Do add a comment on this bug and provide a link to your new bug if you are filing a new one. Your problem appears pretty closely related. As I suggested earlier, it appears that nm-vpnc is doing some extra step that is offending. It is doing more stuff than vpnc does and that is the real problem. The extra stuff that nm-vpnc seems to do is causing our normal internet traffic to stop. In your case however, it appears to be the issue that integr8e has had. Try removing resolvconf. I think your problems should go too if that is the only problem you are facing. If not try the rest of what I told him to do 3-4 posts back. In any case, I believe you should be filing it under this bug report only. Please do check your specific issue again do as you deem fit. Thanks, Balaji On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 4:15 AM, Mackenzie Morgan