{"_doc": "Content provided in json response is currently considered Experimental and may change", "_schema_version": "0.1", "account": {"created_at": "2024-01-26T22:08:03+00:00", "external_account_ids": [], "id": "aANOplMH8ETvH0Jem0qtWIwufJnV1K6rKq_m9uWfEAMQ", "name": "giacomo.massa@pm.me"}, "attached": true, "config": {"contract_url": "https://contracts.canonical.com", "data_dir": "/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage", "log_file": "/var/log/ubuntu-advantage.log", "log_level": "debug", "security_url": "https://ubuntu.com/security", "ua_config": {"apt_news": true, "apt_news_url": "https://motd.ubuntu.com/aptnews.json", "global_apt_http_proxy": null, "global_apt_https_proxy": null, "http_proxy": null, "https_proxy": null, "metering_timer": 14400, "ua_apt_http_proxy": null, "ua_apt_https_proxy": null, "update_messaging_timer": 21600}}, "config_path": "/etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.conf", "contract": {"created_at": "2024-01-26T22:08:03+00:00", "id": "cAcAJ-tr-ufE-erM4XGx467WRJoaE_j7IU7hBe8UcePo", "name": "Ubuntu Pro - free personal subscription", "products": ["free"], "tech_support_level": "n/a"}, "effective": "2024-01-26T22:08:03+00:00", "environment_vars": [], "errors": [], "execution_details": "No Ubuntu Pro operations are running", "execution_status": "inactive", "expires": "9999-12-31T00:00:00+00:00", "features": {}, "machine_id": "be92884fe71e36eab6b2848c65b49087", "notices": [], "result": "success", "services": [{"available": "yes", "blocked_by": [], "description": "Scalable Android in the cloud", "description_override": null, "entitled": "yes", "name": "anbox-cloud", "status": "disabled", "status_details": "Anbox Cloud is not configured", "warning": null}, {"available": "yes", "blocked_by": [], "description": "Expanded Security Maintenance for Applications", "description_override": null, "entitled": "yes", "name": "esm-apps", "status": "enabled", "status_details": "Ubuntu Pro: ESM Apps is active", "warning": null}, {"available": "yes", "blocked_by": [], "description": "Expanded Security Maintenance for Infrastructure", "description_override": null, "entitled": "yes", "name": "esm-infra", "status": "enabled", "status_details": "Ubuntu Pro: ESM Infra is active", "warning": null}, {"available": "yes", "blocked_by": [{"name": "livepatch", "reason": "Livepatch cannot be enabled while running the official FIPS certified kernel. If you would like a FIPS compliant kernel with additional bug fixes and security updates, you can use the FIPS Updates service with Livepatch.", "reason_code": "livepatch-invalidates-fips"}], "description": "Preview of FIPS crypto packages undergoing certification with NIST", "description_override": null, "entitled": "yes", "name": "fips-preview", "status": "disabled", "status_details": "FIPS Preview is not configured", "warning": null}, {"available": "yes", "blocked_by": [], "description": "FIPS compliant crypto packages with stable security updates", "description_override": null, "entitled": "yes", "name": "fips-updates", "status": "disabled", "status_details": "FIPS Updates is not configured", "warning": null}, {"available": "yes", "blocked_by": [], "description": "Canonical Livepatch service", "description_override": "Current kernel is not supported", "entitled": "yes", "name": "livepatch", "status": "warning", "status_details": "", "warning": {"code": "livepatch-client-failure-warning", "message": "Error running canonical-livepatch status:\nerror executing status: open /var/snap/canonical-livepatch/264/livepatchd.err: permission denied\n"}}, {"available": "yes", "blocked_by": [{"name": "livepatch", "reason": "Livepatch is not currently supported for the Real-time kernel.", "reason_code": "realtime-livepatch-incompatible"}], "description": "Ubuntu kernel with PREEMPT_RT patches integrated", "description_override": null, "entitled": "yes", "name": "realtime-kernel", "status": "disabled", "status_details": "Real-time kernel is not configured", "warning": null}, {"available": "yes", "blocked_by": [], "description": "Security compliance and audit tools", "description_override": null, "entitled": "yes", "name": "usg", "status": "disabled", "status_details": "Ubuntu Security Guide is not configured", "warning": null}], "simulated": false, "version": "31.2~22.04", "warnings": []}