xarray-datatree 0.0.14-2 source package in Ubuntu


xarray-datatree (0.0.14-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * debian/rules:
    - Temporary skip non-essential "test_diff_node_data" (Closes: #1066759).
  * Drop d/python3-xarray-datatree.lintian-overrides, no longer needed.

 -- Antonio Valentino <email address hidden>  Mon, 25 Mar 2024 06:33:32 +0000

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Debian GIS Project
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Original maintainer:
Debian GIS Project
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Plucky release universe misc
Oracular release universe misc


Oracular: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
xarray-datatree_0.0.14-2.dsc 3.6 KiB 59202d097d84a419ed20944bc1667c144e7236a1761a9aa5c0f2605c215ed09c
xarray-datatree_0.0.14.orig.tar.gz 83.1 KiB 0c4359e11827a9d30ee1c2b6a4b802d64a3ae53861dda50658e8a42963d9ad55
xarray-datatree_0.0.14-2.debian.tar.xz 3.3 KiB 49e94a5e0993b38a582ea83e84f87732514e9a17249a91332ec6357a5b647e40

Available diffs

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Binary packages built by this source

python3-xarray-datatree: Tree-like hierarchical data structure for xarray

 Datatree provides hierarchical data structure, more flexible than
 a single xarray.Dataset object.
 It is able to represent netCDF files / Zarr stores with multiple
 nested groups in a single in-memory object, but datatree.DataTree
 objects have many other uses, such as:
  * organising many related datasets, e.g. results of the same
    experiment with different parameters, or simulations of the same
    system using different models,
  * analysing similar data at multiple resolutions simultaneously,
    such as when doing a convergence study,
  * comparing heterogenous but related data, such as experimental
    and theoretical data, I/O with nested data formats such as
    netCDF / Zarr groups.
 The approach used is based on benbovy's DatasetNode example, the
 basic idea is that each tree node wraps a up to a single
 xarray.Dataset. The differences are that datatree:
  * uses a node structure inspired by anytree for the tree,
  * implements path-like getting and setting,
  * has functions for mapping user-supplied functions over every
    node in the tree,
  * automatically dispatches some of xarray.Dataset's API over every
    node in the tree (such as .isel),
  * has a bunch of tests,
  * has a printable representation