Dear Itsuki, Linux is some ways is not very different than Windows. In the instructions given, you are asked to edit a configuration text file. Text files are easy to edit with the program "gedit" You can do this is done in a terminal window. From the menu you will open a terminal window (sort of like the Run cmd command in Windows) Applications - Accessories - Terminal This opens the terminal window to allow you to enter commands. You have to open the file 'apt.conf' that is located in the directory /etc/apt/ To do this, enter the command to open the file with the editor program "gedit" or "kedit" for kubuntu. Substitute kedit for gedit in the following instructions if you use kedit instead of gedit. Enter the follow into the terminal window; sudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf The "sudo' command will allow you to edit the file as the "super user". You will be asked for your password so that you can be elevated to super user status for the terminal session. "gedit" will start the text editor program. "/etc/apt/apt.conf' will open the file that needs to be edited. Make the changes and then save the file. That is all there is to it. It is not complicated. You just have to have courage and confidence that you can do it. After a while, you will realize how simple and straight forward this method is. I hope this explanation helps. Best regards On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 5:22 PM, Itsuki