The upstream changelog is: + 2454 7.4.964 test 87 doesn't work in a shadow directory + 1722 7.4.965 on FreeBSD /dev/fd/ files are special + 18882 7.4.966 configure doesn't work with a space in a path + 3142 7.4.967 cross compilation on MS-windows doesn't work well + 2148 7.4.968 test86 and test87 are flaky in Appveyor + 1776 7.4.969 compiler warnings on Windowx x64 build + 1880 7.4.970 rare crash in getvcol() + 1987 7.4.971 the asin() function can't be used + 1533 7.4.972 memory leak when there is an error in setting an option + 3832 7.4.973 pasting on the command line line inserts characters + 2578 7.4.974 when using :diffsplit the cursor jumps to the first line + 1857 7.4.975 using ":sort" on a very big file may cause corrupted text + 3304 7.4.976 when compiling for MSYS2 the Win32 clipboard is not enabled + 7135 7.4.977 problem with 'linebreak' set and using "space" in 'listchars' + 1738 7.4.978 test_cdo fails when using another language than English + 1891 7.4.979 when crypt key changes blocks read from disk are not decrypted + 17049 7.4.980 tests for :cdo, :ldo, etc. are outdated + 2519 7.4.981 an error in a test script goes unnoticed + 28211 7.4.982 keeping the list of tests updated is a hassle + 8225 7.4.983 executing one test after "make testclean" doesn't work + 8427 7.4.984 searchpos() always starts searching in the first column + 8008 7.4.985 can't build with Ruby 2.3.0 + 2551 7.4.986 test49 doesn't work on MS-Windows, test70 is listed twice + 2394 7.4.987 (after 7.4.985) can't build with Ruby 1.9.2 + 3273 7.4.988 (after 7.4.982) default test target is test49.out + 1668 7.4.989 leaking memory when hash_add() fails; Coverity error 99126 + 1803 7.4.990 test 86 fails on AppVeyor + 7178 7.4.991 when running new style tests the output is not visible + 10272 7.4.992 makefiles for MS-Windows in src/po are outdated + 2531 7.4.993 test 87 is flaky on AppVeyor + 3360 7.4.994 new style tests are not run on MS-Windows + 40522 7.4.995 gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline() is deprecated + 4784 7.4.996 new files missing from distro, outdated PC build instructions + 2956 7.4.997 "make shadow" was sometimes broken + 2803 7.4.998 running tests in shadow directory fails; test 49 fails + 1366 7.4.999 "make shadow" creates a broken link + 23744 7.4.1000 test 49 is slow and doesn't work on MS-Windows + 1371 7.4.1001 (after 7.4.1000) change in makefile missing + 1894 7.4.1002 cannot run an individual test on MS-Windows + 3048 7.4.1003 Travis could check a few more things + 1626 7.4.1004 warnings when using Makefile without auto/ + 10231 7.4.1005 Vim users are not always happy + 4320 7.4.1006 the fix in patch 7.3.192 is not tested + 2537 7.4.1007 swapfile wrong when symbolic link points to file in root dir + 77315 7.4.1008 OS/2 code pollutes the source while nobody uses it these days + 8490 7.4.1009 there are still #ifdefs for ARCHIE + 2093 7.4.1010 some developers are unhappy while running tests + 2505 7.4.1011 can't build with Strawberry Perl + 2024 7.4.1012 Vim overwrites the value of $PYTHONHOME + 3335 7.4.1013 local value of 'errorformat' not used for :lexpr and :cexpr + 1950 7.4.1014 fnamemodify('.', ':.') returns an empty string in Cygwin + 4269 7.4.1015 matchparen plugin does not restore column in Insert mode + 4777 7.4.1016 still a few OS/2 pieces remain + 4525 7.4.1017 when there is a backslash in an option ":set -=" doesn't work + 1361 7.4.1018 (after 7.4.1017) failure running tests + 6463 7.4.1019 directory listing of "src" is too long + 1380 7.4.1020 on MS-Windows there is no target to run tests with gvim + 3200 7.4.1021 some makefiles are outdated + 3500 7.4.1022 the README file contains some outdated information + 16050 7.4.1023 MS-Windows distribution files use CR-LF instead of LF + 2250 7.4.1024 interfaces for MS-Windows are outdated + 3670 7.4.1025 version in installer needs to be updated manually + 3843 7.4.1026 running tests with MingW leaves directory behind + 40082 7.4.1027 no support for binary numbers + 1536 7.4.1028 Nsis version file missing from the distribution + 1930 7.4.1029 (after 7.4.1027) test_increment fails with 32 bit long + 27245 7.4.1030 test49 is still slow + 9385 7.4.1031 can't build with Python interface using MingW + 2416 7.4.1032 message from assert_false() does not look nice + 4311 7.4.1033 memory use on MS-Windows is very conservative + 3550 7.4.1034 there is no test for the 'backspace' option behavior + 3134 7.4.1035 non-line number Ex range gets adjusted for folded lines + 2689 7.4.1036 only terminals with up to 256 colors work properly + 8591 7.4.1037 need to repeat "q!" when there is a modified hidden buffer + 3585 7.4.1038 still get a deprecation warning with gdk-pixbuf 2.31 + 1351 7.4.1039 (after 7.4.1037) test 31 fails with small build + 4712 7.4.1040 the tee command can't be build on MS-Windows + 2698 7.4.1041 various small things + 20144 7.4.1042 there is no way to get the word count in a script + 2846 7.4.1043 another small thing + 1473 7.4.1044 (after 7.4.1042) can't build without the +eval feature + 2314 7.4.1045 can't see coverage if shadow and coverage on the same build + 1919 7.4.1046 no test coverage for menus + 1313 7.4.1047 (after patch 7.4.1042) tests fail on MS-Windows + 1795 7.4.1048 (after patch 7.4.1047) test still fails on MS-Windows + 1712 7.4.1049 (after patch 7.4.1048) test still still fails on MS-Windows + 3619 7.4.1050 warning for unused var with tiny features + 3758 7.4.1051 segfault when unletting "count" + 2463 