I've got a network connection now. Here are the files. ----------------------------------- /var/log/dist-upgrade.log ----------------------------------- 2006-06-09 09:31:33,112 DEBUG Foreign: 2006-06-09 09:31:33,112 DEBUG Obsolete: skype 2006-06-09 09:31:33,113 DEBUG updateSourcesList() 2006-06-09 09:31:33,116 DEBUG rewriteSourcesList() 2006-06-09 09:31:33,117 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted' 2006-06-09 09:31:33,117 DEBUG entry ' deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted' updated to new dist 2006-06-09 09:31:33,117 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted' 2006-06-09 09:31:33,117 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted' updated to new dist 2006-06-09 09:31:33,117 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-updates main restricted' 2006-06-09 09:31:33,118 DEBUG entry 'deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted' updated to new dist 2006-06-09 09:31:33,118 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-updates main restricted' 2006-06-09 09:31:33,118 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted' updated to new dist 2006-06-09 09:31:33,118 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe' 2006-06-09 09:31:33,118 DEBUG entry 'deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe' updated to new dist 2006-06-09 09:31:33,118 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe' 2006-06-09 09:31:33,119 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe' updated to new dist 2006-06-09 09:31:33,119 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse' 2006-06-09 09:31:33,119 DEBUG entry 'deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse' updated to new dist 2006-06-09 09:31:33,119 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse' 2006-06-09 09:31:33,119 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse' updated to new dist 2006-06-09 09:31:33,119 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted' 2006-06-09 09:31:33,120 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted' updated to new dist 2006-06-09 09:31:33,120 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted' 2006-06-09 09:31:33,120 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted' updated to new dist 2006-06-09 09:31:33,120 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security universe' 2006-06-09 09:31:33,120 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe' updated to new dist 2006-06-09 09:31:33,120 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security universe' 2006-06-09 09:31:33,121 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe' updated to new dist 2006-06-09 09:31:48,009 DEBUG Marking 'ubuntu-desktop' for upgrade 2006-06-09 09:31:48,014 DEBUG Removing 'xchat' (ubuntu-desktop PostUpgradeRemove rule) 2006-06-09 09:31:48,074 DEBUG Removing 'xscreensaver' (ubuntu-desktop PostUpgradeRemove rule) 2006-06-09 09:31:48,075 DEBUG Purging 'xorg-common' (Distro PostUpgradePurge rule) 2006-06-09 09:31:48,075 DEBUG running dapperQuirks handler 2006-06-09 09:31:48,830 DEBUG About to apply the following changes 2006-06-09 09:31:48,985 DEBUG Remove: xorg-common xchat-common libsmpeg0c2 openoffice.org2-core openoffice.org2-draw libdbus-1-1 openoffice.org2-math openoffice.org2-java-common hotplug openoffice.org2-calc xchat libgksuui1.0-0 libgksu1.2-0 libnotify0 libopenh323-1.15.3c2 openoffice.org2-gnome libcamel1.2-6 libnautilus-burn2 cupsys-driver-gimpprint-data openoffice.org2-l10n-en-us openoffice.org-debian-files libmusicbrainz4c2 ifrename libgnomecupsui1.0-1 xorg-driver-synaptics libenchant1c2 gnomemeeting netcdfg3 base-config openoffice.org2-impress xscreensaver openoffice.org2 smeg libwpd8c2 x-common openoffice.org2-base libdbus-glib-1-1 libpt-1.8.3c2 libid3-3.8.3c2 hplip-base openoffice.org2-help-en-us openoffice.org2-common xmkmf openoffice.org2-writer openoffice.org2-evolution busybox-cvs-initramfs xserver-common 2006-06-09 09:31:48,985 DEBUG Install: gnome-power-manager festlex-cmu libsnmp9 libnetcdf3 laptop-mode-tools libscim8c2a smartdimmer gstreamer0.10-tools libxplc0.3.13 gstreamer0.10-plugins-base cupsys-driver-gutenprint linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-386 libdns21 libgnome-mag2 libestools1.2 libatspi1.0-0 gconf2-common libegroupwise1.2-9 poppler-utils pcmciautils libgutenprint2 cdrdao libjline-java openoffice.org-l10n-common libssl0.9.8 libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 libdmx1 libbeecrypt6 libgpod0 openoffice.org-java-common ttf-arphic-uming vim-runtime wpasupplicant libgnutls12 openoffice.org-thesaurus-en-us tango-icon-theme-common readline-common example-content libgmp3c2 gstreamer0.10-esd libcdio6 libdbus-1-2 app-install-data-commercial belocs-locales-bin xserver-xorg-input-synaptics foomatic-db-gutenprint busybox-initramfs thunderbird-locale-en-gb libbrlapi1 language-selector-common festival ttf-lao libavahi-common3 gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks libxfont1 libuniconf4.2 libsmpeg0 openoffice.org-l10n-en-za libopenobex-1.0-0 libcurl3-gnutls linux-image-2.6.15-23-386 libgksuui1.0-1 python2.4-soappy libgksu1.2-1 libnotify1 xserver-xorg-driver-voodoo brltty libgnomebt0 ekiga libgdl-1-common openoffice.org-base libedataserver1.2-7 xserver-xorg-driver-all libdevmapper1.02 libwvstreams4.2-base libicu34 libopal-2.2.0 xserver-xorg-input-all openoffice.org-l10n-en-us libgutenprintui2-1 libcamel1.2-8 libmusicbrainz4c2a libgsf-1-common libgstreamer0.10-0 gdebi gcj-4.1-base xserver-xorg-driver-sisusb min12xxw libwvstreams4.2-extras libpoppler1 scim-gtk2-immodule brltty-x11 libgdl-1-0 scim-modules-socket radeontool libpam-foreground gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs deskbar-applet gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps libbtctl2 libavahi-common-data liblwres9 libgnomecupsui1.0-1c2a libisc11 libid3-3.8.3c2a mdetect libxmlsec1-nss xcursor-themes libneon25 libtotem-plparser1 libxmlsec1-openssl libwpd8c2a libsysfs2 irssi libxmlsec1 openoffice.org-calc libgcj7-jar openoffice.org-math ttf-dejavu libdbus-glib-1-2 unattended-upgrades ttf-gentium inputattach openoffice.org-core ca-certificates openoffice.org-impress landscape-client libgail-gnome-module libgtop2-7 libgnomevfs2-extra openoffice.org-evolution screensaver-default-images at-spi ijsgutenprint gstreamer0.10-alsa libavahi-client3 mcpp ttf-arphic-ukai foo2zjs gnome-screensaver festlex-poslex openoffice.org-writer libcupsys2 libmysqlclient15off openoffice.org-common gok openssl gstreamer0.10-plugins-good ubuntu-base hplip gcj-4.0-base libgsf-1-113 openoffice.org-help-en-us libbeagle0 python-gnome2-desktop gstreamer0.10-x libnautilus-burn3 gnome-mag libenchant1c2a app-install-data python-gst0.10 openoffice.org-gnome openoffice.org libgcj7 libsepol1 iso-codes libgnome-speech3 gtk2-engines-highcontrast libexchange-storage1.2-1 libwavpack0 python2.4-gobject ttf-thai-tlwg xserver-xorg-input-evdev alacarte gimp-print python-libxml2 gnome-accessibility-themes openoffice.org-draw gij-4.1 libpt-1.10.0 libtag1c2a libgnomevfs2-bin festvox-kallpc16k tangerine-icon-theme libkpathsea4 gnopernicus libglew1 libmagick9 python2.4-gnome2-desktop openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb x11-common openoffice.org-gtk tango-icon-theme libsigc++-2.0-0c2a libparted1.6-13 scim libavahi-glib1 libsexy2 libpoppler1-glib libdrm2 2006-06-09 09:31:48,986 DEBUG Upgrade: ttf-devanagari-fonts xwud bittorrent file-roller pmount tsclient libmetacity0 python-egenix-mxtexttools makedev libxtrap6 gstreamer0.8-tools xload wine libcupsimage2 coreutils ttf-arphic-bkai00mp libbz2-1.0 libklibc libc6 ttf-arabeyes ubuntu-docs libstartup-notification0 libsane x11perf libfreetype6 python-sqlite gstreamer0.8-plugin-apps powermanagement-interface installation-report login ijsgimpprint diff udev editres telnet reiser4progs libijs-0.35 gnome-utils python2.4-tk hotkey-setup libmyspell3c2 hal python2.4-pycurl linux-image-386 esound-common xserver-xorg-driver-tga xeyes sysklogd xfonts-base libsdl1.2debian libgtkspell0 gcc-4.0-base libxinerama1 libxaw7 fortunes-min gimp-python libxrender1 gnome-about gtkhtml3.8 libss2 fstobdf libpam-runtime xserver-xorg-driver-chips libpango1.0-common xbase-clients libgnomecanvas2-0 libkrb53 libgstreamer-plugins0.8-0 python2.4-sqlite libltdl3 logrotate base-files libevms-2.5 tcpd gtk2-engines-smooth gstreamer0.8-sdl evms-ncurses xserver-xorg-input-summa libgtk2.0-bin debhelper iproute libnautilus-extension1 xman xmag xserver-xorg-driver-trident language-support-en gtk2-engines-clearlooks lvm-common libxklavier10 screen gthumb gnome-applets-data libstdc++5 libstdc++6 manpages python-geoip libpt-plugins-alsa gdb libxxf86misc1 gdm libbonobo2-0 libxau6 gstreamer0.8-misc libdv4 grub libselinux1 html2text totem-gstreamer libgnujaxp-jni libbluetooth1 libecal1.2-3 debianutils xserver-xorg-input-tek4957 gedit-common ncurses-bin at samba-common xserver-xorg-driver-siliconmotion python-eunuchs e2fsprogs cpp python2.4-egenix-mxtexttools x-window-system-core python2.4-geoip python-kjbuckets fortune-mod vim libglade2-0 xmessage xauth libpt-plugins-v4l sysv-rc system-tools-backends python-crypto python2.4-ldap readahead lvm2 gnome-applets xserver-xorg-input-wacom bitmap libisccfg1 cron xserver-xorg-driver-mga python2.4-examples wireless-tools libuuid1 ndiswrapper-utils python-pyorbit xmore sed xserver-xorg-input-fpit libgnome-desktop-2 libeel2-2 binutils xlsclients foomatic-db python-minimal xserver-xorg-driver-tseng metacity bluez-cups popularity-contest libedataserverui1.2-6 bind9-host bc wget xserver-xorg-driver-nv xsane-common libtheora0 xserver-xorg-input-penmount gnome-cups-manager bsdmainutils gtk2-engines-thinice unzip gnome-nettool bogofilter libao2 nautilus-data python-gadfly firefox gcalctool debconf-i18n libbonoboui2-common zlib1g xserver-xorg-input-mouse xcalc gnome-games-data libgtk2.0-common gcc myspell-en-gb libgd2-noxpm libedata-book1.2-2 pcmcia-cs xserver-xorg-input-microtouch python-mysqldb hdparm libsasl2-modules sysvinit libgstreamer-gconf0.8-0 libdiscover1 libpng12-0 libgnome-menu2 gnome-terminal libesd-alsa0 libvte4 python-cddb ucf libhal1 ttf-gujarati-fonts libgda2-3 gnome-menus libxml2 python iceauth vim-common xev libjessie-java dvd+rw-tools dmidecode python-soappy gstreamer0.8-vorbis xvinfo libpq4 libatk1.0-0 bzip2 libx11-6 memtest86+ eog xgamma gstreamer0.8-theora xsltproc acpi-support xfonts-75dpi libxt-java libxxf86dga1 libqt3-mt xkbutils hplip-data gstreamer0.8-oss python-simpletal python2.4-clientcookie xclock xserver-xorg-driver-via iputils-arping gstreamer0.8-dv libfontenc1 xserver-xorg-driver-i128 totem xdpyinfo libqthreads-12 fping gnome-media libsdl1.2debian-alsa iputils-ping ttf-mgopen gzip libxrandr2 findutils ncurses-base iptables liblzo1 launchpad-integration mdadm gettext-base libavc1394-0 xserver-xorg-input-spaceorb xserver-xorg-driver-i740 linux-sound-base module-init-tools python-clientcookie python2.4-librdf libidl0 xserver-xorg-driver-vga xserver-xorg-input-void gtk2-engines-pixbuf evolution-webcal libmagic1 alien listres tcpdump python-gnome2 libxres1 gstreamer0.8-flac xkill libgcc1 gstreamer0.8-x bogofilter-common bluez-pcmcia-support xserver-xorg-driver-nsc libcomerr2 bug-buddy gcc-3.3-base linux-386 gconf2 gnome-btdownload bicyclerepair grepmap dmsetup python-imaging hostname beforelight python2.4-reportlab linux-restricted-modules-386 libcurl3 gstreamer0.8-dvd libnss3 librpm4 ftp hicolor-icon-theme python2.4-gtk2 x-ttcidfont-conf libebook1.2-5 libsnmp-base libguile-ltdl-1 python-ldap ethtool libisccc0 python-examples ubuntu-standard python2.4-jabber nvidia-kernel-common libbind9-0 powernowd libice6 zenity python-pisock python2.4-pylibacl libblkid1 python2.4-syck libsqlite3-0 evms libgphoto2-port0 python-vte libxtst6 libscrollkeeper0 liblircclient0 libdb4.2 vnc-common java-common hwdb-client xserver-xorg dosfstools nano klogd dnsutils capplets-data python-gd hplip-ppds xdriinfo wamerican nautilus libkpathsea3 libfribidi0 python-egenix-mxstack libgnomecanvas2-common evolution-exchange libgtksourceview-common xserver-xorg-driver-ati python-gnome2-extras python2.4-unit bash xserver-xorg-driver-s3virge xutils guile-1.6-libs libcairo2 grep reportbug gedit ssh-askpass-gnome less freeglut3 python-pyopenssl libpcap0.8 libpam-modules gimp python2.4-kjbuckets xterm libgnome2-0 info python2.4-osd cpio oclock python2.4-id3lib lshw-common fastjar imake gs-common libwnck-common libbonoboui2-0 liborbit2 libgsl0 alsa-utils gnome-themes sudo libxv1 libasound2 libgphoto2-2 netcat klibc-utils libhal-storage1 acpid gimp-data libgamin0 python-pylibacl libgcrypt11 adduser lshw libgpg-error0 gtk2-engines-mist libxxf86vm1 bluez-utils libwmf0.2-7 evolution ubuntu-minimal xserver-xorg-input-dmc xserver-xorg-driver-i810 python2.4-gadfly python2.4-eunuchs xf86dga libmpcdec3 libglu1-mesa shared-mime-info language-pack-en gnome-games xserver-xorg-driver-cirrus libgc1c2 gstreamer0.8-cdparanoia w3m gksu python-egenix-mxproxy gnome-app-install libsm6 gstreamer0.8-gsm xset libconsole gstreamer0.8-alsa libbonobo2-common python-gmenu xserver-xorg-driver-sis appres python-tk python-pexpect gnome-desktop-data python-osd libusb-0.1-4 ttf-opensymbol libgnome2-common libdb1-compat python2.4-minimal xserver-xorg-driver-newport libedit2 libvte-common gstreamer0.8-hermes xserver-xorg-input-citron libtext-wrapi18n-perl librdf0 gnupg libgnome2-canvas-perl libportaudio0 console-common cupsys-driver-gimpprint