#0 _dbus_marshal_read_basic (str=0x1a4f638, pos=0, type=117, value=0x7fffff4ed46c, byte_order=255, new_pos=0x0) at ../../dbus/dbus-marshal-basic.c:549 vp = 0x7fffff4ed46c str_data = 0x5a
#1 0x00007faf7efe40e7 in _dbus_header_get_field_basic (header=0x1a4f638, field=, type=, value=) at ../../dbus/dbus-marshal-header.c:1342 No locals. #2 0x00007faf7efe87e1 in dbus_message_get_reply_serial (message=) at ../../dbus/dbus-message.c:1030 v_UINT32 = __FUNCTION__ = "dbus_message_get_reply_serial" #3 0x00007faf7efdc5be in _dbus_connection_queue_received_message_link (connection=0x1a52570, link=0x1ac6f98) at ../../dbus/dbus-connection.c:478 pending = reply_serial = message = #4 0x00007faf7eff3f79 in _dbus_transport_queue_messages (transport=0x1aae3d0) at ../../dbus/dbus-transport.c:1148 message = link = 0x1ac6f98 status = #5 0x00007faf7efdc464 in _dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status_unlocked (connection=0x1a52570) at ../../dbus/dbus-connection.c:4181 No locals. #6 0x00007faf7efdcfde in dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status (connection=0x1a52570) at ../../dbus/dbus-connection.c:4312 status = #7 0x00007faf7659f3c3 in message_queue_prepare (source=, timeout=) at dbus-gmain.c:71 connection = #8 0x00007faf7e188252 in g_main_context_prepare (context=0x1891960, priority=0x7fffff4ed5c8) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.29.10/./glib/gmain.c:2794 result = prepare = source_timeout = -1 i = n_ready = current_priority = source = 0x1ac5020 #9 0x00007faf7e18905d in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x1891960, block=1, dispatch=1, self=) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.29.10/./glib/gmain.c:3104 max_priority = timeout = some_ready = nfds = allocated_nfds = 4 fds = 0x1ddc6c0 #10 0x00007faf7e1899f2 in g_main_loop_run (loop=0x1caa180) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.29.10/./glib/gmain.c:3332 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_main_loop_run" #11 0x00007faf76f940ad in gtk_main () at /build/buildd/gtk+3.0-3.1.8/./gtk/gtkmain.c:1362 loop = 0x1caa180 #12 0x00007faf7d485a14 in ffi_call_unix64 () at ../src/x86/unix64.S:75 No locals. #13 0x00007faf7d485435 in ffi_call (cif=0x7fffff4ed7d0, fn=0x7faf76f94020 , rvalue=, avalue=) at ../src/x86/ffi64.c:486 classes = {4283357248, 32767, 29897424, X86_64_NO_CLASS} stack = 0x7fffff4ed5a0 "\001" argp = 0x7fffff4ed650 "" arg_types = gprcount = 0 ssecount = ngpr = -11610048 nsse = 32767 i = avn = ret_in_memory = reg_args = 0x7fffff4ed5a0 #14 0x00007faf7cffb4c0 in _g_callable_info_invoke (info=, function=0x7faf76f94020, in_args=0x0, n_in_args=0, out_args=0x0, n_out_args=0, return_value=0x7fffff4ed9d0, is_method=0, throws=0, error=0x7fffff4ed9f0) at girepository/gicallableinfo.c:518 cif = {abi = FFI_UNIX64, nargs = 0, arg_types = 0x7fffff4ed750, rtype = 0x7faf7d485e40, bytes = 0, flags = 0} rtype = 0x7faf7d485e40 atypes = 0x7fffff4ed750 tinfo = ainfo = n_args = 0 n_invoke_args = 0 in_pos = 0 out_pos = i = args = 0x7fffff4ed740 local_error = 0x0 error_address = 0x7fffff4ed7f8 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "_g_callable_info_invoke" #15 0x00007faf7cffc69e in g_function_info_invoke (info=0x1c832d0, in_args=0x0, n_in_args=0, out_args=0x0, n_out_args=0, return_value=0x7fffff4ed9d0, error=0x7fffff4ed9f0) at girepository/gifunctioninfo.c:273 symbol = func = 0x7faf76f94020 is_method = 0 throws = #16 0x00007faf7d22eb4d in _invoke_function (self=0x1c0d1d0, py_args=(), kwargs=) at /build/buildd/pygobject-2.28.6/gi/pygi-invoke.c:619 _save = 0x16190a0 error = 0x0 retval = #17 _wrap_g_callable_info_invoke (self=0x1c0d1d0, py_args=(), kwargs=) at /build/buildd/pygobject-2.28.6/gi/pygi-invoke.c:1021 state = {is_method = 0, is_constructor = 0, n_args = 0, n_in_args = 0, n_out_args = 0, n_backup_args = 0, n_py_args = 0, n_aux_in_args = 0, n_aux_out_args = 0, n_return_values = 0, callback_index = 255 '\377', user_data_index = 255 '\377', destroy_notify_index = 255 '\377', closure = 0x0, error_arg_pos = -1, arg_infos = 0x0, arg_type_infos = 0x0, return_type_info = 0x1c83320, return_type_tag = GI_TYPE_TAG_VOID, args = 0x0, args_is_auxiliary = 0x0, in_args = 0x0, out_args = 0x0, out_values = 0x0, backup_args = 0x0, return_arg = {v_boolean = 0, v_int8 = 0 '\000', v_uint8 = 0 '\000', v_int16 = 0, v_uint16 = 0, v_int32 = 0, v_uint32 = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_short = 0, v_ushort = 0, v_int = 0, v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_ssize = 0, v_size = 0, v_string = 0x0, v_pointer = 0x0}, return_value = 0x0, implementor_gtype = 0, c_arrays_are_wrapped = 1} #18 0x00000000004ba208 in ext_do_call (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:4323 tstate = kwdict = 0x0 nstar = callargs = stararg = () result = 0x0 #19 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:2705 flags = func = na = 0 nk = 0 n = pfunc = 0x18466c8 sp = 0x18466d0 stack_pointer = next_instr = 0x7faf7d44e4f8 "S" opcode = oparg = why = WHY_NOT err = 0 x = v = w = u = t = stream = 0x0 fastlocals = freevars = 0x18466c0 retval = tstate = 0x16190a0 co = 0x7faf7d4503b0 instr_ub = -1 instr_lb = 0 instr_prev = -1 first_instr = 0x7faf7d44e4ec "\210" names = ('invoke',) consts = (None,) #20 0x00000000004bd1f7 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x7faf7d4503b0, globals=, locals=, args=, argcount=, kws=, kwcount=0, defs=0x0, defcount=0, closure=(,)) at ../Python/ceval.c:3253 f = Frame 0x1846540, for file /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/types.py, line 44, in function (args=()) retval = 0x0 fastlocals = 0x18466b8 freevars = tstate = x = u = #21 0x00000000004b6bdd in fast_function (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:4109 co = nd = globals = argdefs = d = #22 call_function (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:4034 func = w = na = 0 nk = n = pfunc = 0x1ac9e70 x = #23 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:2666 sp = 0x1ac9e78 stack_pointer = next_instr = 0x17ad79f "\001Wn\033" opcode = oparg = why = WHY_NOT err = 0 x = v = w = u = t = stream = 0x0 fastlocals = freevars = 0x1ac9e68 retval = tstate = 0x16190a0 co = 0x7faf7ed9fb30 instr_ub = -1 instr_lb = 0 instr_prev = -1 first_instr = 0x17ad334 "|\004" names = ('allow_system_internal', 'set', 'all_widgets', 'Gtk', 'Builder', 'builder', 'set_translation_domain', 'add_from_file', 'ui_path', 'icons', 'names', 'pretty_names', 'get_objects', 'isinstance', 'Label', 'set_property', 'False', 'issubclass', 'type', 'Widget', 'add', 'set_name', 'Buildable', 'get_name', 'setattr', 'Window', 'set_default_icon_name', 'connect_signals', 'cancelbutton', 'connect', 'finished_exit', 'failed_exit', 'progress_cancel_button', 'button_help', 'persist_value', 'set_adjustment', 'Adjustment', 'new', 'backend', 'add_source', 'source_added_cb', 'add_target', 'target_added_cb', 'remove_source', 'source_removed_cb', 'remove_target', 'target_removed_cb', 'failure', 'failure_cb', 'success', 'success_cb', 'progress', 'install_progress_cb', 'progress_message', 'install_progress_message_cb', 'progress_pulse', 'install_progress_pulse_cb', 'progress_pulse_stop', 'install_progress_pulse_stop_cb', 'retry', 'retry_cb', 'update_target', 'target_changed_cb', 'format_failed', 'format_failed_cb', 'pulsing',...