Comment 3 for bug 1427991

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package ubuntu-system-settings - 0.3+15.04.20150317-0ubuntu1

ubuntu-system-settings (0.3+15.04.20150317-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * Resync trunk.

  [ Ken VanDine ]
  * reorder includes to be alphabetical and removed a blank line

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * Don't build-depend on Qt private header packages. (LP: #1427991)
    (LP: #1427991)

  [ jonas-drange ]
  * [sound] show other vibrate setting
 -- CI Train Bot <email address hidden> Tue, 17 Mar 2015 18:02:08 +0000