same error here. Kubuntu 8.10 desktop amd 64 (the german version: (so that this thread can be found) GRUB konnte nicht nach (hd0) installiert werden Die Ausführung von >> grub install (hd0)<< ist fehlgeschlagen. Dies ist ein schwerwiegender Fehler. ) I also tried to install Grub to (hd0,4) and (hd0,5) - same error. /var/log/syslog: info: installing grub on '(hd0)' info: grub-install supports --no-floppy info: running chroot /target grub-install --no-floppy "(hd0)" you shouldn´t call /sbin/grub-install. Please call /usr/sbin/grub-intall instead! probing devices to gueass BIOS drives. this may take a long time. // which does not, finished in the same second Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub The file /boot/grub/stage1 is not read correctly error: Running 'grub-install --no-floppy "(hd0)"' failed. I can´t find any grub-files inside the cd-root (nothing in /etc or /boot). Inside the /target: /boot/grub/ contains default (empty file, just comment) (hd0) /dev/sda (hd1) /dev/sdb e2fs_stage1_5 fat_stage1_5 jfs_stage1_5 Minix_stage1_5 reiserfs_stage1_5 stage1 (512 byte, binary, last line contains: root@ubuntu:/target/boot/ ) stage2 (121460 byte, 'cat stage2' causes beep and clearscreen) xfs_stage1_5 /etc only contains: grub.d (folder contains 20_memtest86+) I wonder where the menu.lst is located! fstab seems to be ok. My system: ---------- 1. Samsung 1,5TB sata partitions: primary 50gb ntfs primary 50gb ntfs primary 50gb (no fs) log 50gb ext3 / target for kubuntu 8.10 Desktop AMD64 log 50gb (no fs) log 50gb (no fs) log 4gb linux swap log 340gb ntfs log 1000gb ntfs 2. Samsung 1,5TB sata partitions: pri 50gb (no fs) log 4gb linux swap 400gb ntfs 1000gb ntfs My mainboard (Biostar t-power n750 with nforce 750sli chipset) allows the configuration of the sata-drives with 'sata' and 'ahci' modes, the ahci mode with the additional option 'Change the AHCI DID for Linux' The Bios manual says: This item appears only when SATA mode is set to Linux AHCI. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled (not really sure what it means. DID seems to be the Device ID and I expect this to be the PCI-Vendor and Device-ID on wich the suitable driver is chosen. I figured out that Windows does not boot with LINUX DID enabled, Knoppix accesses the harddisks fine, with linux-did enabled or disabled.) I tried all options (sata, ahci without and with Linux DID) but the error remains. Before I did this partitioning, I had the same kubuntu64 installed on a primary partition with a less complex paritioning, which I don´t exactly remember. So I tried another attempt: Installation of kubuntu to the third primiary partition. Manually choosen to install grub to (hd0,2) Here I found following output: (translated from german to english) The partition tables of the following devices have been changed: SCSI5(0,0,0) (sda) SCSI6(0,0,0) (sdb) And the dialogue-box: creating ext3 filesystem on partition 3 on scsi5 (Why scsi5 ??) But it worked! The Acronis-Bootmanager in MBR starts grub in sda3 without any problem. I checked the stage1 file of the installed system, which differs from the one mentioned above. The last line does not content anything like " root@ubuntu:/target/boot/ " as it did in the first installation attempt. And something else, I didn´t expect: I did this last installation with the bios-option 'SATA' and changed it to 'AHCI' (without linux did) and expected a kernel-panic. But Linux booted sucessfully. (Windows xp + vista always get a bluescreen if this option is changed.) Now I will compare the two installations and try to fix that one in the extended partition. Where has grub to be installed if I want linux in an extended partition but grub not in the MBR? I hope this helps for diagnostics. For further questions you can try to contact me: launchpad at jaeke de Greetings al