Could anyone in charge of this bug please take it more seriously as now Ubuntu 11.10 is almost unusable by any people need to type Korean alphabet that is Hangul. It's not only spacing issue but also the matter of positioning the last character of the word correctly. Here are examples of what I mean by the last char positioning issue. If I type abc then press the enter key, I expect to have abc <=The cursor appears here in the next line. It's clear to everyone, and I get it correctly as I described. Now I type some Korean characters 가나다 then press the enter key, I also expect to have 가나다 <=The cursor appears here. However, what I actually get is different. The difference also differs depending on applications. Firstly in gedit, it becomes 가나 다<=The last character appears in the next line. In LibreOffice, 가나다 다<=The last character appears again in the next line in addition to the correctly positioned one in the first line. So I have one duplicate. In Pidgin Internet Messenger, 가나<=These are correctly sent to the person with whom I'm chatting. 다<=The last character stays in the input box. So it's like, if I type "hello" then press enter, my friend gets 'hell' instead. I do of course not get it when I type English. It's just an example of what kind of situation I might have with the issue. Apart from this issue, I also have spacing issue as already mentioned by the people above. e.g.) typing 가나다 and pressing the spacebar key doesn't produce '가나다 ' (가나다[ ] <- one space character at the end of the line). but '가나 다' (가나[ ]다 <- onc space character in between the last character and the second last one). Obviously no one can live with these issues. I don't think anyone can. So I temporarily chose nabi as the input method to type Hangul. Well, it had worked fine at first but I discovered some issues with it too. Some people say that nabi doesn't work well with LibreOffice. I haven't tested it though. What I found is probably more serious. It doesn't work with the unity launcher. If I press the super key to get the launcher and type any alphabet character, nothing appears. To make it work, I have to quickly press the super key twice to make the launcher disappear and appear again. I can type after that, yet it doesn't completely solve the problem. Typing works but barely. I have to type the same character several times to have it. So, for instance, to have 'fire' to get 'firefox', I have to type like ffiiireeeee then I can get 'fire' appeared on the launcher. Due to all the problems I mentioned above, Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric is almost unusable by any people need to type Hangul, the Korean alphabet. Yeah, you can use Unity 2D or GNOME Shell instead, but none of these is a proper solution to the issue. I rather format and re-install Ubuntu 11.04 Natty than using Unity 2D or GNOME Shell. I, at least, tried Unity 2D but it was terrible as I need a proper compiz support to have the productivity that Ubuntu offers. So please take care of the issue or if it is hard to be solved any time soon, please let us have the old working version in Ubuntu Natty for the Oneiric users. I understand that the issue might not be solved easily and definitely much more difficult to do it than just saying 'please fix it. So if we can have the old one without the issue, I'm sure we will be happy. Thank you.