[ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Time Synchronization... [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on PC/SC Smart Card Daemon Activation Socket. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started systemd-resolved-update-resolvconf.path. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... Starting Initialize hardware monitoring sensors... Starting System Logging Service... Starting Run Click system-level hooks... Starting Login Service... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting Automatic USB/Bluetooth printer setup (-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:1d.7-usb1-1x2d1)... Starting Accounts Service... [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting Modem Manager... Starting Name Service Cache Daemon... Starting Switcheroo Control Proxy service... [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting LSB: Speech Dispatcher... Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting Disk Manager... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. Starting LSB: Start Motion detection... [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. [ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally. Starting Network Manager... Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [FAILED] Failed to start Automatic USB/Bluetooth printer setup (-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:1d.7-usb1-1x2d1). See 'systemctl status udev-configure-printer@-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:1d.7-usb1-1x2d1.service' for details. [ OK ] Started Name Service Cache Daemon. [ OK ] Started Switcheroo Control Proxy service. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Initialize hardware monitoring sensors. [ **] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (1min 8s / 5min 51s) [ ***] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (1min 8s / 5min 51s) [ *** ] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (1min 9s / 5min 51s) [ *** ] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (1min 9s / 5min 51s) [*** ] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (1min 10s / 5min 51s) [** ] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (1min 10s / 5min 51s) [* ] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (1min 11s / 5min 51s) [** ] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (1min 11s / 5min 51s) [*** ] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (1min 12s / 5min 51s) [ *** ] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (1min 12s / 5min 51s) [ *** ] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (1min 13s / 5min 51s) [ ***] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (1min 13s / 5min 51s) [ **] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (1min 14s / 5min 51s) [ *] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (1min 14s / 5min 51s) [ OK ] Started Raise network interfaces. [ OK ] Reached target Network. Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started Unattended Upgrades Shutdown. [ OK ] Started BIND Domain Name Server. Starting OpenVPN service... Starting Permit User Sessions... [ OK ] Started OpenVPN service. [ OK ] Started Permit User Sessions. Starting Hold until boot process finishes up... Starting GNOME Display Manager... [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Reached target Host and Network Name Lookups. [ OK ] Reached target Network is Online. Starting LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.... Starting Samba NMB Daemon... Starting Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures... Starting LSB: disk temperature monitoring daemon... Starting LSB: HPA's tftp server... [ OK ] Started crash report submission daemon. Starting LSB: exim Mail Transport Agent... Starting LSB: Starts ProFTPD daemon... Starting systemd-resolved-update-resolvconf.service... [ OK ] Started Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures. [ OK ] Started LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.. [ OK ] Started LSB: HPA's tftp server. [ OK ] Started GNOME Display Manager. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Reached target Local Encrypted Volumes. [ OK ] Started Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. Starting LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x... [ OK ] Started LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.path. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Listening on PC/SC Smart Card Daemon Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting Disk Manager... Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. Starting Login Service... Starting Modem Manager... Starting Thermal Daemon Service... Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting Network Manager... [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. Starting Name Service Cache Daemon... [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. Starting LSB: Start Motion detection... Starting LSB: Speech Dispatcher... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting System Logging Service... Starting Accounts Service... [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service... [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. Starting Snappy daemon... Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... [ OK ] Started Thermal Daemon Service. [ OK ] Started Name Service Cache Daemon. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Save/Restore Sound Card State. [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started LSB: Start Motion detection. Starting Authorization Manager... [ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally. [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.service. [ OK ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ OK ] Started LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Mounted /var. [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. Mounting /var/log... Starting Load/Save Random Seed... [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/7087937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90. Mounting /boot... [ OK ] Mounted /boot. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d3c7613-d4af-4d72-8297-46bbad738449. Mounting /var/spool... [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6. Mounting /opt... [ OK ] Mounted /opt. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. Starting Nameserver information manager... [ OK ] Started Nameserver information manager. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. Starting LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x... [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Name Resolution... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Time Synchronization... [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Started LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x. Stopping Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Stopped Network Name Resolution. Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Raise network interfaces. [ *** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (17s / 24s) [ *** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (18s / 24s) [*** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (18s / no limit) [** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (19s / no limit) [* ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (19s / no limit) [** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (20s / 24s) [*** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (20s / 24s) [ *** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (21s / 24s) [ *** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (21s / no limit) [ ***] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (22s / no limit) [ **] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (22s / no limit) [ *] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (23s / 24s) [ **] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (23s / 24s) [FAILED] Failed to start Show Plymouth Boot Screen. See 'systemctl status plymouth-start.service' for details. [ OK ] Reached target Local Encrypted Volumes. [ OK ] Started Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch. [ ***] A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (29s / no limit) [ *** ] A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (30s / no limit) [ *** ] A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (30s / no limit) [*** ] A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (31s / no limit) [** ] A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (31s / no limit) [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.path. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Listening on PC/SC Smart Card Daemon Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting Name Service Cache Daemon... Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Starting System Logging Service... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... Starting LSB: Speech Dispatcher... [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting Login Service... Starting Accounts Service... Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting Modem Manager... Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service... [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... Starting LSB: Start Motion detection... [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting Network Manager... Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Disk Manager... [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [ OK ] Started Name Service Cache Daemon. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. [ OK ] Started Thermal Daemon Service. [ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.service. [ OK ] Started Save/Restore Sound Card State. [ OK ] Started LSB: Start Motion detection. Starting Authorization Manager... [ OK ] Started LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB. [ OK ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ OK ] Started WPA supplicant. [ OK ] Started Snappy daemon. Starting Wait until snapd is fully seeded... [ OK ] Started Authorization Manager. [ OK ] Started Accounts Service. [ OK ] Started Wait until snapd is fully seeded. Starting Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles... [ OK ] Started Disk Manager. [ OK ] Started Modem Manager. [ OK ] Started Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles. Starting Hostname Service... [ OK ] Started Hostname Service. [ OK ] Started Network Manager. Starting Network Manager Wait Online... [ OK ] Reached target Network. [ OK ] Started Unattended Upgrades Shutdown. Starting OpenVPN service... Starting Permit User Sessions... [ OK ] Started BIND Domain Name Server. [ OK ] Reached target Host and Network Name Lookups. [ OK ] Started OpenVPN service. [ OK ] Started Permit User Sessions. Starting Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service... Starting Hold until boot process finishes up... Starting GNOME Display Manager... [ OK ] Started Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service. [ OK ] Started Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd. [ OK ] Started GNOME Display Manager. Stopping Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Stopped Network Name Resolution. Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [** ] (1 of 3) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (12s / 54s) [ OK ] Started Raise network interfaces. [* ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (17s / no limit) [** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (18s / no limit) [*** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (18s / 54s) [ *** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (19s / 54s) [ *** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (19s / 54s) [ ***] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (20s / no limit) [ **] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (20s / no limit) [ *] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (21s / no limit) [ **] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (21s / 54s) [ ***] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (22s / 54s) [ *** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (22s / 54s) [ *** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (23s / no limit) [*** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (23s / no limit) [** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (24s / no limit) [* ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (24s / 54s) [** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (25s / 54s) [*** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (25s / 54s) [ *** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (26s / no limit) [ *** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (26s / no limit) [ ***] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (27s / no limit) [ **] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (27s / 54s) [ *] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (28s / 54s) [ **] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (28s / 54s) [ ***] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (29s / no limit) [ *** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (29s / no limit) [ *** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (30s / no limit) [*** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (30s / 54s) [** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (31s / 54s) [* ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (31s / 54s) [** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (32s / no limit) [*** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (32s / no limit) [ *** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (33s / no limit) [ *** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (33s / 54s) [ ***] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (34s / 54s) [ **] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (34s / 54s) [ *] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (35s / no limit) [ **] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (35s / no limit) [ ***] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (36s / no limit) [ *** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (36s / 54s) [ *** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (37s / 54s) [*** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (37s / 54s) [** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (38s / no limit) [* ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (38s / no limit) [** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (39s / no limit) [*** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (39s / 54s) [ *** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (40s / 54s) [ *** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (40s / 54s) [ ***] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (41s / no limit) [ **] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (41s / no limit) [ *] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (42s / no limit) [ **] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (42s / 54s) [ ***] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (43s / 54s) [ *** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (43s / 54s) [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Reached target Local Encrypted Volumes. [ OK ] Started Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.path. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Listening on PC/SC Smart Card Daemon Activation Socket. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. Starting Name Service Cache Daemon... Starting Login Service... Starting LSB: Speech Dispatcher... Starting Accounts Service... Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting LSB: Start Motion detection... Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. Starting System Logging Service... [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Network Manager... [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... Starting Disk Manager... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting Modem Manager... Starting Snappy daemon... Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Name Service Cache Daemon. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started Save/Restore Sound Card State. [ OK ] Started LSB: Start Motion detection. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.service. [ OK ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. [ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally. [ OK ] Started Thermal Daemon Service. [ OK ] Started LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB. [ OK ] Started WPA supplicant. Starting Authorization Manager... [ OK ] Started Authorization Manager. [ OK ] Started Accounts Service. Starting Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles... [ OK ] Started Modem Manager. [ OK ] Started Snappy daemon. Starting Wait until snapd is fully seeded... [ OK ] Started Wait until snapd is fully seeded. [ OK ] Started Disk Manager. [ OK ] Started Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles. Starting Hostname Service... [ OK ] Started Hostname Service. [ OK ] Started Network Manager. Starting Network Manager Wait Online... [ OK ] Reached target Network. [ OK ] Started BIND Domain Name Server. [ OK ] Reached target Host and Network Name Lookups. [ OK ] Started Unattended Upgrades Shutdown. Starting Permit User Sessions... Starting OpenVPN service... [ OK ] Started Permit User Sessions. [ OK ] Started OpenVPN service. Starting Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service... Starting Hold until boot process finishes up... Starting GNOME Display Manager... [ OK ] Started Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd. [ OK ] Started GNOME Display Manager. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d3c7613-d4af-4d72-8297-46bbad738449. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/6db8de73-47a5-4028-8999-d1616c5468b0. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b92ce9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99. Mounting /tftpboot... [ OK ] Mounted /tftpboot. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1fb5db12-8dad-4a83-93d7-738e29bb0e67. Mounting /home... [ OK ] Mounted /home. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/7087937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90. Mounting /boot... [ OK ] Mounted /boot. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Mounted /var. Mounting /var/log... Starting Load/Save Random Seed... [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. Mounting /var/spool... [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6. Mounting /opt... [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. [ OK ] Mounted /opt. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. Starting Nameserver information manager... [ OK ] Started Nameserver information manager. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Name Resolution... Starting Network Time Synchronization... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. Starting LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x... [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Started LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x. Stopping Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Stopped Network Name Resolution. Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Raise network interfaces. [ *** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (17s / no limit) [*** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (18s / no limit) [** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (18s / 40s) [* ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (19s / 40s) [** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (19s / 40s) [*** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (20s / no limit) [ *** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (20s / no limit) [ *** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (21s / no limit) [ ***] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (21s / 40s) [ **] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (22s / 40s) [ *] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (22s / 40s) [ **] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (23s / no limit) [ ***] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (23s / no limit) [ *** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (24s / no limit) [ *** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (24s / 40s) [*** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (25s / 40s) [** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (25s / 40s) [* ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (26s / no limit) [** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (26s / no limit) [*** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (27s / no limit) [ *** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (27s / 40s) [ *** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (28s / 40s) [ ***] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (28s / 40s) [ **] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (29s / no limit) [ *] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (29s / no limit) [ **] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (30s / no limit) [ ***] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (30s / 40s) [ *** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (31s / 40s) [ *** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for Show Plymouth Boot Screen (31s / 40s) [*** ] (1 of 2) A start job is running for Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data (32s / no limit) [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch. [ OK ] Reached target Local Encrypted Volumes. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on PC/SC Smart Card Daemon Activation Socket. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.path. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting Modem Manager... Starting Thermal Daemon Service... [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service... Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Starting LSB: Speech Dispatcher... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting Name Service Cache Daemon... [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. Starting Login Service... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting Network Manager... Starting WPA supplicant... Starting System Logging Service... Starting Disk Manager... Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. Starting Snappy daemon... Starting Accounts Service... Starting LSB: Start Motion detection... [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Name Service Cache Daemon. [ OK ] Started Save/Restore Sound Card State. [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. [ OK ] Started LSB: Start Motion detection. [ OK ] Started Thermal Daemon Service. [ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.service. [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB. [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. Starting Authorization Manager... [ OK ] Started WPA supplicant. [ OK ] Started Authorization Manager. [ OK ] Started Accounts Service. Starting Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles... Starting Hostname Service... [ OK ] Started Hostname Service. [ OK ] Started Network Manager. Starting Network Manager Wait Online... [ OK ] Reached target Network. Starting Permit User Sessions... [ OK ] Started BIND Domain Name Server. [ OK ] Reached target Host and Network Name Lookups. Starting OpenVPN service... [ OK ] Started Unattended Upgrades Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Permit User Sessions. [ OK ] Started OpenVPN service. Starting GNOME Display Manager... Starting Hold until boot process finishes up... Starting Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service... [ OK ] Started Modem Manager. [ OK ] Started Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service. [ OK ] Started Snappy daemon. Starting Wait until snapd is fully seeded... [ OK ] Started Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles. [ OK ] Started Wait until snapd is fully seeded. [ OK ] Started Disk Manager. [ OK ] Started GNOME Display Manager. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch. [ OK ] Reached target Local Encrypted Volumes. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Mounted /var. Mounting /var/log... [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. Mounting /var/spool... Starting Load/Save Random Seed... [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. Starting Nameserver information manager... [ OK ] Started Nameserver information manager. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. Starting LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x... [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.path. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Listening on PC/SC Smart Card Daemon Activation Socket. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting System Logging Service... Starting LSB: Speech Dispatcher... [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting Disk Manager... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. Starting WPA supplicant... Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service... Starting Login Service... Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting LSB: Start Motion detection... Starting Accounts Service... Starting Snappy daemon... Starting Name Service Cache Daemon... [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting Thermal Daemon Service... Starting Modem Manager... Starting Network Manager... Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started LSB: Start Motion detection. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.service. [ OK ] Started Login Service. [ OK ] Started Save/Restore Sound Card State. [ OK ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ OK ] Started LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB. [ OK ] Started Name Service Cache Daemon. [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. [ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally. [ OK ] Started WPA supplicant. [ OK ] Started Thermal Daemon Service. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Reached target Local Encrypted Volumes. [ OK ] Started Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/6db8de73-47a5-4028-8999-d1616c5468b0. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b92ce9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99. Mounting /tftpboot... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Mounted /tftpboot. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Mounted /var. Starting Load/Save Random Seed... [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. Mounting /var/log... [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1fb5db12-8dad-4a83-93d7-738e29bb0e67. Mounting /home... [ OK ] Mounted /home. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6. Mounting /opt... [ OK ] Mounted /opt. [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d3c7613-d4af-4d72-8297-46bbad738449. Mounting /var/spool... [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/7087937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90. Mounting /boot... [ OK ] Mounted /boot. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. Starting Nameserver information manager... [ OK ] Started Nameserver information manager. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. Starting LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x... [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.path. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... Starting Thermal Daemon Service... Starting System Logging Service... [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. Starting Modem Manager... Starting Name Service Cache Daemon... [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. Starting LSB: Start Motion detection... [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. Starting Login Service... Starting LSB: Speech Dispatcher... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting WPA supplicant... Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... Starting Network Manager... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. Starting Accounts Service... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting Disk Manager... Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service... Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [ OK ] Started Name Service Cache Daemon. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Save/Restore Sound Card State. [ OK ] Started Thermal Daemon Service. [ OK ] Started LSB: Start Motion detection. Starting Authorization Manager... [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.service. [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ OK ] Started LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB. Starting Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles... [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. [ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally. [ OK ] Started WPA supplicant. [ OK ] Started Authorization Manager. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch. [ OK ] Reached target Local Encrypted Volumes. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d3c7613-d4af-4d72-8297-46bbad738449. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/7087937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90. Mounting /boot... [ OK ] Mounted /boot. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Mounted /var. Mounting /var/log... [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. Starting Load/Save Random Seed... Mounting /var/spool... [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6. Mounting /opt... [ OK ] Mounted /opt. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Nameserver information manager... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Nameserver information manager. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. Starting LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x... [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.path. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting Login Service... Starting Accounts Service... [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting LSB: Speech Dispatcher... Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. Starting System Logging Service... [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting Network Manager... Starting WPA supplicant... [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. Starting Disk Manager... Starting Name Service Cache Daemon... Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Starting Thermal Daemon Service... Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... Starting LSB: Start Motion detection... [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. Starting Modem Manager... Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started Save/Restore Sound Card State. [ OK ] Started LSB: Start Motion detection. [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. [ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.service. [ OK ] Started Name Service Cache Daemon. /dev/sda3: clean, 34237/524288 files, 830597/2097152 blocks /dev/sda9: clean, 263189/786432 files, 2273661/3144960 blocks [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting ebtables ruleset management... Starting AppArmor initialization... Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. Starting Nameserver information manager... [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started Nameserver information manager. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. Starting LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x... [ OK ] Started LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.path. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. Starting System Logging Service... Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting Login Service... [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. Starting Accounts Service... [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting Modem Manager... [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Network Manager... Starting Disk Manager... Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting Name Service Cache Daemon... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Name Service Cache Daemon. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Configure Plugged-In Printer. [ OK ] Started iSCSI initiator daemon (iscsid). [ OK ] Reached target Remote File Systems (Pre). [ OK ] Reached target Remote File Systems. Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... Starting LSB: exim Mail Transport Agent... Starting Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures... Starting LSB: disk temperature monitoring daemon... Starting LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.... Starting LSB: HPA's tftp server... Starting LSB: Start Motion detection... Starting LSB: Speech Dispatcher... Starting Permit User Sessions... Starting Availability of block devices... [ OK ] Started Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures. [ OK ] Started Permit User Sessions. Starting Hold until boot process finishes up... Starting GNOME Display Manager... [ OK ] Started Availability of block devices. [ OK ] Started LSB: Start Motion detection. [ OK ] Started LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.. [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started LSB: HPA's tftp server. [ OK ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ OK ] Started GNOME Display Manager. /dev/sda3: recovering journal /dev/sda3: clean, 34237/524288 files, 830597/2097152 blocks /dev/sda9: recovering journal /dev/sda9: clean, 263189/786432 files, 2273661/3144960 blocks [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/7087937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90. Mounting /boot... [ OK ] Mounted /boot. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting ebtables ruleset management... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting AppArmor initialization... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. Starting Nameserver information manager... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started Nameserver information manager. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. Starting LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x... [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.path. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. Starting Accounts Service... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. Starting Name Service Cache Daemon... [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. Starting Disk Manager... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting Modem Manager... [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... Starting Network Manager... [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting System Logging Service... [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. Starting Login Service... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Started LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x. [ OK ] Started Thermal Daemon Service. [ OK ] Started Name Service Cache Daemon. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. [ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.service. [ OK ] Started Save/Restore Sound Card State. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting Authorization Manager... Stopping Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Stopped Network Name Resolution. Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB. [ OK ] Started iSCSI initiator daemon (iscsid). Starting Availability of block devices... [ OK ] Reached target Remote File Systems (Pre). [ OK ] Reached target Remote File Systems. Starting LSB: HPA's tftp server... Starting LSB: Start Motion detection... Starting Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures... Starting LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.... Starting LSB: disk temperature monitoring daemon... Starting Permit User Sessions... Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... Starting LSB: exim Mail Transport Agent... Starting LSB: Speech Dispatcher... [ OK ] Started Availability of block devices. [ OK ] Started LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.. [ OK ] Started Permit User Sessions. Starting GNOME Display Manager... Starting Hold until boot process finishes up... [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started LSB: Start Motion detection. [ OK ] Started Configure Plugged-In Printer. [ OK ] Started LSB: HPA's tftp server. [ OK ] Started Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures. [ OK ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ OK ] Started GNOME Display Manager. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch. [ OK ] Reached target Local Encrypted Volumes. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 10. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/6db8de73-47a5-4028-8999-d1616c5468b0... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 2. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b92ce9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 11. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d3c7613-d4af-4d72-8297-46bbad738449... [ OK ] Reached target Sound Card. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 6. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1fb5db12-8dad-4a83-93d7-738e29bb0e67... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 5. Activating swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a772283-af3d-4be8-9be7-263312528410... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 12. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f... [ OK ] Activated swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a772283-af3d-4be8-9be7-263312528410. [ OK ] Reached target Swap. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 1. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/7087937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 7. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/6db8de73-47a5-4028-8999-d1616c5468b0. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 8. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d3c7613-d4af-4d72-8297-46bbad738449. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Mounted /var. Mounting /var/log... Mounting /var/spool... Starting Load/Save Random Seed... [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b92ce9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99. Mounting /tftpboot... [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [ OK ] Mounted /tftpboot. [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6. Mounting /opt... [ OK ] Mounted /opt. [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1fb5db12-8dad-4a83-93d7-738e29bb0e67. Mounting /home... [ OK ] Mounted /home. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/7087937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90. Mounting /boot... [ OK ] Mounted /boot. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting ebtables ruleset management... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. Starting Nameserver information manager... [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Nameserver information manager. [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. Starting LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x... [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.path. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service... Starting Thermal Daemon Service... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. Starting Name Service Cache Daemon... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... Starting System Logging Service... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... Starting Accounts Service... [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. Starting Network Manager... [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... Starting Disk Manager... Starting Modem Manager... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... Starting Login Service... Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd. [ OK ] Started LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x. [ OK ] Started Name Service Cache Daemon. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [ OK ] Started LXD - container startup/shutdown. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Availability of block devices. [ OK ] Started Permit User Sessions. Starting Hold until boot process finishes up... Starting GNOME Display Manager... [ OK ] Started LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.. [ OK ] Started LSB: Start Motion detection. [ OK ] Started Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures. [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started LSB: HPA's tftp server. [ OK ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ OK ] Started GNOME Display Manager. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Reached target Local Encrypted Volumes. [ OK ] Started Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 5. Activating swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a772283-af3d-4be8-9be7-263312528410... [ OK ] Activated swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a772283-af3d-4be8-9be7-263312528410. [ OK ] Found device ST3500413AS 1. Activating swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/0ce13906-f9c2-4346-9eb6-a62b3e47c937... [ OK ] Found device ST3500413AS 2. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/04c5d8ff-72d4-491b-b1a9-06b2d7fa65ed... [ OK ] Activated swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/0ce13906-f9c2-4346-9eb6-a62b3e47c937. [ OK ] Reached target Swap. [ OK ] Started File System Check Daemon to report status. [ OK ] Reached target Sound Card. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/04c5d8ff-72d4-491b-b1a9-06b2d7fa65ed. Mounting /srv... [ OK ] Mounted /srv. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 12. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 10. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/6db8de73-47a5-4028-8999-d1616c5468b0... Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 1. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/7087937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 11. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d3c7613-d4af-4d72-8297-46bbad738449... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 2. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b92ce9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 7. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 6. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1fb5db12-8dad-4a83-93d7-738e29bb0e67... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 8. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6... Comprobando progreso en 8 discos (0,0 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 7 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. Comprobando progreso en 6 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/7087937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90. Mounting /boot... [ OK ] Mounted /boot. Comprobando progreso en 5 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b92ce9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99. Mounting /tftpboot... [ OK ] Mounted /tftpboot. Comprobando progreso en 4 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6. Mounting /opt... [ OK ] Mounted /opt. Comprobando progreso en 3 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/6db8de73-47a5-4028-8999-d1616c5468b0. Comprobando progreso en 2 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d3c7613-d4af-4d72-8297-46bbad738449. Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Mounted /var. Mounting /var/spool... Mounting /var/log... [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. Starting Load/Save Random Seed... [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. Comprobando progreso en 0 discos (100,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1fb5db12-8dad-4a83-93d7-738e29bb0e67. Mounting /home... [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. [ OK ] Mounted /home. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting ebtables ruleset management... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. Starting Nameserver information manager... [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Nameserver information manager. [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Name Resolution... Starting Network Time Synchronization... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. Starting LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x... [ OK ] Started LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.path. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. Starting Disk Manager... Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting Accounts Service... Starting System Logging Service... Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service... [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. Starting Name Service Cache Daemon... Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... Starting Modem Manager... [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Network Manager... [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. Starting Login Service... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Name Service Cache Daemon. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started iSCSI initiator daemon (iscsid). [ OK ] Reached target Remote File Systems (Pre). [ OK ] Reached target Remote File Systems. Starting Permit User Sessions... Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... Starting LSB: Start Motion detection... Starting LSB: disk temperature monitoring daemon... Starting LSB: Speech Dispatcher... Starting LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.... Starting Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures... Starting LSB: HPA's tftp server... Starting LSB: exim Mail Transport Agent... Starting Availability of block devices... [ OK ] Started Configure Plugged-In Printer. [ OK ] Started Permit User Sessions. Starting GNOME Display Manager... Starting Hold until boot process finishes up... [ OK ] Started Availability of block devices. [ OK ] Started Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures. [ OK ] Started LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.. [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started LSB: Start Motion detection. [ OK ] Started LSB: HPA's tftp server. [ OK ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ OK ] Started GNOME Display Manager. /dev/sda3: recovering journal /dev/sda3: clean, 34237/524288 files, 830597/2097152 blocks /dev/sda9: recovering journal /dev/sda9: clean, 263189/786432 files, 2273661/3144960 blocks [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6. Mounting /opt... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Mounted /opt. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Mounted /var. Mounting /var/spool... [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. Starting Load/Save Random Seed... Mounting /var/log... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b92ce9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99. [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. Mounting /tftpboot... [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [ OK ] Mounted /tftpboot. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting ebtables ruleset management... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. Starting Nameserver information manager... [ OK ] Started Nameserver information manager. [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. Starting LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x... [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Network Name Resolution... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.path. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting System Logging Service... Starting Name Service Cache Daemon... [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. Starting Accounts Service... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... Starting Modem Manager... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. Starting Network Manager... Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting Login Service... Starting Disk Manager... Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service... Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd. [ OK ] Started LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x. [ OK ] Started Name Service Cache Daemon. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Configure Plugged-In Printer. [ OK ] Started Network Manager Wait Online. [ OK ] Reached target Network is Online. Starting iSCSI initiator daemon (iscsid)... Starting Samba NMB Daemon... [ OK ] Started crash report submission daemon. [ OK ] Started iSCSI initiator daemon (iscsid). [ OK ] Reached target Remote File Systems (Pre). [ OK ] Reached target Remote File Systems. Starting LSB: HPA's tftp server... Starting Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures... Starting LSB: Start Motion detection... Starting LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.... Starting Permit User Sessions... Starting LSB: disk temperature monitoring daemon... Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... Starting LSB: Speech Dispatcher... Starting LSB: exim Mail Transport Agent... Starting Availability of block devices... [ OK ] Started Permit User Sessions. Starting GNOME Display Manager... Starting Hold until boot process finishes up... [ OK ] Started Availability of block devices. [ OK ] Started LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.. [ OK ] Started LSB: Start Motion detection. [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures. [ OK ] Started LSB: HPA's tftp server. [ OK ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ OK ] Started GNOME Display Manager. [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop /dev/sda3: clean, 46983/524288 files, 916762/2097152 blocks /dev/sda9: clean, 292305/786432 files, 2263887/3144960 blocks [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/6db8de73-47a5-4028-8999-d1616c5468b0. [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Mounted /var. Mounting /var/log... Starting Load/Save Random Seed... [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/7087937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90. Mounting /boot... [ OK ] Mounted /boot. [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d3c7613-d4af-4d72-8297-46bbad738449. Mounting /var/spool... [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b92ce9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99. Mounting /tftpboot... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6. Mounting /opt... [ OK ] Mounted /tftpboot. [ OK ] Mounted /opt. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1fb5db12-8dad-4a83-93d7-738e29bb0e67. Mounting /home... [ OK ] Mounted /home. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting ebtables ruleset management... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. Starting Nameserver information manager... [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started Nameserver information manager. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Name Resolution... Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. Starting LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x... [ OK ] Started LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.path. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. Starting Name Service Cache Daemon... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... Starting System Logging Service... [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. Starting Snappy daemon... Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting Accounts Service... Starting Modem Manager... [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service... [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. Starting Disk Manager... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... Starting Login Service... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting Network Manager... Starting WPA supplicant... Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started Name Service Cache Daemon. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [ OK ] Started Network Manager Wait Online. [ OK ] Reached target Network is Online. Starting iSCSI initiator daemon (iscsid)... Starting Samba NMB Daemon... [ OK ] Started crash report submission daemon. [ OK ] Started iSCSI initiator daemon (iscsid). Starting Availability of block devices... [ OK ] Reached target Remote File Systems (Pre). [ OK ] Reached target Remote File Systems. Starting LSB: HPA's tftp server... Starting Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures... Starting LSB: exim Mail Transport Agent... Starting LSB: Speech Dispatcher... Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... Starting Permit User Sessions... Starting LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.... Starting LSB: Start Motion detection... Starting LSB: disk temperature monitoring daemon... [ OK ] Started Availability of block devices. [ OK ] Started Permit User Sessions. Starting Hold until boot process finishes up... Starting GNOME Display Manager... [ OK ] Started LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.. [ OK ] Started LSB: Start Motion detection. [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures. [ OK ] Started LSB: HPA's tftp server. [ OK ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ OK ] Started GNOME Display Manager. [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop /dev/sda3: recovering journal /dev/sda3: Clearing orphaned inode 368855 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=137076) /dev/sda3: clean, 21663/524288 files, 745038/2097152 blocks /dev/sda9: recovering journal /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 2883 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=45272) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 638992 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=394149) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 647251 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=54144) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 418 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=63238) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 647218 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=28664) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 647241 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=28556) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 638991 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=394149) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 114818 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=570820) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 19522 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=362612) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 19298 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=17740) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158382 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=9524) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158381 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=13620) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158380 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=9524) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158379 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=9524) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158373 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=25908) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158368 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=9468) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158367 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=13564) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158366 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=9524) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158365 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=25908) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158364 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=79696) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158354 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=25908) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158353 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=13564) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158350 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=9468) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158344 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=9524) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158337 