(truncated) consts = (None, 'usbcreator', 'can-focus', 'usb-creator-gtk', 'clicked', , , , , , , 0, 100, 1, 10, 'format-value', '.iso', '.img', 'changed', 2000) #24 0x00000000004bd1f7 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x7faf7ed9fb30, globals=, locals=, args=, argcount=, kws=, kwcount=1, defs=0x1a59a68, defcount=3, closure=0x0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3253 f = Frame 0x1ac9ca0, for file /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/usbcreator/frontends/gtk/frontend.py, line 163, in __init__ (self=, scrolledwindow1=, all_widgets=set([<...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>]), pulsing=646, progress_cancel_button=<...>, failed_exit=<...>, icons={}, vbox2=<...>, target_vbox=<...>, window=<...>, intro_label=<...>, alignment8=<...>, alignment5=<...>, alignment4=<...>, alignment3=<...>, alignment2=...(truncated) retval = 0x0 fastlocals = 0x1ac9e18 freevars = tstate = x = u = #25 0x0000000000449258 in function_call (func=, arg=(, scrolledwindow1=, all_widgets=set([<...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>]), pulsing=646, progress_cancel_button=<...>, failed_exit=<...>, icons={}, vbox2=<...>, target_vbox=<...>, window=<...>, intro_label=<...>, alignment8=<...>, alignment5=<...>, alignment4=<...>, alignment3=<...>, alignment2=<...>, alignment1=<...>, label2=<...>, label3=<...>, label4=<...>, label5=<...>, hbox37=<...>, button_help=<...>, format_des...(truncated), kw={'allow_system_internal': False}) at ../Objects/funcobject.c:526 result = argdefs = kwtuple = ('allow_system_internal', False) d = 0x1a59a68 k = 0x7faf80eed2a8 nk = nd = 3 #26 0x000000000041ad9a in PyObject_Call (func=, arg=, kw=) at ../Objects/abstract.c:2529 result = call = 0x449040 #27 0x00000000004306fe in instancemethod_call (func=, arg=(, scrolledwindow1=, all_widgets=set([<...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>]), pulsing=646, progress_cancel_button=<...>, failed_exit=<...>, icons={}, vbox2=<...>, target_vbox=<...>, window=<...>, intro_label=<...>, alignment8=<...>, alignment5=<...>, alignment4=<...>, alignment3=<...>, alignment2=<...>, alignment1=<...>, label2=<...>, label3=<...>, label4=<...>, label5=<...>, hbox37=<...>, button_help=<...>, format_des...(truncated), kw={'allow_system_internal': False}) at ../Objects/classobject.c:2578 self = , scrolledwindow1=, all_widgets=set([<...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>, <...>]), pulsing=646, progress_cancel_button=<...>, failed_exit=<...>, icons={}, vbox2=<...>, target_vbox=<...>, window=<...>, intro_label=<...>, alignment8=<...>, alignment5=<...>, alignment4=<...>, alignment3=<...>, alignment2=<...>, alignment1=<...>, label2=<...>, label3=<...>, label4=<...>, label5=<...>, hbox37=<...>, button_help=<...>, format_dest...(truncated) klass = result = #28 0x000000000041ad9a in PyObject_Call (func=, arg=, kw=) at ../Objects/abstract.c:2529 result = call = 0x430660 #29 0x00000000004b5f06 in PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords (func=, arg=(, retry_cb=, install_progress_message_cb=, current_source='/home/rtg/oneiric-desktop-amd64-daily.iso', sources={'/home/rtg/oneiric-desktop-amd64-daily.iso': {'device': '/home/rtg/oneiric-desktop-amd64-daily.iso', 'label': 'Ubuntu 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot" - Alpha amd64 (20110705.1)', 'type': 1, 'size': 743747584}}, target_added_cb=, install_progress_cb=, targets={u'/org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sdb': {'status': 3, 'vendor': , 'parent': None, 'free': -1, 'device': u'/dev/sdb', 'mountpoint': None, 'capacity': , 'label': '', 'formatting': False, 'persist': 0, 'model': }, u'/org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sdb1': {'status': 0, 'vendor': , 'parent': u'/org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sdb', 'fre...