. Thread 1 (Thread 2209): #0 XInternAtom (dpy=0x0, name=0x7fffde6055b0 "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S0", onlyIfExists=0) at ../../src/IntAtom.c:174 atom = sig = idx = 2129470392 n = rep = {type = 32 ' ', pad1 = 64 '@', sequenceNumber = 387, length = 0, atom = 2129470111, pad2 = 32571, pad3 = 25378848, pad4 = 0, pad5 = 2185305456, pad6 = 32571} #1 0x00007f3b7ef4aa5d in gtk_tray_icon_constructed (object=) at /build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.24.5/gtk/gtktrayicon-x11.c:148 icon = 0x1834020 screen = root_window = 0x0 display = xdisplay = 0x0 buffer = "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S0\000\000\000\000\000\220\236\227\177;\177\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\220\373O\001\000\000\000\000\357\004\365~;\177\000\000\340\301{\001\000\000\000\000 @\203\001\000\000\000\000\060\326\202\001\000\000\000\000\000eP\001\000\000\000\000\060@\203\001\000\000\000\000\060V`\336\377\177\000\000\220\214\213\001\000\000\000\000\340\r-\001\000\000\000\000\210\003\000\000\001\000\000\000\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\357\004\365~;\177\000\000\060\300X\001\000\000\000\000pV`\336\377\177\000\000\020\276:\001\000\000\000\000\240\341U\201;\177\000\000 \324\202\001\000\000\000\000\060\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000d\202\001\000\000\000\000\240\341U\201;\177\000\000@\326\202\001\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"... #2 0x00007f3b7f97c883 in g_object_newv (object_type=, n_parameters=22045952, parameters=) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.29.14/./gobject/gobject.c:1521 cparams = oparams = 0x182a5a0 nqueue = object = 0x1834020 class = 0x182c3f0 unref_class = 0x0 slist = n_total_cparams = n_cparams = n_oparams = 1 n_cvalues = cvalues = clist = newly_constructed = 1 i = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_object_newv" #3 0x00007f3b7f97d156 in g_object_new_valist (object_type=25322496, first_property_name=, var_args=0x7fffde6058f8) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.29.14/./gobject/gobject.c:1610 class = 0x182c3f0 params = 0x182d400 name = object = n_params = n_alloced_params = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_object_new_valist" #4 0x00007f3b7f97d464 in g_object_new (object_type=25322496, first_property_name=0x7f3b7ef504ef "title") at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.29.14/./gobject/gobject.c:1325 object = var_args = {{gp_offset = 32, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7fffde6059e0, reg_save_area = 0x7fffde605910}} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_object_new" #5 0x00007f3b7ee2cba7 in gtk_status_icon_init (status_icon=0x1826d20) at /build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.24.5/gtk/gtkstatusicon.c:846 priv = 0x1826d40 #6 0x00007f3b7f99a473 in g_type_create_instance (type=) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.29.14/./gobject/gtype.c:1885 node = 0x14a4db0 instance = class = i = total_size = #7 0x00007f3b7f97996c in g_object_constructor (type=, n_construct_properties=0, construct_params=0x0) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.29.14/./gobject/gobject.c:1629 object = #8 0x00007f3b7ee2bb7e in gtk_status_icon_constructor (type=, n_construct_properties=, construct_params=) at /build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.24.5/gtk/gtkstatusicon.c:962 object = status_icon = priv = #9 0x00007f3b7f97c902 in g_object_newv (object_type=21646768, n_parameters=0, parameters=0x0) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.29.14/./gobject/gobject.c:1412 cparams = 0x0 oparams = 0x0 nqueue = 0x0 object = class = 0x182c310 unref_class = 0x182c310 slist = 0x0 n_total_cparams = n_cparams = 0 n_oparams = 0 n_cvalues = cvalues = clist = newly_constructed = i = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_object_newv" #10 0x00007f3b7fbc4b7a in pygobject_constructv (self=0x17860f0, n_parameters=0, parameters=0x0) at /build/buildd/pygobject-2.28.6/gobject/gobjectmodule.c:2233 obj = #11 pygobject_constructv (self=0x17860f0, n_parameters=0, parameters=0x0) at /build/buildd/pygobject-2.28.6/gobject/gobjectmodule.c:2226 No locals. #12 0x00007f3b7f45a6c4 in _wrap_gtk_status_icon_new (self=0x17860f0, args=, kwargs=) at gtk.c:106655 kwlist = {0x0} #13 0x000000000047bdae in wrap_init (self=, args=, wrapped=, kwds=) at ../Objects/typeobject.c:4713 func = #14 0x000000000041ad4a in PyObject_Call (func=, arg=, kw=) at ../Objects/abstract.c:2529 result = call = 0x4394e0 #15 0x00000000004b5cf6 in PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords (func=, arg=(), kw=) at ../Python/ceval.c:3882 result = #16 0x000000000043a118 in wrapperdescr_call (descr=, args=(), kwds=0x0) at ../Objects/descrobject.c:306 argc = 1 self = func = result = #17 0x000000000041ad4a in PyObject_Call (func=, arg=, kw=) at ../Objects/abstract.c:2529 result = call = 0x43a0a0 #18 0x00000000004b6f9e in do_call (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:4231 callargs = kwdict = 0x0 result = 0x0 #19 call_function (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:4036 func = w = na = nk = n = pfunc = 0x189e0b8 x = #20 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:2666 sp = 0x189e0c0 stack_pointer = next_instr = 0x7f3b826fd286 "\001d\001" opcode = oparg = why = WHY_NOT err = 0 x = v = w = u = t = stream = 0x0 fastlocals = freevars = 0x189e0b8 retval = tstate = 0x10e50a0 co = 0x7f3b827134b0 instr_ub = -1 instr_lb = 0 instr_prev = -1 first_instr = 0x7f3b826fd264 "t" names = ('TrayIcon', 'TrayIconGUI', '__init__', 'gtk', 'StatusIcon', 'current_icon_path', 'set_visible', 'True', 'connect', 'on_activate', 'on_popup_menu', 'set_from_file', 'wpath', 'images', 'set_tooltip') consts = (None, '', 'activate', 'popup-menu', 'no-signal.png', 'Initializing wicd...') #21 0x00000000004bca50 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x7f3b827134b0, globals=, locals=, args=, argcount=, kws=, kwcount=0, defs=0x0, defcount=0, closure=0x0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3253 f = Frame 0x189df30, for file /usr/share/wicd/gtk/wicd-client.py, line 880, in __init__ (self=, _is_scanning=False, menu=, conn_info_txt='', manager=, time=2, current_icon_path=None) at remote 0x17860f0>, parent=<...>) retval = 0x0 fastlocals = 0x189e0a8 freevars = tstate = x = u = #22 0x0000000000448f2f in function_call (func=, arg=(, _is_scanning=False, menu=, conn_info_txt='', manager=, time=2, current_icon_path=None) at remote 0x17860f0>, <...>), kw=0x0) at ../Objects/funcobject.c:526 result = argdefs = kwtuple = 0x0 d = 0x0 k = 0x0 nk = 0 nd = 0 #23 0x000000000041ad4a in PyObject_Call (func=, arg=, kw=) at ../Objects/abstract.c:2529 result = call = 0x448ed0 #24 0x00000000004307ce in instancemethod_call (func=, arg=(, _is_scanning=False, menu=, conn_info_txt='', manager=, time=2, current_icon_path=None) at remote 0x17860f0>, <...