Reading cache Checking package manager Sandbox setup failed It was not possible to create the sandbox environment. Preparing the upgrade failed Preparing the system for the upgrade failed so a bug reporting process is being started. === Command terminated with exit status 1 (Thu Aug 18 11:56:07 2016) === Reading cache Checking package manager Sandbox setup failed It was not possible to create the sandbox environment. Preparing the upgrade failed Preparing the system for the upgrade failed so a bug reporting process is being started. === Command terminated with exit status 1 (Thu Aug 18 11:56:42 2016) === Reading cache Checking package manager Sandbox setup failed It was not possible to create the sandbox environment. Preparing the upgrade failed Preparing the system for the upgrade failed so a bug reporting process is being started. === Command terminated with exit status 1 (Thu Aug 18 12:40:55 2016) ===