Hi Steve, Since Plymouth is a 'long-running process' wrt the boot and since it is attaching to the console (a shared device), I really don't think it should be making any assumptions -- particularly before requesting a password: it should set a 'secure' terminal environment immediately before prompting. On my test system, over 1500 processes were created between plymouthd starting in the initramfs and my test plymouth client Upstart job running which gives huge scope for a process to tweak the terminal settings after plymouth initially sets them. We could make Upstart perform more intelligent bit-twiddling but there are a _lot_ of options (atleast 47) and Upstart cannot really know which bits it should be twiddling in all scenarios as -- for example -- /dev/console might be attached to a serial line. Upstart cannot make assumptions about the state the console is left in since either something running in the initramfs may have disturbed sane defaults, or as mentioned, there may be no initramfs so a reset generally makes perfect sense I think. The reset it is doing is similar to "stty sane" (which also includes 'ECHO') which gives a 'normal' console setup. Details of when Scott changed the console handling in Upstart (both in Upstream and Ubuntu) are: ------------------------------ revno: 1326 committer: Scott James Remnant