7.4.1052 illegal memory access with weird syntax command + 10050 7.4.1053 insufficient testing for quickfix commands + 1495 7.4.1054 illegal memory access + 3525 7.4.1055 running "make newtests" in src/testdir has no output + 11108 7.4.1056 don't know why finding spell suggestions is slow + 2151 7.4.1057 typos in the :options window + 8986 7.4.1058 not possible to test behavior when memory allocation fails + 1352 7.4.1059 code is never executed + 3961 7.4.1060 instructions for writing tests are outdated + 2799 7.4.1061 compiler warning for ignoring return value of fwrite() + 4105 7.4.1062 building with Ruby on MS-Windows requires a lot of arguments + 2259 7.4.1063 TCL variables are not set when building with Cygwin and MingW + 7842 7.4.1064 with single letter compounding spell suggestions are slow + 13599 7.4.1065 cannot use the "dll" options on MS-Windows + 2890 7.4.1066 (after 7.4.1065) build fails on MS-Windows + 2723 7.4.1067 (after 7.4.1065) Can't build with MingW+Python on MS-Windows + 2880 7.4.1068 wrong way to check for unletting internal variables + 2244 7.4.1069 compiler warning for unused argument + 22364 7.4.1070 the Tcl interface can't be loaded dynamically on Unix + 2913 7.4.1071 new style tests are executed in arbitrary order + 27621 7.4.1072 increment test is old style + 7927 7.4.1073 alloc_id depends on numbers, may use the same one twice + 1525 7.4.1074 warning from VX2015 compiler + 1890 7.4.1075 crash when using an invalid command + 3552 7.4.1076 CTRL-A does not work well in right-left mode + 16900 7.4.1077 the build instructions for MS-Windows are incomplete + 1631 7.4.1078 MSVC: "make clean" doesn't cleanup in the tee directory + 2641 7.4.1079 (after 7.4.1073) file missing from distribution + 1865 7.4.1080 VS2015 HandleToLong() is shadowed by a Vim macro + 1617 7.4.1081 no test for what previously caused a crash + 1374 7.4.1082 the Tcl interface is always skipping memory free on exit + 2672 7.4.1083 building GvimExt with VS2015 may fail + 2963 7.4.1084 repeating CTRL-A in Visual mode increments the wrong numbers + 3938 7.4.1085 the CTRL-A and CTRL-X commands do not update '[ and '] marks + 1464 7.4.1086 crash with an extremely long buffer name + 33779 7.4.1087 CTRL-A and CTRL-X work badly with blockwise visual selection + 4334 7.4.1088 Coverity warns for uninitialized variables + 2506 7.4.1089 repeating CTRL-A doesn't work + 4054 7.4.1090 no tests for :hardcopy and related options + 1945 7.4.1091 2 sec delay when making change while need_wait_return is set + 6884 7.4.1092 is not simple to test for an exception + 4690 7.4.1093 typo in test goes unnoticed + 2163 7.4.1094 test for :hardcopy fails on MS-Windows + 2089 7.4.1095 can't build GvimExt with SDK 7.1 + 8454 7.4.1096 need several lines to verify a command produces an error + 3138 7.4.1097 looking up the alloc ID for tests fails + 8123 7.4.1098 still using old style C function declarations + 5136 7.4.1100 Cygwin makefiles are unused + 1787 7.4.1101 cursor in wrong position with 'rightleft' and concealing + 16478 7.4.1102 debugger has no stack backtrace support + 1334 7.4.1103 removed file still in distribution + 66134 7.4.1104 various problems building with MzScheme/Racket + 3911 7.4.1105 with slices there is a mixup of variable name and namespace + 7623 7.4.1106 the nsis script can't be used from the appveyor build + 11125 7.4.1107 Vim can create a directory but not delete it + 5251 7.4.1108 expanding "~" halfway a file name + 2549 7.4.1109 (after 7.4.1107) MS-Windows doesn't have rmdir() + 1261 7.4.1110 test 108 fails when language is French + 4008 7.4.1111 test_expand fails on MS-Windows + 1941 7.4.1112 no error is reported for ":next" with an illegal file name + 3248 7.4.1113 (after 7.4.1105) using {ns} in variable name does not work + 7989 7.4.1114 (after 7.4.1107) delete() does not handle symbolic links + 1643 7.4.1115 MS-Windows: make clean in testdir doesn't clean everything + 4697 7.4.1116 delete(x, 'rf') does not delete files starting with a dot + 3673 7.4.1117 (after 7.4.1116) no longer get "." and ".." in directory list + 1515 7.4.1118 tests hang in 24 line terminal + 2878 7.4.1119 argidx() has a wrong value after ":%argdelete" + 3505 7.4.1120 delete(x, 'rf') fails if a directory is empty + 1931 7.4.1121 test_expand leaves files behind + 4831 7.4.1122 test 92 and 93 fail with gvim on system with non utf-8 locale + 3513 7.4.1123 using ":argadd" makes wrong arg the current one + 7088 7.4.1124 MS-Windows: dead key behavior is not ideal + 17310 7.4.1125 there is no perleval() + 18360 7.4.1126 can only get the directory of the current window + 5343 7.4.1127 both old and new style tests for Perl + 5906 7.4.1128 MS-Windows: delete() does not recognize junctions + 3123 7.4.1129 Python None value can't be converted to a Vim value + 1550 7.4.1130 memory leak in :vimgrep + 10012 7.4.1131 new lines in the viminfo file are dropped +332180 7.4.1133 generated function prototypes still have __ARGS() + 1846 7.4.1134 the arglist test fails on MS-Windows + 1654 7.4.1135 one more arglist test fails on MS-Windows + 2379 7.4.1136 wrong argument to assert_exception() causes a crash + 2012 7.4.1137 illegal memory access when using :copen and :cclose + 1919 7.4.1138 when running gvim in the foreground some icons are missing + 4507 7.4.1139 MS-Windows: getftype() returns "file for symlink to directory + 1802 7.4.1140 recognizing does not work when the language is Turkish + 1677 7.4.1141 searchpair() with a syntax skip expression may