~/Desktop/test-1$ ccextractor 1062_20101104040000.mpg CCExtractor 0.57, Carlos Fernandez Sanz, Volker Quetschke. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input: 1062_20101104040000.mpg [Raw Mode: Broadcast] [Extract: 1] [Stream mode: Autodetect] [Use MythTV code: Auto] [Timing mode: default] [Debug: No] [Buffer input: No] [Print CC decoder traces: No] [Target format: .srt] [Encoding: Latin-1] [Delay: 0] [Trim lines: No] [Add font color data: Yes] [Convert case: No] [Video-edit join: No] [Extraction start time: not set (from start)] [Extraction end time: not set (to end)] [Live stream: No] [Clock frequency: 90000] Start credits text: [None] Creating 1062_20101104040000.srt ----------------------------------------------------------------- Opening file: 1062_20101104040000.mpg File seems to be a transport stream, enabling TS mode Analyzing data in general mode Decode captions from MPEG-2 video stream [0x02] - PID: 65 New video information found [704 * 480] [AR: 02 - 4:3] [FR: 04 - 29.97] [progressive: no] 43% | 26:27Bug in roll_up, should have 2 lines but I have 3. Bug in roll_up, should have 2 lines but I have 3. Bug in roll_up, should have 2 lines but I have 3. Bug in roll_up, should have 2 lines but I have 3. Bug in roll_up, should have 2 lines but I have 3. 65% | 40:29TS continuity counter not incremented prev/curr 8/3 100% | 60:26Number of NAL_type_7: 0 Number of VCL_HRD: 0 Number of NAL HRD: 0 Number of jump-in-frames: 0 Number of num_unexpected_sei_length: 0 CC type 0: 108693 (NTSC line 21 field 1 closed captions) CC type 1: 108693 (NTSC line 21 field 2 closed captions) CC type 2: 67512 (DTVCC Channel Packet Data) CC type 3: 27184 (DTVCC Channel Packet Start) Total frames time: 01:00:26:723 (108693 frames at 29.97fps) Min PTS: 06:37:39:895 Max PTS: 07:38:06:751 Length: 01:00:26:856 Initial GOP time: 17:56:04:433 Final GOP time: 18:56:31:133 +4F Diff. GOP length: 01:00:26:700 +4F (01:00:26:833) Total user data fields: 108693 HDTV type user data fields: 108693 Done, processing time = 7 seconds Performance (real length/process time) = 518.13 This is beta software. Report issues to cfsmp3 at gmail...