2015-05-15 09:34:06,395 INFO Using config files '['./DistUpgrade.cfg']' 2015-05-15 09:34:06,395 INFO uname information: 'Linux mpaul 3.13.0-52-generic #86-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 4 04:32:59 UTC 2015 x86_64' 2015-05-15 09:34:06,396 INFO apt version: '1.0.1ubuntu2' 2015-05-15 09:34:06,396 INFO python version: '3.4.0 (default, Apr 11 2014, 13:05:11) [GCC 4.8.2]' 2015-05-15 09:34:06,397 INFO release-upgrader version '14.10.9' started 2015-05-15 09:34:06,566 INFO locale: 'en_CA' 'UTF-8' 2015-05-15 09:34:06,813 DEBUG Using 'DistUpgradeViewGtk3' view 2015-05-15 09:34:06,898 DEBUG aufsOptionsAndEnvironmentSetup() 2015-05-15 09:34:06,899 DEBUG using '/tmp/upgrade-rw-mzoqrjzj' as aufs_rw_dir 2015-05-15 09:34:06,899 DEBUG using '/tmp/upgrade-chroot-7h0e6huf' as aufs chroot dir 2015-05-15 09:34:06,900 DEBUG enable dpkg --force-overwrite 2015-05-15 09:34:06,911 DEBUG creating statefile: '/var/log/dist-upgrade/apt-clone_system_state.tar.gz' 2015-05-15 09:34:09,644 DEBUG lsb-release: 'trusty' 2015-05-15 09:34:09,646 DEBUG _pythonSymlinkCheck run 2015-05-15 09:34:09,731 DEBUG openCache() 2015-05-15 09:34:09,732 DEBUG No such plugin directory: ./plugins 2015-05-15 09:34:09,732 DEBUG plugins for condition 'PreCacheOpen' are '[]' 2015-05-15 09:34:09,732 DEBUG plugins for condition 'utopicPreCacheOpen' are '[]' 2015-05-15 09:34:09,732 DEBUG plugins for condition 'from_trustyPreCacheOpen' are '[]' 2015-05-15 09:34:09,732 DEBUG quirks: running PreCacheOpen 2015-05-15 09:34:09,732 DEBUG running Quirks.PreCacheOpen 2015-05-15 09:34:10,900 DEBUG /openCache(), new cache size 70693 2015-05-15 09:34:10,900 DEBUG need_server_mode(): run in 'desktop' mode, (because of pkg 'ubuntu-desktop') 2015-05-15 09:34:10,901 DEBUG checkViewDepends() 2015-05-15 09:34:10,901 DEBUG running doUpdate() (showErrors=False) 2015-05-15 09:34:14,974 ERROR IOError/SystemError in cache.update(): 'W:Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20130820.1)/dists/precise/main/binary-amd64/Packages Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs , W:Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20130820.1)/dists/precise/restricted/binary-amd64/Packages Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs , W:Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20130820.1)/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs , W:Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20130820.1)/dists/precise/restricted/binary-i386/Packages Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs , E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.'. Retrying (currentRetry: 0) 2015-05-15 09:34:14,974 ERROR doUpdate() failed completely 2015-05-15 09:34:14,975 DEBUG openCache() 2015-05-15 09:34:22,401 DEBUG /openCache(), new cache size 70693 2015-05-15 09:34:22,402 DEBUG doPostInitialUpdate 2015-05-15 09:34:22,402 DEBUG plugins for condition 'PostInitialUpdate' are '[]' 2015-05-15 09:34:22,402 DEBUG plugins for condition 'utopicPostInitialUpdate' are '[]' 2015-05-15 09:34:22,403 DEBUG plugins for condition 'from_trustyPostInitialUpdate' are '[]' 2015-05-15 09:34:29,061 DEBUG Foreign: 2015-05-15 09:34:29,061 DEBUG Obsolete: adobe-flash-properties-gtk adobe-flashplugin adobereader-enu:i386 bcmwl-kernel-source brscan-skey brscan4 cupswrapperdcp7065dn:i386 dcp7065dnlpr:i386 fglrx-amdcccle-updates fglrx-updates google-chrome-beta google-talkplugin libgd2-xpm nautilus-dropbox nitrotasks nosql nspluginviewer:i386 nspluginwrapper nxclient skype-bin:i386 skype:i386 ubuntu-restricted-addons 2015-05-15 09:34:29,062 DEBUG updateSourcesList() 2015-05-15 09:34:29,267 DEBUG rewriteSourcesList() 2015-05-15 09:34:29,270 WARNING disabling cdrom source 'deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20130820.1)]/ precise main restricted' because it has no Release file 2015-05-15 09:34:29,270 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty main' 2015-05-15 09:34:29,270 DEBUG entry 'deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ utopic main' updated to new dist 2015-05-15 09:34:29,270 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates main' 2015-05-15 09:34:29,271 DEBUG entry 'deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ utopic-updates main' updated to new dist 2015-05-15 09:34:29,271 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty universe' 2015-05-15 09:34:29,271 DEBUG entry 'deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ utopic universe' updated to new dist 2015-05-15 09:34:29,271 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates universe' 2015-05-15 09:34:29,271 DEBUG entry 'deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ utopic-updates universe' updated to new dist 2015-05-15 09:34:29,271 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-backports main universe' 2015-05-15 09:34:29,272 DEBUG entry 'deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ utopic-backports main universe' updated to new dist 2015-05-15 09:34:29,272 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security main' 2015-05-15 09:34:29,272 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu utopic-security main' updated to new dist 2015-05-15 09:34:29,272 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security universe' 2015-05-15 09:34:29,272 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu utopic-security universe' updated to new dist 2015-05-15 09:34:29,274 DEBUG running doUpdate() (showErrors=True) 2015-05-15 09:34:33,788 DEBUG openCache() 2015-05-15 09:34:33,789 DEBUG failed to SystemUnLock() (E:Not locked) 2015-05-15 09:34:41,183 DEBUG /openCache(), new cache size 72413 2015-05-15 09:34:41,183 DEBUG need_server_mode(): run in 'desktop' mode, (because of pkg 'ubuntu-desktop') 2015-05-15 09:42:08,139 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.' 2015-05-15 09:42:08,140 DEBUG abort called 2015-05-15 09:42:08,143 DEBUG openCache() 2015-05-15 09:42:15,344 DEBUG /openCache(), new cache size 70693 2015-05-15 09:42:15,345 DEBUG enabling apt cron job