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=17716) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158334 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=13564) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158333 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=25908) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158330 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=38196) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158327 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=9468) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158325 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=17660) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158319 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=21756) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158318 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=13704) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158317 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=9524) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158314 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=30004) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158309 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=148788) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158304 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=305088) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 114814 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=743112) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 655723 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100755, size=87496) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158302 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=9528) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158300 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=17716) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158299 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=9468) /dev/sda9: Clearing orphaned inode 158298 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=91444) /dev/sda9: clean, 261505/786432 files, 2228532/3144960 blocks [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b92ce9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99. Mounting /tftpboot... [ OK ] Mounted /tftpboot. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1fb5db12-8dad-4a83-93d7-738e29bb0e67. Mounting /home... [ OK ] Mounted /home. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Mounted /var. [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. Mounting /var/spool... Mounting /var/log... Starting Load/Save Random Seed... [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting ebtables ruleset management... [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Name Resolution... Starting Network Time Synchronization... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. Starting Modem Manager... [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting Accounts Service... [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting Login Service... [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting Network Manager... Starting WPA supplicant... Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... Starting System Logging Service... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting Disk Manager... [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop /dev/sda3: recovering journal /dev/sda3: clean, 21661/524288 files, 745036/2097152 blocks /dev/sda9: recovering journal /dev/sda9: clean, 261505/786432 files, 2228532/3144960 blocks [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Mounted /var. Mounting /var/spool... [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. Starting Load/Save Random Seed... [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/7087937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90. Mounting /boot... [ OK ] Mounted /boot. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/6db8de73-47a5-4028-8999-d1616c5468b0. Mounting /var/log... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6. Mounting /opt... [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [ OK ] Mounted /opt. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting ebtables ruleset management... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Name Resolution... Starting Network Time Synchronization... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. Starting Disk Manager... [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. Starting Accounts Service... Starting System Logging Service... Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. Starting WPA supplicant... [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... Starting Modem Manager... Starting Network Manager... Starting Login Service... Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started OpenBSD Secure Shell server. [ OK ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ OK ] Started LSB: HPA's tftp server. [ OK ] Started GNOME Display Manager. [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop /dev/sda3: clean, 21647/524288 files, 744983/2097152 blocks /dev/sda9: clean, 262410/786432 files, 2231640/3144960 blocks [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Mounted /var. [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. Starting Load/Save Random Seed... Mounting /var/log... Mounting /var/spool... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b92ce9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99. [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... Mounting /tftpboot... [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. [ OK ] Mounted /tftpboot. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6. Mounting /opt... [ OK ] Mounted /opt. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting ebtables ruleset management... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. Starting LXD - unix socket. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting Accounts Service... [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... Starting Modem Manager... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. Starting Network Manager... [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. Starting System Logging Service... [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting Login Service... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... Starting Disk Manager... [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... [ OK ] Started Thermal Daemon Service. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Save/Restore Sound Card State. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting Authorization Manager... [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. [ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally. [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [ OK ] Started LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB. [ OK ] Started WPA supplicant. [ OK ] Started Authorization Manager. [ OK ] Started Accounts Service. [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started LSB: Start Motion detection. [ OK ] Started Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures. [ OK ] Started LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.. [ OK ] Started OpenBSD Secure Shell server. [ OK ] Started LSB: HPA's tftp server. [ OK ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ OK ] Started GNOME Display Manager. [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop /dev/sda3: clean, 21648/524288 files, 744984/2097152 blocks /dev/sda9: clean, 262410/786432 files, 2231640/3144960 blocks [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/6db8de73-47a5-4028-8999-d1616c5468b0. [ OK ] Mounted /var. Starting Load/Save Random Seed... Mounting /var/log... [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/7087937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90. Mounting /boot... [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. [ OK ] Mounted /boot. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1fb5db12-8dad-4a83-93d7-738e29bb0e67. Mounting /home... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b92ce9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99. Mounting /tftpboot... [ OK ] Mounted /home. [ OK ] Mounted /tftpboot. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d3c7613-d4af-4d72-8297-46bbad738449. Mounting /var/spool... [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6. Mounting /opt... [ OK ] Mounted /opt. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting ebtables ruleset management... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting Modem Manager... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... Starting Login Service... [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting Disk Manager... [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. Starting System Logging Service... Starting Accounts Service... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting Network Manager... Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. [ OK ] Started Thermal Daemon Service. [ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally. Starting Authorization Manager... [ OK ] Started Save/Restore Sound Card State. /dev/sda3: recovering journal /dev/sda3: clean, 21648/524288 files, 744984/2097152 blocks /dev/sda9: recovering journal /dev/sda9: clean, 262410/786432 files, 2231640/3144960 blocks [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting ebtables ruleset management... Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting Set console font and keymap... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Name Resolution... Starting Network Time Synchronization... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. Starting Network Manager... [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. Starting System Logging Service... [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. Starting Accounts Service... Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting Modem Manager... Starting Login Service... Starting Disk Manager... Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. [ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally. [ OK ] Started Login Service. [ OK ] Started Save/Restore Sound Card State. [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB. [ OK ] Started WPA supplicant. [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop /dev/sda3: recovering journal /dev/sda3: clean, 21648/524288 files, 744984/2097152 blocks /dev/sda9: recovering journal /dev/sda9: clean, 262410/786432 files, 2231640/3144960 blocks [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting ebtables ruleset management... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting AppArmor initialization... Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting System Logging Service... Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Snappy daemon... Starting Network Manager... Starting Disk Manager... [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... Starting Accounts Service... Starting Login Service... Starting Modem Manager... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. /dev/sda3: recovering journal /dev/sda3: clean, 21648/524288 files, 744984/2097152 blocks /dev/sda9: recovering journal /dev/sda9: clean, 262410/786432 files, 2231640/3144960 blocks [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/7087937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90. Mounting /boot... [ OK ] Mounted /boot. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1fb5db12-8dad-4a83-93d7-738e29bb0e67. Mounting /home... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b92ce9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99. Mounting /tftpboot... [ OK ] Mounted /home. [ OK ] Mounted /tftpboot. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d3c7613-d4af-4d72-8297-46bbad738449. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6. Mounting /opt... [ OK ] Mounted /opt. [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Mounted /var. [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. Mounting /var/spool... Starting Load/Save Random Seed... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/6db8de73-47a5-4028-8999-d1616c5468b0. Mounting /var/log... [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting ebtables ruleset management... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. Starting Modem Manager... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting Disk Manager... Starting Accounts Service... [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. Starting System Logging Service... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Starting Login Service... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Network Manager... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Thermal Daemon Service. Starting Authorization Manager... [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. [ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally. [ OK ] Started Save/Restore Sound Card State. [ OK ] Started WPA supplicant. [ OK ] Started LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB. [ OK ] Started Authorization Manager. [ OK ] Started Accounts Service. [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop /dev/sda3: recovering journal /dev/sda3: clean, 21648/524288 files, 744984/2097152 blocks /dev/sda9: recovering journal /dev/sda9: clean, 262410/786432 files, 2231640/3144960 blocks [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting ebtables ruleset management... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting Modem Manager... [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... Starting System Logging Service... Starting Thermal Daemon Service... Starting Disk Manager... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Network Manager... Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... Starting Login Service... Starting Accounts Service... [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop /dev/sda3: clean, 21648/524288 files, 744984/2097152 blocks /dev/sda9: clean, 262410/786432 files, 2231640/3144960 blocks [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop [ OK ] Started udev Coldplug all Devices. [ OK ] Started Create Static Device Nodes in /dev. [ OK ] Mounted Huge Pages File System. [ OK ] Mounted POSIX Message Queue File System. [ OK ] Mounted Kernel Debug File System. [ OK ] Started Remount Root and Kernel File Systems. Starting udev Kernel Device Manager... [ OK ] Started LVM2 metadata daemon. [ OK ] Started Set the console keyboard layout. [ OK ] Started Load Kernel Modules. Mounting Kernel Configuration File System... Starting Apply Kernel Variables... Mounting FUSE Control File System... [ OK ] Mounted Kernel Configuration File System. [ OK ] Mounted FUSE Control File System. [ OK ] Started Monitoring of LVM2 mirrors, snapshots etc. using dmeventd or progress polling. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems (Pre). [ OK ] Started Apply Kernel Variables. [ OK ] Started udev Kernel Device Manager. Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch. [ OK ] Reached target Local Encrypted Volumes. Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Created slice system-configure\x2dprinter.slice. Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Found device NetXtreme BCM5752 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express. [ OK ] Listening on Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status /dev/rfkill Watch. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 8. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 11. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d3c7613-d4af-4d72-8297-46bbad738449... Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6... [ OK ] Started File System Check Daemon to report status. [ OK ] Found device ST3500413AS 1. [ OK ] Found device ST3500413AS 2. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/04c5d8ff-72d4-491b-b1a9-06b2d7fa65ed... Activating swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/0ce13906-f9c2-4346-9eb6-a62b3e47c937... [ OK ] Activated swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/0ce13906-f9c2-4346-9eb6-a62b3e47c937. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 12. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 7. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371... [ OK ] Reached target Sound Card. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 2. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b92ce9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/04c5d8ff-72d4-491b-b1a9-06b2d7fa65ed. Comprobando progreso en 5 discos (0,0 % completado) Mounting /srv... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 6. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 5. Activating swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a772283-af3d-4be8-9be7-263312528410... Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1fb5db12-8dad-4a83-93d7-738e29bb0e67... [ OK ] Mounted /srv. Comprobando progreso en 6 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Activated swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a772283-af3d-4be8-9be7-263312528410. [ OK ] Reached target Swap. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 10. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/6db8de73-47a5-4028-8999-d1616c5468b0... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 1. Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/7087937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90... Comprobando progreso en 8 discos (0,0 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 7 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/2d3c7613-d4af-4d72-8297-46bbad738449. Comprobando progreso en 6 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/088c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6. Mounting /opt... [ OK ] Mounted /opt. Comprobando progreso en 5 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1241d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Mounted /var. [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. Mounting /var/spool... Starting Load/Save Random Seed... [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. Comprobando progreso en 4 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1fb5db12-8dad-4a83-93d7-738e29bb0e67. Mounting /home... Comprobando progreso en 3 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b92ce9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99. Mounting /tftpboot... [ OK ] Mounted /home. [ OK ] Mounted /tftpboot. Comprobando progreso en 2 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/7087937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90. Mounting /boot... Comprobando progreso en 0 discos (100,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/6db8de73-47a5-4028-8999-d1616c5468b0. Mounting /var/log... [ OK ] Mounted /boot. [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting ebtables ruleset management... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Network Name Resolution... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting Thermal Daemon Service... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting Accounts Service... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting Disk Manager... Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. Starting System Logging Service... Starting Login Service... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Modem Manager... [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Starting Network Manager... Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. [ OK ] Started Thermal Daemon Service. [ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally. [ OK ] Started Save/Restore Sound Card State. [ OK ] Started WPA supplicant. [ OK ] Started LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB. Starting Authorization Manager... [ OK ] Started Snappy daemon. Starting Wait until snapd is fully seeded... [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop /dev/sda3: recovering journal /dev/sda3: clean, 21648/524288 files, 744984/2097152 blocks /dev/sda9: recovering journal /dev/sda9: clean, 262410/786432 files, 2231640/3144960 blocks [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:759] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:stopping watching fd 6 [ply-event-loop.c:775] ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd:removing destination for fd 6 [./ply-boot-client.c:810] ply_boot_client_detach_from_event_loop:detaching from event loop [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a91855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting AppArmor initialization... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting ebtables ruleset management... Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Network Time Synchronization... Starting Network Name Resolution... Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting Thermal Daemon Service... [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... Starting Disk Manager... [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. Starting System Logging Service... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down... [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting Accounts Service... Starting Snappy daemon... Starting Modem Manager... Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Network Manager... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... Starting Login Service... [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Thermal Daemon Service. [ OK ] Started Login Service. [ OK ] Started Save/Restore Sound Card State. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. [ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally. [ OK ] Started WPA supplicant. [ OK ] Started LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB. [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. Starting Authorization Manager... /dev/sda3: recovering journal /dev/sda3: clean, 21648/524288 files, 744984/2097152 blocks /dev/sda9: recovering journal /dev/sda9: clean, 262410/786432 files, 2231640/3144960 blocks Starting Create Static Device Nodes in /dev... [ OK ] Started Uncomplicated firewall. [ OK ] Started Journal Service. [ OK ] Started udev Coldplug all Devices. [ OK ] Started Create Static Device Nodes in /dev. [ OK ] Mounted Kernel Debug File System. [ OK ] Mounted Huge Pages File System. [ OK ] Mounted POSIX Message Queue File System. [ OK ] Started Remount Root and Kernel File Systems. Starting udev Kernel Device Manager... [ OK ] Started LVM2 metadata daemon. [ OK ] Started Set the console keyboard layout. [ OK ] Started Monitoring of LVM2 mirrors,…sing dmeventd or progress polling. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems (Pre). [ OK ] Started Load Kernel Modules. [ OK ] Started udev Kernel Device Manager. Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... Mounting Kernel Configuration File System... Starting Apply Kernel Variables... Mounting FUSE Control File System... [ OK ] Mounted Kernel Configuration File System. [ OK ] Mounted FUSE Control File System. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Reached target Local Encrypted Volumes. [ OK ] Started Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch. [ OK ] Started Apply Kernel Variables. Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... [ OK ] Created slice system-configure\x2dprinter.slice. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Found device NetXtreme BCM5752 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express. [ OK ] Listening on Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status /dev/rfkill Watch. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 12. Starting File System Check on /dev/…55c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f... [ OK ] Started File System Check Daemon to report status. [ OK ] Found device ST3500413AS 1. Activating swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/0…906-f9c2-4346-9eb6-a62b3e47c937... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 11. Starting File System Check on /dev/…613-d4af-4d72-8297-46bbad738449... [ OK ] Activated swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/0ce13906-f9c2-4346-9eb6-a62b3e47c937. [ OK ] Found device ST3500413AS 2. Starting File System Check on /dev/…8ff-72d4-491b-b1a9-06b2d7fa65ed... Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 8. Starting File System Check on /dev/…ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 7. Starting File System Check on /dev/…0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371... [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/d…5d8ff-72d4-491b-b1a9-06b2d7fa65ed. Comprobando progreso en 3 discos (0,0 % completado) Mounting /srv... [ OK ] Mounted /srv. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 10. Starting File System Check on /dev/…e73-47a5-4028-8999-d1616c5468b0... [ OK ] Reached target Sound Card. [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 2. Starting File System Check on /dev/…e9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 1. Starting File System Check on /dev/…37c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 6. Starting File System Check on /dev/…b12-8dad-4a83-93d7-738e29bb0e67... [ OK ] Found device WDC_WD800JD-60LSA0 5. Activating swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/1…283-af3d-4be8-9be7-263312528410... [ OK ] Activated swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/1a772283-af3d-4be8-9be7-263312528410. [ OK ] Reached target Swap. Comprobando progreso en 8 discos (0,0 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 7 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/d…1855c-729d-4f24-9854-6368e245536f. Mounting /tmp... [ OK ] Mounted /tmp. Comprobando progreso en 6 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/d…c7613-d4af-4d72-8297-46bbad738449. Comprobando progreso en 5 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/d…c0ce1-50aa-4670-9ec0-d442c99f6cf6. Mounting /opt... [ OK ] Mounted /opt. Comprobando progreso en 4 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/d…1d0de-a3f3-44d3-b03d-b2acf99b1371. Mounting /var... [ OK ] Mounted /var. Mounting /var/spool... [ OK ] Started Read required files in advance. Starting Load/Save Random Seed... [ OK ] Mounted /var/spool. [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. Comprobando progreso en 3 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/d…5db12-8dad-4a83-93d7-738e29bb0e67. Mounting /home... Comprobando progreso en 2 discos (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/d…2ce9c-1937-475b-9398-703bbbcacf99. Mounting /tftpboot... [ OK ] Mounted /tftpboot. [ OK ] Mounted /home. Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (0,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/d…8de73-47a5-4028-8999-d1616c5468b0. Mounting /var/log... Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (8,8 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (17,5 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (26,2 % completado) [ OK ] Mounted /var/log. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (35,0 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (43,8 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (52,5 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (61,2 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (70,0 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (79,1 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (80,9 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (86,4 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (90,0 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (92,0 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (92,4 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (92,8 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (93,1 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (93,5 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (93,9 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (94,2 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (94,6 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (95,0 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (95,6 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (97,2 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (97,5 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (97,8 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (98,1 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (98,4 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (98,8 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (99,1 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (99,4 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (99,7 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 1 disco (100,0 % completado) Comprobando progreso en 0 discos (100,0 % completado) [ OK ] Started File System Check on /dev/d…7937c-fdca-41e3-b21e-a8cfd2096b90. Mounting /boot... [ OK ] Mounted /boot. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. Starting ebtables ruleset management... Starting Set console font and keymap... Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats... Starting Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up... Starting QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... Starting AppArmor initialization... Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System... [ OK ] Started Set console font and keymap. [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System. [ OK ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats. [ OK ] Started QEMU KVM preparation - module, ksm, hugepages. [ OK ] Started ebtables ruleset management. [ OK ] Reached target Network (Pre). [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... [ OK ] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Started Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up. [ OK ] Started AppArmor initialization. Starting Raise network interfaces... [ OK ] Started ifup for eth0. [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... Starting Network Name Resolution... Starting Network Time Synchronization... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Network Time Synchronization. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Started Daily apt download activities. [ OK ] Started ACPI Events Check. Starting LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. [ OK ] Listening on UUID daemon activation socket. Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Started Message of the Day. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Listening on ACPID Listen Socket. [ OK ] Listening on CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Started Trigger anacron every hour. [ OK ] Started Discard unused blocks once a week. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. [ OK ] Listening on LXD - unix socket. [ OK ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd... Starting Modem Manager... Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf i…fore the ppp link was shut down... Starting Thermal Daemon Service... [ OK ] Started Run anacron jobs. [ OK ] Started Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor. [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. [ OK ] Started Deferred execution scheduler. Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... Starting Snappy daemon... [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. Starting LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... Starting Accounts Service... [ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler. [ OK ] Reached target Printer. [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon. Starting Configure Plugged-In Printer... Starting LXD - container startup/shutdown... [ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. Starting System Logging Service... Starting Disk Manager... [ OK ] Started FUSE filesystem for LXC. Starting Login Service... Starting Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting WPA supplicant... Starting Network Manager... Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State... [ OK ] Started irqbalance daemon. [ OK ] Started ntp-systemd-netif.service. [ OK ] Started System Logging Service. [ OK ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if…before the ppp link was shut down. [ OK ] Started Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes. 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Raise network interfaces (1min 48s / 5min) [*** ] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (1min 49s / 5min)  Stopping Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Stopped Network Name Resolution. Starting Network Name Resolution... [ OK ] Started Network Name Resolution. [ OK ] Started Raise network interfaces. [ OK ] Reached target Network. [ OK ] Started Unattended Upgrades Shutdown. [ OK ] Started BIND Domain Name Server. [ OK ] Reached target Host and Network Name Lookups. [ OK ] Reached target Network is Online. [ OK ] Started crash report submission daemon. Starting Samba NMB Daemon... Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server... Starting iSCSI initiator daemon (iscsid)... [ OK ] Started iSCSI initiator daemon (iscsid). Starting Availability of block devices... [ OK ] Reached target Remote File Systems (Pre). [ OK ] Reached target Remote File Systems. Starting LSB: Speech Dispatcher... Starting LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x... Starting LSB: exim Mail Transport Agent... Starting LSB: HPA's tftp server... Starting LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.... Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation... Starting Tool to automatically coll… submit kernel crash signatures... Starting LSB: Start Motion detection... Starting Permit User Sessions... [ OK ] Started Availability of block devices. [ OK ] Started Permit User Sessions. Starting GNOME Display Manager... Starting Hold until boot process finishes up... [ OK ] Started LSB: Daemonized version of aMule.. [ OK ] Started LSB: Start Motion detection. [ OK ] Started LSB: Speech Dispatcher. [ OK ] Started Tool to automatically colle…nd submit kernel crash signatures. [ OK ] Started LSB: HPA's tftp server. [ OK ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation. [ OK ] Started GNOME Display Manager.