Comment 1 for bug 752791

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package xfce4-panel - 4.8.3-0ubuntu1

xfce4-panel (4.8.3-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low

  * New upstream bugfix release. lp: #752791
  * debian/patches:
    - 0001-Tasklist-add-button-release-event-to-proxy-item-bug-.patch:
      dropped, included upstream.
    - xubuntu_support-multiple-vendor-default-configs.patch: refreshed
      to apply cleanly.
    - series: refreshed.
 -- Lionel Le Folgoc <email address hidden> Wed, 06 Apr 2011 20:59:14 +0200