not work + 14719 7.4.1142 cannot define keyword characters for a syntax file + 16382 7.4.1143 can't sort on floating point numbers + 1414 7.4.1144 (after 7.4.1143) can't build on several systems + 4215 7.4.1145 default features are conservative + 3103 7.4.1146 can't build with Python 3 interface using MingW + 15538 7.4.1147 conflict for "chartab" + 2751 7.4.1148 default for MingW and Cygwin is still "normal" + 3709 7.4.1149 (after 7.4.1013) problem with using local value of 'efm' + 6220 7.4.1150 'langmap' applies to the first character typed in Select mode + 1952 7.4.1151 (after 7.4.1150) missing change to eval.c + 1289 7.4.1152 (after 7.4.1150) langmap test fails with normal build + 2743 7.4.1153 autocommands for quickfix cannot always get current title + 55330 7.4.1154 no support for JSON + 1596 7.4.1155 (after 7.4.1154) build with normal features fails + 1953 7.4.1156 Coverity warns for NULL pointer and ignoring return value + 3787 7.4.1157 type() does not work for v:true, v:none, etc. + 74145 7.4.1158 still using __ARGS() + 16118 7.4.1159 automatically generated function prototypes use __ARGS + 1360 7.4.1160 no error for jsondecode('"') + 3333 7.4.1161 ":argadd" without argument does not work as documented + 1710 7.4.1162 missing error number in MzScheme + 3935 7.4.1163 expressions "0 + v:true" and "'' . v:true" cause an error + 5677 7.4.1164 can't compare special vars; jsondecode() doesn't report error + 4780 7.4.1165 build fails when defining DYNAMIC_ICONV_DLL in the makefile + 6664 7.4.1166 jsonencode() doesn't handle Funcref and repeated list right + 2213 7.4.1167 no tests for "is" and "isnot" with the new variables + 2678 7.4.1168 this doesn't give the right result: eval(string(v:true)) + 35041 7.4.1169 the socket I/O is intertwined with the netbeans code + 5990 7.4.1170 (after 7.4.1169) missing changes in src/Makefile, Filelist + 45145 7.4.1171 Makefile dependencies are outdated + 3160 7.4.1172 (after 7.4.1169) configure is overly positive + 1661 7.4.1173 (after 7.4.1168) no test for new behavior of v:true et al. + 4024 7.4.1174 netbeans contains dead code insde #ifndef INIT_SOCKETS + 1317 7.4.1175 (after 7.4.1169) can't build with Mingw and Cygwin + 1745 7.4.1176 missing change to proto file + 1335 7.4.1177 the +channel feature is not in :version output + 2064 7.4.1178 empty() doesn't work for the new special variables + 3461 7.4.1179 test_writefile and test_viml do not delete the tempfile + 2503 7.4.1180 crash with invalid argument to glob2regpat() + 2015 7.4.1181 free_tv() can't handle special variables + 44537 7.4.1182 still socket code intertwined with netbeans + 1726 7.4.1183 (after 7.4.1182) MS-Windows build is broken + 1575 7.4.1184 MS-Windows build is still broken + 4866 7.4.1185 can't build with TCL on some systems + 2549 7.4.1186 error messages for security context are hard to translate + 3976 7.4.1187 MS-Windows channel code only supports one channel + 4016 7.4.1188 using older JSON standard + 1922 7.4.1189 (after 7.4.1165) can't use another language on MS-Windows + 6783 7.4.1190 on OSX the default flag for dlopen() is different + 39635 7.4.1191 the channel feature isn't working yet + 1496 7.4.1192 can't build with FEAT_EVAL but without FEAT_MBYTE + 1486 7.4.1193 can't build the channel feature on MS-Windows + 3392 7.4.1194 compiler warning for not using return value of fwrite() + 8082 7.4.1195 the channel feature does not work in the MS-Windows console + 61502 7.4.1196 still using __ARGS + 62132 7.4.1197 still using __ARGS (fixed) + 98165 7.4.1198 still using __ARGS +141118 7.4.1199 still using __ARGS + 3902 7.4.1201 still using __ARGS + 3652 7.4.1202 can't build on Mac + 21663 7.4.1203 still using __ARGS (corrected patch) + 1835 7.4.1204 latin1 characters cause encoding conversion +414547 7.4.1205 using old style function declarations +271505 7.4.1206 using old style function declarations +205336 7.4.1207 using old style function declarations +147428 7.4.1208 using old style function declarations + 7098 7.4.1209 (after 7.4.1207) can't build with Athena +169183 7.4.1210 using old style function declarations +292164 7.4.1211 using old style function declarations + 1448 7.4.1212 (after 7.4.1207) can't build with Motif +219134 7.4.1213 using old style function declarations +285046 7.4.1214 using old style function declarations + 76252 7.4.1215 using old style function declarations + 7344 7.4.1216 still using HAVE_STDARG_H + 14109 7.4.1217 execution of command on channel doesn't work yet + 5288 7.4.1218 missing change in configure, more changes for function style + 1660 7.4.1219 build fails with +channel but without +float + 2075 7.4.1220 warnings for unused variables in tiny build + 6278 7.4.1221 tiny and small builds include too many features + 15218 7.4.1222 ":normal" command and others missing in tiny build (fixed 2) + 3568 7.4.1223 crash when setting v:errors to a number + 2475 7.4.1224 build problems with GTK on BSD + 15599 7.4.1225 still a few old style function declarations + 2684 7.4.1226 GRESOURCE_HDR is unused + 2443 7.4.1227 compiler warnings + 2207 7.4.1228 copy() and deepcopy() fail with special variables + 21628 7.4.1229 "eval" and "expr" channel commands don't work yet + 2258 7.4.1230 Win32: opening channel may hang, messages not handled + 24711 7.4.1231 JSON messages are not parsed properly + 1600 7.4.1232 compiler warnings when the Sniff feature is enabled + 1567 7.4.1233 channel command may cause a crash + 5758 7.4.1234 demo server only runs with Python 2 + 