csmith@downtown:~/src/ubuntu-advantage-client (ci-add-custom-userdata)$ UACLIENT_BEHAVE_USERDATA_FILE=proposed.yaml UACLIENT_BEHAVE_CONTRACT_TOKEN= UACLIENT_BEHAVE_CONTRACT_TOKEN_STAGING= tox -e behave-vm-16.04 GLOB sdist-make: /home/csmith/src/ubuntu-advantage-client/setup.py behave-vm-16.04 inst-nodeps: /home/csmith/src/ubuntu-advantage-client/.tox/.tmp/package/1/ubuntu-advantage-tools-20.3.zip behave-vm-16.04 installed: adal==1.2.7,appdirs==1.4.4,applicationinsights==0.11.10,argcomplete==1.12.3,attrs==20.3.0,azure-cli-core==2.22.1,azure-cli-telemetry==1.0.6,azure-common==1.1.27,azure-core==1.13.0,azure-mgmt-compute==14.0.0,azure-mgmt-core==1.2.2,azure-mgmt-network==13.0.0,azure-mgmt-resource==12.1.0,backcall==0.2.0,bcrypt==3.2.0,behave==1.2.6,boto3==1.17.61,botocore==1.20.61,cachetools==4.2.2,certifi==2020.12.5,cffi==1.14.5,chardet==4.0.0,cliff==3.7.0,cmd2==1.5.0,colorama==0.4.4,configparser==4.0.2,coverage==5.5,cryptography==3.3.2,debtcollector==2.2.0,decorator==5.0.7,dogpile.cache==1.1.2,flake8==3.9.1,google-api-core==1.26.3,google-api-python-client==2.3.0,google-auth==1.30.0,google-auth-httplib2==0.1.0,googleapis-common-protos==1.53.0,httplib2==0.19.1,humanfriendly==9.1,idna==2.10,iniconfig==1.1.1,ipdb==0.13.7,ipython==7.22.0,ipython-genutils==0.2.0,iso8601==0.1.14,isodate==0.6.0,jedi==0.18.0,jmespath==0.10.0,jsonpatch==1.32,jsonpointer==2.1,keystoneauth1==4.3.1,knack==0.8.1,mccabe==0.6.1,mock==4.0.3,msal==1.11.0,msgpack==1.0.2,msrest==0.6.21,msrestazure==0.6.4,munch==2.5.0,netaddr==0.8.0,netifaces==0.10.9,oauthlib==3.1.0,oci==2.38.0,openstacksdk==0.56.0,os-service-types==1.7.0,osc-lib==2.3.1,oslo.config==8.6.0,oslo.i18n==5.0.1,oslo.serialization==4.1.0,oslo.utils==4.8.0,packaging==20.9,paramiko==2.7.2,parse==1.19.0,parse-type==0.5.2,parso==0.8.2,pbr==5.6.0,pexpect==4.8.0,pickleshare==0.7.5,pkginfo==1.7.0,pluggy==0.13.1,portalocker==1.7.1,prettytable==2.1.0,prompt-toolkit==3.0.18,protobuf==3.15.8,psutil==5.8.0,ptyprocess==0.7.0,py==1.10.0,pyasn1==0.4.8,pyasn1-modules==0.2.8,pycloudlib @ git+https://github.com/canonical/pycloudlib.git@cab5db70bdd5588aabcf7217e655ff90d2dee487,pycodestyle==2.7.0,pycparser==2.20,pyflakes==2.3.1,Pygments==2.8.1,PyHamcrest==2.0.2,PyJWT==1.7.1,PyNaCl==1.4.0,pyOpenSSL==19.1.0,pyparsing==2.4.7,pyperclip==1.8.2,pytest==6.2.3,pytest-cov==2.11.1,python-cinderclient==7.4.0,python-dateutil==2.8.1,python-keystoneclient==4.2.0,python-novaclient==17.4.0,python-openstackclient==5.5.0,python-simplestreams @ git+https://git.launchpad.net/simplestreams@21c5bba2a5413c51e6b9131fc450e96f6b46090d,pytz==2021.1,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.25.1,requests-oauthlib==1.3.0,requestsexceptions==1.4.0,rfc3986==1.4.0,rsa==4.7.2,s3transfer==0.4.2,simplejson==3.17.2,six==1.15.0,stevedore==3.3.0,tabulate==0.8.9,toml==0.10.2,traitlets==5.0.5,ubuntu-advantage-tools @ file:///home/csmith/src/ubuntu-advantage-client/.tox/.tmp/package/1/ubuntu-advantage-tools-20.3.zip,uritemplate==3.0.1,urllib3==1.26.4,wcwidth==0.2.5,wrapt==1.12.1 behave-vm-16.04 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='157907100' behave-vm-16.04 run-test: commands[0] | behave -v --tags=uses.config.machine_type.lxd.vm --tags=series.xenial,series.all Loading config defaults from "./tox.ini" Using defaults: color True show_snippets True show_skipped False dry_run False show_source True show_timings True stdout_capture False stderr_capture False log_capture False logging_format %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s logging_level info steps_catalog False summary True junit True stage None userdata {} default_format pretty default_tags scenario_outline_annotation_schema {name} -- @{row.id} {examples.name} more_formatters {} Using default path "./features" Trying base directory: /home/csmith/src/ubuntu-advantage-client/features --- job suffix: None Config options: build_pr = False image_clean = True destroy_instances = True aws_access_key_id = None aws_secret_access_key = None az_client_id = None az_client_secret = None az_tenant_id = None az_subscription_id = None gcp_credentials_path = None gcp_project = None contract_token = contract_token_staging = machine_type = lxd.vm private_key_file = None