>), kw=0x0) at ../Objects/classobject.c:2578 self = , _is_scanning=False, menu=, conn_info_txt='', manager=, time=2, current_icon_path=None) at remote 0x17860f0> klass = result = #25 0x000000000041ad4a in PyObject_Call (func=, arg=, kw=) at ../Objects/abstract.c:2529 result = call = 0x430730 #26 0x0000000000480ba3 in slot_tp_init (self=, args=(,), kwds=0x0) at ../Objects/typeobject.c:5657 init_str = '__init__' meth = res = #27 0x000000000047c201 in type_call (type=, args=(,), kwds=0x0) at ../Objects/typeobject.c:737 obj = , _is_scanning=False, menu=, conn_info_txt='', manager=, time=2, current_icon_path=None) at remote 0x17860f0> #28 0x000000000041ad4a in PyObject_Call (func=, __module__='__main__', on_popup_menu=, set_from_file=, __init__=, __doc__=' Class for creating the wicd tray icon on gtk > 2.10.\n \n Uses gtk.StatusIcon to implement a tray icon.\n \n ') at remote 0x1852250>, arg=, kw=) at ../Objects/abstract.c:2529 result = call = 0x47c130 #29 0x00000000004b6f9e in do_call (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:4231 callargs = kwdict = 0x0 result = 0x0 #30 call_function (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:4036 func = , __module__='__main__', on_popup_menu=, set_from_file=, __init__=, __doc__=' Class for creating the wicd tray icon on gtk > 2.10.\n \n Uses gtk.StatusIcon to implement a tray icon.\n \n ') at remote 0x1852250> w = na = nk = n = pfunc = 0x18b4ec0 x = #31 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:2666 sp = 0x18b4ec8 stack_pointer = next_instr = 0x7f3b8270e0b1 "|" opcode = oparg = why = WHY_NOT err = 0 x = v = w = u = t = stream = 0x0 fastlocals = freevars = 0x18b4ec0 retval = tstate = 0x10e50a0 co = 0x7f3b826f2b30 instr_ub = -1 instr_lb = 0 instr_prev = -1 first_instr = 0x7f3b8270e054 "d\001" names = ('cur_sndbytes', 'cur_rcvbytes', 'last_sndbytes', 'last_rcvbytes', 'max_snd_gain', 'max_rcv_gain', 'USE_EGG', 'EggTrayIconGUI', 'tr', 'StatusTrayIconGUI', 'TrayConnectionInfo', 'icon_info', 'visible') consts = (None, -1, 10000, 'displaytray %s') #32 0x00000000004bca50 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x7f3b826f2b30, globals=, locals=, args=, argcount=, kws=, kwcount=1, defs=0x1706068, defcount=1, closure=0x0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3253 f = Frame 0x18b4d30, for file /usr/share/wicd/gtk/wicd-client.py, line 138, in __init__ (self=, animate=True, displaytray=True) retval = 0x0 fastlocals = 0x18b4ea8 freevars = tstate = x = u = #33 0x00000000004490e8 in function_call (func=, arg=(, True), kw={'displaytray': True}) at ../Objects/funcobject.c:526 result = argdefs = kwtuple = ('displaytray', True) d = 0x1706068 k = 0x1714a40 nk = nd = 1 #34 0x000000000041ad4a in PyObject_Call (func=, arg=, kw=) at ../Objects/abstract.c:2529 result = call = 0x448ed0 #35 0x00000000004307ce in instancemethod_call (func=, arg=(, True), kw={'displaytray': True}) at ../Objects/classobject.c:2578 self = klass = result = #36 0x000000000041ad4a in PyObject_Call (func=, arg=, kw=) at ../Objects/abstract.c:2529 result = call = 0x430730 #37 0x0000000000480ba3 in slot_tp_init (self=, args=(True,), kwds={'displaytray': True}) at ../Objects/typeobject.c:5657 init_str = '__init__' meth = res = #38 0x000000000047c201 in type_call (type=, args=(True,), kwds={'displaytray': True}) at ../Objects/typeobject.c:737 obj = #39 