Comment 0 for bug 1462632

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ellie (et1234567) wrote : "Editing" unknown partition to LVM to see if LVM is detected instantlzy destroys what was there, "Quit" does not revert

In the graphical desktop installer, "Editing" unknown partition to LVM to see if LVM is detected instantlzy destroys what was there, "Quit" does not revert:

This is a horrible thing to do because:
1.) why would you not detect LVM in the first place
2.) why is there no warning that you're just destroying data. Not that you don't even have a proper commit system (every partitioning tool I have seen except command line DOS stuff will let me try changes first, then APPLY them when I choose so AFTER A WARNING), but there is no warning at all
3.) you do even have a revert button, but clicking "Quit" apparently doesn't trigger that and my partitions are left broken

TL;DR: I tried to make it detect my LVM, quitted with "Quit" since apparently it can't, and now my LVM is gone forever.

1995 is calling and wants its horrible partitioning GUI back!! Also, thanks for wasting all my data.