4850 7.4.1235 (after 7.4.1231) missing change to eval.c + 2556 7.4.1236 with "syntax manual" switching buffers removes highlighting + 2230 7.4.1237 can't translate message without adding a line break + 34251 7.4.1238 can't handle two messages right after each other (fixed) + 4601 7.4.1239 JSON message after the first one is dropped + 2964 7.4.1240 Visual studio tools are noisy + 2105 7.4.1241 missing change in Makefile due to diff mismatch + 1745 7.4.1242 json_test fails without the eval feature + 1546 7.4.1243 compiler warning for uninitialized variable + 21372 7.4.1244 the channel functions don't sort together + 1414 7.4.1245 file missing from distribution + 16263 7.4.1246 the channel functionality isn't tested + 3980 7.4.1247 the channel test doesn't run on MS-Windows + 2746 7.4.1248 can't reliably start and stop the channel test server + 8008 7.4.1249 crash when the process a channel is connected to exits + 1645 7.4.1250 running tests in shadow directory fails + 1361 7.4.1251 new test file missing from distribution + 6903 7.4.1252 the channel test server may receive two messages concatenated + 4434 7.4.1253 Python test server not displaying second of two commands + 7916 7.4.1254 opening a second channel causes a crash + 4811 7.4.1255 crash for channel "eval" command without third argument + 2618 7.4.1256 on Mac sys.exit(0) doesn't kill the test server + 1842 7.4.1257 channel test fails in some configurations + 1934 7.4.1258 the channel test can fail if messages arrive later + 1840 7.4.1259 no test for what patch 7.3.414 fixed + 3938 7.4.1260 the channel feature doesn't work on Win32 GUI + 3463 7.4.1261 crash on garbage collection, leaking memory + 10824 7.4.1262 the channel callback is not invoked + 31504 7.4.1263 ch_open() hangs when the server isn't running + 4731 7.4.1264 crash when receiving an empty array + 4642 7.4.1265 not all channel commands are tested + 2477 7.4.1266 a BufAdd autocommand may cause an ml_get error + 14468 7.4.1267 easy to miss handling all types of variables + 1645 7.4.1268 waittime is used as seconds instead of milliseconds + 4793 7.4.1269 encoding {'key':v:none} to JSON doesn't give an error + 2674 7.4.1270 warnings for missing values in switch + 2003 7.4.1271 assert_false(v:false) reports an error + 1681 7.4.1272 using future enum value + 32888 7.4.1274 cannot run a job + 2034 7.4.1275 (after 7.4.1274) build fails on MS-Windows + 3454 7.4.1276 warning for not using return value of fcntl() + 2170 7.4.1277 compiler can complain about missing enum value in switch + 7603 7.4.1278 when jsonencode() fails it still returns something + 52706 7.4.1279 jsonencode() is not producing strict JSON + 1519 7.4.1280 missing case value + 2425 7.4.1281 no test for skipping over code that isn't evaluated + 1559 7.4.1282 crash when evaluating the pattern of ":catch" causes an error + 5184 7.4.1283 the job feature isn't available on MS-Windows + 2134 7.4.1284 (after 7.4.1282) test 49 fails + 5215 7.4.1285 cannot measure elapsed time + 3664 7.4.1286 ch_open() with a timeout doesn't work correctly + 1869 7.4.1287 (after 7.4.1286) channel test fails + 3546 7.4.1288 ch_sendexpr() does not use JS encoding + 2299 7.4.1289 channel test fails on MS-Windows, connect() takes too long + 1400 7.4.1290 Coverity complains about uneccessary check for NULL + 1808 7.4.1291 on MS-Windows the channel test server doesn't quit + 2239 7.4.1292 some compilers complain about uninitialzed variable + 4709 7.4.1293 a channel may hang waiting for a discarded message + 1960 7.4.1294 job_stop() only kills the started process + 1853 7.4.1295 string(job) doesn't work well on MS-Windows + 1652 7.4.1296 cursor changes column with up motion when not supposed to + 2883 7.4.1297 on Mac test_channel leaves python instances running + 7301 7.4.1298 when the channel test fails the server keeps running + 4920 7.4.1299 when server sends zero ID message channel handler not invoked + 6089 7.4.1300 cannot test CursorMovedI because there is typeahead + 1672 7.4.1301 missing options in ch_open() + 3806 7.4.1302 typo in struct field name + 4596 7.4.1303 a Funcref is not accepted as a callback + 33319 7.4.1304 function names are difficult to read + 4094 7.4.1305 "\%1l^#.*" does not match on a line starting with "#" + 10114 7.4.1306 job control doesn't work well on MS-Windows + 2107 7.4.1307 some channel tests fail on MS-Windows + 1599 7.4.1308 (after 7.4.1307) typo in test + 5727 7.4.1309 when a test fails not all relevant info is listed + 76009 7.4.1310 jobs don't open a channel + 1847 7.4.1311 (after 7.4.1310) sock_T is defined too late + 1704 7.4.1312 (after 7.4.1311) sock_T not defined without +channel feature + 2518 7.4.1313 MS-Windows: Using socket after closed causes an exception + 1537 7.4.1314 warning for uninitialzed variable +103578 7.4.1315 using channel handle does not allow for freeing when unused + 3091 7.4.1316 can't build MS-Windows console version + 1551 7.4.1317 MS-Windows: channel test fails + 35549 7.4.1318 channel with pipes doesn't work in GUI + 15447 7.4.1319 tests fail on MS-Windows and on Unix with GUI + 1594 7.4.1320 Cygwin/MingW build fails with channel but without Netbeans + 1373 7.4.1321 compiler complains about missing statement + 4971 7.4.1322 crash when unletting the variable that holds the channel + 1732 7.4.1323 do not get warnings when building with MingW + 22670 7.4.1324 channels with pipes don't work on MS-Windows + 4039 7.4.1325 channel test fails on Unix/DOS line endings difference + 1624 