0x000000000041ad4a in PyObject_Call (func=, arg=, kw=) at ../Objects/abstract.c:2529 result = call = 0x47c130 #40 0x00000000004b6f9e in do_call (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:4231 callargs = kwdict = {'displaytray': True} result = 0x0 #41 call_function (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:4036 func = w = na = nk = n = pfunc = 0x17d4068 x = #42 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:2666 sp = 0x17d4070 stack_pointer = next_instr = 0x11c8adf "\211" opcode = oparg = why = WHY_NOT err = 0 x = v = w = u = t = stream = 0x0 fastlocals = freevars = 0x17d4060 retval = tstate = 0x10e50a0 co = 0x7f3b82713bb0 instr_ub = -1 instr_lb = 0 instr_prev = -1 first_instr = 0x11c8964 "y2" names = ('getopt', 'sys', 'argv', 'GetoptError', 'usage', 'exit', 'True', 'False', 'setup_dbus', 'atexit', 'register', 'on_exit', 'ICON_AVAIL', 'gui', 'appGui', 'gobject', 'MainLoop', 'run', 'TrayIcon', 'DBUS_AVAIL', 'daemon', 'GetNeedWiredProfileChooser', 'SetNeedWiredProfileChooser', 'icon_info', 'wired_profile_chooser', 'dbusmanager', 'get_bus', 'add_signal_receiver', 'update_tray_icon', 'tr', 'tray_scan_ended', 'tray_scan_started') consts = (' The main frontend program.\n\n Keyword arguments:\n argv -- The arguments passed to the script.\n\n ', 1, 'nhao', 'help', 'no-tray', 'no-animate', 'only-notifications', 2, '-h', '--help', 0, '-n', '--no-tray', '-a', '--no-animate', '-o', '--only-notifications', 'only displaying notifications', 'Loading...', 'standalone', 'displaytray', 'LaunchChooser', 'org.wicd.daemon', 'StatusChanged', 'SendEndScanSignal', 'org.wicd.daemon.wireless', 'SendStartScanSignal', , 'DaemonClosing', , 'DaemonStarting', 'Done loading.', None, ('-h', '--help'), ('-n', '--no-tray'), ('-a', '--no-animate'), ('-o', '--only-notifications')) #43 0x00000000004bd013 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x7f3b82713bb0, globals=, locals=, args=, argcount=, kws=, kwcount=0, defs=0x0, defcount=0, closure=0x0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3253 f = Frame 0x17d3e90, for file /usr/share/wicd/gtk/wicd-client.py, line 1015, in main (argv=['/usr/share/wicd/gtk/wicd-client.py'], opts=[], args=[], use_tray=True, animate=True, display_app=True) retval = 0x0 fastlocals = 0x17d4008 freevars = tstate = x = u = #44 0x00000000004490e8 in function_call (func=, arg=(['/usr/share/wicd/gtk/wicd-client.py'],), kw={}) at ../Objects/funcobject.c:526 result = argdefs = kwtuple = () d = 0x0 k = 0x7f3b827ce068 nk = nd = 0 #45 0x000000000041ad4a in PyObject_Call (func=, arg=, kw=) at ../Objects/abstract.c:2529 result = call = 0x448ed0 #46 0x00000000004b8188 in ext_do_call (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:4326 kwdict = {} nstar = callargs = stararg = (['/usr/share/wicd/gtk/wicd-client.py'],) result = 0x0 #47 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:2705 flags = func = na = 0 nk = 0 n = pfunc = 0x17ce3e8 sp = 0x17ce3f0 stack_pointer = next_instr = 0x7f3b827edc9b "SWnx" opcode = oparg = why = WHY_NOT err = 0 x = v = w = u = t = stream = 0x0 fastlocals = freevars = 0x17ce3e0 retval = tstate = 0x10e50a0 co = 0x7f3b82750bb0 instr_ub = -1 instr_lb = 0 instr_prev = -1 first_instr = 0x7f3b827edc8c "y\021" names = ('DBusException', 'get_dbus_name', 'None', 'error', 'language', 'replace', 'wpath', 'wicd_group') consts = (None, 'DBus.Error.AccessDenied', 'access_denied', '$A', '', '', 'warning: ignoring exception %s') #48 0x00000000004bd013 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x7f3b82750bb0, globals=, locals=, args=, argcount=, kws=, kwcount=0, defs=0x0, defcount=0, closure=(,)) at ../Python/ceval.c:3253 f = Frame 0x17ce250, for file /usr/share/wicd/gtk/wicd-client.py, line 91, in wrapper (args=(['/usr/share/wicd/gtk/wicd-client.py'],), kwargs={}) retval = 0x0 fastlocals = 0x17ce3c8 freevars = tstate = x = u = #49 0x00000000004b69bd in fast_function (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:4109 co = nd = globals = argdefs = d = #50 call_function (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:4034 func = w = na = 1 nk = n = pfunc = 0x11c0a98 x = #51 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:2666 sp = 0x11c0aa8 stack_pointer = next_instr = 0x11c9f69 "\001n" opcode = oparg = why = WHY_NOT err = 0 x = v = w = u = t = stream = 0x0 fastlocals = freevars = 0x11c0a98 retval = tstate = 0x10e50a0 co = 0x7f3b82713cb0 instr_ub = -1 instr_lb = 0 instr_prev = -1 first_instr = 0x11c9d14 "d" names = ('__doc__', 'sys', 'gtk', 'gobject', 'getopt', 'os', 'pango', 'time', 'atexit', 'dbus', 'DBusException', 'pygtk', 'require', 'True', 'HAS_NOTIFY', 'pynotify', 'init', 'False', 'ImportError', 'wicd', 'wpath', 'misc', 'dbusmanager', 'gui', 'guiutil', 'error', 'can_use_notify', 'wicd.translations', 'language', 'ICON_AVAIL', 'USE_EGG', 'hasattr', 'egg.trayicon', 'egg', 'RenameProcess', '__name__', 'chdir', '__file__', 'None', 'daemon', 'wireless', 'wired', 'lost_dbus_id', 'DBUS_AVAIL', 'catchdbus', 'ImageMenuItem', 'NetworkMenuItem', 'object', 'TrayIcon', 'usage', 'setup_dbus', 'on_exit', 'handle_no_dbus', 'main', 'argv') consts = (' wicd - wireless connection daemon frontend implementation\n\nThis module implements a usermode frontend for wicd. It updates connection\ninformation, provides an (optional) tray icon, and allows for launching of \nthe wicd GUI and Wired Profile Chooser.\n\nclass TrayIcon() -- Parent class of TrayIconGUI and IconConnectionInfo.\n class TrayConnectionInfo() -- Child class of TrayIcon which provides\n and updates connection status.\n class TrayIconGUI() -- Child class of TrayIcon which implements the tray.\n icon itself. Parent class of StatusTrayIconGUI and EggTrayIconGUI.\n class StatusTrayIconGUI() -- Implements the tray icon using a \n gtk.StatusIcon.\n class EggTrayIconGUI() -- Implements the tray icon using egg.trayicon.\n def usage() -- Prints usage information.\n def main() -- Runs the wicd frontend main loop.\n\n', -1, None, ('DBusException',), '2.0', 'Wicd', ('wpath',), ('misc',), ('dbusmanager',), ('error', 'can_use_notify'), ('langu...(truncated) #52 0x00000000004bca50 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x7f3b82713cb0, globals=, locals=, args=, argcount=, kws=, kwcount=0, defs=0x0, defcount=0, closure=0x0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3253 f = Frame 0x11c0920, for file /usr/share/wicd/gtk/wicd-client.py, line 1043, in () retval = 0x0 fastlocals = 0x11c0a98 freevars = tstate = x = u = #53 0x00000000004bd4d2 in PyEval_EvalCode (co=, globals=, locals=) at ../Python/ceval.c:667 No locals. #54 0x00000000004dc872 in run_mod (mod=, filename=, globals={'DBUS_AVAIL': True, 'on_exit': , 'misc': , 'atexit': , 'handle_no_dbus': , 'GInitiallyUnowned': , __doc__=, __module__='gtk') at remote 0x13c3b30>, 'GPollableOutputStream': , 'DBusException': , 'wireless': ) at remote 0x1781f90>, _pending_introspect_queue=[], __dbus_object_path__='/org/wicd/daemon/wireless', _bus=, _Connection__call_on_disconnection=[], _dbus_Connection_initialized=1, _bus_names=, data={}) at remote 0x1704170>...