private_key_name = uaclient-integration reuse_image = None debs_path = None artifact_dir = None ppa = http://ppa.launchpad.net/ua-client/daily/ubuntu ppa_keyid = 6E34E7116C0BC933 userdata_file = proposed.yaml @uses.config.contract_token Feature: Enable command behaviour when attached to an UA subscription # features/attached_enable.feature:2 @series.bionic @series.xenial @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.vm Scenario Outline: Attached enable of vm-based services in a bionic lxd vm -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:210 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/steps.py:27 5.192s ABORTED: By user (KeyboardInterrupt). Captured stdout: --- Launching VM to create a base image with updated ubuntu-advantage When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `ua status` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-infra +yes +enabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips +yes +disabled +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates +yes +disabled +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch +yes +enabled +Canonical Livepatch service """ When I run `ua disable livepatch` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `canonical-livepatch status` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And stdout matches regexp # None """ Machine is not enabled. Please run 'sudo canonical-livepatch enable' with the token obtained from https://ubuntu.com/livepatch. """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-infra +yes +enabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips +yes +disabled +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates +yes +disabled +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch +yes +disabled +Canonical Livepatch service """ ABORTED: By user. Failing scenarios: features/attached_enable.feature:210 Attached enable of vm-based services in a bionic lxd vm -- @1.1 ubuntu release 3 features passed, 2 failed, 3 skipped, 1 untested 0 scenarios passed, 1 failed, 88 skipped, 81 untested 0 steps passed, 1 failed, 925 skipped, 0 undefined, 1106 untested Took 0m5.192s ^CERROR: got KeyboardInterrupt signal ___________________________________ summary ____________________________________ ERROR: behave-vm-16.04: keyboardinterrupt csmith@downtown:~/src/ubuntu-advantage-client (ci-add-custom-userdata)$ ^C csmith@downtown:~/src/ubuntu-advantage-client (ci-add-custom-userdata)$ UACLIENT_BEHAVE_USERDATA_FILE=proposed.yaml UACLIENT_BEHAVE_CONTRACT_TOKEN= UACLIENT_BEHAVE_CONTRACT_TOKEN_STAGING=tox -e behave-vm-16.04 GLOB sdist-make: /home/csmith/src/ubuntu-advantage-client/setup.py behave-vm-16.04 inst-nodeps: /home/csmith/src/ubuntu-advantage-client/.tox/.tmp/package/1/ubuntu-advantage-tools-20.3.zip behave-vm-16.04 installed: adal==1.2.7,appdirs==1.4.4,applicationinsights==0.11.10,argcomplete==1.12.3,attrs==20.3.0,azure-cli-core==2.22.1,azure-cli-telemetry==1.0.6,azure-common==1.1.27,azure-core==1.13.0,azure-mgmt-compute==14.0.0,azure-mgmt-core==1.2.2,azure-mgmt-network==13.0.0,azure-mgmt-resource==12.1.0,backcall==0.2.0,bcrypt==3.2.0,behave==1.2.6,boto3==1.17.61,botocore==1.20.61,cachetools==4.2.2,certifi==2020.12.5,cffi==1.14.5,chardet==4.0.0,cliff==3.7.0,cmd2==1.5.0,colorama==0.4.4,configparser==4.0.2,coverage==5.5,cryptography==3.3.2,debtcollector==2.2.0,decorator==5.0.7,dogpile.cache==1.1.2,flake8==3.9.1,google-api-core==1.26.3,google-api-python-client==2.3.0,google-auth==1.30.0,google-auth-httplib2==0.1.0,googleapis-common-protos==1.53.0,httplib2==0.19.1,humanfriendly==9.1,idna==2.10,iniconfig==1.1.1,ipdb==0.13.7,ipython==7.22.0,ipython-genutils==0.2.0,iso8601==0.1.14,isodate==0.6.0,jedi==0.18.0,jmespath==0.10.0,jsonpatch==1.32,jsonpointer==2.1,keystoneauth1==4.3.1,knack==0.8.1,mccabe==0.6.1,mock==4.0.3,msal==1.11.0,msgpack==1.0.2,msrest==0.6.21,msrestazure==0.6.4,munch==2.5.0,netaddr==0.8.0,netifaces==0.10.9,oauthlib==3.1.0,oci==2.38.0,openstacksdk==0.56.0,os-service-types==1.7.0,osc-lib==2.3.1,oslo.config==8.6.0,oslo.i18n==5.0.1,oslo.serialization==4.1.0,oslo.utils==4.8.0,packaging==20.9,paramiko==2.7.2,parse==1.19.0,parse-type==0.5.2,parso==0.8.2,pbr==5.6.0,pexpect==4.8.0,pickleshare==0.7.5,pkginfo==1.7.0,pluggy==0.13.1,portalocker==1.7.1,prettytable==2.1.0,prompt-toolkit==3.0.18,protobuf==3.15.8,psutil==5.8.0,ptyprocess==0.7.0,py==1.10.0,pyasn1==0.4.8,pyasn1-modules==0.2.8,pycloudlib @ git+https://github.com/canonical/pycloudlib.git@cab5db70bdd5588aabcf7217e655ff90d2dee487,pycodestyle==2.7.0,pycparser==2.20,pyflakes==2.3.1,Pygments==2.8.1,PyHamcrest==2.0.2,PyJWT==1.7.1,PyNaCl==1.4.0,pyOpenSSL==19.1.0,pyparsing==2.4.7,pyperclip==1.8.2,pytest==6.2.3,pytest-cov==2.11.1,python-cinderclient==7.4.0,python-dateutil==2.8.1,python-keystoneclient==4.2.0,python-novaclient==17.4.0,python-openstackclient==5.5.0,python-simplestreams @ git+https://git.launchpad.net/simplestreams@21c5bba2a5413c51e6b9131fc450e96f6b46090d,pytz==2021.1,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.25.1,requests-oauthlib==1.3.0,requestsexceptions==1.4.0,rfc3986==1.4.0,rsa==4.7.2,s3transfer==0.4.2,simplejson==3.17.2,six==1.15.0,stevedore==3.3.0,tabulate==0.8.9,toml==0.10.2,traitlets==5.0.5,ubuntu-advantage-tools @ file:///home/csmith/src/ubuntu-advantage-client/.tox/.tmp/package/1/ubuntu-advantage-tools-20.3.zip,uritemplate==3.0.1,urllib3==1.26.4,wcwidth==0.2.5,wrapt==1.12.1 behave-vm-16.04 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='3888587215' behave-vm-16.04 run-test: commands[0] | behave -v --tags=uses.config.machine_type.lxd.vm --tags=series.xenial,series.all Loading config defaults from "./tox.ini" Using defaults: color True show_snippets True show_skipped False dry_run False show_source True show_timings True stdout_capture False stderr_capture False log_capture False logging_format %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s logging_level info steps_catalog False summary True junit True stage None userdata {} default_format pretty default_tags scenario_outline_annotation_schema {name} -- @{row.id} {examples.name} more_formatters {} Using default path "./features" Trying base directory: /home/csmith/src/ubuntu-advantage-client/features --- job suffix: None Config options: build_pr = False image_clean = True destroy_instances = True aws_access_key_id = None aws_secret_access_key = None az_client_id = None az_client_secret = None az_tenant_id = None az_subscription_id = None gcp_credentials_path = None gcp_project = None contract_token = contract_token_staging = machine_type = lxd.vm private_key_file = None private_key_name = uaclient-integration reuse_image = None debs_path = None artifact_dir = None ppa = http://ppa.launchpad.net/ua-client/daily/ubuntu ppa_keyid = 6E34E7116C0BC933 userdata_file = proposed.yaml @uses.config.contract_token Feature: Enable command behaviour when attached to an UA subscription # features/attached_enable.feature:2 @series.bionic @series.xenial @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.vm Scenario Outline: Attached enable of vm-based services in a bionic lxd vm -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:210 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/steps.py:27 428.016s When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:216 41.104s And I run `ua status` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:130 1.153s Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/steps.py:300 Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/steps.py:300 0.002sed Security Maintenance """ esm-infra +yes +enabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\)ips-updates +yes +disabled +Uncertified security updates to FIPS mod fips +yes +disabled +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates +yes +disabled +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules """ livepatch +yes +enabled +Canonical Livepatch service """ When I run `ua disable livepatch` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:130 3.037s Then I verify that running `canonical-livepatch status` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/steps.py:355 0.070s And stdout matches regexp And stdout matches regexp # features/steps/steps.py:300 0.001s """hine is not enabled. Please run 'sudo canonical-livepatch enable' with Machine is not enabled. Please run 'sudo canonical-livepatch enable' with the token obtained