I have tested this package for released xenial, bionic, focal and hirsute with the following script: ---------------------- #!/bin/sh set -x series=hirsute name=$series-dev function generate_motd_message() { message=$1 echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo $message lxc exec $name -- /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-updates-available --force lxc exec $name -- update-motd echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" } function turn_distro_into_esm_mode() { # guarantee that xenial distro is on ESM mode lxc exec $name -- sed -i 's/is_esm_supported and is_not_currently_supported/True #comment/' /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check } function turn_distro_into_non_esm_mode() { # guarantee that xenial distro is on ESM mode lxc exec $name -- sed -i 's/True #comment/False/' /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check } function setup_update_notifier() { # lxc exec $name -- add-apt-repository ppa:lamoura/update-notifier-test-ppa -y # lxc exec $name -- apt update # lxc exec $name -- apt install update-notifier-common -y # lxc exec $name -- apt update # lxc exec $name -- apt install python3-distro-info # lxc file push data/apt_check.py $name/usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check lxc exec $name -- sh -c "cat </etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-$series-proposed.list deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ $series-proposed restricted main multiverse universe" lxc exec $name -- apt update lxc exec $name -- sh -c "apt install update-notifier -yq > /dev/null" } function install_ua() { lxc exec $name -- add-apt-repository ppa:ua-client/daily -y lxc exec $name -- sudo apt-get update lxc exec $name -- sudo apt-get install ubuntu-advantage-tools -y lxc exec $name -- ua version lxc exec $name -- sudo apt-get update } function ua_attach() { lxc exec $name -- sed -i 's/contracts.can/contracts.staging.can/' /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.conf lxc exec $name -- ua attach $UACLIENT_BEHAVE_CONTRACT_TOKEN_STAGING } function ua_detach() { lxc exec $name -- ua detach --assume-yes } function generate_ua_motd_messages() { lxc exec $name -- python3 /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/ua_update_messaging.py } function install_update_motd() { lxc exec $name -- apt install update-motd -yq } function turn_esm_apps_into_non_beta() { lxc exec $name -- sh -c "echo 'features:\n allow_beta: true' >> /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.conf" } function update_contract_effectiveto() { operation=$1 num_days=$2 replace_date=$(date -d "$date $operation$num_days days" +"%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00Z") echo $replace_date lxc exec $name -- sed -i "s/\"effectiveTo\": \"[^\"]*\"/\"effectiveTo\": \"$replace_date\"/g" /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/private/machine-token.json } lxc delete --force $name lxc launch ubuntu-daily:$series $name sleep 10 setup_update_notifier install_update_motd generate_motd_message "$series: ua not installed" install_ua turn_esm_apps_into_non_beta generate_ua_motd_messages turn_distro_into_esm_mode generate_motd_message "$series esm: ua not attached" ua_attach generate_ua_motd_messages generate_motd_message "$series esm: ua attached" turn_distro_into_non_esm_mode ua_detach generate_ua_motd_messages generate_motd_message "$series non-esm: ua not attached" ua_attach generate_ua_motd_messages generate_motd_message "$series non-esm: ua attached" update_contract_effectiveto - 30 generate_ua_motd_messages generate_motd_message "$series esm: ua attached - contract expired" update_contract_effectiveto - 5 generate_ua_motd_messages generate_motd_message "$series esm: ua attached - contract grace period" update_contract_effectiveto + 5 generate_ua_motd_messages generate_motd_message "$series esm: ua attached - contract expire soon" set +x ------------------------- I can confirm that on all release, the package now in proposed is working as expected