2014-04-08 23:58:08,395 INFO Using config files '['./DistUpgrade.cfg']' 2014-04-08 23:58:08,395 INFO uname information: 'Linux botch 3.11.0-19-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 11 18:48:32 UTC 2014 i686' 2014-04-08 23:58:08,395 INFO apt version: '' 2014-04-08 23:58:08,395 INFO release-upgrader version '0.220' started 2014-04-08 23:58:08,519 INFO screen could not be run 2014-04-08 23:58:08,623 DEBUG Using 'DistUpgradeViewText' view 2014-04-08 23:58:08,675 DEBUG aufsOptionsAndEnvironmentSetup() 2014-04-08 23:58:08,676 DEBUG using '/tmp/upgrade-rw-S3rDWF' as aufs_rw_dir 2014-04-08 23:58:08,676 DEBUG using '/tmp/upgrade-chroot-4nNUZI' as aufs chroot dir 2014-04-08 23:58:08,676 DEBUG enable dpkg --force-overwrite 2014-04-08 23:58:08,688 DEBUG creating statefile: '/var/log/dist-upgrade/apt-clone_system_state.tar.gz' 2014-04-08 23:58:09,932 DEBUG lsb-release: 'saucy' 2014-04-08 23:58:09,933 DEBUG _pythonSymlinkCheck run 2014-04-08 23:58:09,933 DEBUG openCache() 2014-04-08 23:58:09,933 DEBUG No such plugin directory: ./plugins 2014-04-08 23:58:09,933 DEBUG plugins for condition 'PreCacheOpen' are '[]' 2014-04-08 23:58:09,933 DEBUG plugins for condition 'trustyPreCacheOpen' are '[]' 2014-04-08 23:58:09,934 DEBUG plugins for condition 'from_saucyPreCacheOpen' are '[]' 2014-04-08 23:58:09,934 DEBUG quirks: running PreCacheOpen 2014-04-08 23:58:09,934 DEBUG running Quirks.PreCacheOpen 2014-04-08 23:58:10,315 DEBUG /openCache(), new cache size 42965 2014-04-08 23:58:10,315 DEBUG need_server_mode(): can not find a desktop meta package or key deps, running in server mode 2014-04-08 23:58:10,315 DEBUG checkViewDepends() 2014-04-08 23:58:10,316 DEBUG running doUpdate() (showErrors=False) 2014-04-08 23:58:11,537 DEBUG openCache() 2014-04-08 23:58:11,951 DEBUG /openCache(), new cache size 42965 2014-04-08 23:58:11,951 DEBUG doPostInitialUpdate 2014-04-08 23:58:11,951 DEBUG plugins for condition 'PostInitialUpdate' are '[]' 2014-04-08 23:58:11,951 DEBUG plugins for condition 'trustyPostInitialUpdate' are '[]' 2014-04-08 23:58:11,951 DEBUG plugins for condition 'from_saucyPostInitialUpdate' are '[]' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,729 DEBUG no PkgRecord found for 'skype', skipping 2014-04-08 23:58:17,902 DEBUG Foreign: 2014-04-08 23:58:17,902 DEBUG Obsolete: lcrs 2014-04-08 23:58:17,902 DEBUG updateSourcesList() 2014-04-08 23:58:17,966 DEBUG rewriteSourcesList() 2014-04-08 23:58:17,969 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy main restricted' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,969 DEBUG entry 'deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty main restricted' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,969 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy main restricted' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,969 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty main restricted' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,969 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy-updates main restricted' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,969 DEBUG entry 'deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates main restricted' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,970 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy-updates main restricted' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,970 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates main restricted' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,970 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy universe' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,970 DEBUG entry 'deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty universe' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,970 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy universe' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,970 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty universe' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,970 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy-updates universe' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,970 DEBUG entry 'deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates universe' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,970 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy-updates universe' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,971 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates universe' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,971 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy multiverse' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,971 DEBUG entry 'deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty multiverse' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,971 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy multiverse' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,971 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty multiverse' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,971 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy-updates multiverse' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,971 DEBUG entry 'deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates multiverse' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,971 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy-updates multiverse' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,971 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates multiverse' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,971 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy-backports main restricted universe multiverse' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,972 DEBUG entry 'deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-backports main restricted universe