7.4.1326 build rules are bit too complicated + 3569 7.4.1327 channel test doesn't work if Python executable is python.exe + 3629 7.4.1328 can't compile with +job but without +channel + 3714 7.4.1329 crash when using channel that failed to open + 2760 7.4.1330 fd_read() has an unused argument + 4098 7.4.1331 crash when closing the channel in a callback + 1848 7.4.1332 problem using Python3 when compiled with MingW + 3250 7.4.1333 channel test fails on non-darwin builds + 57703 7.4.1334 many compiler warnings with MingW + 2420 7.4.1335 can't build on MS-Windows with +job but without +channel + 14759 7.4.1336 channel NL mode is not supported yet + 6711 7.4.1337 (after 7.4.1336) part of the change missing + 1980 7.4.1338 (after 7.4.1336) another part of the change is missing + 23706 7.4.1339 warnings when building the GUI with MingW + 1242 7.4.1340 (after 7.4.1339) merge left extra #endif behind + 21723 7.4.1341 difficult to add more arguments to ch_sendraw()/ch_sendexpr() + 10172 7.4.1342 on Mac OS/X the waittime must be > 0 for connect to work + 4577 7.4.1343 can't compile with +job but without +channel + 1687 7.4.1344 can't compile Win32 GUI with tiny features + 2279 7.4.1345 a few more compiler warnings + 8883 7.4.1346 compiler warnings in build with -O2 + 1590 7.4.1347 when there is any error Vim will use a non-zero exit code + 3191 7.4.1348 more compiler warnings + 2250 7.4.1349 and some more MingW compiler warnings + 2468 7.4.1350 when the test server fails to start Vim hangs + 32197 7.4.1351 ch_open() may fail instead of waiting for the specified time + 1991 7.4.1352 the test script lists all functions before executing them + 1616 7.4.1353 Test_connect_waittime is skipped for MS-Windows + 4470 7.4.1354 MS-Windows: Mismatching default compile options + 9162 7.4.1355 Win32 console and GUI handle channels differently + 16221 7.4.1356 job and channel options parsing is scattered + 1519 7.4.1357 (after 7.4.1356) error for returning value from void function + 1580 7.4.1358 compiler warning when not building with +crypt + 1873 7.4.1359 (after 7.4.1356) channel test ch_sendexpr() times out + 3477 7.4.1360 can't remove a callback with ch_setoptions() + 2138 7.4.1361 channel test fails on Solaris + 1422 7.4.1362 (after 7.4.1356) using unitinialized value + 2907 7.4.1363 compiler warnings with tiny build +306584 7.4.1364 the Win 16 code is not maintained and unused + 2305 7.4.1365 cannot execute a single test function + 2017 7.4.1366 typo in test and resulting error in test result + 1636 7.4.1367 compiler warning for unreachable code + 1830 7.4.1368 one more Win16 file remains + 67480 7.4.1369 channels don't have a queue for stderr + 1515 7.4.1370 the Python test script may keep on running + 5541 7.4.1371 X11 GUI callbacks don't specify the part of the channel + 14982 7.4.1372 Channel read implementation is incomplete + 13828 7.4.1373 must turn args into string when calling Vim channel function + 2407 7.4.1374 channel test hangs on MS-Windows + 19093 7.4.1375 still some Win16 code + 41297 7.4.1376 ch_setoptions() cannot set all options + 2743 7.4.1377 Test_connect_waittime() is flaky + 11813 7.4.1378 can't change job settings after it started + 4248 7.4.1379 channel test fails on Win32 console + 11895 7.4.1380 the job exit callback is not implemented + 2007 7.4.1381 (after 7.4.1380) exit value not available on MS-Windows + 27514 7.4.1382 can't get the job of a channel + 3905 7.4.1383 GvimExt only loads the old libintl.dll + 16713 7.4.1384 it is not easy to use a set of plugins and their dependencies + 1821 7.4.1385 compiler warning for using array + 2908 7.4.1386 job may be freed when the Job exit callback is invoked + 1845 7.4.1387 Win16 docs still referenced + 1840 7.4.1388 compiler warning + 1517 7.4.1389 incomplete function declaration + 5404 7.4.1390 if glib-compile-resources cannot be found building Vim fails + 1712 7.4.1391 warning for uninitialzed variable + 1984 7.4.1392 some tests fail for Win32 console version + 1961 7.4.1393 starting a job hangs in the GUI + 15733 7.4.1394 can't sort inside a sort function + 3060 7.4.1395 DETACH in quotes is not compatible with Netbeans interface + 1946 7.4.1396 compiler warnings for conversions + 1799 7.4.1397 sort test fails on MS-Windows + 13147 7.4.1398 the close-cb option is not implemented yet +198260 7.4.1399 the MS-DOS code does not build (fixed 2) + 2202 7.4.1400 Perl eval doesn't work properly on 64-bit big-endian machine + 1877 7.4.1401 'autochdir' set during startup with diff mode doesn't work +215313 7.4.1402 GTK 3 is not supported + 3013 7.4.1403 can't build without the quickfix feature + 10511 7.4.1404 ch_read() doesn't time out on MS-Windows + 5435 7.4.1405 completion menu flickers + 1908 7.4.1406 leaking memory in cs_print_tags_priv() + 7064 7.4.1407 json_encode() does not handle NaN and inf properly + 3354 7.4.1408 MS-Windows doesn't have isnan() and isinf() + 1736 7.4.1409 configure includes GUI despite --disable-gui flag + 1600 7.4.1410 leaking memory in cscope interface + 1544 7.4.1411 compiler warning for indent + 1767 7.4.1412 compiler warning for indent + 4800 7.4.1413 when calling ch_close() the close callback is invoked + 5190 7.4.1414 Appveyor only builds one feature set + 1783 7.4.1415 (after 7.4.1414) dropped the skip-tags setting + 2323 7.4.1416 using "u_char" intead of "char_u", doesn't work everywhere + 1612 7.4.1417 (after 7.4.1414) missing appveyor.bat from the distribution + 5248 7.4.1418 job_stop() on MS-Windows does not really