0x1000) Field (PARM, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { MFUN, 16, SFUN, 16, LEN, 16, STAS, 8, EROR, 8 } Store (Zero, EROR) Store (One, STAS) If (LEqual (Acquire (MPAR, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (MFUN, PAR0) Store (SFUN, PAR1) Store (Arg0, PAR2) ISMI (0x99) Release (MPAR) } And (MFUN, 0xF0, Local0) If (LEqual (Local0, 0x10)) { MF1X (Arg0, LEN, MFUN, SFUN) } If (LEqual (MFUN, 0x30)) { MF30 (Arg0, SFUN, LEN) And (STAS, 0xFE, STAS) } AGLN (Arg0, MFUN, SFUN, LEN) If (LEqual (STAS, One)) { Store (One, EROR) Or (STAS, 0x02, STAS) } And (STAS, 0xFE, STAS) Or (STAS, 0x80, STAS) Return (Zero) } Method (MF1X, 4, NotSerialized) { OperationRegion (FM1X, SystemMemory, Arg0, 0x08) Field (FM1X, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x06), SM1X, 8, EM1X, 8 } Store (One, Local0) If (LEqual (Arg2, 0x11)) { Store (MF11 (Arg0, Arg1, Arg3), Local0) } And (SM1X, 0xFE, SM1X) If (Local0) { Store (Local0, EM1X) Or (SM1X, 0x02, SM1X) } Or (SM1X, 0x80, SM1X) } Method (MF11, 3, NotSerialized) { Store (One, Local0) If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero)) { Store (G11V (Arg0, Arg1), Local0) } If (LEqual (Arg2, One)) { Store (GBAT (Arg0, Arg1), Local0) } If (LEqual (Arg2, 0x02)) { Store (ASBR (Arg0, Arg1), Local0) } If (LEqual (Arg2, 0x03)) { Store (ASBE (Arg0, Arg1), Local0) } If (LEqual (Arg2, 0x04)) { Store (BTCR (Arg0, Arg1), Local0) } Return (Local0) } Method (G11V, 2, NotSerialized) { If (LLess (Arg1, 0x0C)) { Return (0x02) } OperationRegion (\F110, SystemMemory, Arg0, Arg1) Field (F110, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x08), SVER, 16, MVER, 16 } Store (Zero, MVER) Store (Zero, SVER) Return (Zero) } Method (GBAT, 2, NotSerialized) { If (LLess (Arg1, 0x0A)) { Return (0x02) } OperationRegion (\F111, SystemMemory, Arg0, Arg1) Field (F111, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x08), BTNM, 8, BTTP, 8 } Store (One, BTNM) Store (Zero, BTTP) Return (Zero) } Method (ASBR, 2, NotSerialized) { If (LLess (Arg1, 0x30)) { Return (0x02) } OperationRegion (\F112, SystemMemory, Arg0, Arg1) Field (F112, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x08), BATN, 8, BATA, 8, REGS, 8, BDAT, 16, BLEN, 8, BREV, 16, BLK1, 32, BLK2, 32, BLK3, 32, BLK4, 32, BLK5, 32, BLK6, 32, BLK7, 32, BLK8, 32 } If (LGreaterEqual (BATN, One)) { Return (0x11) } If (LEqual (BATA, Zero)) { Store (^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.SMBR (^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.RDWD, 0x0B, REGS), Local0) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, 0x02)), BDAT) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, Zero)), Local2) And (Local2, 0x1F, Local2) If (Local2) { Add (Local2, 0x10, Local2) } Return (Local2) } If (LEqual (BATA, One)) { Store (^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.SMBW (^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.WRWD, 0x0B, REGS, 0x02, BDAT), Local0) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, Zero)), Local2) And (Local2, 0x1F, Local2) If (Local2) { Add (Local2, 0x10, Local2) } Return (Local2) } If (LEqual (BATA, 0x02)) { Store (^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.SMBR (^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.RDBL, 0x0B, REGS), Local0) Name (BKUF, Buffer (0x20) {}) CreateDWordField (BKUF, Zero, DAT1) CreateDWordField (BKUF, 0x04, DAT2) CreateDWordField (BKUF, 0x08, DAT3) CreateDWordField (BKUF, 0x0C, DAT4) CreateDWordField (BKUF, 0x10, DAT5) CreateDWordField (BKUF, 