@Mark Tidd, I had the same problem with pia indicator. I contacted pia's help desk and they gave me the folowing instructions to fix it. You can copy and past the instructions in the terminal. It is best to remove the app and re-install it. The instructions below were sent to me by the pia's support team: To remove the app follow these instructions: Please, I will encourage you to fully remove the PIA app, then download a fresh copy of the app and re-install, then check if issue persist. To uninstall our application you can simply run the following terminal command: NOTE: Please make sure this step is completed very carefully. All symbols, and spacing are VERY important. Incorrect usage of this command can lead to DATA LOSS. (It is best to simply copy and paste the command below) rm -rf ~/.pia_manager/ If the command is successful, there will be no confirmation, it will simply go to a new line in the Terminal window. Once you have done that, you can install the app from: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/installer/download_installer_linux , Then, from the terminal in the directory you downloaded to: 1) Extract file: tar -xzf pia-v68-installer-linux.tar.gz 2) Tell OS to proceed: chmod +x pia-v68-installer-linux.sh 3) Run installer: ./pia-v68-installer-linux.sh Please enter your login details and click save. Make sure not to select Start application at login and Auto-connect on launch. To fix the pia app not showing on the indicator, pia's support team suggested the following: From the terminal type the following instructions: 1. Open terminal and type: cd ~/.pia_manager/pia_manager/ Next run the following (this is case sensitive, so it may be best to copy and paste), env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity ./run.sh After trying the above, does the icon appear in the tray(it may take 15 seconds or so)? If not, is there any errors in the terminal? If the above worked, please proceed to the next step: 2. Next you need to edit pia_manager.desktop in /.local/share/applications and add the following line after Exec=: env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity To do so, please enter the following commands in terminal: cd ~/.local /share/applications Next, type the following: nano pia_manager.desktop The final result should look something like the following (additional information in bold; YourUserName will of course be different, e.g Arthur): Type=Application Name=Private Internet Access Exec=env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity /home/YourUserName/.pia_manager/pia_manager/run.sh Icon=/home/YourUserName/.pia_manager/pia_tray_files/img/default_app_logo.png (there is a space between Unity and /home) To exit and save, hit ctrl-x on your keyboard and hit y I also copied the edited pia_manager.desktop in /.local/share/applications to /user/share/applications folder. This is so that I can search for the app in the dash. All you need to do in dash is start type priv it sholud show two green icons for Private Internet Access. Select the bigger one of the two (it is slightly brighter than the other). Once the app started, you should see the icon on the launcher. Right click on it and select lock to launcher. This enables you to run the app from the launcher from now on. Hope fully you should the red icon on the app indicator. Good luck