(truncated), kw=) at ../Python/ceval.c:3882 result = #30 0x000000000043496c in PyInstance_New (klass=, arg=(, retry_cb=, install_progress_message_cb=, current_source='/home/rtg/oneiric-desktop-amd64-daily.iso', sources={'/home/rtg/oneiric-desktop-amd64-daily.iso': {'device': '/home/rtg/oneiric-desktop-amd64-daily.iso', 'label': 'Ubuntu 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot" - Alpha amd64 (20110705.1)', 'type': 1, 'size': 743747584}}, target_added_cb=, install_progress_cb=, targets={u'/org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sdb': {'status': 3, 'vendor': , 'parent': None, 'free': -1, 'device': u'/dev/sdb', 'mountpoint': None, 'capacity': , 'label': '', 'formatting': False, 'persist': 0, 'model': }, u'/org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sdb1': {'status': 0, 'vendor': , 'parent': u'/org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sdb', 'fre...(truncated), kw={'allow_system_internal': False}) at ../Objects/classobject.c:571 res = inst = 0x1a7fab8 init = initstr = '__init__' #31 0x000000000041ad9a in PyObject_Call (func=, arg=, kw=) at ../Objects/abstract.c:2529 result = call = 0x434880 #32 0x00000000004b715e in do_call (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:4231 callargs = kwdict = {'allow_system_internal': False} result = 0x0 #33 call_function (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:4036 func = w = na = nk = n = pfunc = 0x16f6d98 x = #34 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=, throwflag=) at ../Python/ceval.c:2666 sp = 0x16f6da0 stack_pointer = next_instr = 0x16f8b67 "Z&" opcode = oparg = why = WHY_NOT err = 0 x = v = w = u = t = stream = 0x0 fastlocals = freevars = 0x16f6d98 retval = tstate = 0x16190a0 co = 0x7faf80f63bb0 instr_ub = -1 instr_lb = 0 instr_prev = -1 first_instr = 0x16f8924 "d" names = ('os', 'sys', 'optparse', 'dbus', 'DBusException', 'argv', 'program', 'startswith', 'path', 'insert', 'join', 'dirname', '__file__', 'environ', 'usbcreator.frontends.gtk', 'GtkFrontend', 'usbcreator.backends.udisks', 'UDisksBackend', 'usbcreator.misc', 'gettext', 'setup_logging', 'install', 'True', 'OptionParser', '_', 'parser', 'set_defaults', 'False', 'None', 'add_option', 'parse_args', 'options', 'args', 'allow_system_internal', 'show_all', 'backend', 'img', 'persistent', 'frontend', 'e', 'logging', 'exception', '_dbus_error_name', 'message', 'startup_failure', 'exit', 'KeyboardInterrupt', 'Exception', 'unicode') consts = (-1, None, ('DBusException',), 0, './', 'bin/', '..', '1', 'USBCREATOR_LOCAL', ('GtkFrontend',), ('UDisksBackend',), ('*',), 'usbcreator', 'localedir', '/usr/share/locale', 'unicode', 'usage', '%prog [options]', 'version', '0.2.23', 'safe', 'iso', 'persistent', 'allow_system_internal', 'trace', '-s', '--safe', 'dest', 'action', 'store_true', 'help', 'choose safer options when constructing the startup disk (may slow down the boot process).', '-i', '--iso', 'img', 'provide a source image (CD or disk) to pre-populate the UI.', '-n', '--not_persistent', 'store_false', 'disable persistent setting in the UI', '--allow-system-internal', 'allow writing to system-internal devices', '--show-all', 'show_all', 'Show all devices', 'DBus exception:', 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown', 'This