This bug was fixed in the package virt-manager - 1:1.3.2-3ubuntu1 --------------- virt-manager (1:1.3.2-3ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium * Merge from Debian. Remaining changes: (LP: #1556671) - debian/control: + Depend on gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1 for appindicator support. + Add lsb-release to Build-Depends so we can detect whether we're running on Ubuntu or Debian. + Change Recommends to libvirt-bin instead of libvirt-daemon-system which isn't available in Ubuntu - debian/rules: + Set qemu user to libvirt-qemu so appropriate permissions get set. + Set the preferred distro so we appear first in the list. + Remove data/gschemas.compiled generated by clean. - d/p/virtinst/9006_fix_path_to_qemu-dm.patch: drop the full path from qemu-dm as already done for hvmloader and pygrub. The Xen tools will handle this and add the missing path. - d/p/more_helpful_error_message.patch: explain to the user why connecting to qemu:///system failed and how to fix it. - d/p/use_ubuntu_package_names.patch: Suggest installing the packages that are actually available in Ubuntu. - d/p/leave-mnemonics-alone-on-focus-change.patch: Leave gtk-enable-mnemonics setting alone under Unity when windows change focus. - d/p/mark-libvirt-lxc: Clearly mark the LXC connections as being libvirt-lxc, to avoid confusion due to differing features and configurations. - d/p/add_qemu_binaries.patch: add the actual binary name from the qemu packages so default hypervisor detection works properly on first run. - d/p/use_qxl_for_ubuntu.patch: use qxl by default for Ubuntu VMs, it seems to work better than vmvga now. - d/p/prefer-qemu.patch: Prefer QEMU as the default URI, even if it's not installed. - d/p/virtinst/dont_disable_vmport.patch: Don't disable vmport even if we're using spice, as this prevents having a seamless mouse when using Ubuntu as a guest. virt-manager (1:1.3.2-3) unstable; urgency=medium * [2ebfe49] Switch from urlgrabber to requests. Thanks to Adel Belhouane (Closes: #819494) * [b1ee5b4] Invoke virt-* on autopkg test to check for missing imports * [777d781] Add missing dependency on python-gi catched by the autopkg test virt-manager (1:1.3.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Upload to unstable * [8a27ee8] Fix spice availability detection gi.require_version('SpiceClientGtk', '3.0') raises ValueError if SpiceClientGtk is not installed so we never see ImportError. Check for both in case the module is there but the symbol went missing. Thanks: Adel Belhouane for the patch (Closes: #799771) virt-manager (1:1.3.2-1) experimental; urgency=medium * [74c0cce] Move python-ipaddr dependency from virt-manager to virtinst (Closes: #803469) * [b6de3ae] New upstream version 1.3.2 * [1935c7d] Use README.source template from gbp * [203bfe9] Rediff patches * [1b96d13] gbp.conf: Use upstream/latest as upstream branch as recommended by DEP-14 * [6a2a8a1] Use secure and canical VCS URLs * [b54e442] Pass --no-update-icon-cache --no-compile-schemas since these are run via dpkg triggers on installation. Invoke directly due to #813686. -- Marc Deslauriers