Binary package hint: unity with latest version of unity and compiz i still have the invisible window, also attached the video as Neil asked to. om26er@AOA110:~$ xwininfo -tree -root xwininfo: Window id: 0xaa (the root window) (has no name) Root window id: 0xaa (the root window) (has no name) Parent window id: 0x0 (none) 80 children: 0xe00009 (has no name): () 1020x2+2+598 +2+598 0xe00007 (has no name): () 2x596+1022+2 +1022+2 0xe00008 (has no name): () 1020x2+2+0 +2+0 0xe00006 (has no name): () 2x596+0+2 +0+2 0x3000ade "unity-panel-service": ("unity-panel-service" "Unity-panel-service") 211x138+740+24 +740+24 2 children: 0x3000ae7 (has no name): () 211x138+0+0 +740+24 0x3000adf (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +739+23 0x300011f "unity-panel-service": ("unity-panel-service" "Unity-panel-service") 305x311+719+24 +719+24 2 children: 0x300012b (has no name): () 305x311+0+0 +719+24 0x3000120 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +718+23 0x1c00004 "Terminal": () 10x10+-100+-100 +-100+-100 0x1c00001 "Terminal": ("gnome-terminal" "Gnome-terminal") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x1c00002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x4206634 "Chromium": () 10x10+-100+-100 +-100+-100 0x30000ca "unity-panel-service": ("unity-panel-service" "Unity-panel-service") 254x259+770+24 +770+24 2 children: 0x30000d9 (has no name): () 254x259+0+0 +770+24 0x30000cb (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +769+23 0x16006eb "File Manager": ("nautilus" "Nautilus") 170x37+1025+601 +1025+601 1 child: 0x16006ec (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +1024+600 0x30007e6 "unity-panel-service": ("unity-panel-service" "Unity-panel-service") 179x92+593+261 +593+261 1 child: 0x30007e7 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +592+260 0x4203859 "Chromium": () 10x10+-100+-100 +-100+-100 0x4203704 "Chromium": ("chromium-browser" "Chromium-browser") 1x1+-100+-100 +-100+-100 1 child: 0x4203705 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-101+-101 0x42036fb "Chromium": ("chromium-browser" "Chromium-browser") 1x1+-100+-100 +-100+-100 1 child: 0x42036fc (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-101+-101 0x42036f2 "Chromium": ("chromium-browser" "Chromium-browser") 1x1+-100+-100 +-100+-100 1 child: 0x42036f3 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-101+-101 0x42036e9 "Chromium": ("chromium-browser" "Chromium-browser") 1x1+-100+-100 +-100+-100 1 child: 0x42036ea (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-101+-101 0x42036e0 "Chromium": ("chromium-browser" "Chromium-browser") 1x1+-100+-100 +-100+-100 1 child: 0x42036e1 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-101+-101 0x42036d7 "Chromium": ("chromium-browser" "Chromium-browser") 1x1+-100+-100 +-100+-100 1 child: 0x42036d8 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-101+-101 0x30000b9 "unity-panel-service": ("unity-panel-service" "Unity-panel-service") 247x266+777+24 +777+24 2 children: 0x30000c2 (has no name): () 247x266+0+0 +777+24 0x30000ba (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +776+23 0x3000076 "unity-panel-service": ("unity-panel-service" "Unity-panel-service") 299x273+725+24 +725+24 2 children: 0x30000a3 (has no name): () 299x273+0+0 +725+24 0x3000077 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +724+23 0x3000004 "unity-panel-service": ("unity-panel-service" "Unity-panel-service") 242x227+782+24 +782+24 2 children: 0x3000051 (has no name): () 242x227+0+0 +782+24 0x3000005 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +781+23 0x3000001 "unity-panel-service": ("unity-panel-service" "Unity-panel-service") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x3000002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x42008a3 "Chromium": () 10x10+-100+-100 +-100+-100 0x4200037 "Chromium": ("chromium-browser" "Chromium-browser") 200x200+0+0 +0+0 1 child: 0x4200038 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-1+-1 0x4200003 "Chromium": ("chromium-browser" "Chromium-browser") 200x200+0+0 +0+0 1 child: 0x4200004 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-1+-1 0x4200001 "Chromium": ("chromium-browser" "Chromium-browser") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x4200002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x1600404 "File Manager": ("nautilus" "Nautilus") 250x182+504+165 +504+165 1 child: 0x1600405 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +503+164 0xe03a4a (has no name): ("compiz" "switcher-window") 490x170+267+215 +267+215 0x3e00001 "Rhythmbox": ("rhythmbox" "Rhythmbox") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x3e00002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x3600003 "update-notifier": () 10x10+-100+-100 +-100+-100 0x3600001 "update-notifier": ("update-notifier" "Update-notifier") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x3600002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x3800001 "ubuntuone-syncdaemon": ("ubuntuone-syncdaemon" "Ubuntuone-syncdaemon") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x3800002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x3400001 "gdu-notification-daemon": ("gdu-notification-daemon" "Gdu-notification-daemon") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x3400002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x2c00115 (has no name): () 1x1+-100+-100 +-100+-100 0x2c00059 "unity-window-decorator": ("unity-window-decorator" "Unity-window-decorator") 1x1+-100+-100 +-100+-100 1 child: 0x2c0005a (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-101+-101 0x2c00026 "unity-window-decorator": ("unity-window-decorator" "Unity-window-decorator") 1x1+-100+-100 +-100+-100 1 child: 0x2c00027 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-101+-101 0xa00003 "gnome-screensaver": () 10x10+-100+-100 +-100+-100 0x2e00001 "bamfdaemon": ("bamfdaemon" "Bamfdaemon") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x2e00002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x2c00003 (has no name): () 1x1+-100+-100 +-100+-100 0x2c00001 "unity-window-decorator": ("unity-window-decorator" "Unity-window-decorator") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x2c00002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0xa00001 "gnome-screensaver": ("gnome-screensaver" "Gnome-screensaver") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0xa00002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x1600051 "File Manager": () 10x10+-100+-100 +-100+-100 0x2400055 "": () 10x10+-100+-100 +-100+-100 0x1a0005f "gnome-power-manager": ("gnome-power-manager" "Gnome-power-manager") 200x200+0+0 +0+0 1 child: 0x1a00060 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-1+-1 0x1a00028 "gnome-power-manager": ("gnome-power-manager" "Gnome-power-manager") 200x200+0+0 +0+0 1 child: 0x1a00029 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-1+-1 0x2400001 "": ("" "") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x2400002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x2200001 "notify-osd": ("notify-osd" "Notify-osd") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x2200002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x1600003 "File Manager": () 10x10+-100+-100 +-100+-100 0x2000001 "evolution-alarm-notify": ("evolution-alarm-notify" "Evolution-alarm-notify") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x2000002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0xc0002d (has no name): () 10x10+0+0 +0+0 0x1e00001 "NetworkManager Applet": ("nm-applet" "Nm-applet") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x1e00002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x1a00001 "gnome-power-manager": ("gnome-power-manager" "Gnome-power-manager") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x1a00002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x1800001 "polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1": ("polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1" "Polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x1800002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x1600001 "File Manager": ("nautilus" "Nautilus") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x1600002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0xe00091 "Compiz": () 1x1+-100+-100 +-100+-100 0xe0000d (has no name): () 2x2+1022+598 +1022+598 0xe0000c (has no name): () 2x2+0+598 +0+598 0xe0000b (has no name): () 2x2+1022+0 +1022+0 0xe0000a (has no name): () 2x2+0+0 +0+0 0xe00005 "Compiz": () 1x1+-100+-100 +-100+-100 0xe00001 "Compiz": () 1x1+-100+-100 +-100+-100 0xc00003 (has no name): () 10x10+0+0 +0+0 0xc00001 "gnome-settings-daemon": ("gnome-settings-daemon" "Gnome-settings-daemon") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0xc00002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x800001 "gnome-session": ("gnome-session" "Gnome-session") 10x10+10+10 +10+10 1 child: 0x800002 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +9+9 0x400001 (has no name): () 10x10+-20+-20 +-20+-20 0xe000fd (has no name): () 22x24+763+0 +763+0 1 child: 0xe000fe (has no name): () 22x24+0+0 +763+0 1 child: 0x240002d "": ("" "") 22x24+0+0 +763+0 1 child: 0x240002e (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +762+-1 0xe000fa (has no name): () 66x576+-166+-676 +-166+-676 1 child: 0xe000fb (has no name): () 66x576+0+0 +-166+-676 1 child: 0x2600002 "launcher": () 66x576+0+0 +-166+-676 0xe00111 (has no name): () 1024x24+0+0 +0+0 1 child: 0xe00112 (has no name): () 1024x24+0+0 +0+0 1 child: 0x2600003 "panel": () 1024x24+0+0 +0+0 0xe000f7 (has no name): () 15x37+314+-100 +314+-100 2 children: 0xe000f8 (has no name): () 1x1+7+29 +321+-71 1 child: 0x2600001 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +321+-71 0xe00122 (has no name): () 15x37+0+0 +314+-100 19 children: 0x2c0013c (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +314+-100 0x2c0013b (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +314+-100 0x2c0013a (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +314+-100 0x2c00139 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +314+-100 0x2c00138 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +314+-100 