Output of the automated test for this bug: Loading config defaults from "./tox.ini" Using defaults: color True show_snippets True show_skipped False dry_run False show_source True show_timings True stdout_capture False stderr_capture False log_capture False logging_format %(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s logging_level info steps_catalog False summary True junit True stage None userdata {} default_format pretty default_tags scenario_outline_annotation_schema {name} -- @{row.id} {examples.name} more_formatters {} Using default path "./features" Trying base directory: /home/renan/work/ubuntu-advantage-client/features --- job suffix: None Config options: image_clean = True destroy_instances = True ephemeral_instance = False snapshot_strategy = False cloud_credentials_path = None contract_token = contract_token_staging = contract_token_staging_expired = machine_type = lxd.container private_key_file = None private_key_name = uaclient-integration reuse_image = None debs_path = None artifact_dir = None install_from = InstallationSource.PROPOSED custom_ppa = None custom_ppa_keyid = None userdata_file = None check_version = 27.11.2~16.04.1 sbuild_chroot = None @uses.config.contract_token Feature: Enable command behaviour when attached to an Ubuntu Pro subscription # features/attached_enable.feature:2 @series.lts @uses.config.contract_token @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.container Scenario Outline: APT auth file is edited correctly on enable -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:1135 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/steps.py:61 When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:510 When I run `wc -l /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:373 Then I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/steps.py:611 """ 2 /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage """ When I run `cp /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage.backup` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:373 When I run `pro disable esm-infra` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:373 When I run `cp /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage.backup /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:373 When I run `pro enable esm-infra` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:373 When I run `wc -l /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:373 Then I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/steps.py:611 """ 2 /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage """ When I run `pro enable cis` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:373 When I run `wc -l /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:373 Then I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/steps.py:611 """ 3 /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage """ 1 feature passed, 0 failed, 30 skipped 1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 474 skipped 13 steps passed, 0 failed, 8510 skipped, 0 undefined Took 1m46.529s ___________________________________ summary ____________________________________ behave-lxd-16.04: commands succeeded congratulations :)