I have a general problem whenever re-booting Ubuntu 12.10; Compiz seems to always crash, and I'm losing the launcher, dash, window decorations, ability to switch desktops or even window focus. If I'm able to type into a terminal under unity (still default tty7), I'm usually able to (temporarily) fix the problem by typing $ compiz --replace & However, if I have to switch to tty1, it's not working with the same $ DISPLAY=:0.0 compiz --replace & (not even if I do a killall -9 compiz first) In this case, I have to do the following from tty1: $ sudo service lightdm restart Sorry for the long intro, but here's the link to this very issue; Whenever I'm able to get into a terminal window under unity and fix the issue by 'compiz --replace &', the terminal window is printing out lots of these ayatana/bamf warnings afterwords. Also, a few ERRORs are printed: ERROR 2013-02-19 11:07:36 nux.gestures_subscription GesturesSubscription.cpp:364 Failed to set Geis subscription configuration com.canonical.oif.drag.threshold ERROR 2013-02-19 11:07:36 nux.gestures_subscription GesturesSubscription.cpp:364 Failed to set Geis subscription configuration com.canonical.oif.drag.timeout ERROR 2013-02-19 11:07:36 nux.gestures_subscription GesturesSubscription.cpp:364 Failed to set Geis subscription configuration com.canonical.oif.pinch.threshold ERROR 2013-02-19 11:07:36 nux.gestures_subscription GesturesSubscription.cpp:364 Failed to set Geis subscription configuration com.canonical.oif.pinch.timeout ERROR 2013-02-19 11:07:36 nux.gestures_subscription GesturesSubscription.cpp:364 Failed to set Geis subscription configuration com.canonical.oif.tap.threshold ERROR 2013-02-19 11:07:36 nux.gestures_subscription GesturesSubscription.cpp:364 Failed to set Geis subscription configuration com.canonical.oif.tap.timeout ERROR 2013-02-19 11:07:36 nux.gestures_subscription GesturesSubscription.cpp:364 Failed to set Geis subscription configuration com.canonical.oif.rotate.threshold ERROR 2013-02-19 11:07:36 nux.gestures_subscription GesturesSubscription.cpp:364 Failed to set Geis subscription configuration com.canonical.oif.rotate.timeout Please NOTE that if I leave my computer (Lenovo Thinkpad T500 using the onboard Intel graphics adaptor without any proprietary driver) on for a week or more, just closing the lid when moving, I usually don't have any problems -- even if plugging/unplugging external monitor/projector. When I'm rebooting, however, the problems almost certainly will occur. What I've found out is that deleting all compiz logs (which I can do from tty1 before restarting lightdm) seems to fix the problems crashing compiz. I.e. what I do is basically 1. switch to tty1 and log in as myself 2. rm -rf ~/.compiz (in order to recursively delete session logs....there might also be ~/compiz-1 and so on --> delete all!) 3. sudo service lightdm restart 4. log in using the standard greeter again Note that this procedure (restarting lightdm) has the negative effect of killing any open applications, including my virtual machines running on top of Ubuntu. Hence, it's a procedure I try to perform just after restarting the computer, since the system seems a lot more stable after I've done this.