#0 __stpcpy_chk () at ../sysdeps/x86_64/strcpy_chk.S:71 No locals. #1 0x00007f786133a21c in strcpy (__src=, __dest=0x7f786154a620 "") at /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/string3.h:105 No locals. #2 userpref_get_config_dir () at userpref.c:128 cdir = i = #3 userpref_get_config_dir () at userpref.c:105 No locals. #4 0x00007f786133a594 in userpref_get_host_id (host_id=host_id@entry=0x7fffd7b120d0) at userpref.c:406 config_path = config_file = config = 0x7f7861121730 #5 0x00007f786133dbdd in lockdownd_client_new_with_handshake (device=, client=client@entry=0x7fffd7b12178, label=label@entry=0x41bb3d "upower") at lockdown.c:717 ret = 0 client_loc = 0x195b830 host_id = 0x0 type = 0x1960150 "0\003\226\001" #6 0x0000000000412c7b in up_device_idevice_coldplug (device=0x195e460) at up-device-idevice.c:105 idevice = 0x195e460 native = 0x19544f0 uuid = 0x196d5d0 "b907d5eb16e229f939f3da270d62b1f01a17a580" model = dict = node = poll_seconds = 0 dev = 0x19595e0 client = 0x0 kind = #7 0x000000000040b67b in up_device_coldplug (device=device@entry=0x195e460, daemon=, native=) at up-device.c:548 ret = native_path = klass = 0x1989b30 id = 0x0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "up_device_coldplug" #8 0x0000000000411821 in up_backend_device_new (native=0x19544f0, backend=0x194a590) at up-backend.c:128 native_path = device = 0x195e460 ret = subsys = input = #9 up_backend_device_add (backend=backend@entry=0x194a590, native=0x19544f0) at up-backend.c:229 object = device = ret = 1 #10 0x000000000041209b in up_backend_coldplug (backend=0x194a590, daemon=daemon@entry=0x193d010) at up-backend.c:324 native = devices = 0x1932800 l = 0x1950ec0 i = ret = subsystems = {0x41c267 "power_supply", 0x41c289 "usb", 0x41c274 "tty", 0x41c28d "input", 0x0} #11 0x0000000000408ddf in up_daemon_startup (daemon=daemon@entry=0x193d010) at up-daemon.c:753 ret = on_battery = on_low_battery = priv = 0x193d030 #12 0x0000000000406d47 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffd7b12528) at up-main.c:289 error = 0x0 daemon = 0x193d010 qos = 0x1934630 kbd_backlight = 0x1938000 wakeups = 0x194a1e0 context = 0x192d0c0 bus_proxy = bus = ret = retval = 1 timed_exit = 0 immediate_exit = 0 session_bus = 0 timer_id = 0 verbose = 0 options = {{long_name = 0x41beae "timed-exit", short_name = 0 '\000', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0x7fffd7b1230c, description = 0x41beb9 "Exit after a small delay", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x41bed2 "immediate-exit", short_name = 0 '\000', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0x7fffd7b12310, description = 0x41bf88 "Exit after the engine has loaded", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x41bee1 "test", short_name = 0 '\000', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0x7fffd7b12314, description = 0x41bfb0 "Run on the session bus (only for testing)", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x41bee6 "verbose", short_name = 118 'v', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0x7fffd7b12318, description = 0x41bfe0 "Show extra debugging information", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x0, short_name = 0 '\000', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0x0, description = 0x0, arg_description = 0x0}}