ThanK Y.ou ERA! ->and Not Only for Y.our Quick Response! Hi, All; I had yesterday n.8! a -- or was 'T 'Th'S Morning? -- Does'nt matt'Rr -- _ … rather joy.fuLl advend'ture, as I Found th's! RePort! --> _ … |^ . . ^^ … -bTw.NT: Y.ou See, I'm really H'))'PpY --->--/ -->> 'nD N'T On'ly 'cause I slept so gooD ;) L'St n.8! -- … Back to mournfu.oo(->bar).Ll B.ui'SßS'Y'Ns: … ->I just came here 'FtR a long day 'F W'RK W'Th the M'st! S'T'P'D!! of A'll! P'eo''Ple!.p! - not only the L'TT!'Le! … … --> to Write a short description 0 of M.y(.ou'R) bug -->_ … – … Includ'NG the B'ST W'RK''R.ou'Nd For Now, That I can SEE: –– –– -> I F 'AT'Tt.y)) ALL Po.'SS'Ble: DO NOT INSTALL: Xemacs21-mule!?!?!!! --–… --–… ->This is' GOLD 'S Ch.oi.Ce …… …… --> But of Cour'Se There'S PLATINUM: REPORT HERE; now ; AND TRY TO FIX IT! A:S:A:P !!! ;) –– … … … –– ……… --->/-->> BtB.'ow0: … … -> I 'Th'Nk I 'N'DR 'STODD!, what "assigned to" means: As I recall from school - Which, ->'F 'C'RSE!; ->, may be incorrect, since I'm NOT A N'TI'!'Ve SPea'KR! …… ……-> What I wanted to express with thissß: I think I'm able to so'Lve thIsß! particular problem -> and 'F I'M NOT COMPETENT ENOUGH!! --> Well, Ther'S the INTERNET -->'T for ME.u to COME 'nD LEARN!! --> …… …… --> Hope,!- , you 'NdR'Stand'D …… now …… .. , - but 'Ts a rather LARGE Fi'LD('S MDL)) !!! --> … … .-> btb.Now: (PS: I hope 'The a'Bove is C.oRRCT! ;) ) … …-> Really-BtB.N'W: (PPS: Ver'Y Po'S'Tv!!) (PPoPPSTZ.PS: VERY IDENTICAL !! INDEED !) ;))) --> … …->(PPostX.PS: NO S'PeRaT BUG-R.port N'e'D!! --> At'Least I Hope so --> 'Nd for NOW are p!.Rett.Y SURE!)) …… ……-> (POSTX.PS: I'M GOING T' HLD M.y C'o'Mm'TS -> NeVeR In'TN'Dd ANY.Th.INg 'L'se ;)) --> … …-> Hope' We'll see a Con.Clu.SION! ..--> S.oo.N (HAvn't I MENTIOND 't (i.e. the aB'Ve …ZPF.W ->er.LY.'r ? |> |^?) ……… ………->btb.nw: 'Nd B'Ck to "In Pro.Gre.S\ßS" -> I HP W'Th Y.R PRM'S\ßS.on! ;)) …-> …->Don'e F'R N'W: Back to The REAL'Y Im'Pr'TNT:! W'R'cK! ;) Thank'S You.ALL: Ex.)sp.ALL.Y: era-( a n'W 0'N St'RT's N'!)- (bTW: Do Y.ou K'Now how to add a ReFeRenZ to an'O'Th'R Member? e.g. -> era -/-> so. 'Tht 'T Would B'Co.k'Me a HYPERLINK!? --> I'D Look it up ->- and will so, if NOBO.d.Y C'n Tell me, but for NoW: I'VE NO TIME FOR IT!! ) …… ……-> I HP. ' ' Y.ou.a.L W'll! N'DrStND Thi'S ALL: IF NOT, JUST ASK --! -- … … … . . . --> … ………… „I'T: D'SnT HURT!!“ - as a W'S!e MAN! T'ld.(2) M.e ONCE. -> a'ND : ENOUGH ; -- ) -/-> AT least F'R NOW: Bye CPY.ou Can AN.Y of Y.ou Speak GERMAN? -- > …… ……-> only 'cause that'd be m.Y Na.T'V!e Language, in which I could express technical details more eas.Y.'Ll.R --> … …-> IF NOT: I JUST H'Ve To LEARN a B't! more & better ENGLISH!?!! bye.nw "rVü" .. . … … … … … … S'Ry.u -> For 'T'S DoBB'Le POST: --> … …-> But i Dn't Like them … … … … --> For Want IS. PS? ; -> 'not'th'g 'bout HORS'ß … PS'T'X.p'S: Just watched "ZDF.reporter" in GER.MAN-Tv: ES/ß.Nz: „SchaffT d'.! ST.aaA.T'S-POLIZEI a'B! -… --> M'aCH'T D'a'S VOLK Z'm POLIZEI-St'a)TT''d!!!“ 'ND „POLITIK 'ST Sch.\ß-Wrd -–. --> B'S'N'DrS we'Ns von S\ß-wd POl.NX)).T'k'Rn g'M'Cht' -> WIr!D !“ pro: "s.->Ht' … " … --> sed: I.'R W\ßt S'ch'N W'S Nu'' !K'mT!?!!-- Now: BT.eng.L'sh.(ba)..)… ->"PePlE->W'RK --> PoW'R --/> POl.T'k->//---> DEMO.C.ra.z.Y.u!" adw.rt: "J'ST 'Th'nK" --> --> … - B't Y.u K'nW't A.L'RdY.u). ;) … ->bTB.NoW: LEt'S WORK!'t'LY Y.u'Rs: CpY ppOsT.fX!: Hp.N0n.To0.L'nG! ->Rvü ->ThX.tra>… ->Zr0 22:14:12 SF-2m'N +20m++ 45m -+ 3h -+ 1d -+ 18y-+ 10^15 y … …ł--+ H-UHH.u? -->Kn'Ws? ? … MeX:Do.30/09/20.10 Zrü.F'l :26:20s zr0