multiverse' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,972 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy-backports main restricted universe multiverse' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,972 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-backports main restricted universe multiverse' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,972 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu saucy-security main restricted' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,972 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security main restricted' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,972 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu saucy-security main restricted' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,972 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security main restricted' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,972 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu saucy-security universe' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,972 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security universe' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,973 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu saucy-security universe' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,973 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security universe' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,973 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu saucy-security multiverse' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,973 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security multiverse' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,973 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu saucy-security multiverse' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,973 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security multiverse' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,973 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu saucy main' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,973 DEBUG entry 'deb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,973 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu saucy main' 2014-04-08 23:58:17,974 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main' updated to new dist 2014-04-08 23:58:17,991 DEBUG running doUpdate() (showErrors=True) 2014-04-08 23:58:19,181 DEBUG openCache() 2014-04-08 23:58:19,181 DEBUG failed to SystemUnLock() (E:Not locked) 2014-04-08 23:58:24,256 DEBUG /openCache(), new cache size 45097 2014-04-08 23:58:24,256 DEBUG need_server_mode(): can not find a desktop meta package or key deps, running in server mode 2014-04-08 23:58:27,427 DEBUG Running KeepInstalledSection rules 2014-04-08 23:58:28,384 DEBUG Kernel uname: '3.11.0-19-generic' 2014-04-08 23:58:28,396 DEBUG nvidiaUpdate() 2014-04-08 23:58:29,637 INFO no old nvidia driver installed, installing no new 2014-04-08 23:58:29,637 DEBUG Upgrading 'brasero' (Distro PostUpgradeUpgrade rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,637 DEBUG Upgrading 'edubuntu-desktop' (Distro PostUpgradeUpgrade rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,638 DEBUG Removing 'libflashsupport' (Distro PostUpgradeRemove rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,638 DEBUG Removing 'kvm-source' (Distro PostUpgradeRemove rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,638 DEBUG Removing 'gtk-qt-engine' (Distro PostUpgradeRemove rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,638 DEBUG Removing 'libparted1.8-12' (Distro PostUpgradeRemove rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,638 DEBUG Removing 'usplash' (Distro PostUpgradeRemove rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,638 DEBUG Removing 'printconf' (Distro PostUpgradeRemove rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,638 DEBUG Removing 'foomatic-db-gutenprint' (Distro PostUpgradeRemove rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,638 DEBUG Removing 'ebox-printers' (Distro PostUpgradeRemove rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,638 DEBUG Removing 'kbluetooth' (Distro PostUpgradeRemove rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,638 DEBUG Removing 'kde-plasmoid-cwp' (Distro PostUpgradeRemove rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,639 DEBUG Removing 'kdm' (Distro PostUpgradeRemove rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,639 DEBUG Removing 'xsettings-kde' (Distro PostUpgradeRemove rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,639 DEBUG Purging 'ltsp-client' (Distro PostUpgradePurge rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,639 DEBUG Purging 'ltspfsd' (Distro PostUpgradePurge rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,639 DEBUG Purging 'linux-restricted-modules-common' (Distro PostUpgradePurge rule) 2014-04-08 23:58:29,639 DEBUG plugins for condition 'PostDistUpgradeCache' are '[]' 2014-04-08 23:58:29,640 DEBUG plugins for condition 'trustyPostDistUpgradeCache' are '[]' 2014-04-08 23:58:29,640 DEBUG plugins for condition 'from_saucyPostDistUpgradeCache' are '[]' 2014-04-08 23:58:29,700 DEBUG blacklist expr '^postgresql-.*[0-9]\.[0-9].*' matches 'postgresql-server-dev-9.1' 2014-04-08 23:58:29,700 DEBUG The package 'postgresql-server-dev-9.1' is marked for removal but it's in the removal blacklist 2014-04-08 23:58:29,784 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'The package 'postgresql-server-dev-9.1' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.' 2014-04-08 23:58:29,784 DEBUG abort called 2014-04-08 23:58:29,785 DEBUG openCache() 2014-04-08 23:58:29,785 DEBUG failed to SystemUnLock() (E:Not locked) 2014-04-08 23:58:33,076 DEBUG /openCache(), new cache size 42965 2014-04-08 23:58:33,076 DEBUG enabling apt cron job