[__main__] host.default = fs-1.one.ubuntu.com host.help = The server address dns_srv.default = _https._tcp.fs.ubuntuone.com dns_srv.help = The DNS SRV record disable_ssl_verify.default = False disable_ssl_verify.action = store_true disable_ssl_verify.parser = bool disable_ssl_verify.help = Disable SSL certificate verification in a test environment. port.default = 443 port.parser = int port.help = The port on which to connect to the server root_dir.default = ~/Ubuntu One root_dir.parser = home_dir root_dir.help = Use the specified directory as the root shares_dir.default = ubuntuone/shares shares_dir.parser = xdg_data shares_dir.help = Use the specified directory as shares root data_dir.default = ubuntuone/syncdaemon data_dir.parser = xdg_data data_dir.help = Use the specified directory to store the metadata realm.default = https://ubuntuone.com realm.help = The oauth realm oauth.help = Explicitly provide OAuth credentials (default is to query keyring) oauth.metavar = KEY:SECRET debug.default = False debug.action = store_true debug.parser = bool debug.help = output the log to stdout mark_interval.default = 120 mark_interval.parser = int mark_interval.help = log a "mark" every N seconds im_ok_with_being_root_pretty_please_let_me_be_root.default = False im_ok_with_being_root_pretty_please_let_me_be_root.parser = bool im_ok_with_being_root_pretty_please_let_me_be_root.action = store_true im_ok_with_being_root_pretty_please_let_me_be_root.help = Allows the syncdaemon to run as root. Please don't use this option. log_level.default = INFO log_level.parser = log_level log_level.help = Set the log level (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, NOTE CRITICAL, FATAL) send_events_over_dbus.default = False send_events_over_dbus.parser = bool send_events_over_dbus.action = store_true send_events_over_dbus.help = Enable sending "Event" singals for each internal event handshake_timeout.default = 30 handshake_timeout.parser = int handshake_timeout.help = The timeout for the connection and related states, in seconds max_handshake_timeouts.default = 10 max_handshake_timeouts.parser = int max_handshake_timeouts.help = The number of consecutive handshake timeouts before we give up [bandwidth_throttling] on.default = False on.parser = bool on.action = store_true on.help = Enable bandwidth throttling read_limit.default = -1 read_limit.parser = throttling_limit read_limit.metavar = DOWNLOAD_LIMIT read_limit.help = Set the download limit (bytes/sec). write_limit.default = -1 write_limit.parser = throttling_limit write_limit.metavar = UPLOAD_LIMIT write_limit.help = Set the upload limit (bytes/sec). [debug] lsprof_file.metavar = FILE lsprof_file.help = Profile execution using the lsprof profiler, and write the results to a specified file. If the filename ends with ".txt", text format will be used. If the filename either starts with "callgrind.out" or end with ".callgrind", the output will be formatted for use with KCacheGrind. Otherwise, the output will be a pickle. *WARNING*: bzr must be installed. heapy_monitor.default = False heapy_monitor.parser = bool heapy_monitor.action = store_true heapy_monitor.help = Start the heapy (guppy-pe) monitor thread (guppy-pe must be installed).