libgeoip1 gnome-system-monitor linux-restricted-modules-common libwrap0 libtext-charwidth-perl e2fslibs vbetool libidn11 python2.4-libxml2 libgnome-keyring0 xfd xcursorgen gnome-terminal-data python2.4-glade2 python2.4-cairo libgnomeprintui2.2-0 make python-egenix-mxtools libpisync0 gnome-doc-utils foomatic-filters cpp-4.0 python2.4-pyxattr libunicode-string-perl evolution-data-server foomatic-db-hpijs libaudiofile0 libgtk2-perl xwd libxss1 ifupdown hpijs ttf-tamil-fonts base-passwd python2.4-imaging-sane gnome-control-center alsa-base xfonts-scalable dbus-1-utils contact-lookup-applet python-jabber python-id3lib xserver-xorg-input-acecad libsmbclient perl libneon24 libtasn1-2 libgda2-common python2.4-pyorbit util-linux xserver-xorg-input-aiptek libfontconfig1 libgcj6 gstreamer0.8-musepack xmodmap gstreamer0.8-gnomevfs python2.4-gdbm xtrap xserver-xorg-input-palmax libxft2 xstdcmap xprop dash libldap2 xfonts-100dpi hwdata libelfg0 libncurses5 libgcj-common python-pyxattr libgnomeui-common lsb-release libxslt1.1 procps libaspell15 whois ttf-punjabi-fonts xserver-xorg-driver-apm toshset libxmu6 python-uno librsvg2-common libnspr4 gnome-panel-data notification-daemon libglib2.0-data xgc python2.4-pgsql perl-modules libxosd2 libogg0 libgnujaxp-java xserver-xorg-driver-s3 python-imaging-sane gnome-spell python-gtk2 python-xdg gconf-editor pciutils xserver-xorg-driver-rendition python-gdbm libgail-common xbiff libxalan2-java libxcursor1 rss-glx python-unit hermes1 openssh-client tk8.4 passwd python2.4-apt desktop-file-utils python2.4-pyopenssl python2.4-pexpect xinit librecode0 fontconfig libadns1 foomatic-filters-ppds gnome-pilot-conduits python-htmlgen libxp6 xserver-xorg-driver-v4l xserver-xorg-input-digitaledge mime-support xrdb libaudio2 xfsprogs xserver-xorg-core eject python2.4-numeric serpentine qt3-qtconfig python-pgsql debconf-utils libxext6 iputils-tracepath foomatic-db-gimp-print xserver-xorg-input-dynapro xhost gtk2-engines-industrial gnome-panel dhcp3-client gnome-volume-manager language-pack-en-base ttf-kannada-fonts libgucharmap4 xsetmode xserver-xorg-driver-glint python2.4-htmlgen libfs6 libtiff4 gnome2-user-guide libssl0.9.7 lftp libxml2-utils python2.4-egenix-mxtools mysql-common libc6-i686 xserver-xorg-input-kbd python2.4 libiw28 ttf-oriya-fonts gcc-4.0 python2.4-simpletal libgconf2-4 hal-device-manager dc libsqlite0 libgnomevfs2-0 libxfixes3 gtk2-engines-crux synaptic libxt6 dbus libgail17 dselect libdb4.3 mawk python2.4-dbus python-adns libxi6 groff-base sane-utils xscreensaver-data sound-juicer nautilus-sendto libglib-perl gnome-icon-theme debconf libslang2 xclipboard locales file myspell-en-us libgnomeprint2.2-0 xserver-xorg-driver-neomagic evince libcupsys2-gnutls10 gnome-system-tools tcl8.4 xditview python-reportlab libgpmg1 xserver-xorg-driver-imstt libgtkhtml2-0 cupsys python-numeric yelp libjpeg62 parted libsasl2 libflac7 language-pack-gnome-en python-launchpad-integration intltool-debian slocate libacl1 libpam0g doc-debian console-tools libreiserfs0.3-0 ntpdate usplash libhsqldb-java bsh python-glade2 ttf-indic-fonts libperl5.8 python-apt python2.4-libxslt1 sessreg ttf-bengali-fonts libopenal0 finger libattr1 smproxy discover1 xkeyboard-config libxdamage1 netbase xlsatoms makedepend liblpint-bonobo0 aptitude ico language-selector python-gst libaa1 python2.4-egenix-mxproxy libgtksourceview1.0-0 gtk2-engines-redmond95 libxpm4 libpanel-applet2-0 evolution-plugins libgnomevfs2-common python2.4-htmltmpl update-manager librasqal0 gs-esp python2.4-pam nautilus-cd-burner ttf-telugu-fonts libncursesw5 wvdial xfontsel libsndfile1 psmisc ppp cupsys-bsd libxerces2-java libgimp2.0 dictionaries-common python2.4-mysqldb gij gnome-session libdjvulibre15 libvorbis0a fdutils xfonts-utils python-xml python2.4-gd xscreensaver-gl smbclient ttf-freefont gnome-pilot pppconfig xserver-xorg-driver-cyrix python-htmltmpl libpt-plugins-v4l2 gnome-keyring mount libslp1 python2.4-egenix-mxdatetime rhythmbox initramfs-tools gamin libgnomeui-0 xserver-xorg-input-hyperpen libgtk2.0-0 xserver-xorg-driver-tdfx rsync rpm libgnomeprintui2.2-common librsvg2-2 xrgb libeel2-data xresprobe gettext libgnucrypto-java usbutils perl-base libreadline5 libreadline4 xserver-xorg-driver-vesa libgtkhtml3.8-15 python2.4-imaging xlsfonts libxmuu1 libgl1-mesa update-notifier ttf-malayalam-fonts xsane libcroco3 libtext-iconv-perl mkisofs language-pack-gnome-en-base gstreamer0.8-esd java-gcj-compat libdb3 discover1-data libglib2.0-0 