0x14, DAT6) CreateDWordField (BKUF, 0x18, DAT7) CreateDWordField (BKUF, 0x1C, DAT8) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, 0x02)), BKUF) Store (DAT1, BLK1) Store (DAT2, BLK2) Store (DAT3, BLK3) Store (DAT4, BLK4) Store (DAT5, BLK5) Store (DAT6, BLK6) Store (DAT7, BLK7) Store (DAT8, BLK8) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, One)), BLEN) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, Zero)), Local2) And (Local2, 0x1F, Local2) If (Local2) { Add (Local2, 0x10, Local2) } Return (Local2) } Return (0x10) } Method (ASBE, 2, Serialized) { If (LLess (Arg1, 0x0C)) { Return (0x02) } OperationRegion (\F113, SystemMemory, Arg0, Arg1) Field (F113, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x08), BATN, 8, BATA, 8, REGS, 8, BDAT, 8 } If (LGreater (BATN, One)) { Return (0x11) } If (LEqual (BATA, Zero)) { Store (^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.RBEP (REGS), Local2) And (Local2, 0xFF, Local3) Store (Local3, BDAT) ShiftRight (Local2, 0x08, Local2) And (Local2, 0x1F, Local2) If (Local2) { Add (Local2, 0x10, Local2) } Return (Local2) } If (LEqual (BATA, One)) { Store (^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.WBEP (REGS, BDAT), Local2) And (Local2, 0x1F, Local2) If (Local2) { Add (Local2, 0x10, Local2) } Return (Local2) } Return (0x10) } Method (BTCR, 2, NotSerialized) { If (LLess (Arg1, 0x09)) { Return (0x02) } OperationRegion (\F114, SystemMemory, Arg0, Arg1) Field (F114, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x08), BCDC, 8 } SBTL (BCDC) Return (Zero) } Method (MF30, 3, NotSerialized) { OperationRegion (FM30, SystemMemory, Arg0, 0x08) Field (FM30, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x06), SM30, 8, EM30, 8 } Store (One, Local0) If (LEqual (Arg1, Zero)) { Store (G30V (Arg0, Arg2), Local0) } If (LEqual (Arg1, One)) { Store (EC01 (Arg0, Arg2), Local0) } If (LEqual (Arg1, 0x02)) { Store (EC02 (Arg0, Arg2), Local0) } If (Local0) { Store (Local0, EM30) Or (SM30, 0x02, SM30) } Or (SM30, 0x80, SM30) Return (Zero) } Method (G30V, 2, NotSerialized) { If (LLess (Arg1, 0x0C)) { Return (0x02) } OperationRegion (\F300, SystemMemory, Arg0, Arg1) Field (F300, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x08), SVER, 16, MVER, 16 } Store (Zero, MVER) Store (Zero, SVER) Return (Zero) } Method (EC01, 2, NotSerialized) { If (LLess (Arg1, 0x10)) { Return (0x02) } OperationRegion (FEC1, SystemMemory, Arg0, Arg1) Field (FEC1, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x08), ECMD, 8, EDA1, 8, EDA2, 8, EDA3, 8, EDA4, 8, EDA5, 8 } Store (^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECXT (ECMD, EDA1, EDA2, EDA3, EDA4, EDA5), Local0) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, One)), EDA1) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, 0x02)), EDA2) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, 0x03)), EDA3) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, 0x04)), EDA4) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, 0x05)), EDA5) Return (DerefOf (Index (Local0, Zero))) } Method (EC02, 2, NotSerialized) { If (LLess (Arg1, 0x30)) { Return (0x02) } OperationRegion (FEC2, SystemMemory, Arg0, Arg1) Field (FEC2, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x08), BUSN, 8, PROT, 8, DADD, 8, DREG, 8, DAT0, 8, DAT1, 8, BLEN, 8, REVB, 8, BLK1, 32, BLK2, 32, BLK3, 32, BLK4, 32, BLK5, 32, BLK6, 32, BLK7, 32, BLK8, 32 } Store (^^PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECSB (BUSN, PROT, DADD, DREG, DAT0, DAT1), Local0) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, One)), DAT0) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, 0x02)), DAT1) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, 0x03)), BLEN) Name (BKUF, Buffer (0x20) {}) CreateDWordField (BKUF, Zero, DD01) CreateDWordField (BKUF, 0x04, DD02) CreateDWordField (BKUF, 0x08, DD03) CreateDWordField (BKUF, 0x0C, DD04) CreateDWordField (BKUF, 0x10, DD05) CreateDWordField (BKUF, 0x14, DD06) CreateDWordField (BKUF, 0x18, DD07) CreateDWordField (BKUF, 0x1C, DD08) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, 0x04)), BKUF) Store (DD01, BLK1) Store (DD02, BLK2) Store (DD03, BLK3) Store (DD04, BLK4) Store (DD05, BLK5) Store (DD06, BLK6) Store (DD07, BLK7) Store (DD08, BLK8) Store (DerefOf (Index (Local0, Zero)), Local2) And (Local2, 0x3F, Local2) Return (Local2) } } Scope (_SB.ATKD) { Method (AGLN, 4, NotSerialized) { } } Scope (_SB.PCI0.SMBS) { OperationRegion (SBGP, PCI_Config, Zero, 0xFF) Field (SBGP, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x50), GO49, 1, GO50, 1, GO51, 1, GO52, 1, Offset (0x51), GI49, 1, GI50, 1, GI51, 1, GI52, 1, Offset (0x52), GO53, 1, GO54, 1, GO55, 1, GO56, 1, Offset (0x53), GI53, 1, GI54, 1, GI55, 1, GI56, 1, Offset (0x54), GO57, 1, GO58, 1, GO59, 1, GO60, 1, Offset (0x55), GI57, 1, GI58, 1, GI59, 1, GI60, 1, Offset (0x56), GO61, 1, GO62, 1, GO63, 1, GO64, 1, Offset (0x57), GI61, 1, GI62, 1, GI63, 1, GI64, 1, Offset (0x5A), GO70, 1, GO71, 1, GO72, 1, GO73, 1, Offset (0x5B), GI70, 1, GI71, 1, GI72, 1, GI73, 1, Offset (0x7E), GO65, 1, GO66, 1, GO68, 1, GO69, 1, Offset (0x7F), GI65, 1, GI66, 1, GI68, 1, GI69, 1, Offset (0x80), GO00, 1, GO01, 1, GO02, 1, GO03, 1, Offset (0x81), GI00, 1, GI01, 1, GI02, 1, GI03, 1, Offset (0x82), GO13, 1, GO14, 1, GO31, 1, GO32, 1, Offset (0x83), GI13, 1, GI14, 1, GI31, 1, GI32, 1, Offset (0xA6), GO37, 1, , 1, GO47, 1, GO48, 1, Offset (0xA7), GI37, 1, , 1, GI47, 1, GI48, 1, Offset (0xA8), GO04, 1, GO05, 1, GO06, 1, GO07, 1, GO08, 1, GO09, 1, GO11, 1, GO12, 1, Offset (0xAA), GI04, 1, GI05, 1, GI06, 1, GI07, 1, GI08, 1, GI09, 1, GI11, 1, GI12, 1, GO10, 1, , 1, GI10, 1, Offset (0xAC), GO67, 1, , 1, GI67, 1, Offset (0xBC), GO33, 1, GO34, 1, GO35, 1, GO36, 1, Offset (0xBD), GI33, 1, GI34, 1, GI35, 1, GI36, 1 } } IndexField (INPM, DAPM, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { Offset (0x36), GV0P, 1, GV1P, 1, GV2P, 1, GV3P, 1, GV4P, 1, GV5P, 1, Offset (0x92), GV0S, 1, GV1S, 1, GV2S, 1, GV3S, 1, GV4S, 1, GV5S, 1, GV6S, 1 } OperationRegion (SMR1, SystemIO, 0x0B00, 0x10) Field (SMR1, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { HST1, 8, SST1, 8, HSC1, 8, HCM1, 8, HAD1, 8 } Mutex (MSM1, 0x00) Method (WTI1, 0, Serialized) { Store (0x1E, HST1) Store (HST1, Local0) While (And (Local0, One)) { Store (HST1, Local0) } } Method (WTF1, 0, Serialized) { Store (HST1, Local0) While (And (Local0, One)) { Store (HST1, Local0) } } Method (ABCS, 2, Serialized) { If (LEqual (Acquire (MSM1, 0xFFFF), Zero)) { Store (Arg1, HCM1) Store (Arg0, HAD1) WTI1 () Or (HSC1, 0x40, HSC1) WTF1 () Release (MSM1) } Return (Ones) } Scope (_GPE) { Method (_L10, 0, NotSerialized) { } } Scope (_SB.PCI0.UHC7) { Device (RHUB) { Name (_ADR, Zero) Device (PRT1) { Name (_ADR, One) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { Zero, 0xFF, Zero, Zero }) } Device (PRT2) { Name (_ADR, 0x02) Name (_UPC, Package (0x04) { Zero, 0xFF, Zero, Zero }) } } } Scope (\) { Method (GACS, 0, Serialized) { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.RPIN (0x03), Local0) XOr (Local0, One, Local0) Return (Local0) } Method (GDCS, 1, Serialized) { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.RPIN (0x04), Local0) XOr (Local0, One, Local0) Return (Local0) } Method (GDCP, 1, Serialized) { If (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECAV ()) { If (Arg0) { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.B1DC, Local0) } Else { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.B0DC, Local0) } } Else { Store (Ones, Local0) } Return (Local0) } Method (GFCC, 1, Serialized) { If (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECAV ()) { If (Arg0) { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.B1FC, Local0) } Else { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.B0FC, Local0) } } Else { Store (Ones, Local0) } Return (Local0) } Method (GBDV, 1, Serialized) { If (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECAV ()) { If (Arg0) { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.B1DV, Local0) } Else { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.B0DV, Local0) } } Else { Store (Ones, Local0) } Return (Local0) } Method (GBCR, 1, Serialized) { If (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECAV ()) { If (Arg0) { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.B1CC, Local0) } Else { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.B0CC, Local0) } } Else { Store (Ones, Local0) } Return (Local0) } Method (CHGS, 1, Serialized) { If (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECAV ()) { If (Arg0) { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.EB1S, Local0) } Else { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.EB0S, Local0) } If (LNotEqual (Local0, 0xFF)) { And (Local0, 0x02, Local0) } Else { Store (Zero, Local0) } } Else { Store (Zero, Local0) } Return (Local0) } Method (GBRC, 1, Serialized) { If (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECAV ()) { If (Arg0) { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.B1RC, Local0) } Else { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.B0RC, Local0) } } Else { Store (Ones, Local0) } Return (Local0) } Method (GBVT, 1, Serialized) { If (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECAV ()) { If (Arg0) { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.B1VL, Local0) } Else { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.B0VL, Local0) } } Else { Store (Ones, Local0) } Return (Local0) } Method (OWLD, 1, Serialized) { SNVS (0x13FE, Arg0) Store (Arg0, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.GO55) If (LEqual (LAnd (\_SB.ATKD.WAPF, 0x05), Zero)) { Store (Arg0, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.GO13) } } Method (OBTD, 1, Serialized) { } Method (GFAN, 0, Serialized) { If (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECAV ()) { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.TAH0, Local0) Divide (Local0, 0x64, Local1, Local0) Add (Local0, One, Local0) If (LLessEqual (Local0, 0x3C)) { Store (Local0, \_TZ.FANS) } Else { Store (\_TZ.FANS, Local0) } } Else { Store (Zero, Local0) } Return (Local0) } Method (GTMP, 0, Serialized) { If (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECAV ()) { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECPU, Local0) If (LLess (Local0, 0x80)) { Store (Local0, \_TZ.LTMP) } } Return (\_TZ.LTMP) } Method (GLTM, 0, Serialized) { If (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECAV ()) { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.TH0L, Local0) If (LLess (Local0, 