stop the job + 11240 7.4.1419 tests slowed down because of the "not a terminal" warning + 1337 7.4.1420 (after 7.4.1419) missing makefile + 4197 7.4.1421 may free a channel when a callback may need to be invoked + 5587 7.4.1422 keeping channel open after job stops results in test failing + 2603 7.4.1423 channel test fails on MS-Windows + 1485 7.4.1424 not using --not-a-term when running tests on MS-Windows + 81739 7.4.1425 there are still references to MS-DOS support + 23351 7.4.1426 the "out-io" option for jobs is not implemented yet + 1859 7.4.1427 trailing comma in enums is not ANSI C + 2001 7.4.1428 compiler warning for non-virtual destructor + 1902 7.4.1429 MS-Windows: when not using directx drawing emoji is broken + 6433 7.4.1430 not useful to encode NaN and Infinity as null for JSON + 1766 7.4.1431 including header files twice + 1933 7.4.1432 typo in button text + 72821 7.4.1433 the Sniff interface is no longer useful + 6751 7.4.1434 JSON encoding doesn't handle surrogate pair + 29141 7.4.1435 confusing that ch_sendexpr()/ch_sendraw() wait for a response + 1594 7.4.1436 (after 7.4.1433) Sniff files still referenced in distribution + 7821 7.4.1437 old system doesn't have isinf() and NAN + 8681 7.4.1438 can't get buffer number of a channel + 2684 7.4.1439 (after 7.4.1434) using uninitialzed variable + 3145 7.4.1440 (after 7.4.1437) can't build on Windows + 1697 7.4.1441 using empty name instead of no name for channel buffer + 1736 7.4.1442 MS-Windows: more compilation warnings for destructor + 4797 7.4.1443 can't build GTK3 with small features + 1841 7.4.1444 can't build with JSON but without multi-byte + 4344 7.4.1445 memory corruption when 'encoding' is not utf-8 + 1645 7.4.1446 crash when using json_decode() + 7566 7.4.1447 memory leak when using ch_read(); log messages missing + 1627 7.4.1448 JSON tests fail if 'encoding' is not utf-8 + 1486 7.4.1449 build fails with job feature but without channel feature + 2366 7.4.1450 json encoding still fails when encoding is not utf-8 + 3542 7.4.1451 Vim hangs when a channel has a callback but isn't referenced + 1886 7.4.1452 screen and cursor not updated after a callback was invoked + 1848 7.4.1453 missing --not-a-term + 2208 7.4.1454 the exit callback test is flaky + 2950 7.4.1455 JSON decoding test for surrogate pairs is in the wrong place + 2501 7.4.1456 test 87 fails with Python 3.5 + 5719 7.4.1457 opening a channel with select() is not done properly + 6156 7.4.1458 when a JSON channel has a callback it may never be cleared + 3244 7.4.1459 (after 7.4.1457) MS-Windows doesn't know socklen_t + 2447 7.4.1460 syntax error in rarily used code + 1642 7.4.1461 MS-Windows: all parts of a job command are put in quotes + 2426 7.4.1462 two more rarily used functions with errors + 5612 7.4.1463 configure doesn't find isinf() and isnan() on some systems + 3063 7.4.1464 when the argument of sort() is zero or empty it fails + 4963 7.4.1465 may use NULL pointer when using buffer output and JSON mode + 1436 7.4.1466 Coverity reports dead code + 2033 7.4.1467 can't build without the float feature + 2174 7.4.1468 sort test doesn't test with "1" argument + 2891 7.4.1469 channel test sometimes fails, especially on OS/X + 2486 7.4.1470 Coverity reports missing restore + 1571 7.4.1471 missing out-of-memory check, Coverity warning + 1752 7.4.1472 Coverity warning for not using return value + 3275 7.4.1473 can't build without the autocommand feature + 2461 7.4.1474 compiler warnings without the float feature + 1884 7.4.1475 using hangulinput with utf-8 CSI character is misintepreted + 5226 7.4.1476 function arguments marked as unused while they are not + 3047 7.4.1477 Test_reltime is flaky, it depends on timing + 3210 7.4.1478 ":loadplugin" doesn't take care of ftdetect files + 4124 7.4.1479 no test for ":loadplugin" + 17392 7.4.1480 cannot add a pack direcory without loading a plugin + 2113 7.4.1481 can't build with small features + 7105 7.4.1482 "timeout" option not supported on ch_eval*() + 7947 7.4.1483 a one-time callback is not used for a raw channel + 8593 7.4.1484 channel "err-io" value "out" is not supported + 13014 7.4.1485 job input from buffer is not implemented + 17982 7.4.1486 ":loadplugin" is not optimal, some people find it confusing + 1547 7.4.1487 for WIN32 isinf() is defined as a macro + 2180 7.4.1488 not using key if result from hangul_string_convert() is NULL + 1933 7.4.1489 (after 7.4.1487) "inline" is not supported by old MSVC + 1654 7.4.1490 compiler warning for unused function + 2593 7.4.1491 Visual-block shift breaks multi-byte characters + 5957 7.4.1492 no command line completion for ":packadd" + 6344 7.4.1493 wrong callback invoked for zero-id messages + 4204 7.4.1494 clr_history() does not work properly + 4176 7.4.1495 compiler warnings with job but without channel feature + 1656 7.4.1496 crash when built with GUI but it's not active + 3547 7.4.1497 cursor drawing problem with GTK 3 + 1540 7.4.1498 error for locked item when using json_decode() + 6652 7.4.1499 no error message when :packadd does not find anything + 1907 7.4.1500 should_free flag set to FALSE + 1617 7.4.1501 garbage collection with an open channel is not tested + 11155 7.4.1502 writing last-but-one buffer line to channel not implemented + 2394 7.4.1503 crash when using ch_getjob() + 3569 7.4.1504 (after 7.4.1502) no test for reading last-but-one line + 3392 7.4.1505 get too many "looking for messages" channel log entries + 8311 7.4.1506 job cannot read from a file + 1663 7.4.1507 crash when starting a job fails + 2102 7.4.1508 can't build GvimExt with MingW + 4088 7.4.1509 keeping both a job and channel variable is a hassle + 2586 7.4.1510 channel test fails on AppVeyor + 1607 7.4.1511 statusline highlighting is sometimes wrong + 3979 7.4.1512 channel input from file not supported on MS-Windows + 3195 7.4.1513 "J" fails if there are not enough lines + 9398 7.4.1514 channel output to file not implemented yet + 17914 7.4.1515 channel test is a bit flaky + 6145 7.4.1516 cannot change file permissions + 1633 7.4.1517 compiler warning with 64bit compiler + 14503 7.4.1518 channel with disconnected in/out/err is not supported + 7607 7.4.1519 (after 7.4.1514) file output not implemented for MS-Windows + 1777 7.4.1520 channel test: Waiting for a file to appear doesn't work + 1974 7.4.1521 (after 7.4.1516) file permission test fails on MS-Windows + 5440 7.4.1522 cannot write channel err to a buffer + 2227 7.4.1523 writing channel to a file fails on MS-Windows + 7637 7.4.1524 channel test fails on BSD + 2801 7.4.1525 on a high resolution screen the toolbar icons are too small + 10098 7.4.1526 MS-Windows channel: missing writing to file + not connecting + 5195 7.4.1527 channel test is flaky on MS-Windows + 7728 7.4.1528 using "ever" for packages is confusing + 11462 7.4.1529 specifying buffer number for channel not implemented yet + 1672 7.4.1530 MS-Windows job_start() closes wrong handle + 1912 7.4.1531 compiler warning for unitinialized variable + 5209 7.4.1532 MS-Windows channel leaks file descriptor + 3479 7.4.1533 using feedkeys() with an empty string disregards 'x' option + 1731 7.4.1534 compiler warning for shadowed variable + 1572 7.4.1535 the feedkeys test has a one second delay + 12113 7.4.1536 cannot re-use a channel for another job + 45289 7.4.1537 too many feature flags for pipes, jobs and channels + 2741 7.4.1538 selection with the mouse does not work in command line mode + 69836 7.4.1539 too much code in eval.c + 2476 7.4.1540 channel test is a bit flaky + 8271 7.4.1541 missing job_info() + 1704 7.4.1542 job_start() with a list is not tested + 2343 7.4.1543 channel log methods are not tested + 1881 7.4.1544 on Win32 escaping the command does not work properly + 3121 7.4.1545 GTK3: horizontal cursor movement in Visual selection not good + 5247 7.4.1546 sticky type checking is more annoying than useful + 3860 7.4.1547 get "-1" when getting not set cterm highlight attribute + 2631 7.4.1548 (after 7.4.1546) two tests fail + 2153 7.4.1549 (after 7.4.1547) syntax attributes test fails in Win32 GUI + 4596 7.4.1550 cannot load packages early + 11865 7.4.1551 cannot generate help tags in all doc directories + 18133 7.4.1552 ":colorscheme" does not use 'packpath' + 8737 7.4.1553 ":runtime" does not use 'packpath' + 7071 7.4.1554 completion for :colorscheme does not use 'packpath' + 3136 7.4.1555 list of test targets incomplete + 2041 7.4.1556 "make install" changes the help tags file + 12671 7.4.1557 windows cannot be identified + 5422 7.4.1558 it is not easy to find out what windows display a buffer + 58946 7.4.1559 passing cookie to a callback is clumsy + 43110 7.4.1560 Dict options with a dash are more difficult to use + 2076 7.4.1561 (after 7.4.1559) missing update to proto file + 1282 7.4.1562 ":helptags ALL" crashes + 1478 7.4.1563 partial test fails on windows + 4971 7.4.1564 an empty list in function() causes an error + 2049 7.4.1565 crash when assert_equal() runs into a NULL string + 1385 7.4.1566 compiler warning for shadowed variable + 2215 7.4.1567 crash in assert_fails() + 1479 7.4.1568 using CTRL-] in help on option in parentheses doesn't work + 5418 7.4.1569 using old style tests for quickfix + 4589 7.4.1570 there is no way to avoid the message when editing a file + 2202 7.4.1571 no test for ":help" + 1451 7.4.1572 setting 'compatible' in test influences following tests + 1903 7.4.1573 tests get stuck at the more prompt + 3063 7.4.1574 ":undo 0" does not work + 1806 7.4.1575 using wrong size for struct + 2833 7.4.1576 write error of viminfo file is not handled properly + 5645 7.4.1577 cannot pass "dict.Myfunc" around as a partial + 20899 7.4.1578 there is no way to invoke a function later or periodically + 2673 7.4.1579 (after 7.4.1578) missing changes in channel.c + 1916 7.4.1580 crash when using function reference + 11918 7.4.1581 ":call dict.func()" where function is a partial does not work + 11135 7.4.1582 get E923 when using function(dict.func, [], dict) + 1572 7.4.1583 warning for unitinialized variable + 2823 7.4.1584 timers don't work for Win32 console + 2184 7.4.1585 partial is not recognized everywhere + 5356 7.4.1586 nesting partials doesn't work + 1985 7.4.1587 compiler warnings with 64 bit compiler + 9095 7.4.1588 old style test for quickfix + 5792 7.4.1589 combining dict and args with partial doesn't always work + 1566 7.4.1590 warning for shadowed variable + 3316 7.4.1591 the quickfix title is truncated + 3328 7.4.1592 quickfix code using memory after being freed + 1483 7.4.1593 using channel timeout instead of request timeout + 3015 7.4.1594 timers don't work on Unix + 2202 7.4.1595 not checking for failed open() + 1263 7.4.1596 memory leak + 1588 7.4.1597 memory leak when out of memory + 3145 7.4.1598 when starting the GUI fails a swap file is left behind + 1636 7.4.1599 no link to Coverity + 18981 7.4.1600 libs directory is not useful + 61498 7.4.1601 README files take a lot of space in the top directory + 14853 7.4.1602 info files take space in the top directory + 3059 7.4.1603 timer with an ":echo" command messes up display + 9167 7.4.1604 emoji characters are not treated as full width + 1585 7.4.1605 catching exception that won't be thrown + 2241 7.4.1606 type() handling plain Funcref and partial differently + 5469 7.4.1607 comparing function on two dicts is not backwards compatible + 3620 7.4.1608 string() doesn't handle a partial + 3741 7.4.1609 Contents file is only for Amiga distro + 96222 7.4.1611 the versplit feature makes the code uneccessary complicated + 5931 7.4.1612 (after 7.4.1611) can't build with small features + 2264 7.4.1613 (after 7.4.1612) still can't build with small features + 15963 7.4.1614 still quickfix test in old style + 3023 7.4.1615 build fails with tiny features + 5699 7.4.1616 malformed channel request causes a hang + 17818 7.4.1617 when a JSON message is split it isn't decoded + 2119 7.4.1618 start job with buffer output changes option in current buffer + 1612 7.4.1619 'fileformats' does not apply to the initial buffer + 9085 7.4.1620 emoji characters are not considered a kind of word character + 16682 7.4.1621 channel test doesn't work with Python 2.6 + 3858 7.4.1622 channel demo doesn't work with Python 2.6 + 3602 7.4.1623 all Channels share the message ID, it keeps getting bigger + 12060 7.4.1624 can't get info about a channel + 1824 7.4.1625 trying to close file descriptor that isn't open + 2439 7.4.1626 (after 7.4.1624) missing changes to structs + 2155 7.4.1627 channel out_cb and err_cb are not tested + 1485 7.4.1628 64-bit Compiler warning + 21807 7.4.1629 handling emoji chars as full width not backwards compatibile + 1691 7.4.1630 Unicode table for double width is outdated + 1592 7.4.1631 compiler doesn't understand switch on all enum values + 4293 7.4.1632 list of test targets is outdated + 2991 7.4.1633 if the help tags file was removed "make install" fails + 2006 7.4.1634 vertical movement after CTRL-A ends up in the wrong column + 1461 7.4.1635 channel test is a bit flaky + 1957 7.4.1636 missing prompt for crypt key when 'F' is in 'shortmess' + 1739 7.4.1637 can't build with older MinGW compiler + 3564 7.4.1638 when binding function to dict the reference count is wrong + 4759 7.4.1639 invoking garbage collection may cause a double free + 4926 7.4.1640 crash when an autocommand changes a quickfix list + 2575 7.4.1641 using unterminated string + 3299 7.4.1642 handling emoji chars as full width not backwards compatibile + 2708 7.4.1643 (after 7.4.1641) terminating file name has side effects + 5680 7.4.1644 error when using string() on partial with recursive reference + 2293 7.4.1645 partial in a dict can't be redefined as a function + 2809 7.4.1646 using Python vim.bindeval() on a partial doesn't work + 2597 7.4.1647 using freed memory after setqflist() and ":caddbuffer" + 2728 7.4.1648 compiler has a problem copying a string into di_key[] +124628 7.4.1649 the matchit plugin needs to be copied to be used + 1530 7.4.1650 quickfix test fails + 5180 7.4.1651 some dead (MSDOS) code remains + 8475 7.4.1652 old style test for fnamemodify() + 1892 7.4.1653 (after 7.4.1649) can't load matchit.vim from the old location + 2230 7.4.1654 crash when using expand('%:S') in a buffer without a name + 1474 7.4.1655 remote_expr() hangs + 1970 7.4.1656 crash when using partial with a timer + 6849 7.4.1657 Unix in a terminal: channel messages not handled right away + 4888 7.4.1658 one canot know when VimEnter autocmds were already triggered + 1487 7.4.1659 (after 7.4.1657) compiler warning for argument type + 3263 7.4.1660 has('patch-7.4.1') doesn't work + 6195 7.4.1661 no test for special characters in channel eval command + 3347 7.4.1662 no test for an invalid Ex command on a channel + 13972 7.4.1663 in tests it's often useful to check if a pattern matches + 2149 7.4.1664 crash in :cgetexpr + 2061 7.4.1665 crash when calling job_start() with a NULL string + 9445 7.4.1666 when reading JSON from a channel all readahead is used + 2469 7.4.1667 Win32: waiting on a pipe with fixed sleep time + 3286 7.4.1668 channel_get_all() does multiple allocations + 24738 7.4.1669 when writing buffer lines to a pipe Vim may block + 1558 7.4.1670 completion doesn't work well for a variable containing "#" + 2985 7.4.1671 adding @ab to help tag completion may be unnecessary + 8535 7.4.1672 the Dvorak support is a bit difficult to install + 23583 7.4.1673 the justify plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used + 11414 7.4.1674 the editexisting plugin has to be copied/sourced to be used + 4614 7.4.1675 the swapmous plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used + 11092 7.4.1676 the shellmenu plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used + 2921 7.4.1677 a reference to the removed file_select plugin remains + 1514 7.4.1678 warning for unused argument + 1640 7.4.1679 Coverity: copying value of v_lock without initializing it + 1835 7.4.1680 Coverity warns for not checking name length (false positive) + 1543 7.4.1681 Coverity warns for fixed size buffer length (false positive) + 1880 7.4.1682 Coverity: no check for NULL + 1868 7.4.1683 generated .bat files do not support --nofork Could you highlight all the new features (as opposed to bugfixes) in this list so we can properly review whether this is worth the risk of putting it in this late in the cycle? Also, I'm assuming you've done that merge for a reason besides getting a newer and shiny vim, would be nice to describe that too. Thanks