veroroute 2.38-1build2 source package in Ubuntu


veroroute (2.38-1build2) noble; urgency=medium

  * No-change rebuild for CVE-2024-3094

 -- William Grant <email address hidden>  Mon, 01 Apr 2024 19:31:40 +1100

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Uploaded by:
William Grant
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Original maintainer:
Ubuntu Developers
any all
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Plucky release universe misc
Oracular release universe misc
Noble release universe misc


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
veroroute_2.38.orig.tar.gz 1.0 MiB 0fc301bc3814ba1e270ab7499fb2f9de7a7344ae9572f84f3b86ad9031244ca7
veroroute_2.38-1build2.debian.tar.xz 3.2 KiB aadb02bd22b96ca5dc283cbde518cf810c7b493f72bcae04cbe8a125aaec9af6
veroroute_2.38-1build2.dsc 2.0 KiB e2a16255e6a99f9128dc9df9a314712aaa18a672f154099987b87d139eb1e204

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Binary packages built by this source

veroroute: Veroboard, Perfboard, and PCB layout and routing application

 Software for producing Veroboard (stripboard), Perfboard, and simple 1-layer or
 2-layer PCBs. Automatically prevents short circuits and checks for open
 circuits. It can import netlist from a TinyCAD, gEDA, or KiCad schematic, or
 specify the netlist graphically. It exports Gerber for simple 1-layer or
 2-layer PCB manufacture.

veroroute-data: Veroboard, Perfboard, and PCB layout and routing application (data package)

 Software for producing Veroboard (stripboard), Perfboard, and simple 1-layer or
 2-layer PCBs. Automatically prevents short circuits and checks for open
 circuits. It can import netlist from a TinyCAD, gEDA, or KiCad schematic, or
 specify the netlist graphically. It exports Gerber for simple 1-layer or
 2-layer PCB manufacture.
 This package contains the static data for VeroRoute.

veroroute-dbgsym: debug symbols for veroroute