0x80)) { Store (Local0, \_TZ.STMP) } } Return (\_TZ.STMP) } Method (GCRT, 0, Serialized) { If (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECAV ()) { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECRT, Local0) If (LLess (Local0, 0x80)) { Store (Local0, \_TZ.TCRT) } } Return (\_TZ.TCRT) } Method (GPSV, 0, Serialized) { If (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.ECAV ()) { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.EPSV, Local0) If (LLess (Local0, 0x80)) { Store (Local0, \_TZ.TPSV) } } Return (\_TZ.TPSV) } Method (GLID, 0, Serialized) { Store (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.RPIN (0x06), Local0) If (LNotEqual (Local0, Zero)) { Store (One, Local0) } Return (Local0) } Method (TGLD, 0, Serialized) { } Method (ODWR, 0, Serialized) { Store (Zero, Local0) Or (Local0, 0x08, Local0) Return (Local0) } Method (OQDC, 0, Serialized) { Store (0x02, Local0) Return (Local0) } Method (OQDG, 0, Serialized) { Store (0x02, Local0) Return (Local0) } Method (OQDS, 0, Serialized) { Store (0x02, Local0) Return (Local0) } Method (OQDM, 0, Serialized) { Store (0x02, Local0) If (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.RPIN (0x1C)) { Store (One, Local0) } Else { Store (Zero, Local0) } Return (Local0) } Method (ONDC, 0, Serialized) { Return (Zero) } Method (ONDG, 0, Serialized) { Return (Zero) } Method (ONDS, 0, Serialized) { Return (Zero) } Method (ONDM, 0, Serialized) { \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.SPIN (0x1C, Zero) Return (One) } Method (OFDC, 0, Serialized) { Return (Zero) } Method (OFDG, 0, Serialized) { Return (Zero) } Method (OFDS, 0, Serialized) { Return (Zero) } Method (OFDM, 0, Serialized) { \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.SPIN (0x1C, One) Return (One) } Method (GBTL, 0, Serialized) { Return (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.RPIN (Zero)) } Method (SBTL, 1, Serialized) { \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.SPIN (Zero, Arg0) } } Scope (_SB) { Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (OSFL (), OSTY) If (LEqual (OSFL (), Zero)) { Store (0x05, OSTY) } If (LEqual (OSFL (), 0x05)) { Store (0x06, OSTY) } } Scope (PCI0) { Name (CRS, ResourceTemplate () { WordBusNumber (ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode, 0x0000, // Granularity 0x0000, // Range Minimum 0x00FF, // Range Maximum 0x0000, // Translation Offset 0x0100, // Length ,, ) IO (Decode16, 0x0CF8, // Range Minimum 0x0CF8, // Range Maximum 0x01, // Alignment 0x08, // Length ) WordIO (ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode, EntireRange, 0x0000, // Granularity 0x0000, // Range Minimum 0x0CF7, // Range Maximum 0x0000, // Translation Offset 0x0CF8, // Length ,, , TypeStatic) WordIO (ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode, EntireRange, 0x0000, // Granularity 0x0D00, // Range Minimum 0xFFFF, // Range Maximum 0x0000, // Translation Offset 0xF300, // Length ,, , TypeStatic) DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite, 0x00000000, // Granularity 0x000A0000, // Range Minimum 0x000BFFFF, // Range Maximum 0x00000000, // Translation Offset 0x00020000, // Length ,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic) DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite, 0x00000000, // Granularity 0x000C0000, // Range Minimum 0x000DFFFF, // Range Maximum 0x00000000, // Translation Offset 0x00020000, // Length ,, _Y12, AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic) DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite, 