from https://ubuntu.com/livepatch. token obtained from https://ubuntu.com/livepatch. """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:130 2.747s Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/steps.py:300 Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/steps.py:300 0.002sed Security Maintenance """ esm-infra +yes +enabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\)ips-updates +yes +disabled +Uncertified security updates to FIPS mod fips +yes +disabled +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates +yes +disabled +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules """ livepatch +yes +disabled +Canonical Livepatch service """ @series.bionic @series.xenial @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.vm Scenario Outline: Attached enable of vm-based services in a bionic lxd vm -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:211 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/steps.py:27 When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `ua status` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-infra +yes +enabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips +yes +disabled +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates +yes +disabled +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch +yes +enabled +Canonical Livepatch service """ When I run `ua disable livepatch` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `canonical-livepatch status` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And stdout matches regexp # None """ Machine is not enabled. Please run 'sudo canonical-livepatch enable' with the token obtained from https://ubuntu.com/livepatch. """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-infra +yes +enabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips +yes +disabled +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates +yes +disabled +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch +yes +disabled +Canonical Livepatch service """ @series.bionic @series.xenial @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.vm Scenario Outline: Attached enable livepatch on a machine with fips active -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:242 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/steps.py:27 63.298s When I verify that running `canonical-livepatch status` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/steps.py:365 0.029s Then I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/steps.py:317 0.000s """ sudo: canonical-livepatch: command not found """ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:216 42.825s Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/steps.py:300 0.001s """ Installing canonical-livepatch snap Canonical livepatch enabled """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:130 1.145s Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/steps.py:300 0.001s """ livepatch yes enabled """ When I run `canonical-livepatch status` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:130 0.067s Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/steps.py:300 0.000s """ running: true """ @series.bionic @series.xenial @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.vm Scenario Outline: Attached enable livepatch on a machine with fips active -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:243 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/steps.py:27 When I verify that running `canonical-livepatch status` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ sudo: canonical-livepatch: command not found """ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Installing canonical-livepatch snap Canonical livepatch enabled """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ livepatch yes enabled """ When I run `canonical-livepatch status` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ running: true """ @series.xenial @series.bionic @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.vm Scenario Outline: Attached enable fips on a machine with livepatch active -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:343 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/steps.py:27 When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Updating package lists UA Infra: ESM enabled """ And stdout matches regexp # None """ Installing canonical-livepatch snap Canonical livepatch enabled """ When I run `ua enable fips --assume-yes` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first Updating package lists Installing FIPS packages FIPS enabled A reboot is required to complete install. """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ fips +yes +enabled """ And stdout matches regexp # None """ livepatch +yes +n/a """ @series.xenial @series.bionic @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.vm Scenario Outline: Attached enable fips on a machine with livepatch active -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:344 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/steps.py:27 63.083s When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:216 41.993s Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/steps.py:300 0.000s """ Updating package lists UA Infra: ESM enabled """ And stdout matches regexp # features/steps/steps.py:300 0.000s """ Installing canonical-livepatch snap Canonical livepatch enabled """ When I run `ua enable fips --assume-yes` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:130 91.555s Then I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/steps.py:281 0.000s """ One moment, checking your subscription first Updating package lists Installing FIPS packages FIPS enabled A reboot is required to complete install. """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:130 1.198s Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/steps.py:300 0.001s """ fips +yes +enabled """ And stdout matches regexp # features/steps/steps.py:300 0.000s """ livepatch +yes +n/a """ @series.xenial @series.bionic @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.vm Scenario Outline: Attached enable fips on a machine with fips-updates active -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:380 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/steps.py:27 When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ UA Infra: ESM enabled """ And stdout matches regexp # None """ Installing canonical-livepatch snap Canonical livepatch enabled """ When I run `ua disable livepatch` with sudo # None And I run `ua enable fips-updates --assume-yes` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first Updating package lists Installing FIPS Updates packages FIPS Updates enabled A reboot is required to complete install. """ When I verify that running `ua enable fips --assume-yes` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first Cannot enable FIPS when FIPS Updates is enabled. """ @series.xenial @series.bionic @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.vm Scenario Outline: Attached enable fips on a machine with fips-updates active -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:381 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/steps.py:27 62.915s When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:216 42.355s Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/steps.py:300 0.001s """ UA Infra: ESM enabled """ And stdout matches regexp # features/steps/steps.py:300 0.000s """ Installing canonical-livepatch snap Canonical livepatch enabled """ When I run `ua disable livepatch` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:130 3.001s And I run `ua enable fips-updates --assume-yes` with sudo # features/steps/steps.py:130 91.866s Then I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/steps.py:281 0.000s """ One moment, checking your subscription first Updating package lists Installing FIPS Updates packages FIPS Updates enabled A reboot is required to complete install. """ When I verify that running `ua enable fips --assume-yes` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/steps.py:365 2.261s Then I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/steps.py:281 0.000s """ One moment, checking your subscription first Cannot enable FIPS when FIPS Updates is enabled. """ 1 feature passed, 6 skipped 4 scenarios passed, 166 skipped 48 steps passed, 1979 skipped, 0 undefined Took 23m56.182s