irssi-text xserver-xorg-driver-ark libraw1394-5 python2.4-xml binutils-static libgstreamer0.8-0 net-tools libvorbisfile3 firefox-gnome-support bogofilter-bdb xserver-xorg-input-mutouch libshout3 dpkg laptop-detect python2.4-gnome2-extras xserver-xorg-input-elographics libmysqlclient14 viewres libmdbtools liboil0.3 xserver-xorg-driver-savage lsof gij-4.0 gucharmap gstreamer0.8-jpeg libwnck18 python-parted gnome-netstatus-applet xpmutils cupsys-client powermgmt-base xwininfo ubuntu-desktop python2.4-epydoc pkg-config xvncviewer libvorbisenc2 xsm po-debconf libservlet2.3-java libgnome-pilot2 libspeex1 mozilla-firefox-locale-en-gb alsa-source lsb-base python-syck python2.4-adns python-epydoc xvidtune console-data gtk2-engines-lighthouseblue dhcp3-common xlogo libxkbfile1 fetchmail python2.4-egenix-mxstack scrollkeeper libgnutls11 apt libopencdk8 tar abiword-common xsetpointer xsetroot python-pam aspell python2.4-gnome2 vino odbcinst1debian1 bsdutils ubuntu-artwork rdesktop apt-utils xserver-xorg-driver-vmware xrandr libpango1.0-0 libartsc0 python2.4-crypto gaim gaim-data xserver-xorg-driver-dummy libgnomeprint2.2-data firefox-dom-inspector cdrecord abiword libraptor1 esound bluez-pin foomatic-db-engine wbritish libedata-cal1.2-1 gstreamer0.8-audiofile libgnome2-vfs-perl xrefresh dpkg-dev python-netcdf xserver-xorg-driver-fbdev libsoup2.2-8 xserver-xorg-input-magellan libdvdread3 libgl1-mesa-dri libgnomecups1.0-1 initscripts libxdmcp6 liblaunchpad-integration0 libpisock8 xserver-xorg-input-calcomp gstreamer0.8-speex xconsole 2006-06-09 09:31:49,346 DEBUG required download: 572965940.0 2006-06-09 09:31:49,346 DEBUG free on /var/cache/apt/archives/: 7437090816 2006-06-09 09:31:49,685 DEBUG need additional space: 455757824.0 2006-06-09 09:31:50,026 DEBUG /usr on same fs as /var/cache/apt/archives/, taking dl-size into account, new free: 6864124876.0 2006-06-09 09:31:50,026 DEBUG using safety buffer: 78643200 2006-06-09 10:12:55,687 DEBUG got a conffile-prompt from dpkg for file: '/etc/dhcp3/dhclient-script' 2006-06-09 10:38:38,520 WARNING no activity on terminal for 240 seconds (Installed dhcp3-common) 2006-06-09 10:44:26,261 DEBUG got a conffile-prompt from dpkg for file: '/etc/esound/esd.conf' 2006-06-09 10:57:38,098 DEBUG got a conffile-prompt from dpkg for file: '/etc/init.d/sysklogd' 2006-06-09 11:01:55,652 DEBUG got a conffile-prompt from dpkg for file: '/etc/gdm/gdm.conf' 2006-06-09 11:10:34,998 ERROR not handled expection: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/tmp7KyA-7/dapper", line 28, in ? File "/tmp/tmp7KyA-7/DistUpgradeControler.py", line 513, in run File "/tmp/tmp7KyA-7/DistUpgradeControler.py", line 503, in dapperUpgrade File "/tmp/tmp7KyA-7/DistUpgradeControler.py", line 364, in doPostUpgrade File "/tmp/tmp7KyA-7/DistUpgradeControler.py", line 64, in openCache File "/tmp/tmp7KyA-7/DistUpgradeCache.py", line 18, in __init__ File "/tmp/tmp7KyA-7/DistUpgradeConfigParser.py", line 10, in getlist File "/usr/lib/python2.4/ConfigParser.py", line 511, in get raise NoSectionError(section) NoSectionError: No section: 'Distro' --------------------------------------- /var/log/dist-upgrade-apt.log --------------------------------------- Starting Starting 2 Investigating x11-common Package x11-common has broken dep on xfree86-common Considering xorg-common 1 as a solution to x11-common 1742 Added xorg-common to the remove list Package x11-common has broken dep on xorg-common Considering xorg-common 1 as a solution to x11-common 1742 Added xorg-common to the remove list Package x11-common has broken dep on xserver-common Considering xserver-common 0 as a solution to x11-common 1742 Added xserver-common to the remove list Package x11-common has broken dep on x-common Considering x-common 0 as a solution to x11-common 1742 Added x-common to the remove list Fixing x11-common via remove of xorg-common Fixing x11-common via remove of xorg-common Fixing x11-common via remove of xserver-common Fixing x11-common via remove of x-common Investigating locales Package locales has broken dep on base-config Considering base-config -1 as a solution to locales 927 Added base-config to the remove list Considering base-config -1 as a solution to locales 927 Fixing locales via remove of base-config Investigating openoffice.org-l10n-en-us Package openoffice.org-l10n-en-us has broken dep on myspell-dictionary-en-us Investigating openoffice.org-core Package openoffice.org-core has broken dep on openoffice.org2-l10n-1.9.129 