Sadly, while this did fix the build bug (as did the -proposed), I still have a major bug - VB is totally unusable on 12.04 with any guest I have (all of which work on every other machine here). Partway through booting, say, 32 bit winxp - linux crashes and restarts. (all my appliances are windows/32) These are 32 bit appliances trying to run on a 12.04 that is 64 bit, i5, 8 gigs ram, SSD and spinners. They do run fine on 32 bit 12.04's that were upgraded from 10.04, but not on this fresh build that required 64 bit to get past the UEFI mobo - 32 bit ubuntu would not install, so I went 64, as recommended on this box. These machines also run fine on an upgraded 10.04/64 bit other machine. My bug report was assigned to this bug as a dupe, but it isn't a dupe and doesn't belong on this thread. How do I report this as a bug of its own? It is NOT the same one. This only appears to happen on a fresh install of 12.04 - not on ones upgraded from 10.04. So there's something important that is different between a fresh install and an upgrade. Yes, despite it being hard on 12.04, I added my user to all the right groups (think, get mate so you can still have a bit of control over your machine). On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Scott Kitterman