fsck von util-linux 2.20.1 fsck von util-linux 2.20.1 fsck von util-linux 2.20.1 /dev/sda1: sauber, 1393475/7815168 Dateien, 15460324/31258368 Blöcke data: sauber, 1192969/122101760 Dateien, 444538049/488378368 Blöcke (Prüfung nach 2 Einhängevorgängen) backup: sauber, 1657522/122101760 Dateien, 455631997/488378368 Blöcke Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox * Starting mDNS/DNS-SD daemon[ OK ] Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.sbin.rsyslogd * Starting bluetooth daemon[ OK ] * Starting AppArmor profiles * Starting network connection manager[ OK ]  [ OK ] Loading the saved-state of the serial devices... /dev/ttyS0 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A * Setting sensors limits  [ OK ] * Stopping System V initialisation compatibility[ OK ] * Starting KVM[ OK ] * Starting System V runlevel compatibility[ OK ] * Starting [ OK ] * Starting [ OK ] * Starting cups-browsed - Bonjour remote printer browsing daemon[ OK ] * Starting [ OK ] * Starting [ OK ] * Starting save kernel messages[ OK ] * Starting [ OK ] * Starting automatic crash report generation[ OK ] * Starting crash report submission daemon[ OK ] * Starting anac(h)ronistic cron[ OK ] * Starting ACPI daemon[ OK ] * Starting regular background program processing daemon[ OK ] * Starting deferred execution scheduler[ OK ] * Stopping save kernel messages[ OK ] * Starting configure network device security[ OK ] * Starting CPU interrupts balancing daemon[ OK ] * Starting configure virtual network devices[ OK ] * Loading LIRC modules  [ OK ] * Starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC  [ OK ] SpamAssassin Mail Filter Daemon: disabled, see /etc/default/spamassassin * Starting MTA  [ OK ] Starting GNUstep distributed object mapper: gdomap. speech-dispatcher disabled; edit /etc/default/speech-dispatcher * Starting VirtualBox kernel modules  [ OK ] * Starting NTP server ntpd  [ OK ] saned disabled; edit /etc/default/saned * Starting LightDM Display Manager[ OK ] * Starting [ OK ] * Starting set console font[ OK ] * Stopping set console font[ OK ] * Starting userspace bootsplash[ OK ] * Starting [ OK ] * Stopping [ OK ]