Considering openoffice.org2-l10n-en-us 19 as a solution to openoffice.org-core 39 Added openoffice.org2-l10n-en-us to the remove list Package openoffice.org-core has broken dep on openoffice.org-help-1.9.129 Considering openoffice.org2-help-en-us 13 as a solution to openoffice.org-core 39 Added openoffice.org2-help-en-us to the remove list Package openoffice.org-core has broken dep on openoffice.org2-core Considering openoffice.org2-core 10 as a solution to openoffice.org-core 39 Added openoffice.org2-core to the remove list Fixing openoffice.org-core via remove of openoffice.org2-l10n-en-us Fixing openoffice.org-core via remove of openoffice.org2-help-en-us Fixing openoffice.org-core via remove of openoffice.org2-core Investigating openoffice.org-common Package openoffice.org-common has broken dep on openoffice.org-l10n-en-us Considering openoffice.org-l10n-en-us 50 as a solution to openoffice.org-common 28 Holding Back openoffice.org-common rather than change openoffice.org-l10n-en-us Investigating udev Package udev has broken dep on hotplug Considering hotplug 2 as a solution to udev 26 Added hotplug to the remove list Package udev has broken dep on ifrename Considering ifrename 0 as a solution to udev 26 Added ifrename to the remove list Considering ifrename 0 as a solution to udev 26 Fixing udev via remove of hotplug Fixing udev via remove of ifrename Investigating imake Package imake has broken dep on xmkmf Considering xmkmf 12 as a solution to imake 25 Added xmkmf to the remove list Fixing imake via remove of xmkmf Investigating libcamel1.2-8 Package libcamel1.2-8 has broken dep on libcamel1.2-6 Considering libcamel1.2-6 0 as a solution to libcamel1.2-8 24 Added libcamel1.2-6 to the remove list Fixing libcamel1.2-8 via remove of libcamel1.2-6 Investigating language-support-en Package language-support-en has broken dep on openoffice.org-l10n-en-us Considering openoffice.org-l10n-en-us 50 as a solution to language-support-en 23 Package language-support-en has broken dep on openoffice.org2-l10n-en-us Considering openoffice.org2-l10n-en-us 19 as a solution to language-support-en 23 Added openoffice.org2-l10n-en-us to the remove list Fixing language-support-en via keep of openoffice.org2-l10n-en-us Investigating libnotify1 Package libnotify1 has broken dep on libnotify0 Considering libnotify0 0 as a solution to libnotify1 16 Added libnotify0 to the remove list Fixing libnotify1 via remove of libnotify0 Investigating busybox-initramfs Package busybox-initramfs has broken dep on busybox-cvs-initramfs Considering busybox-cvs-initramfs 0 as a solution to busybox-initramfs 14 Added busybox-cvs-initramfs to the remove list Fixing busybox-initramfs via remove of busybox-cvs-initramfs Investigating dbus Package dbus has broken dep on libdbus-1-1 Considering libdbus-1-1 4 as a solution to dbus 12 Added libdbus-1-1 to the remove list Fixing dbus via remove of libdbus-1-1 Investigating libpt-1.10.0 Package libpt-1.10.0 has broken dep on libpt-1.8.3c2 Considering libpt-1.8.3c2 3 as a solution to libpt-1.10.0 11 Added libpt-1.8.3c2 to the remove list Fixing libpt-1.10.0 via remove of libpt-1.8.3c2 Investigating libgksuui1.0-1 Package libgksuui1.0-1 has broken dep on libgksuui1.0-0 Considering libgksuui1.0-0 0 as a solution to libgksuui1.0-1 10 Added libgksuui1.0-0 to the remove list Fixing libgksuui1.0-1 via remove of libgksuui1.0-0 Investigating openoffice.org-java-common Package openoffice.org-java-common has broken dep on openoffice.org-common Considering openoffice.org-common 28 as a solution to openoffice.org-java-common 7 Holding Back openoffice.org-java-common rather than change openoffice.org-common Investigating libgksu1.2-1 Package libgksu1.2-1 has broken dep on libgksu1.2-0 Considering libgksu1.2-0 0 as a solution to libgksu1.2-1 6 Added libgksu1.2-0 to the remove list Fixing libgksu1.2-1 via remove of libgksu1.2-0 Investigating openoffice.org-draw Package openoffice.org-draw has broken dep on openoffice.org-debian-files Considering openoffice.org-debian-files 4 as a solution to openoffice.org-draw 4 Holding Back openoffice.org-draw rather than change openoffice.org-debian-files Investigating openoffice.org2-common Package openoffice.org2-common has broken dep on openoffice.org2-core Considering openoffice.org2-core 10 as a solution to openoffice.org2-common 4 Removing openoffice.org2-common rather than change openoffice.org2-core Investigating openoffice.org-base Package openoffice.org-base has broken dep on openoffice.org-java-common Considering openoffice.org-java-common 7 as a solution to openoffice.org-base 4 Holding Back openoffice.org-base rather than change openoffice.org-java-common Investigating libmusicbrainz4c2a Package libmusicbrainz4c2a has broken dep on libmusicbrainz4c2 Considering libmusicbrainz4c2 0 as a solution to libmusicbrainz4c2a 3 Added libmusicbrainz4c2 to the remove list Fixing libmusicbrainz4c2a via remove of libmusicbrainz4c2 Investigating openoffice.org-writer Package openoffice.org-writer has broken dep on openoffice.org-debian-files Considering openoffice.org-debian-files 4 as a solution to openoffice.org-writer 2 Holding Back openoffice.org-writer rather than change openoffice.org-debian-files Investigating openoffice.org-impress Package openoffice.org-impress has broken dep on openoffice.org-draw Considering openoffice.org-draw 4 as a solution to openoffice.org-impress 2 Holding Back openoffice.org-impress rather than change openoffice.org-draw Investigating openoffice.org-math Package openoffice.org-math has broken dep on openoffice.org-debian-files Considering openoffice.org-debian-files 4 as a solution to openoffice.org-math 2 Holding Back openoffice.org-math rather than change openoffice.org-debian-files Investigating openoffice.org-calc Package openoffice.org-calc has broken dep on openoffice.org-debian-files Considering openoffice.org-debian-files 4 as a solution to openoffice.org-calc 2 Holding Back openoffice.org-calc rather than change openoffice.org-debian-files Investigating libgnomecupsui1.0-1c2a Package libgnomecupsui1.0-1c2a has broken dep on libgnomecupsui1.0-1 Considering libgnomecupsui1.0-1 0 as a solution to libgnomecupsui1.0-1c2a 1 Added libgnomecupsui1.0-1 to the remove list Fixing libgnomecupsui1.0-1c2a via remove of libgnomecupsui1.0-1 Investigating libwpd8c2a Package libwpd8c2a has broken dep on libwpd8c2 Considering libwpd8c2 0 as a solution to libwpd8c2a 1 Added libwpd8c2 to the remove list Fixing libwpd8c2a via remove of libwpd8c2 Investigating libenchant1c2a Package libenchant1c2a has broken dep on libenchant1c2 Considering libenchant1c2 0 as a solution to libenchant1c2a 1 Added libenchant1c2 to the remove list Fixing libenchant1c2a via remove of libenchant1c2 Investigating libdbus-glib-1-1 Package libdbus-glib-1-1 has broken dep on libdbus-1-1 Considering libdbus-1-1 4 as a solution to libdbus-glib-1-1 1 Removing libdbus-glib-1-1 rather than change libdbus-1-1 Investigating libopenh323-1.15.3c2 Package libopenh323-1.15.3c2 has broken dep on libpt-1.8.3c2 Considering libpt-1.8.3c2 3 as a solution to libopenh323-1.15.3c2 1 Removing libopenh323-1.15.3c2 rather than change libpt-1.8.3c2 Investigating openoffice.org-evolution Package openoffice.org-evolution has broken dep on openoffice.org-base Considering openoffice.org-base 4 as a solution to openoffice.org-evolution 1 Holding Back openoffice.org-evolution rather than change openoffice.org-base Investigating openoffice.org Package openoffice.org has broken dep on openoffice.org-writer Considering openoffice.org-writer 2 as a solution to openoffice.org 1 Holding Back openoffice.org rather than change openoffice.org-writer Investigating libid3-3.8.3c2a Package libid3-3.8.3c2a has broken dep on libid3-3.8.3c2 Considering libid3-3.8.3c2 0 as a solution to libid3-3.8.3c2a 1 Added libid3-3.8.3c2 to the remove list Fixing libid3-3.8.3c2a via remove of libid3-3.8.3c2 Investigating libnetcdf3 Package libnetcdf3 has broken dep on netcdfg3 Considering netcdfg3 0 as a solution to libnetcdf3 1 Added netcdfg3 to the remove list Fixing libnetcdf3 via remove of netcdfg3 Investigating openoffice.org2-math Package openoffice.org2-math has broken dep on openoffice.org-math Considering openoffice.org-math 2 as a solution to openoffice.org2-math 0 Removing openoffice.org2-math rather than change openoffice.org-math Investigating xorg-driver-synaptics Package xorg-driver-synaptics has broken dep on xfree86-driver-synaptics Considering xfree86-driver-synaptics 0 as a solution to xorg-driver-synaptics 0 Removing xorg-driver-synaptics rather than change xfree86-driver-synaptics Investigating openoffice.org2-impress Package openoffice.org2-impress has broken dep on openoffice.org-impress Considering openoffice.org-impress 2 as a solution to openoffice.org2-impress 0 Removing openoffice.org2-impress rather than change openoffice.org-impress Investigating alacarte Package alacarte has broken dep on smeg Considering smeg 0 as a solution to alacarte 0 Holding Back alacarte rather than change smeg Investigating libsmpeg0c2 Package libsmpeg0c2 has broken dep on libsmpeg0 Considering libsmpeg0 0 as a solution to libsmpeg0c2 0 Removing libsmpeg0c2 rather than change libsmpeg0 Investigating openoffice.org2 Package openoffice.org2 has broken dep on openoffice.org Considering openoffice.org 1 as a solution to openoffice.org2 0 Removing openoffice.org2 rather than change openoffice.org Investigating cupsys-driver-gimpprint-data Package cupsys-driver-gimpprint-data has broken dep on cupsys-driver-gimpprint Considering cupsys-driver-gimpprint 1 as a solution to cupsys-driver-gimpprint-data 0 Removing cupsys-driver-gimpprint-data rather than change cupsys-driver-gimpprint Investigating hplip Package hplip has broken dep on gtklp Considering gtklp 0 as a solution to hplip 0 Holding Back hplip rather than change gtklp Investigating ubuntu-desktop Package ubuntu-desktop has broken dep on alacarte Considering alacarte 0 as a solution to ubuntu-desktop 0 Removing ubuntu-desktop rather than change alacarte Investigating openoffice.org2-writer Package openoffice.org2-writer has broken dep on openoffice.org-writer Considering openoffice.org-writer 2 as a solution to openoffice.org2-writer 0 Removing openoffice.org2-writer rather than change openoffice.org-writer Investigating openoffice.org2-base Package openoffice.org2-base has broken dep on openoffice.org-base Considering openoffice.org-base 4 as a solution to openoffice.org2-base 0 Removing openoffice.org2-base rather than change openoffice.org-base Investigating openoffice.org2-calc Package openoffice.org2-calc has broken dep on openoffice.org-calc Considering openoffice.org-calc 2 as a solution to openoffice.org2-calc 0 Removing openoffice.org2-calc rather than change openoffice.org-calc Investigating openoffice.org2-evolution Package openoffice.org2-evolution has broken dep on openoffice.org-evolution Considering openoffice.org-evolution 1 as a solution to openoffice.org2-evolution 0 Removing openoffice.org2-evolution rather than change openoffice.org-evolution Investigating openoffice.org2-draw Package openoffice.org2-draw has broken dep on openoffice.org-draw Considering openoffice.org-draw 4 as a solution to openoffice.org2-draw 0 Removing openoffice.org2-draw rather than change openoffice.org-draw Investigating hplip-base Package hplip-base has broken dep on hplip-data Considering hplip-data 3 as a solution to hplip-base 0 Removing hplip-base rather than change hplip-data Investigating libnautilus-burn2 Package libnautilus-burn2 has broken dep on libdbus-1-1 Considering libdbus-1-1 4 as a solution to libnautilus-burn2 0 Removing libnautilus-burn2 rather than change libdbus-1-1 Investigating gnomemeeting Package gnomemeeting has broken dep on libopenh323-1.15.3c2 Considering libopenh323-1.15.3c2 1 as a solution to gnomemeeting 0 Removing gnomemeeting rather than change libopenh323-1.15.3c2 Investigating openoffice.org-core Package openoffice.org-core has broken dep on openoffice.org-common Considering openoffice.org-common 28 as a solution to openoffice.org-core 39 Holding Back openoffice.org-core rather than change openoffice.org-common Try to Re-Instate language-support-en Re-Instated language-support-en (4 vs 3) Investigating python-uno Package python-uno has broken dep on openoffice.org-core Considering openoffice.org-core 39 as a solution to python-uno 2 Removing python-uno rather than change openoffice.org-core Investigating openoffice.org-gnome Package openoffice.org-gnome has broken dep on openoffice.org-core Considering openoffice.org-core 39 as a solution to openoffice.org-gnome 1 Holding Back openoffice.org-gnome rather than change openoffice.org-core Investigating openoffice.org-gtk Package openoffice.org-gtk has broken dep on openoffice.org-core Considering openoffice.org-core 39 as a solution to openoffice.org-gtk 1 Holding Back openoffice.org-gtk rather than change openoffice.org-core Investigating openoffice.org2-gnome Package openoffice.org2-gnome has broken dep on openoffice.org-gnome Considering openoffice.org-gnome 1 as a solution to openoffice.org2-gnome 0 Removing openoffice.org2-gnome rather than change openoffice.org-gnome Done Starting Starting 2 Investigating xchat-common Package xchat-common has broken dep on xchat Considering xchat 10001 as a solution to xchat-common 0 Reinst Failed because of protected xchat Removing xchat-common rather than change xchat Done