program needs udisks running in order toproperly function.', 'An error occurred while talking to the udisks service.', 1, 'Unhandled exception:', 'An unhandled exception occurred:\n%s') #35 0x00000000004bcc90 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x7faf80f63bb0, globals=, locals=, args=, argcount=, kws=, kwcount=0, defs=0x0, defcount=0, closure=0x0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3253 f = Frame 0x16f6c20, for file /usr/bin/usb-creator-gtk, line 62, in () retval = 0x0 fastlocals = 0x16f6d98 freevars = tstate = x = u = #36 0x00000000004bd742 in PyEval_EvalCode (co=, globals=, locals=) at ../Python/ceval.c:667 No locals. #37 0x00000000004dcb02 in run_mod (mod=, filename=, globals={'UDisksBackend': , 'find_on_path': , 'parser': , _short_opts=['-i'], action='store', const=None, callback_kwargs=None, type='string', metavar=None) at remote 0x1a7f758>, '--allow-system-internal': , _short_opts=[], action='store_true', const=None, callback_kwargs=None, type=None, metavar=None) at remote 0x1a7f7e8>, '--version': , 'find_on_path': , 'parser': , _short_opts=['-i'], action='store', const=None, callback_kwargs=None, type='string', metavar=None) at remote 0x1a7f758>, '--allow-system-internal': , _short_opts=[], action='store_true', const=None, callback_kwargs=None, type=None, metavar=None) at remote 0x1a7f7e8>, '--version': , arena=) at ../Python/pythonrun.c:1346 co = 0x7faf80f63bb0 v = #38 0x00000000004dd6c4 in PyRun_FileExFlags (fp=0x16da490, filename=0x7fffff4f091c "/usr/bin/usb-creator-gtk", start=, globals={'UDisksBackend': , 'find_on_path': , 'parser': , _short_opts=['-i'], action='store', const=None, callback_kwargs=None, type='string', metavar=None) at remote 0x1a7f758>, '--allow-system-internal': , _short_opts=[], action='store_true', const=None, callback_kwargs=None, type=None, metavar=None) at remote 0x1a7f7e8>, '--version': , 'find_on_path': , 'parser': , _short_opts=['-i'], action='store', const=None, callback_kwargs=None, type='string', metavar=None) at remote 0x1a7f758>, '--allow-system-internal': , _short_opts=[], action='store_true', const=None, callback_kwargs=None, type=None, metavar=None) at remote 0x1a7f7e8>, '--version': mod = 0x16f1810 arena = 0x16badf0 #39 0x00000000004de1ce in PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags (fp=0x16da490, filename=, closeit=1, flags=0x7fffff4ee610) at ../Python/pythonrun.c:936 m = d = {'UDisksBackend': , 'find_on_path': , 'parser': , _short_opts=['-i'], action='store', const=None, callback_kwargs=None, type='string', metavar=None) at remote 0x1a7f758>, '--allow-system-internal': , _short_opts=[], action='store_true', const=None, callback_kwargs=None, type=None, metavar=None) at remote 0x1a7f7e8>, '--version': len = #40 0x00000000004ee57d in Py_Main (argc=, argv=) at ../Modules/main.c:599 c = sts = -1 command = 0x0 filename = 0x7fffff4f091c "/usr/bin/usb-creator-gtk" module = 0x0 fp = 0x16da490 p = unbuffered = 0 skipfirstline = stdin_is_interactive = 1 help = version = saw_unbuffered_flag = cf = {cf_flags = 0} #41 0x00007faf7f9dee1f in __libc_start_main (main=0x41aab0
, argc=4, ubp_av=0x7fffff4ee738, init=, fini=, rtld_fini=, stack_end=0x7fffff4ee728) at libc-start.c:226 result = unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {0, 365425205357721563, 4311800, 140737476749104, 0, 0, -365426176844220453, -410742969131976741}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x53bdc0, 0x7fffff4ee738}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 5488064}}} not_first_call = #42 0x000000000041cb21 in _start () No symbol table info available.