0x2c00137 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +314+-100 0x2c00136 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +314+-100 0x2c00135 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +314+-100 0x2c00134 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +314+-100 0x2c00133 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +314+-100 0x2c00132 (has no name): () 22x22+-7+15 +307+-85 0x2c00131 (has no name): () 65521x7+8+30 +322+-70 0x2c00130 (has no name): () 22x22+0+15 +314+-85 0x2c0012f (has no name): () 7x65514+8+44 +322+-56 0x2c0012e (has no name): () 1x30+7+2 +321+-98 0x2c0012d (has no name): () 7x65514+0+44 +314+-56 0x2c0012c (has no name): () 22x44+-7+0 +307+-100 0x2c0012b (has no name): () 65521x2+8+0 +322+-100 0x2c0012a (has no name): () 22x44+0+0 +314+-100 0x3e00398 "Rhythmbox": ("rhythmbox" "Rhythmbox") 15x67+1005+172 +1005+172 1 child: 0x3e00399 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +1004+171 0x3e0b6cd "Rhythmbox": ("rhythmbox" "Rhythmbox") 15x67+172+213 +172+213 1 child: 0x3e0b6ce (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +171+212 0xe00719 (has no name): () 1024x576+0+24 +0+24 2 children: 0xe0071a (has no name): () 1024x547+0+29 +0+53 1 child: 0x3e00027 "Eminem - You're Never Over": ("rhythmbox" "Rhythmbox") 1024x547+0+0 +0+53 1 child: 0x3e00028 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-1+52 0xe06b00 (has no name): () 1024x576+0+0 +0+24 19 children: 0x2c00ac9 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +0+24 0x2c00ac8 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +0+24 0x2c00ac7 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +0+24 0x2c00ac6 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +0+24 0x2c00ac5 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +0+24 0x2c00ac4 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +0+24 0x2c00ac3 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +0+24 0x2c00ac2 (has no name): () 18x20+30+4 +30+28 0x2c00ac1 (has no name): () 18x20+48+4 +48+28 0x2c00ac0 (has no name): () 18x20+12+4 +12+28 0x2c00abf (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +0+24 0x2c00abe (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +0+24 0x2c00abd (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +0+24 0x2c00abc (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +0+24 0x2c00abb (has no name): () 1024x576+2+2 +2+26 0x2c00aba (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +0+24 0x2c00ab9 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +0+24 0x2c00ab8 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +0+24 0x2c00ab7 (has no name): () 1x1+0+0 +0+24 0xe03a4f (has no name): () 502x222+267+215 +267+215 0x42001f3 "Chromium": ("chromium-browser" "Chromium-browser") 867x146+91+83 +91+83 1 child: 0x42001f4 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +90+82 0xe115f9 (has no name): () 1024x576+0+24 +0+24 1 child: 0xe115fa (has no name): () 1024x576+0+0 +0+24 1 child: 0x1c00026 "om26er@AOA110: ~": ("gnome-terminal" "Gnome-terminal") 1024x576+0+0 +0+24 1 child: 0x1c00027 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-1+23 0xe0c21c (has no name): () 1024x576+0+24 +0+24 1 child: 0xe0c21d (has no name): () 1024x576+0+0 +0+24 1 child: 0x4200044 "Facebook - Chromium": ("chromium-browser" "Chromium-browser") 1024x576+0+0 +0+24 2 children: 0x4206011 (has no name): () 1024x514+0+62 +0+86 0x4200045 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-1+23 0xe11094 (has no name): () 1024x576+0+24 +0+24 1 child: 0xe11095 (has no name): () 1024x576+0+0 +0+24 1 child: 0x4206635 "Facebook Chat - Chromium": ("chromium-browser" "Chromium-browser") 1024x576+0+0 +0+24 2 children: 0x420663d (has no name): () 1024x548+0+28 +0+52 0x4206636 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-1+23 0xe1141f (has no name): () 1024x576+0+24 +0+24 1 child: 0xe11420 (has no name): () 1024x576+0+0 +0+24 1 child: 0x1600737 "/": ("nautilus" "Nautilus") 1024x576+0+0 +0+24 1 child: 0x1600738 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-1+23 0xe00100 (has no name): () 1024x600+0+0 +0+0 1 child: 0xe00101 (has no name): () 1024x600+0+0 +0+0 1 child: 0x1600024 "x-nautilus-desktop": ("desktop_window" "Nautilus") 1024x600+0+0 +0+0 2 children: 0x1600045 (has no name): () 1024x600+0+0 +0+0 0x1600025 (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1 +-1+-1 ProblemType: Bug DistroRelease: Ubuntu 11.04 Package: unity 3.8.4-0ubuntu1 ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 2.6.38-8.41-generic Uname: Linux 2.6.38-8-generic i686 Architecture: i386 CompizPlugins: [core,bailer,detection,composite,opengl,decor,resize,grid,compiztoolbox,place,imgpng,regex,unitymtgrabhandles,animation,expo,mousepoll,session,snap,vpswitch,wall,workarounds,gnomecompat,move,ezoom,staticswitcher,fade,scale,unityshell] Date: Sat Apr 9 16:20:08 2011 InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty Narwhal" - Alpha i386 (20110324) ProcEnviron: LANGUAGE=en_US:en LANG=en_US.UTF-8 SHELL=/bin/bash SourcePackage: unity UpgradeStatus: No upgrade log present (probably fresh install)