(truncated), locals={'DBUS_AVAIL': True, 'on_exit': , 'misc': , 'atexit': , 'handle_no_dbus': , 'GInitiallyUnowned': , __doc__=, __module__='gtk') at remote 0x13c3b30>, 'GPollableOutputStream': , 'DBusException': , 'wireless': ) at remote 0x1781f90>, _pending_introspect_queue=[], __dbus_object_path__='/org/wicd/daemon/wireless', _bus=, _Connection__call_on_disconnection=[], _dbus_Connection_initialized=1, _bus_names=, data={}) at remote 0x1704170>...(truncated), flags=, arena=) at ../Python/pythonrun.c:1346 co = 0x7f3b82713cb0 v = #55 0x00000000004dd434 in PyRun_FileExFlags (fp=0x11aa220, filename=0x7fffde607bd1 "/usr/share/wicd/gtk/wicd-client.py", start=, globals={'DBUS_AVAIL': True, 'on_exit': , 'misc': , 'atexit': , 'handle_no_dbus': , 'GInitiallyUnowned': , __doc__=, __module__='gtk') at remote 0x13c3b30>, 'GPollableOutputStream': , 'DBusException': , 'wireless': ) at remote 0x1781f90>, _pending_introspect_queue=[], __dbus_object_path__='/org/wicd/daemon/wireless', _bus=, _Connection__call_on_disconnection=[], _dbus_Connection_initialized=1, _bus_names=, data={}) at remote 0x1704170>...(truncated), locals={'DBUS_AVAIL': True, 'on_exit': , 'misc': , 'atexit': , 'handle_no_dbus': , 'GInitiallyUnowned': , __doc__=, __module__='gtk') at remote 0x13c3b30>, 'GPollableOutputStream': , 'DBusException': , 'wireless': ) at remote 0x1781f90>, _pending_introspect_queue=[], __dbus_object_path__='/org/wicd/daemon/wireless', _bus=, _Connection__call_on_disconnection=[], _dbus_Connection_initialized=1, _bus_names=, data={}) at remote 0x1704170>...(truncated), closeit=1, flags=0x7fffde607280) at ../Python/pythonrun.c:1332 ret = mod = 0x1219a38 arena = 0x112b680 #56 0x00000000004ddf3e in PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags (fp=0x11aa220, filename=, closeit=1, flags=0x7fffde607280) at ../Python/pythonrun.c:936 m = d = {'DBUS_AVAIL': True, 'on_exit': , 'misc': , 'atexit': , 'handle_no_dbus': , 'GInitiallyUnowned': , __doc__=, __module__='gtk') at remote 0x13c3b30>, 'GPollableOutputStream': , 'DBusException': , 'wireless': ) at remote 0x1781f90>, _pending_introspect_queue=[], __dbus_object_path__='/org/wicd/daemon/wireless', _bus=, _Connection__call_on_disconnection=[], _dbus_Connection_initialized=1, _bus_names=, data={}) at remote 0x1704170>...(truncated) ext = 0x7fffde607bef "t.py" set_file_name = 1 ret = len = #57 0x00000000004ee2ed in Py_Main (argc=, argv=) at ../Modules/main.c:599 c = sts = -1 command = 0x0 filename = 0x7fffde607bd1 "/usr/share/wicd/gtk/wicd-client.py" module = 0x0 fp = 0x11aa220 p = unbuffered = 0 skipfirstline = stdin_is_interactive = 0 help = version = saw_unbuffered_flag = cf = {cf_flags = 0} #58 0x00007f3b811dbe1f in __libc_start_main (main=0x41aa60
, argc=3, ubp_av=0x7fffde6073a8, init=, fini=, rtld_fini=, stack_end=0x7fffde607398) at libc-start.c:226 result = unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {0, -2780953042658077813, 4311880, 140736924251040, 0, 0, 2780881725166900107, 2818993651687281547}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x53bb90, 0x7fffde6073a8}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 5487504}}} not_first_call = #59 0x000000000041cb71 in _start () No symbol table info available.