Even in raring, the slideshow provided in the "ubuntu-wallpapers-karmic" package does not work because of an invalid XML file.
The fix is straight forward:
In /usr/share/backgrounds/contest/karmic.xml (contest/quantal.xml in the source dir)
</transition> <-- This one is missing
Just adding it fixes this issue.
AFAIK, there no regression potential and this fix can be applied on all supported Ubuntu releases.
Even in raring, the slideshow provided in the "ubuntu- wallpapers- karmic" package does not work because of an invalid XML file.
The fix is straight forward: backgrounds/ contest/ karmic. xml (contest/ quantal. xml in the source dir)
In /usr/share/
<transition> 5.0</duration> /usr/share/ backgrounds/ Sunset. jpg</from> /usr/share/ backgrounds/ TheRainbowisDea d.jpg</ to>
</transition> <-- This one is missing
Just adding it fixes this issue.
AFAIK, there no regression potential and this fix can be applied on all supported Ubuntu releases.