0x00000000, // Granularity 0x00000000, // Range Minimum 0x00000000, // Range Maximum 0x00000000, // Translation Offset 0x00000000, // Length ,, _Y13, AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic) DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite, 0x00000000, // Granularity 0x00000000, // Range Minimum 0x00000000, // Range Maximum 0x00000000, // Translation Offset 0x00000000, // Length ,, _Y14, AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic) }) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0._Y12._MIN, MIN5) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0._Y12._MAX, MAX5) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0._Y12._LEN, LEN5) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0._Y13._MIN, MIN6) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0._Y13._MAX, MAX6) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0._Y13._LEN, LEN6) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0._Y14._MIN, MIN7) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0._Y14._MAX, MAX7) CreateDWordField (CRS, \_SB.PCI0._Y14._LEN, LEN7) Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized) { Store (MG1L, Local0) If (Local0) { Store (MG1B, MIN5) Store (MG1L, LEN5) Add (MIN5, Decrement (Local0), MAX5) } Store (MG2B, MIN6) Store (MG2L, LEN6) Store (MG2L, Local0) Add (MIN6, Decrement (Local0), MAX6) Store (MG3B, MIN7) Store (MG3L, LEN7) Store (MG3L, Local0) Add (MIN7, Decrement (Local0), MAX7) Return (CRS) } } } Name (WOTB, Zero) Name (WSSB, Zero) Name (WAXB, Zero) Method (_PTS, 1, NotSerialized) { Store (Arg0, DBG8) PTS (Arg0) Store (Zero, Index (WAKP, Zero)) Store (Zero, Index (WAKP, One)) If (LAnd (LEqual (Arg0, 0x04), LEqual (OSFL (), 0x02))) { Sleep (0x0BB8) } Store (ASSB, WSSB) Store (AOTB, WOTB) Store (AAXB, WAXB) Store (Arg0, ASSB) Store (OSFL (), AOTB) Store (Zero, AAXB) } Method (_WAK, 1, NotSerialized) { ShiftLeft (Arg0, 0x04, DBG8) WAK (Arg0) If (ASSB) { Store (WSSB, ASSB) Store (WOTB, AOTB) Store (WAXB, AAXB) } If (DerefOf (Index (WAKP, Zero))) { Store (Zero, Index (WAKP, One)) } Else { Store (Arg0, Index (WAKP, One)) } Return (WAKP) } Scope (_SB.PCI0) { Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) { If (LLessEqual (RVID, 0x13)) { Store (Zero, PWDE) } } } Scope (_SB.PCI0) { OperationRegion (TVID, SystemMemory, 0xFED40F00, 0x02) Field (TVID, WordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { VIDT, 16 } } Device (_SB.PCI0.SBRG.TPM) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("IFX0102")) Name (_CID, EisaId ("PNP0C31")) Name (_UID, One) Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () { IO (Decode16, 0x0510, // Range Minimum 0x0510, // Range Maximum 0x01, // Alignment 0x02, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0500, // Range Minimum 0x0500, // Range Maximum 0x01, // Alignment 0x00, // Length ) Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0xFED40000, // Address Base 0x00005000, // Address Length ) }) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { If (TPMF) { If (LNotEqual (VIDT, 0x8086)) { Return (0x0F) } Return (Zero) } Else { Return (Zero) } } } Device (_SB.PCI0.ITPM) { Name (_HID, "INTC0102") Name (_CID, EisaId ("PNP0C31")) Name (_UID, One) Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () { Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0xFED40000, // Address Base 0x00005000, // Address Length ) }) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) { If (TPMF) { If (LEqual (VIDT, 