Comment 2 for bug 1450452

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Davide Alberelli (dadexix86) wrote :

And the same problem is also with apostrophe, both at the end and in the middle.

The classical example for a word with an apostrophe at the end is "po'".
There is no "po" in Italian, just "Po" (the river, with capital P, very seldom used) and the adverb "po'" (with the apostrophe at the end, very often used).

The classical examples for words with an apostrophe in the middle are "l'ha", "l'ho" (that are contractions of a pronoun "lo" and a verb "ha, ho" (to have) - these are easy, since there are no another words "lho" o "lha" that can be confused with) or the -always a problem for children and teenegers- "c'è", "c'erano" and "n'è", abbreviations of "ci è" (=there is), "ci erano" (=there were) and "ne è" (don't know how to literally translate it).

It is clear that if I write "ce" or "ne" I cannot assume that the syntactical analysis of the autocorrector goes down to distinguish between the following examples

1. "ce ne" ("Ci sono delle mele? Sì, ce ne sono cinque" = "Are there apples? Yes, there are 5"),
2. "c'è" and "ce n'è" ("C'è bella birra in frigo? Sì, ce n'è" = "Is there beer in the fridge? Yes, there is"),
3. "né" ("Non ci sono né acqua né vino" = "There are neither water nor wine")
4. "c'erano" and "cerano" ("C'erano gli amici di Alice che cerano le auto" = "There were the friends of Alice that wax the cars")
and we can go on and on a lot in the same style...

What I am saying is that if I type "ce" I would expect the hints to give me the possibility to choose between "ce" and "c'è", if I write "ne" between "ne", "n'è" and "né", if write "passero" between "passero" and "passerò" (future from "passare"=to pass), but if I write "lho" or "po" it should automatically go to "l'ho" and "po'" respectively.

I do not know how to solve the problem, apparently it is doable for the apostrophe ("its" and "it's" in English is the classical example), but for the accents it might be messier.