Odd-I've tested this again and again on my own system. Reopen cryptdisks.functions from your machine in a text editor and make sure it is truly overwritten-a suprise there would be the first thing I would suspect. If you are NOT able to unlock the encrypted partition, but DO see you text echoed on the console, you have a different problem. In my early experiments, I sometimes had trouble in Hardy with usplash corrupting the console and got the result you describe-but with characters shown not being the ones typed. Never saw this again with later versions of my own code for unknown reasons-and never saw it once in Jaunty. BTW, it's the hardy version of Usplash I'm using for compatability with a customized splash screen, and I'm not getting either problem. First, check your cryptdisks.functions. If the local changes aren't there, it didn't copy. I've sometimes seen issues in Jaunty with renamed backup files being called as though they had not been renamed-seen it with xorg.conf backup files corrupting VESA displays. Try putting the text "BAK" before and after the backup file to see if this is happening. Askpass should NOT be called so its bugs should not be an issue. You could rename askpass or move it, but then would be locked out if you have the 1.0.6 version of cryptdisks.functions. In cryptsetup 2:1.0.5 , askpass and the fifo are not used and not present in /lib/cryptsetup at all. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux) mQGiBElz9bERBADHbO/o4DHTv5tNDs0N/QCL2nXKbLDMwLJatti6QtEDOB98yNeW 1oKaJ4B9kWJQanMy4fZZLPBriYybxUudU5RCqKY64KK3Pnc9oAMuYk5PxVO+7hrx 8GIShwJtEFVBpS4K59Re3VTK6r6uBNgBfteST3jy/XvuvXQSWi9408lCswCgnnGK KYYoOiI4G6k5WJaURzWn6vcD/2lW4sEUFnCfVSFuTdP0/CSJQq4XUJsys1thsm6W 320u7wt8VEvXUV8HfzmcqnYj9Tpi51XMCvqpi1vb2awxEE4PZ2AtKgWXkqfJHzl1 IyqtGHyf5JOQUQJGdkf571f61cJhtyWCmlTMu9TLd5NilwwPtxMTrQSzA+f1xlaH +hneBAC1invLXDeypGmPr6buv1LYfaK3PMpwjAhxYvCKBsqjSk/KYiiliHyNIFnq xZdhTBLS6BjVJ7lNUHbKHmICToDaxbuTQdIKbBjMCAzf3xLZCiRP3F3jPF66QDO/ iDTLzKkvjjNwIliI5xbUGhDQu3ym842NbmsrGBoE4b75S+5DzLQbTHVrZSA8bHVr ZWt1aG5AaG90bWFpbC5jb20+iGAEExECACAFAklz9bECGyMGCwkIBwMCBBUCCAME FgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRCrYZ03I1TDoo14AKCapTyOXADsXtR9oAjvSwAbF/zNIgCe OQvVHgmQ266jsNq1alG38b4UHzu5AQ0ESXP1tBAEALhyO0p3hLYVywLkgUEImo1M qthrNk6gIMdRKMULSHtyCQWz6trl8W/hqz8dLdlYAM7Mxv681PJHCC4PEo9bYIdk K7QJT62A8mQCHOtmX7uvGgeZBH53mdUct0D7LUyDW/mOxUp/yVy49LUhqO4YcNiA NdCk1/fzZq9Yc3XouZTTAAMFA/45PsuZ12ZZdZSCj0PH02ByN95qVzXYP7714eY2 IFcFImuFsGqf3vrkbKPAhmypHDdzFIBuAyP2VkMW3T/2JPNtY7VelD6B1mUEJGvd rQCavsYox98QMAg34aD+UcqzDwwSPa+fDfy9JQIGQeUPhMGrzBc+ZGAvtq7xNMn9 6gqxnIhJBBgRAgAJBQJJc/W0AhsMAAoJEKthnTcjVMOiQBYAnjqEF54U0HUdJ3JE oYo/l5t7j7RRAJ98TzjlIc1pGxlnWBE91IIUq4FzZA== =mwCZ -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- > Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 05:00:49 +0000 > From: