#0 get_kind_exec () at pe.c:1495 1490: const IMAGE_DOS_HEADER* dh; 1491: 1492: pw = PRD(0, sizeof(WORD)); 1493: if (!pw) {printf("Can't get main signature, aborting\n"); return 0;} 1494: 1495: if (*pw != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) return SIG_UNKNOWN; 1496: 1497: if ((dh = PRD(0, sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER)))) 1498: { 1499: /* the signature is the first DWORD */ 1500: pdw = PRD(dh->e_lfanew, sizeof(DWORD)); #1 0x00000000004034ad in dump_analysis (name=0x7ffe640c48fc "/media/sg/1284E87384E85B2D/Documents and Settings/Somes/My Documents/My Videos/Sample Videos.lnk", fn=0x0, wanted_sig=SIG_UNKNOWN) at dump.c:277 272: 273: printf("Contents of %s: %ld bytes\n\n", name, dump_total_len); 274: 275: for (dpr = dumpers; dpr->kind != SIG_UNKNOWN; dpr++) 276: { 277: if (dpr->get_kind() == dpr->kind && 278: (wanted_sig == SIG_UNKNOWN || wanted_sig == dpr->kind)) 279: { 280: if (fn) fn(); else dpr->dumper(); 281: break; 282: } #2 0x00000000004015de in main ()