>ddumont, that something is years-old and well-established does not mean >it is correct. (For example, applications have been asking for over 25 >years whether you want to "save changes" to documents, but that's always >been nonsense and should be fixed eventually.) Nor does it mean the >behavior should be configurable. (Though in this case, it is.) And we're >obviously not "choosing to ignore" feedback, albeit that your unhelpful >tone makes that quite tempting. I apologise for my "tone" but you must realise that your opening statement sounds rather arrogant. Who are you to decide what is right and what is wrong? We are the users, we get to decide. In fact, judging form the length of this thread and the number of dupes, I'd say that the feedback has been a rather resounding "no" to your proposed change and I hope that you consider backing it out completely until a less annoying solution presents itself. On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Matthew Paul Thomas