0x8086)) { Return (0x0F) } Return (Zero) } Return (Zero) } } Scope (_SB.PCI0.SBRG.TPM) { Name (TAAX, Zero) OperationRegion (MIPT, SystemIO, SMIT, One) Field (MIPT, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { PSMI, 8 } Name (PPI1, Package (0x02) { Zero, Zero }) Name (PPI2, Package (0x03) { Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (MBUF, Buffer (0x04) {}) CreateByteField (MBUF, Zero, BUF0) CreateByteField (MBUF, One, BUF1) CreateByteField (MBUF, 0x02, BUF2) CreateByteField (MBUF, 0x03, BUF3) Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0xA6, 0xFA, 0xDD, 0x3D, 0x1B, 0x36, 0xB4, 0x4E, /* 0008 */ 0xA4, 0x24, 0x8D, 0x10, 0x08, 0x9D, 0x16, 0x53 })) { Name (_T_0, Zero) Store (ToInteger (Arg2), _T_0) If (LEqual (_T_0, Zero)) { Return (Buffer (One) { 0x7F }) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, One)) { Return ("1.0") } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x02)) { Store (AAXB, TAAX) Store (CMRQ, BUF0) Store (0xF0, BUF1) Store (ToInteger (DerefOf (Index (Arg3, Zero))), BUF2) Store (One, BUF3) Store (MBUF, AAXB) Store (0xFB, PSMI) Sleep (0x03E8) Store (TAAX, AAXB) Return (Zero) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x03)) { Store (AAXB, TAAX) Store (CMRQ, BUF0) Store (0x0F, BUF1) Store (Zero, BUF2) Store (Zero, BUF3) Store (MBUF, AAXB) Store (0xFB, PSMI) Sleep (0x03E8) Store (AAXB, MBUF) Store (BUF2, Local3) Store (Zero, Index (PPI1, Zero)) Store (Local3, Index (PPI1, One)) Store (TAAX, AAXB) Return (PPI1) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x04)) { Return (0x02) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x05)) { Store (AAXB, TAAX) Store (CMRQ, BUF0) Store (0xF0, BUF1) Store (Zero, BUF2) Store (Zero, BUF3) Store (MBUF, AAXB) Store (0xFB, PSMI) Sleep (0x03E8) Store (AAXB, MBUF) ShiftRight (BUF2, 0x04, Local3) Store (CMER, BUF0) Store (0xFF, BUF1) Store (Zero, BUF2) Store (Zero, BUF3) Store (MBUF, AAXB) Store (0xFB, PSMI) Sleep (0x03E8) Store (AAXB, MBUF) Store (BUF2, Local6) Add (CMER, One, Local4) Store (Local4, BUF0) Store (0xFF, BUF1) Store (Zero, BUF2) Store (Zero, BUF3) Store (MBUF, AAXB) Store (0xFB, PSMI) Sleep (0x03E8) Store (AAXB, MBUF) Store (BUF2, Local7) Multiply (Local7, 0x0100, Local2) Add (Local2, Local6, Local2) Store (Zero, Index (PPI2, Zero)) Store (Local3, Index (PPI2, One)) If (LEqual (Local2, 0xFFF0)) { Store (0xFFFFFFF0, Index (PPI2, 0x02)) } Else { If (LEqual (Local2, 0xFFF1)) { Store (0xFFFFFFF1, Index (PPI2, 0x02)) } Else { Store (Local2, Index (PPI2, 0x02)) } } Store (TAAX, AAXB) Return (PPI2) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x06)) { Return (Zero) } Else { } } } } } } } } Else { If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0xED, 0x54, 0x60, 0x37, 0x13, 0xCC, 0x75, 0x46, /* 0008 */ 0x90, 0x1C, 0x47, 0x56, 0xD7, 0xF2, 0xD4, 0x5D })) { Name (_T_1, Zero) Store (ToInteger (Arg2), _T_1) If (LEqual (_T_1, Zero)) { Return (Buffer (One) { 0x03 }) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_1, One)) { Store (AAXB, TAAX) Store (CMOR, BUF0) Store (0xFE, BUF1) Store (ToInteger (DerefOf (Index (Arg3, Zero))), BUF2) Store (One, BUF3) Store (MBUF, AAXB) Store (0xFB, PSMI) Sleep (0x0BB8) Store (TAAX, AAXB) Return (Zero) } Else { } } } } Return (Buffer (One) { 0x00 }) } } Scope (_SB.PCI0.ITPM) { Name (TAAX, Zero) OperationRegion (MIPT, SystemIO, SMIT, One) Field (MIPT, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { PSMI, 8 } Name (PPI1, Package (0x02) { Zero, Zero }) Name (PPI2, Package (0x03) { Zero, Zero, Zero }) Name (MBUF, Buffer (0x04) {}) CreateByteField (MBUF, Zero, BUF0) CreateByteField (MBUF, One, BUF1) CreateByteField (MBUF, 0x02, BUF2) CreateByteField (MBUF, 0x03, BUF3) Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0xA6, 0xFA, 0xDD, 0x3D, 0x1B, 0x36, 0xB4, 0x4E, /* 0008 */ 0xA4, 0x24, 0x8D, 0x10, 0x08, 0x9D, 0x16, 0x53 })) { Name (_T_0, Zero) Store (ToInteger (Arg2), _T_0) If (LEqual (_T_0, Zero)) { Return (Buffer (One) { 0x7F }) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, One)) { Return ("1.0") } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x02)) { Store (AAXB, TAAX) Store (CMRQ, BUF0) Store (0xF0, BUF1) Store (ToInteger (DerefOf (Index (Arg3, Zero))), BUF2) Store (One, BUF3) Store (MBUF, AAXB) Store (0xFB, PSMI) Sleep (0x03E8) Store (TAAX, AAXB) Return (Zero) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x03)) { Store (AAXB, TAAX) Store (CMRQ, BUF0) Store (0x0F, BUF1) Store (Zero, BUF2) Store (Zero, BUF3) Store (MBUF, AAXB) Store (0xFB, PSMI) Sleep (0x03E8) Store (AAXB, MBUF) Store (BUF2, Local3) Store (Zero, Index (PPI1, Zero)) Store (Local3, Index (PPI1, One)) Store (TAAX, AAXB) Return (PPI1) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x04)) { Return (0x02) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x05)) { Store (AAXB, TAAX) Store (CMRQ, BUF0) Store (0xF0, BUF1) Store (Zero, BUF2) Store (Zero, BUF3) Store (MBUF, AAXB) Store (0xFB, PSMI) Sleep (0x03E8) Store (AAXB, MBUF) ShiftRight (BUF2, 0x04, Local3) Store (CMER, BUF0) Store (0xFF, BUF1) Store (Zero, BUF2) Store (Zero, BUF3) Store (MBUF, AAXB) Store (0xFB, PSMI) Sleep (0x03E8) Store (AAXB, MBUF) Store (BUF2, Local6) Add (CMER, One, Local4) Store (Local4, BUF0) Store (0xFF, BUF1) Store (Zero, BUF2) Store (Zero, BUF3) Store (MBUF, AAXB) Store (0xFB, PSMI) Sleep (0x03E8) Store (AAXB, MBUF) Store (BUF2, Local7) Multiply (Local7, 0x0100, Local2) Add (Local2, Local6, Local2) Store (Zero, Index (PPI2, Zero)) Store (Local3, Index (PPI2, One)) If (LEqual (Local2, 0xFFF0)) { Store (0xFFFFFFF0, Index (PPI2, 0x02)) } Else { If (LEqual (Local2, 0xFFF1)) { Store (0xFFFFFFF1, Index (PPI2, 0x02)) } Else { Store (Local2, Index (PPI2, 0x02)) } } Store (TAAX, AAXB) Return (PPI2) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x06)) { Return (Zero) } Else { } } } } } } } } Else { If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0x10) { /* 0000 */ 0xED, 0x54, 0x60, 0x37, 0x13, 0xCC, 0x75, 0x46, /* 0008 */ 0x90, 0x1C, 0x47, 0x56, 0xD7, 0xF2, 0xD4, 0x5D })) { Name (_T_1, Zero) Store (ToInteger (Arg2), _T_1) If (LEqual (_T_1, Zero)) { Return (Buffer (One) { 0x03 }) } Else { If (LEqual (_T_1, One)) { Store (AAXB, TAAX) Store (CMOR, BUF0) Store (0xFE, BUF1) Store (ToInteger (DerefOf (Index (Arg3, Zero))), BUF2) Store (One, BUF3) Store (MBUF, AAXB) Store (0xFB, PSMI) Sleep (0x0BB8) Store (TAAX, AAXB) Return (Zero) } Else { } } } } Return (Buffer (One) { 0x00 }) } } Name (_S0, Package (0x04) { Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero }) If (SS1) { Name (_S1, Package (0x04) { One, Zero, Zero, Zero }) } If (SS3) { Name (_S3, Package (0x04) { 0x03, Zero, Zero, Zero }) } If (SS4) { Name (_S4, Package (0x04) { 0x04, Zero, Zero, Zero }) } Name (_S5, Package (0x04) { 0x05, Zero, Zero, Zero }) Method (PTS, 1, NotSerialized) { If (Arg0) { \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.EC0S (Arg0) NPTS (Arg0) NB2S (Arg0) SPTS (Arg0) NBFS (Arg0) } } Method (WAK, 1, NotSerialized) { \_SB.PCI0.SBRG.EC0.EC0W (Arg0) NWAK (Arg0) NB2W (Arg0) SWAK (Arg0) NBWK (Arg0) } }