This post, show how we can disable Unity default multitouch gestures and bring in Ubuntu 13.04 like touchpad gestures. General idea: 1. We have to disable multitouch gestures form unity, because Gesture support in Unity using touchpads was removed by design. The 3-finger and 4-finger gestures now only work with a touchscreen. (see 2. Install touchegg for multitouch gesture 3. Fix some issues to get touchegg works fine. Now follow these steps: # part 1, disable multitouch gestures from unity sudo apt-get build-dep unity cd /tmp mkdir unity cd unity apt-get source unity edit file /tmp/unity/unity-*/plugins/unityshell/src/unityshell.cpp and locate the method UnityScreen::InitGesturesSupport() (line 3381 for Unity 6.10.0, line 3287 for Unity 7.0.0), we comment all the lines starting with gestures_. ************************** void UnityScreen::InitGesturesSupport() { std::unique_ptr gesture_broker(new UnityGestureBroker); wt->GetWindowCompositor().SetGestureBroker(std::move(gesture_broker)); /* gestures_sub_launcher_.reset(new nux::GesturesSubscription); gestures_sub_launcher_->SetGestureClasses(nux::DRAG_GESTURE); gestures_sub_launcher_->SetNumTouches(4); gestures_sub_launcher_->SetWindowId(GDK_ROOT_WINDOW()); gestures_sub_launcher_->Activate(); gestures_sub_dash_.reset(new nux::GesturesSubscription); gestures_sub_dash_->SetGestureClasses(nux::TAP_GESTURE); gestures_sub_dash_->SetNumTouches(4); gestures_sub_dash_->SetWindowId(GDK_ROOT_WINDOW()); gestures_sub_dash_->Activate(); gestures_sub_windows_.reset(new nux::GesturesSubscription); gestures_sub_windows_->SetGestureClasses(nux::TOUCH_GESTURE | nux::DRAG_GESTURE | nux::PINCH_GESTURE); gestures_sub_windows_->SetNumTouches(3); gestures_sub_windows_->SetWindowId(GDK_ROOT_WINDOW()); gestures_sub_windows_->Activate(); */ } ***************************** cd /tmp/unity/unity-* dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -nc cd .. sudo dpkg -i *deb sudo apt-get -f install sudo apt-get autoremove Optionally follows blocks updates to Unity: echo "unity hold"|sudo dpkg --set-selections # part 2 sudo apt-get install touchegg edit ~/.config/touchegg/touchegg.conf (create the directories if they do not exit) ************* 0 BUTTON=3 BUTTON=2 SPEED=7:INVERTED=false Control+Alt+Left Control+Alt+Right Super+w Super+d F1 killall -9 touchegg ; toucheggkillall -9 touchegg ; touchegg Control+KP_Add Control+KP_Subtract Control+L Control+R Alt+Left Alt+Right Alt+Left Alt+Right ************* To automatically start Touchegg when Unity start, create ~/.config/autostart/touchegg.desktop with the followin content [Desktop Entry] Version=0.1 Name=Touchegg GenericName=Touchégg Comment=Touchégg Gestures Manager Exec=/usr/bin/touchegg %u Terminal=false Type=Application Then restart # Part 3 Touchegg doesnt work with 2 finger so we changed it with synclient in file script. Create a file with the content: synclient TapButton2=0 synclient TapButton3=0 synclient ClickFinger2=0 synclient ClickFinger3=0 synclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=0 synclient VertTwoFingerScroll=0 Then make it executable: chmod +x ~/ And finally, run the following command replacing "user" with your user name: gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.input-devices hotplug-command "/home/user/" Restart So finally, we can test gestures and work fine. References: